Art Class Thank You Letter, 1895
Select: Art Class Thank You Letter, 1895
Art Institute of Chicago, 1898-1907
Select: Art Institute of Chicago, 1898-1907
A, Miscellaneous, 1898-1914
Select: A, Miscellaneous, 1898-1914
Benson, Frank W., 1900-1919
Select: Benson, Frank W., 1900-1919
Boston Museum of Fine Arts, circa 1893-1910
Select: Boston Museum of Fine Arts, circa 1893-1910
B, Miscellaneous, 1877-1935
Select: B, Miscellaneous, 1877-1935
Carnegie Institute Museum (formerly Carnegie Art Galleries), 1896-1909
Select: Carnegie Institute Museum (formerly Carnegie Art Galleries), 1896-1909
Chase, William Merritt, circa 1903
Select: Chase, William Merritt, circa 1903
Cincinnati Museum Association, 1896-1905
Select: Cincinnati Museum Association, 1896-1905
"Clara", circa 1900-circa 1920
Select: "Clara", circa 1900-circa 1920
Coolidge, J. Templeman, Jr., circa 1898-1905
Select: Coolidge, J. Templeman, Jr., circa 1898-1905
Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1907-1910
Select: Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1907-1910
C, Miscellaneous, circa 1895-circa 1910
Select: C, Miscellaneous, circa 1895-circa 1910
D, Miscellaneous, 1896-1910
Select: D, Miscellaneous, 1896-1910 Scope and Contents Includes 1 letter from Frank Duveneck
E, Miscellaneous, 1902-1908
Select: E, Miscellaneous, 1902-1908
Ferrell, Josephine Tarbell, circa 1932-1933
Select: Ferrell, Josephine Tarbell, circa 1932-1933
Ferrell, Josephine Tarbell, 1934-1935
Select: Ferrell, Josephine Tarbell, 1934-1935
Ferrell, Josephine Tarbell, 1936-1938
Select: Ferrell, Josephine Tarbell, 1936-1938
F, Miscellaneous, 1898-1910
Select: F, Miscellaneous, 1898-1910 Scope and Contents Includes 1 letter each from Daniel Chester French and Henry Clay Frick
G, Miscellaneous, 1899-1922
Select: G, Miscellaneous, 1899-1922
Hale, Philip Leslie and Lilian Westcott, circa 1904
Select: Hale, Philip Leslie and Lilian Westcott, circa 1904
Hunt, Katherine, circa 1901-circa 1903
Select: Hunt, Katherine, circa 1901-circa 1903
H-I, Miscellaneous, circa 1898-circa 1914
Select: H-I, Miscellaneous, circa 1898-circa 1914
Jaccaci, August F., 1908
Select: Jaccaci, August F., 1908
J, Miscellaneous, 1900-1916
Select: J, Miscellaneous, 1900-1916
Kronberg, Louis, 1897
Select: Kronberg, Louis, 1897
K, Miscellaneous, circa 1902-circa 1908
Select: K, Miscellaneous, circa 1902-circa 1908 Scope and Contents Includes letters from Charles Kurtz
Louisiana Purchase Exposition (St. Louis World's Fair), 1904
Select: Louisiana Purchase Exposition (St. Louis World's Fair), 1904
L, Miscellaneous, circa 1900-circa 1908
Select: L, Miscellaneous, circa 1900-circa 1908
Montross, N. E., 1905-1917
Select: Montross, N. E., 1905-1917
M, Miscellaneous, circa 1898-circa 1935
Select: M, Miscellaneous, circa 1898-circa 1935
Nash, Frances, circa 1894
Select: Nash, Frances, circa 1894
National Academy of Design, 1894-1910
Select: National Academy of Design, 1894-1910
Nickerson, Augustus "Gus" and Nellie Sophia, 1885-1886
Select: Nickerson, Augustus "Gus" and Nellie Sophia, 1885-1886
N-O, Miscellaneous, 1895-1936
Select: N-O, Miscellaneous, 1895-1936
Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1895-1908
Select: Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts, 1895-1908
Perry, Lilla Cabot, circa 1894-circa 1920
Select: Perry, Lilla Cabot, circa 1894-circa 1920
P, Miscellaneous, circa 1894-circa 1910
Select: P, Miscellaneous, circa 1894-circa 1910
R, Miscellaneous, 1900-1935
Select: R, Miscellaneous, 1900-1935
Sage, Cordelia B., 1910
Select: Sage, Cordelia B., 1910
Saint Louis Exposition and Music Hall Association, 1898-1899
Select: Saint Louis Exposition and Music Hall Association, 1898-1899
Schaffer, Mary Tarbell, 1934-1945
Select: Schaffer, Mary Tarbell, 1934-1945
Slater, M. H., circa 1901-circa 1905
Select: Slater, M. H., circa 1901-circa 1905
Smith College, 1904-1908
Select: Smith College, 1904-1908
S, Miscellaneous, 1896-1923
Select: S, Miscellaneous, 1896-1923
Tarbell, Edmund Arnold, 1934-1935
Select: Tarbell, Edmund Arnold, 1934-1935
Thayer, W. H., circa 1892-circa 1908
Select: Thayer, W. H., circa 1892-circa 1908
T, Miscellaneous, 1904-1936
Select: T, Miscellaneous, 1904-1936
U-V, Miscellaneous, 1898-1910
Select: U-V, Miscellaneous, 1898-1910
Worcester Art Museum, 1901-1910
Select: Worcester Art Museum, 1901-1910
W-Y, Miscellaneous, 1892-1937
Select: W-Y, Miscellaneous, 1892-1937 Scope and Contents Includes letters from J. Alden Weir
Unidentified Correspondents, circa 1894-circa 1907
Select: Unidentified Correspondents, circa 1894-circa 1907