Collection Information
Size: 3 Reels, Ca.3500 items (on 3 microfilm reels)
Summary: Biographical material; files on Alexander Brook, Charles Burchfield, George Luks, Peppino Mangravite, Henry Lee McFee, Maurice Prendergast, Eugene Speicher, Theodoros Stamos, and others whose work Root collected, containing correspondence, catalogs, checklists, clippings, receipts, and notes; correspondence with Harris K. Prior and Joseph Trovato of the Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, Lydia Powell, William Roerick, Carl Zigrosser, galleries, dealers, and museum officials; inventories, correspondence, notes, catalogs, and clippings relating to Root's collection; writings; diaries; sketches by Root; files on the Utica Art Society; and photographs of Root, his home, his art collection and exhibitions.