A, General (single letters, Aaron - Axinn), 1936-1966
Select: A, General (single letters, Aaron - Axinn), 1936-1966 Scope and Contents note Aaron, Maxine G.Abbott, John E.Harry N. Abrams, Inc.Adams, GillianAdler, AlfredAhlborn, Richard E.Albers, JosefAlbers-Schoenberg, E.Alef, GustaveAlexandr, Robert C.Allan, Donald J.Allen, D. C.Allen, David,Allenby, Amy IngeborgAllers, RudolfAlley, Elizabeth D.Altman, JuliusAmberg, GeorgeAmes, WinslowD'AncoraAnderson, EdgarAnderson, Lawrence B.Anderson, MarthaAnderson, Robert R.Anderson, ZaneAndrade, D. José PitaAndreisse, A.Antal, FriedrichAnthony, Robert W.Anzelewski, FedjaApel, WilliAprá, AdrianoArmstrong, AmyArnold, Frederick L.Aronsohn, Harold N.Ash, Graham BaronAshron, DoreAskew, Kirk, Jr.Atwood, Earle R.Auzas, P. M.Axinn, Sidney
Ackerman, 1947-1963
Select: Ackerman, 1947-1963 Scope and Contents note Ackerman, GeraldAckerman, James Conditions Governing Use This folder has been digitized but is not available online; usage conditions apply. Contact Reference Services for more information.
Adams, Frederick B., Jr., 1951-1965
Select: Adams, Frederick B., Jr., 1951-1965
Adhémar, 1946-1966
Select: Adhémar, 1946-1966 Scope and Contents note Adhémar, HélèneAdhémar, Jean
Alexander - Alpatov
Select: Alexander - Alpatov Scope and Contents note Alexander, Paul J.Alföldi, AndrewAlker, HermannAlpatov, Michael
Alvensleben, Udo von, 1928-1969
Select: Alvensleben, Udo von, 1928-1969
d'Alverny - Ameisenowa
Select: d'Alverny - Ameisenowa Scope and Contents note d'Alverny, Marie-ThérèseAlyea, Herbert N.Ameisenowa, Zofia
Argan, Giulio Carlo, 1956-1968
Select: Argan, Giulio Carlo, 1956-1968
Aries - Arnolds, 1940-1968, undated
Select: Aries - Arnolds, 1940-1968, undated Scope and Contents note Aries, Robert S.Arnheim, RudolfArnason, H. HarvardArnolds, Günter
Askew - Aubert, 1952-1965
Select: Askew - Aubert, 1952-1965 Scope and Contents note Askew, PamelaAubert, Marcel
Auerbach, Erich, 1949-1965
Select: Auerbach, Erich, 1949-1965
Aurenhammer, Hans, 1956-1967
Select: Aurenhammer, Hans, 1956-1967
Aydelotte, 1944-1965
Select: Aydelotte, 1944-1965 Scope and Contents note Aydelotte, FrankAydelotte, William O.
B, General (single letters, Bailey - Blair), 1937-1967
Select: B, General (single letters, Bailey - Blair), 1937-1967 Scope and Contents note Bailey, Stephen K.Bainton, Roland H.Baker, CarlosBannister, TurpinBarbour, J. MurrayBarker, John W.Barnhart, Clarence L.Barnouw, A. J.Baron, H.Barton, JessBassi, StelioBates, Donald G.Baudry, J.Bayón, Damián CarlosBeaujouan, GuyBecker, Marion R.Beckley, QuitmanBehling, LottlisaBelangie, W. M.Belen, Van der, Jack and Herman LiebaersBeller, ElmerBellinger, Alfred R.Belluschi, PietroBelt, ElmerBerenson, Bernard [copy from S. J. Camp]Berg, GöstaVan der Berg-NoëBerger, PamelaBergamnn, RosemarieBerry, FrancisBertelli, Dr. and Mrs. CarloBiberman, HerbertBielefeld, ErwinBishop, KatherineBlair, DavidBlair, Madeline S.
B, General (single letters, de Blanc - Brown), 1946-1966
Select: B, General (single letters, de Blanc - Brown), 1946-1966 Scope and Contents note de Blanc, George G.Blanco-Gguinaga, CarlosBloch, RobertBlom, FransBlue Card, Inc.Bock von Wülfingen, OrdenbergBoehringer, EriocoBoggs, Jean S.Bonow, Eunice R.Bony, MaryBorgerhoff, E.Borromeo d'Adda, Contessa OriettaBosi, MariaBöttcher, OttoBotte, PaulBouscaren, Louis H. G.Bowie, TheodoreBoyle, KayBrandt, Joseph A.Breasted, James H., Jr.Breithaumpt, Erwin W.Brody, JulesBrommer, FrankBrooks, H. Allen, Jr.Brosemann, MarianneBrossman, MartinBrown, EstelleBrown, HarcourtBrown, J. DouglasBrown, Louise Fargo
B, General (single letters, Brubaker - Buxbaum), 1948-1968
Select: B, General (single letters, Brubaker - Buxbaum), 1948-1968 Scope and Contents note Brubaker, Elisabeth AnnBruckmann, Verlag F.Bruner, LouiseBrusselle, M. A. Fr.Buchholz, Sister ReginaBuchoff, BarryBuchdruck, BuehlerBuerger, JanetBukofzer, Manfred F.Bulatkin, Eleanor W.Bundy, McGeorgeBurkhardt, FrederickBurman, ShibdlasBurroughs, AlanBuuren, D. M. vanBuxbaum, Rhoda
Bacgihofer - Badt, 1938-1967
Select: Bacgihofer - Badt, 1938-1967 Scope and Contents note Bacgihofer, LudwigBadt, Kurt
Baer, Kathi Meyer-Baer, 1954-1970
Select: Baer, Kathi Meyer-Baer, 1954-1970
Baets - Bailly, 1952-1964
Select: Baets - Bailly, 1952-1964 Scope and Contents note Baets, Rev. P.M.J. deBaeyns, HermanBailly, Ellen H.
Bak, Robert C., 1963-1965
Select: Bak, Robert C., 1963-1965
Baldass - Baránszy-Jób
Select: Baldass - Baránszy-Jób Scope and Contents note Baldass, LudwigBandmann, GünterBaránszy-Jób, László
Barasch, Moses, 1957-1969
Select: Barasch, Moses, 1957-1969 Conditions Governing Use This folder has been digitized but is not available online; usage conditions apply. Contact Reference Services for more information.
Bardon - Barton, 1945-1964
Select: Bardon - Barton, 1945-1964 Scope and Contents note Bardon, FrançoioseBargebuhr, Frederick P.Baron, HansBarton, Samuel G.
Barr, Alfred H., Jr. and Margaret ("Daisy"), 1945-1965, undated
Select: Barr, Alfred H., Jr. and Margaret ("Daisy"), 1945-1965, undated Conditions Governing Use This folder has been digitized but is not available online; usage conditions apply. Contact Reference Services for more information.
Barzun - Battisti, 1955-1965
Select: Barzun - Battisti, 1955-1965 Scope and Contents note Barzun, JacquesBaticle, JeannineBattisti, Eugenio
Bauch, Kurt, 1956-1967
Select: Bauch, Kurt, 1956-1967
Bauer - Bergemann, 1951-1968
Select: Bauer - Bergemann, 1951-1968 Scope and Contents note Bauer, LucieBeck, James NBeckley, Rev. Quitman F.Begemann, Egbert Heverkamp
Benesch - Bergerhoff, 1945-1961
Select: Benesch - Bergerhoff, 1945-1961 Scope and Contents Benesch, OttoBerger, KlausBergerhoff, Renate
Bergström - Berliner, 1936-1964
Select: Bergström - Berliner, 1936-1964 Scope and Contents note Bergström, IngvarBerliner, R. R.
Bernheimer, Richard, 1944-1957
Select: Bernheimer, Richard, 1944-1957
Bertin-Mourot, Thérèse, 1946-1963
Select: Bertin-Mourot, Thérèse, 1946-1963
Bettagno - Beutler, 1961-1965
Select: Bettagno - Beutler, 1961-1965 Scope and Contents note Bettagno, AlessandroBeutler, Christian
Bialostocki, Jan, 1953-1971
Select: Bialostocki, Jan, 1953-1971 Conditions Governing Use This folder has been digitized but is not available online; usage conditions apply. Contact Reference Services for more information.
Bieber, Margarete, 1941-1968
Select: Bieber, Margarete, 1941-1968
Bier, Justus, 1949-1967
Select: Bier, Justus, 1949-1967
Billikopf, Jacob, 1948
Select: Billikopf, Jacob, 1948
Bing, Gertrude, 1925-1970
Select: Bing, Gertrude, 1925-1970
Bischoff, Bernhard, 1956-1962
Select: Bischoff, Bernhard, 1956-1962
Birkmeyer, Karl M., 1958-1961
Select: Birkmeyer, Karl M., 1958-1961
Björck, Gudmund, 1953
Select: Björck, Gudmund, 1953
von Blanckenhagen, P. H., 1933-1967
Select: von Blanckenhagen, P. H., 1933-1967
Bloch, Peter, 1961-1962
Select: Bloch, Peter, 1961-1962
Bloch, Vitale, 1937-1957, undated
Select: Bloch, Vitale, 1937-1957, undated
Blunt, Anthony, 1957-1967
Select: Blunt, Anthony, 1957-1967
Boas, George, 1936-1965
Select: Boas, George, 1936-1965
Bober, Harry, 1941-1965
Select: Bober, Harry, 1941-1965
Bober, Phyllis Pray (Mrs. Harry Bober), 1955-1959
Select: Bober, Phyllis Pray (Mrs. Harry Bober), 1955-1959
Bodnar, Rev. Edward, 1959-1960
Select: Bodnar, Rev. Edward, 1959-1960
Bonicatti, Maurizio, 1964-1967
Select: Bonicatti, Maurizio, 1964-1967
Bony, Jean, 1954-1964
Select: Bony, Jean, 1954-1964
Borsook, Eve, 1962-1966
Select: Borsook, Eve, 1962-1966
Boskovits, Miklós, 1962-1963
Select: Boskovits, Miklós, 1962-1963
Boström, Kjell, 1946-1959
Select: Boström, Kjell, 1946-1959
Bowles, Edmund A., 1951-1963
Select: Bowles, Edmund A., 1951-1963
Boyd, Juilian P., 1945-1965
Select: Boyd, Juilian P., 1945-1965
Branca, Vittore, 1960-1964
Select: Branca, Vittore, 1960-1964
Brand-Philip, Lotte (Foerster), 1949-1969
Select: Brand-Philip, Lotte (Foerster), 1949-1969
Branner, Robert, 1956-1957
Select: Branner, Robert, 1956-1957
Brauen, Fred, 1962-1963
Select: Brauen, Fred, 1962-1963
Braunfels, Wolfgang, 1954-1967
Select: Braunfels, Wolfgang, 1954-1967
Breckenridge, James, 1949-1967
Select: Breckenridge, James, 1949-1967
Breitenbach, Edgar, 1927-1965
Select: Breitenbach, Edgar, 1927-1965
Brendel, Otto, 1958-1965
Select: Brendel, Otto, 1958-1965
Briegler, Peter H., 1949-1966
Select: Briegler, Peter H., 1949-1966
Brincard, Louis, 1949-1952
Select: Brincard, Louis, 1949-1952
Brinkerhoff, Dericksen M., 1948-1965
Select: Brinkerhoff, Dericksen M., 1948-1965
Brion-Guérry, Liliane, 1951-1967, undated
Select: Brion-Guérry, Liliane, 1951-1967, undated
Brizio, Anna Maria, circa 1950-1959
Select: Brizio, Anna Maria, circa 1950-1959 Conditions Governing Use This folder has been digitized but is not available online; usage conditions apply. Contact Reference Services for more information.
Broadly, Hugh, 1950-1954
Select: Broadly, Hugh, 1950-1954
Brown, Milton, 1937-1959
Select: Brown, Milton, 1937-1959
Brummer, H. H., 1964-1965
Select: Brummer, H. H., 1964-1965
Bruyn, Josua, 1957
Select: Bruyn, Josua, 1957
Bucher, François, 1961-1965
Select: Bucher, François, 1961-1965
Buchthal, Hugo H., 1933-1966
Select: Buchthal, Hugo H., 1933-1966
Buddensieg, Tilmann, 1958-1966
Select: Buddensieg, Tilmann, 1958-1966
Bueckenhoudt, M. Walter, 1960-1961
Select: Bueckenhoudt, M. Walter, 1960-1961
Burden-Moller, Roland, 1953-1966
Select: Burden-Moller, Roland, 1953-1966
Burke, William L., 1950-1959
Select: Burke, William L., 1950-1959
Burkhard, Arthur, 1953-1967
Select: Burkhard, Arthur, 1953-1967
Burrage, Bob and Mildred G., 1943-1971, undated
Select: Burrage, Bob and Mildred G., 1943-1971, undated
Buschbeck, Ernest, 1950-1955
Select: Buschbeck, Ernest, 1950-1955
Bush-Brown, Albert, 1949-1958
Select: Bush-Brown, Albert, 1949-1958
Byvanck, A. W., 1952-1956
Select: Byvanck, A. W., 1952-1956
C, General (single leltters, Cabaniss - Cutler), 1937-1968
Select: C, General (single leltters, Cabaniss - Cutler), 1937-1968 Scope and Contents note Cabaniss, AllenCalhoun, Robert L.Calvesi, MaurizioCambrari, Archeveche deCaplan, JudithCaponigri, A. RobertCarey, GrahamCarmichael, Peter A.Carrière, R.Carrith, DavidCarroll, Eugene A.Cassirer, KurtCassirer, TomCaterini, StydeCederlöf, OlleCervene, RichardChadraba, RudolfChadwick-Collins, Mrs. JamesChaikin, NathanChakravarty, AmiyaChambers, F. P.Chartier, chanoine MauriceCheadle, HelenCirker, HaywardClaflin, AgnesClark, John S.Claybrook, Priscilla LeighClements, Robert J.Cliver, E. BlaineClogan, Paul M.Cloulas-Brousseau, AnnieCoburn, KathleenCoe, William J.Cohn, Alfred E.Cohn, Werner [from Millard Meiss]Coles, Margot J.Colie, Rosalie L.Commanger, Henry SteeleComstock, Francis A.Conan, A.Cooke, H. LesterCorbett, DorothyCornelius, Du PontCornell, HenrikCouprie, L. D.Courant, R.Cox, TrenchardCoyle, DanCraig, GordonCrane, Mrs. W. MurrayCrocker, Lester G.Crowlie, A. C.Curl, HuldahCurran, ThomasCutler, Anthony
Callisen - Campbell, 1951-1967
Select: Callisen - Campbell, 1951-1967 Scope and Contents note Callisen, Sterling A.Campbell, Malcolm
Canaday, John, 1943-1964
Select: Canaday, John, 1943-1964
Carandente - Cartier, 1950-1966
Select: Carandente - Cartier, 1950-1966 Scope and Contents note Carandente, GiobanniCarey, Peter, 1954-1965Cartier, David Giles, 1950-1962
Castelli - Cetto, 1951-1966
Select: Castelli - Cetto, 1951-1966 Scope and Contents note Castelli, EnricoCatlin, Stanton L.Cetto, Anna Maria
Chastel, André, 1949-1968
Select: Chastel, André, 1949-1968
Châtelet, Albert, 1954-1967
Select: Châtelet, Albert, 1954-1967
Cherniss, Harold F., 1946-1967
Select: Cherniss, Harold F., 1946-1967
Chew, Samuel C. and Lucy E., 1944-1965
Select: Chew, Samuel C. and Lucy E., 1944-1965
Christie, Ives, 1967-1968
Select: Christie, Ives, 1967-1968
Citroen - Clemens, 1951-1968
Select: Citroen - Clemens, 1951-1968 Scope and Contents note Citroen, K. A.Clagett, MarshallClemens, Walter
Clement - Clowes, 1942-1966
Select: Clement - Clowes, 1942-1966 Scope and Contents note Clement, Paul A.Clowes, Edith W. and Clowes, G.H.A. (The Clowes Fund)
Coffin, David Robbins, 1950-1967
Select: Coffin, David Robbins, 1950-1967
Cohen - Cohn, 1962-1968
Select: Cohen - Cohn, 1962-1968 Scope and Contents note Cohen, Bernard I.Cohn, Marjorie
Conant, Judith W., 1964-1967
Select: Conant, Judith W., 1964-1967
Conant - Conkwright, 1951-1956
Select: Conant - Conkwright, 1951-1956 Scope and Contents note Conant, Kenneth JohnConkwright, P. J.
Cook, Walter William Spencer, 1937-1961, undated
Select: Cook, Walter William Spencer, 1937-1961, undated
Cooledge, Harold N., 1955
Select: Cooledge, Harold N., 1955
Coolidge, John, 1948-1966
Select: Coolidge, John, 1948-1966
Constable - Corbett, 1954-1961
Select: Constable - Corbett, 1954-1961 Scope and Contents note Constable, GilesCoor, GertrudeCorbett, James
Coremans, Paul, 1948-1967
Select: Coremans, Paul, 1948-1967
Costello, Jane, 1946-1953
Select: Costello, Jane, 1946-1953
Covi, Dario Alessandro, 1953-1967
Select: Covi, Dario Alessandro, 1953-1967
Craven - Creese, 1952-1962
Select: Craven - Creese, 1952-1962 Scope and Contents note Craven, WayneCreese, Walter L.
Crosby, Sumner, McK., 1941-1956
Select: Crosby, Sumner, McK., 1941-1956
Curtis, 1959-1967, undated
Select: Curtis, 1959-1967, undated Scope and Contents note Curtis, Ernest RobertCurtis, Klaus
Cuttler, Charles D., 1948-1957
Select: Cuttler, Charles D., 1948-1957
D, General (single letters, Dacos - Dyson), 1937-1967
Select: D, General (single letters, Dacos - Dyson), 1937-1967 Scope and Contents note Dacos, NicholeDallam, John M.Daly, L. J.David, AlfredDavis, CatherineDavis, Mrs. H. ChandlerDavis, HowardDavis, Saville R.Dazzi, ManlioDean, G. K.Dean, R. J.De Blanc, George De Boer, P.De ChristoforoDehn, GeorgDelatour, G. S.De Laurier, Nancy GibbonDelius, F.Della Vida, G. LeviDelman, EmilDencher, EvaDe Roover, Florence E.Dettweiler, FriedaDeuchlerl, FlorensDevisse, J.Dickson, T. ElderDieckmann, LiselotteDiehl, George K.Dihle, A.Diller, Hans Diez, ErnstDingelstedt, KurtDochy, J.Dodwell, ReginaldDoeblin, AlfredDolan, James L.Donaldson, KatherineDonovan, James A., Jr.Dorner, AlexanderDorner, Lydia A.Dorsky, MorrisDow, Helen J.Downey, GlanvilleDressler, FridollinDrucker, Peter F.Drury, BettyDubiner, SusanDuclos, R.Dufour, AlainDundas, JudithDyson, Freeman
Dahl - Dahlbäck, 1957-1966
Select: Dahl - Dahlbäck, 1957-1966 Scope and Contents note Dahl, Brother Thomas MoreDahlbäck, Bengt
D'Ancona, Mirella Levi, 1947-1967
Select: D'Ancona, Mirella Levi, 1947-1967
Davies, Martin, 1948-1968
Select: Davies, Martin, 1948-1968
Dean - Delanoy, 1945-1966, undated
Select: Dean - Delanoy, 1945-1966, undated Scope and Contents note Dean, Ruth J.Degenhart, BernhardDeinzer, WilliDeknatel, Frederick B.Delanoy, Eleanor
Delaisé, Léon M. J., 1950-1964
Select: Delaisé, Léon M. J., 1950-1964
Dempsey - Dewald, 1954-1967
Select: Dempsey - Dewald, 1954-1967 Scope and Contents note Dempsey, CharlesDemus, OttoDesneux, JulesDewald, Ernest T.
Dhanes - Dieckmann, 1952-1958
Select: Dhanes - Dieckmann, 1952-1958 Scope and Contents note Dhanes, ElisabethDibner, BernDieckmann, HerbertDieckmann, Liselotte
Dienstfrey - Dobrzeniecki, 1938-1968
Select: Dienstfrey - Dobrzeniecki, 1938-1968 Scope and Contents note Dienstfrey, DebraDinsmoor, William B.Dobrzeniecki, Tadeusz
Dodd - Downey, 1931-1965
Select: Dodd - Downey, 1931-1965 Scope and Contents note Dodd, LamarDodgson, CampbellDodwell, Charles ReginaldDohmann, AlbrechtDonati, LambertoDowney, Glanville
Drake, Stillman, 1955-1968
Select: Drake, Stillman, 1955-1968
Dupont, Jacques, 1952-1963, undated
Select: Dupont, Jacques, 1952-1963, undated
Dussler, Luitpold, 1964-1971
Select: Dussler, Luitpold, 1964-1971
E, General (single letters, Eakins - Escala), 1937-1966
Select: E, General (single letters, Eakins - Escala), 1937-1966 Scope and Contents note Eakins, J. M.Earle, Edward MeadEdgar, Esabella M.Edgar, Sister MaryEdgertonEdwards, Audrey L.EgriEhrman, A.Eichenberg, FritzEinstein, AlfredEinstein, NorbertEismann, HeinrichEisenberg, MarvinEliasberg, Wladimir G.Ellis, AlbertEmboden, William AlEmerson, WilliamEmmens, J. A.Engelbregt, Father J.H.A.Engleson, H.Epstein, Marion K.Erdberg, Joan Prentice vonEr-Shih, ChiangErlebacher, WalterErler, AdalbertErskine, Peggy A.Escala, Donna N.
Ebbingewubben, J. C., 1951-1963
Select: Ebbingewubben, J. C., 1951-1963
Edelstein, Ludwig and Renate, 1952-1965
Select: Edelstein, Ludwig and Renate, 1952-1965
Eerden - Egan, 1947-1952
Select: Eerden - Egan, 1947-1952 Scope and Contents note Eerden, J. H. van derEgan, Patricia
Egbert, Donald Drew and Virginia Wylie, 1941-1967
Select: Egbert, Donald Drew and Virginia Wylie, 1941-1967
de Egrey, Anne, 1956-1964
Select: de Egrey, Anne, 1956-1964
Einem, Herbert von, 1953-1967
Select: Einem, Herbert von, 1953-1967
Einstein, Albert and Margot, 1938-1964
Select: Einstein, Albert and Margot, 1938-1964 Conditions Governing Use This folder has been digitized but is not available online; usage conditions apply. Contact Reference Services for more information.
Eisenhart, Luther P., 1949-1956
Select: Eisenhart, Luther P., 1949-1956
Eisler, Colin, 1951-1965
Select: Eisler, Colin, 1951-1965
Eissler, K. R., 1957-1960
Select: Eissler, K. R., 1957-1960
Ellenius, Allen, 1957-1968
Select: Ellenius, Allen, 1957-1968
Engels - Epstein, 1937-1967
Select: Engels - Epstein, 1937-1967 Scope and Contents note Engels, J.Engler, Gustav AndreasEnglish, Anne WhitallEpstein, Fritz T.
Erffa, Hans Martin Feiherr von, 1956-1962
Select: Erffa, Hans Martin Feiherr von, 1956-1962
Erffa, Helmut Freiherr von, 1940-1967
Select: Erffa, Helmut Freiherr von, 1940-1967
Esmerian - Ettinghausen, 1942-1967
Select: Esmerian - Ettinghausen, 1942-1967 Scope and Contents note Esmerian, Ralph O.Ettinghausen, Richard
Ettlinger, Leopold D., 1953-1967
Select: Ettlinger, Leopold D., 1953-1967
Euler, Walter, 1958
Select: Euler, Walter, 1958
F, General (single letters, Fagles - Furniss), 1931-1967
Select: F, General (single letters, Fagles - Furniss), 1931-1967 Scope and Contents note Fagles, RobertFait, JoachimFalkenstein, HenryFärber, HelmutFee, James AlgerFeifel, HermanFeltenstein, RosalieFerguson, Wallace K.Fergusson, FrancisFerrara, Luisa Balboni-Sindaco diFerrari, AngelFerrari, GuyFeron, Madame RaymondeField Enterprises, Inc.Filia, JoanFilipetto, GinoFilm, CarinFinch, Henry A.Fingesten, PeterFink, June-MarieFinlayson, Donald L.Fischer, L.Flagg, Richard B.Fleming, John F.Fleming, John V.Flexner, AbrahaeFlitner, WilhelmFoelschFolliet, G.Foltiny, StephenForbes, J. D.Forbes, Kenneth RipleyForeman, ClarkForslund, ErikForth, Robert F.Foster, PhilipFoster, SharonFowle, J. W.Fowler, GeorgeFowles, JeanFox, JohnFox, Milton S.Fraenkel, HansFrancia, P. L. deFrancis, WilliamFrankena, WilliamFrantz, SallyFraser, Russell A.Freccero, JohnFreimarck, VincentFrench and Company, Inc.Frenkel, ThomasFrey, DagobertFriberg, AxelFried, AlexanderFriedenwald, Jonas S.Fritz, RolfFröbe-Kapteyn, OlgaFulton, JohnFurniesFurniss, W. Todd
Faglio-dell A'Rco - Federer, 1952-1967
Select: Faglio-dell A'Rco - Federer, 1952-1967 Scope and Contents note Fagiolo-dell A'Rco, Maurizio and MarcelloFaison, S. Lane, Jr.Federer, Georg
Fehl, Philipp, 1955-1967
Select: Fehl, Philipp, 1955-1967
Fenyö, Iván, 1960-1965
Select: Fenyö, Iván, 1960-1965
Ferguson, Wallace K., 1953-1965
Select: Ferguson, Wallace K., 1953-1965
Fernández, Justino, 1961-1964
Select: Fernández, Justino, 1961-1964
Ferry, W. H., 1962-1965
Select: Ferry, W. H., 1962-1965
Fierz, Marcus, 1955-1964
Select: Fierz, Marcus, 1955-1964
Finkelstein - Fisher, 1953-1967
Select: Finkelstein - Fisher, 1953-1967 Scope and Contents note Finkelstein, LouisFiocco, GiuseppeFisher, Martha
Fitchen, John F., 1955-1956
Select: Fitchen, John F., 1955-1956
Fogg, John M., Jr., 1951-1952
Select: Fogg, John M., Jr., 1951-1952
Folie, Jacqueline, 1954-1967
Select: Folie, Jacqueline, 1954-1967
Fong, Wen, 1955-1963
Select: Fong, Wen, 1955-1963
Fontaine - Forssman, 1954-1966
Select: Fontaine - Forssman, 1954-1966 Scope and Contents note Fontaine, Mrs. F. D.Ford FoundationForssman, Erik
Forsyth, George H., Jr., 1946-1965, undated
Select: Forsyth, George H., Jr., 1946-1965, undated
Forsyth - Foster, 1951-1966
Select: Forsyth - Foster, 1951-1966 Scope and Contents note Forsyth, William H.Fosdick, SinaFoster, Charles A.
Franc, Helen M., 1950-1966
Select: Franc, Helen M., 1950-1966
Francastle - Fränkel, 1946-1959
Select: Francastle - Fränkel, 1946-1959 Scope and Contents note Francastel, PierreFränkel, Hermann
Frankel - Frankfort, 1951-1964
Select: Frankel - Frankfort, 1951-1964 Scope and Contents note Frankel, Walter K.Frankfort, Henri
Frankl, Paul, 1939-1961
Select: Frankl, Paul, 1939-1961
Frantz - Frenken, 1951-1966
Select: Frantz - Frenken, 1951-1966 Scope and Contents note Frantz, AlisonFreedberg, SydneyFrenken, T.W.M.
Freudenheim - Friedländer, 1933-1965
Select: Freudenheim - Friedländer, 1933-1965 Scope and Contents note Freudenheim, Tom L.Freyhan, R.Friedländer, Max J.Friedländer, Paul
Friedländer, Walter, 1932-1966
Select: Friedländer, Walter, 1932-1966
Friedman, 1936-1955
Select: Friedman, 1936-1955 Scope and Contents note Friedman, Lionel J.Friedman, William F.
Friedmann, Herbert, 1945-1966
Select: Friedmann, Herbert, 1945-1966
Friend - Fulton, 1952-1961
Select: Friend - Fulton, 1952-1961 Scope and Contents note Friend, Albert H., Jr.Fritz, Kurt vonFulton, John F.
Gallenkamp - Gutkind (single letters), 1942-1968
Select: Gallenkamp - Gutkind (single letters), 1942-1968 Scope and Contents note Gallenkamp, George V.Garbee, Willialm C., Jr.Gardie, Krinstina de laGarrett, RobertGarttmer, LloydGellerman, HershGellert, BridgetGendler, Rabbi EverettGibson, James J.Gilbert, MarianneGilbert, Mary E.Gilbert, PhilipGilbert, WilliamGillispie, Charles C.Gillmer, VaunGilmore, Gerald F.Gilmore, Myron F.Ginzburg, CarloGlasser, HanneloreGlazier, William S.Goldenberg, AnneGoldschmidt, LucienGoldstein, C.Gonzalez, Joaquin DiazGoris, Jan-AlbertGova, SabineGoodall, DonaldGottlieb, CarlaGottschalk, LouisGraubard, Stephen R.Graupe, PaulGreen, P. CharlesGreenberg, SidneyGreenbie, SydneyGreene, J. CraigGreene, Terrence W.Griffin, GillettGriffing, Robert P.Griffith, Beatrice FoxGrun, EdithGuillevic, J.Gulamerian, Norman B.Gutkind, E. A.
Gabriel, Father A. L., 1949-1962
Select: Gabriel, Father A. L., 1949-1962
Gagnebin-Ganter, 1957-1967
Select: Gagnebin-Ganter, 1957-1967 Scope and Contents note Gagnebin, BernardGalpin, Perrin C.Ganter, Joseph
Garbáty, 1949-1959
Select: Garbáty, 1949-1959 Scope and Contents note Garbáty, Eugene LeopoldGarbáty, Maurice Conditions Governing Use This folder has been digitized but is not available online; usage conditions apply. Contact Reference Services for more information.
Gareis - Garside, 1953-1965
Select: Gareis - Garside, 1953-1965 Scope and Contents note Gareis, HansgeorgGarside, Charles, Jr.
Gäumann-Wild - Gauthier, 1956-1966
Select: Gäumann-Wild - Gauthier, 1956-1966 Scope and Contents note Gäumann-Wild, DorisGauthier, Marie-Madeline
Gelder, Jan G. van, 1951-1967
Select: Gelder, Jan G. van, 1951-1967
Gerson, Horst, 1946-1966
Select: Gerson, Horst, 1946-1966
Gessner, Robert, 1948-1961, undated
Select: Gessner, Robert, 1948-1961, undated
Geyl - Giesau, 1924-1968
Select: Geyl - Giesau, 1924-1968 Scope and Contents note Geyl, PieterGibbons, FeltonGiesau, Hermann
Giesey, Ralph E., 1953-1966, undated
Select: Giesey, Ralph E., 1953-1966, undated
Gilbert, Creighton, 1948-1965
Select: Gilbert, Creighton, 1948-1965
Gilbert - Godwin, 1942-1966
Select: Gilbert - Godwin, 1942-1966 Scope and Contents note Gilbert, FelixGnudi, CesareGodwin, Frances Gray
Goetz, Oswald, 1950-1953
Select: Goetz, Oswald, 1950-1953
Goldberg - Goldman, 1947-1963, undated
Select: Goldberg - Goldman, 1947-1963, undated Scope and Contents note Goldberg, MiltonGoldberg, Norman L.Goldman, Hetty
Goldschmidt, Adolph, 1924-1970
Select: Goldschmidt, Adolph, 1924-1970
Goldschmidt - Goldwater, 1936-1960
Select: Goldschmidt - Goldwater, 1936-1960 Scope and Contents note Goldschmidt, MaxGoldwater, Robert
Gombrich, Ernst H., 1946-1967
Select: Gombrich, Ernst H., 1946-1967
Goodchild - Gordon, 1941-1960
Select: Goodchild - Gordon, 1941-1960 Scope and Contents note Goodchild, DonaldGoodenough, Erwin R.Goodnell, Robert C.Gordon, Irene
Goris - Gould, 1947-1960
Select: Goris - Gould, 1947-1960 Scope and Contents note Goris, Jan AlbertGosebruch, MartinGottesman, D. S. (D.S. and R.H. Gottesman Foundation)Gould, Cecil
Graaf - Grange, 1929-1964
Select: Graaf - Grange, 1929-1964 Scope and Contents note Graaf, J. A. van deGradenwitzGrange, T. P.
Green, Rosalie B., 1954-1967, undated
Select: Green, Rosalie B., 1954-1967, undated
Greenbaum - Greene, 1940-1970
Select: Greenbaum - Greene, 1940-1970 Scope and Contents note Greenbaum, Edward E.Greene, Belle da Costa
Greenhaus, Carla, 1962-1965
Select: Greenhaus, Carla, 1962-1965
Greischel - Griffith, 1956-1965
Select: Greischel - Griffith, 1956-1965 Scope and Contents note Greischel, WaltherGrier, HarryGriffith, Charles FrancisGriffith, Richard
Grinten - Grippi, 1951-1965
Select: Grinten - Grippi, 1951-1965 Scope and Contents Grinten, E.F. van derGrippi, Rosalind
Grodecki, Louis, 1948-1967, undated
Select: Grodecki, Louis, 1948-1967, undated
Grosjean - Grote, 1946-1966
Select: Grosjean - Grote, 1946-1966 Scope and Contents note Grosjean, PaulGrossman, EdwinGrote, Ludwig
Grenebaum - Guerry, 1948-1967
Select: Grenebaum - Guerry, 1948-1967 Scope and Contents note Grenebaum, L. H.de Gruyter, WalterGuenther, Peter W.Guerlac, HenryGuerry, Prosper
Gulden - Gwaltney, 1940-1971
Select: Gulden - Gwaltney, 1940-1971 Scope and Contents note Gulden, ErnstGundersheimer, H.Gurewich, VladimirGutiérrez Mujica, CarlosGutmann, JosephGwaltney, Corbin
H, General (single letters, Hackenbroch - Huth), 1937-1967
Select: H, General (single letters, Hackenbroch - Huth), 1937-1967 Scope and Contents note Hackenbroch, YvonneHadassah MagazineHaering, IreneHalberstam, Michael J.Halle, KayHallowell, Robert E.Hamberg, GustavHamburger FrendenblattHamilton, Thomas H.Hanfstaengl, EberhardHarbiso, E. HarrisMadelean HarmannHarrison, Evelyn B.Harrison, Frank L.Harrsen, Meta???tHart, M. E.Hartman, OttoHarvey, E. NewtonHarvey, MarleneHarwi, LawrenceHäskum, RichardHauben, JanetHaufrecht, BettyHaugen, PatHaupt, HansHausmann, U.Havenitt, ElaineHaverlin, CarlHayek, F. A. vonHealy, Arthur K. D.Hedén, Karl-GusstafHeemstra, Baron F.S. Sixma vanHeger, HenrikHeideggerHeijmans, EduardHeilbrunn, Rudolf M.Heinemann, F.Heinemann, Rudolf J.Heinrich, TedHeisenberg, WernerHeld, RichardHelleiner, Karl T.Henderson, GeorgeHenry, Father PaulHerbig, ReinhardHerlig,Herding, KlausHernmarck, CarlHerring, James V.Hersey, Carl K.Heyl, LawrenceHeymann, Frederick G.HiFi/Stereo ReviewHilweg, HansHind'Hulsh, R.Hinman, Richard L.Hirsch, StefanHoening, IreneHoffeld, Jeffrey M.Hoffmann, KonradHofstede, Justus MüllerHohenzollern, Prinz Johann Georg vonHolborn, HajoHolmqvist, WilhelmHook, SidneyHootzHopper, PaulHorenHorizonHoving, WalterHowell, DouglassHowell, E. B.Howell, Warren R.Hughes, SergeHugo, HaroldHumezHupert, MarjorieHürlimann, Caspar G.Hürlimann, HansHurt, Hethro M., IIIHuth, Hans
Hahnloser - Hamilton, 1950-1966
Select: Hahnloser - Hamilton, 1950-1966 Scope and Contents note Hahnloser, Hans R.Haight, AnneHaight, Elizabeth HazeltonHamberg, GustafHamilton, George Heard
Hammer, Victor, 1946-1978
Select: Hammer, Victor, 1946-1978
Hampe - Hanson, 1948-1964
Select: Hampe - Hanson, 1948-1964 Scope and Contents note Hampe, RolandHanckel, HadumothHanson, BernardHanson, Norwood R.
Harbison, 1944-1967
Select: Harbison, 1944-1967 Scope and Contents note Harbison, Craig S.Harbison, E. Harris
Harris - Hartmann, 1951-1965
Select: Harris - Hartmann, 1951-1965 Scope and Contents note Harris, Robert M.Hartmann, Kurt
Hartt, Frederick, 1938-1964
Select: Hartt, Frederick, 1938-1964
Hatch - Heath, 1956-1966
Select: Hatch - Heath, 1956-1966 Scope and Contents note Hatch, John DavisHatzfeld, HelmutHaussherr, ReinerHaycraft, Robert K.Heath, William W.
Heckscher, William S., 1945-1967
Select: Heckscher, William S., 1945-1967
Hermann, Adelheid, 1937-1967
Select: Hermann, Adelheid, 1937-1967
Heise - Heitmann, 1931-1968
Select: Heise - Heitmann, 1931-1968 Scope and Contents note Heise, Carl GeorgHeitmann, Klaus
Held, Julius S., 1948-1967
Select: Held, Julius S., 1948-1967
Helsdingen - Hess, 1938-1968
Select: Helsdingen - Hess, 1938-1968 Scope and Contents note Helsdingen, H. W. vanHempel, EberhardHenle, WernerHenry, Barklie McKeeHentzen, A.Hermerén, Göran, undatedHerrlinger, RobertHertz, RichardHess, Jacob
Heydenreich, Ludwig H., undated, 1949-1964
Select: Heydenreich, Ludwig H., undated, 1949-1964
Heydenreich, Ludwig H., 1965-1967
Select: Heydenreich, Ludwig H., 1965-1967
Heyl - Hinks, 1951-1965
Select: Heyl - Hinks, 1951-1965 Scope and Contents note Heyl, Bernard C.Hibbard, HowardHinks, Roger
Hirschfeld, Peter, 1937-1972
Select: Hirschfeld, Peter, 1937-1972
Hirtum - Hochschild, 1937-1972
Select: Hirtum - Hochschild, 1937-1972 Scope and Contents note Hirtum, Andrée vanHitchcock, Henry-RussellHochschild, Mrs. Harold K.
Hofer, Phil, 1946-1966
Select: Hofer, Phil, 1946-1966
Hoff - Hoffmann, 1952-1967
Select: Hoff - Hoffmann, 1952-1967 Scope and Contents note Hoff, UrsulaHoffmann, KathrinHoffmann, Konrad
Hollander - Holt, 1953-1967
Select: Hollander - Holt, 1953-1967 Scope and Contents note Hollander, JohnHollister, C. WarrenHolmback, A.Holst, Christian vonHolt, Mrs. John B.
Holzinger - Hope, 1949-1972
Select: Holzinger - Hope, 1949-1972 Scope and Contents note Holzinger, ErnstHoogewerff, G. J.Hope, Henry
Horb - Horn, 1948-1965
Select: Horb - Horn, 1948-1965 Scope and Contents note Horb, FelixHorn, Walter W.
Hornung - Hubala, 1950-1967
Select: Hornung - Hubala, 1950-1967 Scope and Contents note Hornung, HansHorváth, BélaHoutzager, Maria ElisabethHubala, Erich
d'Hulst, R. A., 1954-1962
Select: d'Hulst, R. A., 1954-1962
Hungerland - Iklé, 1946-1961
Select: Hungerland - Iklé, 1946-1961 Scope and Contents note Hungerland, HelmutHunt, F. L.Huth, HansIklé, Charles F.
Ionescu, Theodor, 1958-1968
Select: Ionescu, Theodor, 1958-1968
Isserstedt - Ivins, 1955-1965
Select: Isserstedt - Ivins, 1955-1965 Scope and Contents Isserstedt, Dorothea C.Ivanoff, NicolasIversen, ErikIvins, William M., Jr.
J, General (single letters, Jacobs - Jung), 1946-1967
Select: J, General (single letters, Jacobs - Jung), 1946-1967 Scope and Contents note Jacobs, LewisJacobsen, EricJacquot, JeanJahn, ErichJakobson, RomanJames, C.L.R.Janicik, Edward E. C.Janson, BertilJanson, ClaireJastrow, ElizabethJauneau, MaadeleineRocherJaussJavet, PierreJesi, FurioJirat-Wasiutynski, Vojt chJohn, James J.Johnson, Edgar N.Johnson, Philip C.de Jong, Mrs. H.M.E.Jost, ResJung, Eva-Marie
James - Jameson, 1954-1956
Select: James - Jameson, 1954-1956 Scope and Contents note James, DavidJaffé, MichaelJames, Mr. and Mrs. WilliamJameson, D.F.B.
Janson, H. W., 1936-1967
Select: Janson, H. W., 1936-1967
Jessen - Johnson, 1948-1968
Select: Jessen - Johnson, 1948-1968 Scope and Contents note Jessen, H.Johnson, James R.Johnson, LeeJohnson, S. F.Johnson, W. McAllister
Jones - Jurgen, 1950-1968
Select: Jones - Jurgen, 1950-1968 Scope and Contents note Jones, Bob, Jr.Jones, Eldred D.Josephson, RagnarJucker, HansJurgen, Paul
K, General (single letters, Kahler - Kuylen), 1948-1967
Select: K, General (single letters, Kahler - Kuylen), 1948-1967 Scope and Contents note Kahler, ErichKaizer, JoachimKallen, Horace M. Peter Kamp, van deKatona, PaulKaysen, CarlKearns, Helen M.Keeper of the King's PicturesKeil, Robert A.Kellogg, Alfred L.Kelly, LeonKennick, William E.Kerby-Miller, CharlesKern, Paul J.Kernodle, George R.Kielland, Else ChristieKieser, EmilKillermann, SebastianKlein, JeromeKlimowsky, E. W.Knauer, G. NicholasKnipping, J. B.Knowlton, Edgar C.Knuttel, G.Koch, KarlKoher, HarrisKolb, AlbertKoslow, ArnoldKoslow, SusanKostotowski, AndrzeoKraus, ErasmusKrause, RudolfKreismann, IlloKress, R. N.Kroeber, A. L.Kuntz, Paul G.Kusch, HorstKuylen, Krister van
Kaftal - Kahane, 1941-1963
Select: Kaftal - Kahane, 1941-1963 Scope and Contents note Kaftal, GeorgeKahane, Henry R.Kahane, Penuel P.
Kahr, Madlyn, 1962-1967
Select: Kahr, Madlyn, 1962-1967
Kaiser - Kalinowski, 1955-1965
Select: Kaiser - Kalinowski, 1955-1965 Scope and Contents note Kaiser, WalterKalinowski, Lech
Kantorwicz, E. H., 1951-1963, undated
Select: Kantorwicz, E. H., 1951-1963, undated
Kapp - Kasack, 1941-1965
Select: Kapp - Kasack, 1941-1965 Scope and Contents note Kapp, ErnestKapp, IdaKarl, AdolphKarling, StenKasack, Hermann
Katzenellenbogen, Adolf, 1931-1966
Select: Katzenellenbogen, Adolf, 1931-1966
Kauffmann, Hans, 1953-1967
Select: Kauffmann, Hans, 1953-1967
Kaufmann, Emil, 1942-1953
Select: Kaufmann, Emil, 1942-1953
Kaufmann, Georg, 1960-1966
Select: Kaufmann, Georg, 1960-1966
Kellam - Kelleher, 1952-1970
Select: Kellam - Kelleher, 1952-1970 Scope and Contents note Kellam, JackKelleher, Patrick J.
Kennan - Kienitz, 1952-1970
Select: Kennan - Kienitz, 1952-1970 Scope and Contents note Kennan, George F.Kessler, Clemencia HandKienitz, John F.
Kimball, Fiske, 1941-1955
Select: Kimball, Fiske, 1941-1955
King - Kisch, 1946-1960
Select: King - Kisch, 1946-1960 Scope and Contents note King, Edward L.King, L.G.T.Kisch, Guido
Kitzinger - Klauser, 1955-1967
Select: Kitzinger - Klauser, 1955-1967 Scope and Contents note Kitzinger, ErnstKlauser, Theodor
Klein, Robert, 1957-1966
Select: Klein, Robert, 1957-1966
Klesse - Koch, 1948-1967
Select: Klesse - Koch, 1948-1967 Scope and Contents note Klesse, BrigitteKlessmann, RüdigerKlibansky, RaymondKnapp-Fisher, J. S.Koch, Rev. Alfred
Koch, Robert Alan, 1949-1968
Select: Koch, Robert Alan, 1949-1968
Koehler - Köhler, 1938-1963
Select: Koehler - Köhler, 1938-1963 Scope and Contents note Koehler, Wilhelm and Margarete, 1942-1959Koepplin, Dieter, 1963Köhler, Wolfgang, 1938-1961
Kossoff - Koyré, 1952-1963, undated
Select: Kossoff - Koyré, 1952-1963, undated Scope and Contents note Kossoff, Florence S.Koyré, Alexandre
Kracauer - Kraft, 1941-1966
Select: Kracauer - Kraft, 1941-1966 Scope and Contents note Kracauer, SiegfriedKraft, Konrad
Krautheimer, Richard, 1938-1967
Select: Krautheimer, Richard, 1938-1967
Krönig, Wolfgang, 1950-1958
Select: Krönig, Wolfgang, 1950-1958
Kristeller, Paul Oskar, 1947-1976, undated
Select: Kristeller, Paul Oskar, 1947-1976, undated
Kubler, George, 1936-1962
Select: Kubler, George, 1936-1962
Kuhn - Kultermann, 1939-1968
Select: Kuhn - Kultermann, 1939-1968 Scope and Contents note Kuhn, Charles L.Kultermann, Udo
Künstsler - Kurz, 1953-1967
Select: Künstsler - Kurz, 1953-1967 Scope and Contents note Künstsler, GustavKupferberg, C. A.Kurz, Otto
Ladenburg - Lynes (single letters), 1929-1967
Select: Ladenburg - Lynes (single letters), 1929-1967 Scope and Contents note Ladenberg, Mrs. RudolfLadendorf, HeinzLaging, Duard W.La Marre, JohnLambert, Phyllis B.Landan, JulieLantham, RichardLaporte, Paul M.Lapp, John C.Latte, K.Laufer, JuneLaurier, Mrs. Jacques DeLawall, David E.Leary, Eleanor W.Lehmann, PaulLennon, WilliamLeonhardt, LeoLering, AntoineLesley, Everett P., Jr.Lexow, Jan HendrickLeynen, HildeLeyritz, Gabariel Chaneaux deLi, Chu-tsingLinardos, IlialnaLilienfeld, KarlLincoln, Carolyn R.Lindroth, StenLindsay, Kenneth C.Lisco, KarenLissim, SimonLowey, AliceLondon NewsLoomis, Roger S.Lowry, BatesLucas, S.Luce, RobertLudden, Franklin MonroeLumb, E. SueLyon, Quinter M.Lynes, Mildred C. (Mrs. Russell Lynes)
Lachmann, Claire, 1957-1961
Select: Lachmann, Claire, 1957-1961
Ladner, Gerhard B., 1952-1975
Select: Ladner, Gerhard B., 1952-1975
Lafond - Lankheit, 1942-1966
Select: Lafond - Lankheit, 1942-1966 Scope and Contents note Lafond, JeanLamarre, John H.Lambert, PhyllisLanckorónska, Countess MariaLandsberger, FranzLang, Renée B.Langer, William L.Lankheit, Klaus
Larrabee - Laurvik, 1940-1951
Select: Larrabee - Laurvik, 1940-1951 Scope and Contents note Larrabee, Harold A.Larrabee, Stephen A.Laurvik, J. N.
Lauts - Lavalleye, 1950-1972
Select: Lauts - Lavalleye, 1950-1972 Scope and Contents note Lauts, JanLavalleye, Jan
Lavin, Irving and Marilyn, 1950-1966
Select: Lavin, Irving and Marilyn, 1950-1966
Lawrence - Lee, 1936-1966, undated
Select: Lawrence - Lee, 1936-1966, undated Scope and Contents note Lawrence, MarionLawrence, SidneyLeadbeatter, DorothyLeake, Chauncey D.Lederer, WolfgangLee, Paul A.
Lee, Rensselaer Wright, 1938-1967, undated
Select: Lee, Rensselaer Wright, 1938-1967, undated
Leeper, John, 1959-1960
Select: Leeper, John, 1959-1960
Lehmann, Karl, 1927-1959
Select: Lehmann, Karl, 1927-1959
Lehman, Phyllis W., 1947-1965
Select: Lehman, Phyllis W., 1947-1965
Lehman - Leroquais, 1940-1965
Select: Lehman - Leroquais, 1940-1965 Scope and Contents note Lehman, RobertLehamnn-Haupt, HellmutLejeune, JeanLenneberg, EdithLerici, Carlo M.Leroquais, Victor
Levey - Levin, 1949-1968
Select: Levey - Levin, 1949-1968 Scope and Contents note Levey, MichaelLevin, Harry T.
Lewine, Milton J., 1964-1965
Select: Lewine, Milton J., 1964-1965
Lewis, Wilmarth S., 1959-1966
Select: Lewis, Wilmarth S., 1959-1966
Liebeschütz - Loomis, 1953-1965
Select: Liebeschütz - Loomis, 1953-1965 Scope and Contents note Liebeschütz, HansLieftnick, G. I.Linder, Harold F.Loeschcke, WalterLohamm-Siems, IsaLoomis, Laura H.
Lopez - Lossky, 1950-1967
Select: Lopez - Lossky, 1950-1967 Scope and Contents note Lopez, Robert S.Lord, Eileen A.Lord, L. E.Loshak, DavidLossky, Boris
Lotz, Wolfgang, 1954-1964
Select: Lotz, Wolfgang, 1954-1964
Lowe, E. A., 1940-1959
Select: Lowe, E. A., 1940-1959
Lowinsky, Edward E., 1943-1967
Select: Lowinsky, Edward E., 1943-1967
Ludwig - Lyna, 1947-1959, undated
Select: Ludwig - Lyna, 1947-1959, undated Scope and Contents note Ludwig, AllanLyna, Frederic, undated
Mc/Mac, General (single letters, McCarthy - McNulty [Mc and Mac interfiled]), 1941-1966
Select: Mc/Mac, General (single letters, McCarthy - McNulty [Mc and Mac interfiled]), 1941-1966 Scope and Contents note McCarthy, Joseph L.McElhinney, Alice L.MacGreevy, ThomasMcKinnis, Fred L.MacLagan, EricMcNamee, Father MauriceMcNulty, J. Bard
McCall, John E., 1939-1941
Select: McCall, John E., 1939-1941
McCormick, Thomas J., Jr., circa 1951-1966
Select: McCormick, Thomas J., Jr., circa 1951-1966
MacCracken - McMahon, 1944-1966
Select: MacCracken - McMahon, 1944-1966 Scope and Contents note MacCracken, R. A.McGee, AnneMcGrath, Robert L.McGuire, WilliamMcKechwie, MargaretMcKenzie, A. DeanMcKibbin, DavidMcMahon, A. Phillip
M, General (single letters, Magallón - Mylonas), 1932-1968
Select: M, General (single letters, Magallón - Mylonas), 1932-1968 Scope and Contents note Magallón, Don TomásMagnuson, TorgilMalkiel, JakowMaltese, CorradoMandelbaum, MaruiceMango, CyrilManiates, Maria RikaManuel, FritzieMar, André de laMarabottini, AlessandromMarazza, AchilleMarchand, HansMarck, Jan H. M. van derMarg, W.Marichal, RobertMarkham, AnneMarks, PeterMarrow, JamesMartens, BelaMartin, William E.Martin, Y.Martone, Father ThomasMarruach, AciscloMasi, Alessandro deMattingly, J. R.Mayekawa, SeiroMayer, MartinMendel, ArthurMerlen, L. Jacobs vanMerkelMerle, PierreMesserer, WilhelmMetternich, Franz Graf WolffMeurer, HeribertMeyer, Ann MansMeyer, Erich Meyer, HermanMeyer-Baer, KathiMeyers, HansMillar, Bradford P.Miller, Charles R. D.Miller, Clyde R.Misch, GeorgMoehle, RuedigerMoeller, KurtMolle, F. VanMondadori, AlbertoMontagna, LinoMontago, JenniferMontesquiou Frzensac, Blaise deMontone, FatherMoratz, FrankMorawitz, KurtMorris, Dudley H.Morse, BeverlyMortimer, Mary H.Moseley, Jane E.Moulinier, Edward P.Müller, GerhardMullet, Charles F.Munhall, Edgar J.Münzel, B.H.M.Mutsaers, B.Mylonas, George E.
Maas - Manasse, 1955-1968
Select: Maas - Manasse, 1955-1968 Scope and Contents note Maas, John C.Mabille, A.Mack-Smith, DenisMahon, DenisMajno, GuidoMalone, LeeManasse, Ernst Moritz
Mandowsky - Martin, 1925-1968, undated
Select: Mandowsky - Martin, 1925-1968, undated Scope and Contents note Mandowsky, ErnaMann, AlfredMarcus, StanleyMarenau, HenryMarquand, Eleanor C.Marsden, C. A.Martens, BellaMartin, F. David
Martin, John Rupert, 1952-1967
Select: Martin, John Rupert, 1952-1967
Martin - Meeson, 1947-1966
Select: Martin - Meeson, 1947-1966 Scope and Contents note Martin, KurtMather, Frank J., Jr.Mayo, Penelope C.Mayor, A. HyattMeeson, B.
Meiss, Millard, 1936-1975, undated
Select: Meiss, Millard, 1936-1975, undated
Melamed - Mendel, 1950-1966
Select: Melamed - Mendel, 1950-1966 Scope and Contents note Melamed, Hope GoodmanMeller, P. PeterMeltzoff, StanleyMenase, LucMendel, Arthur
Menil - Meyerson, 1952-1967
Select: Menil - Meyerson, 1952-1967 Scope and Contents note Menil, John deMerritt, BenjaminMertz, Richard R.Metzger, MendelMeyerson, I.
Meyne - Middledorf, 1944-1962
Select: Meyne - Middledorf, 1944-1962 Scope and Contents note Meyne, WilliMiddledorf, Ulrich
Miner, Dorothy Eugenia, 1935-1973
Select: Miner, Dorothy Eugenia, 1935-1973
Minott - Mitchell, 1957-1966
Select: Minott - Mitchell, 1957-1966 Scope and Contents note Minott, Charles I.Mirimonde, A. P. deMirsky, JeannetteMitchell, Charles
Mitrany, David, 1952-1965
Select: Mitrany, David, 1952-1965
Moakley, Gertrude, 1955-1967
Select: Moakley, Gertrude, 1955-1967
Modestini - Möhle, 1957-1965
Select: Modestini - Möhle, 1957-1965 Scope and Contents note Modestini, MarioMöhle, Hans
Möller, Lise Lotte, 1954-1967
Select: Möller, Lise Lotte, 1954-1967
Mommsen - Morey, 1942-1961
Select: Mommsen - Morey, 1942-1961 Scope and Contents note Mommsen, Theodor E.Mongan, AgnesMink, Samuel H.Morey, Charles Rufus
Morley - Mosse, 1947-1966
Select: Morley - Mosse, 1947-1966 Scope and Contents note Morley, S. GriswoldMorper, Johann JosephMorse, MarstonMortimer, M. H.Mosse, Walter
Mueller - Mufmord, 1951-1967
Select: Mueller - Mufmord, 1951-1967 Scope and Contents note Mueller, EarlMüller, TheodorMüller, Wolfgang J.Müller Hofstede, CorneliusMumford, Lewis
Muraro, Michelangelo, 1956-1967
Select: Muraro, Michelangelo, 1956-1967
Mütherich, Florentine, 1960-1966
Select: Mütherich, Florentine, 1960-1966
N, General (single letters, Nachod - Nostrand), 1937-1966
Select: N, General (single letters, Nachod - Nostrand), 1937-1966 Scope and Contents note Nachod, Frederick C.Najder, ZdzislawNathan, OttoNauert, Charles G., Jr.Neisser, H.Nemser, CindyNeuberger, HansNeumann, SigmundNew York TimesNewton, Francis J.Nicely, KatharineNickerson, HoffmanNicolson, L. VertovaNicolson, Mary CoeNilgren, UrsulaNill, Anna M.Niver, CharlesNorden, HeinzNostrand, Albert Van
Nadel - Nef, 1944-1967
Select: Nadel - Nef, 1944-1967 Scope and Contents note Nadel, George H.Nahm, Milton C.Nash, RayNathan, HansNathan, HelmuthNef, John U.
Negri - Neumann, 1936-1971, undated
Select: Negri - Neumann, 1936-1971, undated Scope and Contents note Negri, Enrico and Lilo deNesselhauf, Herbert, undatedNeugebauer, OttoNeumann, Jaromír
Neumeyer, Alfred, 1943-1970
Select: Neumeyer, Alfred, 1943-1970
Newton - Nock, 1948-1970
Select: Newton - Nock, 1948-1970 Scope and Contents note Newton, CarolineNicolson, Marjorie H.Nock, Arthur D.
Nordenfalk, Carl, 1939-1967
Select: Nordenfalk, Carl, 1939-1967
Nordström - Norton, 1953-1967
Select: Nordström - Norton, 1953-1967 Scope and Contents Nordström, Carl-Otto Nordström, Folke Norton, Paul F.
O, General (single letters, O'Brien - Opie), 1933-1967
Select: O, General (single letters, O'Brien - Opie), 1933-1967 Scope and Contents note O'Brien, Gerard F.O'Dea, ConnieOelher, LisaOertal, RobertOffenbacher, EmilOksala, P.Olin, Caroline BowerOpie, J. N. Lindsay
Oberer - Ong, 1931-1968
Select: Oberer - Ong, 1931-1968 Scope and Contents note Oberer, HariolfO'Connell, Rev. John P.Oexmann, Theophila JoanOffner, RichardOng, Rev. Father Walter J.
Oppenheimer, 1956-1966
Select: Oppenheimer, 1956-1966 Scope and Contents note Oppenheimer, Fritz E.Oppenheimer, J. Robert Conditions Governing Use This folder has been digitized but is not available online; usage conditions apply. Contact Reference Services for more information.
Orsini, Gian, 1954-1966, undated
Select: Orsini, Gian, 1954-1966, undated
Osten, Gert van, 1952-1972
Select: Osten, Gert van, 1952-1972
Owen, Henry G., 1956-1966
Select: Owen, Henry G., 1956-1966
P, General (single letters, Paine - Pulitzer), 1937-1967
Select: P, General (single letters, Paine - Pulitzer), 1937-1967 Scope and Contents note Paine, Francisca WarrenPaine, Michael J.Palacios, Alvar GonzalezPalmer, George A.Pancoast, JohnPapajewski, HelmutPargellis, StanleyPark, Marion S.Parker, Harry S., IIIParsons, Harold W.Partington, RuthPaul, JurgenPauwels, H.Pawson, Herbert B.Pevsner, NikolausPhilippe, JosephPhilippsohn, JennyPicard, CharlesPicard, RaymondPierson, Mrs. Emery LancasterPinthus, AlexanderPoillon, Mrs. ArthurPolier, Justine WisePolzer, JosephPompanin, A.Poole, Dewitt ClintonPopesco, PaulPost, Chandler R.Preddy, C. R., Jr.Price, Derek J.Price, PamelaPrinceton Club of New YorkPrudential Insurance CompanyPuhst, JohannPulitzer, Joseph
Paatz - Pächt, 1951-1967
Select: Paatz - Pächt, 1951-1967 Scope and Contents note Paatz, W.Pächt, Otto
Pais - Papp, 1953-1967
Select: Pais - Papp, 1953-1967 Scope and Contents note Pais, AbrahamPalme, PerPanofsky, Hans and WolfgangPapp, Béla
Parkhurst, Charles P., 1943-1971
Select: Parkhurst, Charles P., 1943-1971
Pásztory, Catherine, 1949-1966
Select: Pásztory, Catherine, 1949-1966
Pauli, 1928-1970, undated
Select: Pauli, 1928-1970, undated Scope and Contents note Pauli, GustavPauli, MagdalenePauli, Wolfgang Conditions Governing Use This folder has been digitized but is not available online; usage conditions apply. Contact Reference Services for more information.
Paulsson, Gregor, 1952-1960
Select: Paulsson, Gregor, 1952-1960
Pacchiai - Petersen, 1947-1967
Select: Pacchiai - Petersen, 1947-1967 Scope and Contents note Pacchiai, PióPedretti, CarloPeery, WilliamPerlmutter, JoshuaPerrig, Alexander, F. X.Petersen, Ulla
Peyre - Phillips, 1949-1967
Select: Peyre - Phillips, 1949-1967 Scope and Contents note Peyre, Henri M.Pfeiffer, H.Philip, Lotte BrandtPhilippot, PaulPhillips, John
Pichetto - Plaut, 1948-1966
Select: Pichetto - Plaut, 1948-1966 Scope and Contents note Pichetto, Stephen G.Pieper, PaulPiper, Otto A.Placzek, GeorgePlaut, Alfred
Plochmann - Pope-Hennessy, 1938-1968
Select: Plochmann - Pope-Hennessy, 1938-1968 Scope and Contents note Plochmann, George KimballPobor, GrgaPoggioli, RenatoPölnitz, Gerhard Freiherr vonPope-Hennessy, John
Porcher, Jean, 1947-1968
Select: Porcher, Jean, 1947-1968
Posner - Puyvelde, 1942-1967
Select: Posner - Puyvelde, 1942-1967 Scope and Contents note Posner, DonaldPost, GainesPratt, Robert A.Pressouyre, LéonPreston, LionelProcacci, UgoPuppi, LionelloPuyvelde, Leo van
Quarré - Qvarnström, 1946-1968
Select: Quarré - Qvarnström, 1946-1968 Scope and Contents note Quarré, PierreQuintavalle, Augusta G.Quirt, Walter W.Qvarnström, Gunnar
R, General (single letters, Rabuse - Ryskamp), 1938-1967
Select: R, General (single letters, Rabuse - Ryskamp), 1938-1967 Scope and Contents note Rabuse, GeorgRadernaher, HansRakob, FriederichRappolt, PaulRasmussen, Nils LudvigRand, E. K.Reading, CarolynReed, Sue WelshReibnitz, Rudolf V.Reincke, HeinrichReissner, H. G.Reimche, JeanRevel, E.Reynal, EugeneRIASRichter, George M.Richter, Gisela M. A.Rieck, WilhelmRiedl, Peter AnselmRieth,, AdolfRiggio, Conrad F.Ringbom, SixtenRingler, JosefRitter, EwaldRobinson, ChalfantRodríguez Savall, AlfonsoRoems, H.Rose, ElsaRood, Sherrill M.Rookmaaker, H. R.Roosen-Runge, H.Rorimer, James J.Rosenbach, A. S.Rosenbaum, Elizabeth Rosenberg, C. G.Rosenberg, FrancesRosenbert, Mr. and Mrs. JohnRosenfeld, Leonard J.Rosenthal, JaneRoss, James BruceRoss, Lawrence J.Roth, CecilRowley, GeorgeRubin, EnidRückert, RanierRaudruf, L.Ruhemann, HelmutRutan, Clinton N.Ryskamp, Charles
Rabb - Raemisch, 1949-1967
Select: Rabb - Raemisch, 1949-1967 Scope and Contents note Rabb, Theodore K.Rabinowicz, TheodoreRademacher, HansRaemisch, Waldemar
Raggio, Olga, 1951-1965
Select: Raggio, Olga, 1951-1965
Randall - Raubitschek, 1940-1967
Select: Randall - Raubitschek, 1940-1967 Scope and Contents note Randall, Lewis V.Randall, Lillian M. C.Raubitschek, Antony E.
Rawson - Reff, 1951-1967
Select: Rawson - Reff, 1951-1967 Scope and Contents note Rawson, C. J.Reese, GustavReff, Theodore
Regteren - Reinhold, 1945-1965
Select: Regteren - Reinhold, 1945-1965 Scope and Contents note Regteren Altena, J. Q. vanReinhart, OskarReinheldt, CurtReinhold, H. A.
Reti, Ladislao, 1957-1973
Select: Reti, Ladislao, 1957-1973
Reutersvärd, 1957-1965
Select: Reutersvärd, 1957-1965 Scope and Contents note Reutersvärd, OscarReutersvärd, Patrick
Rewald - Richter, 1937-1966
Select: Rewald - Richter, 1937-1966 Scope and Contents note Rewald, JohnReynolds, Robert L.Reznicek, E.K.J.Richelson, Paul W.Richmond, Donald E.Richter, Irma A.
Rickert - Robb, 1936-1962
Select: Rickert - Robb, 1936-1962 Scope and Contents Rickert, MargaretRipley,ElisabethRobb, David M.
Roberts - Roosval, 1946-1967, undated
Select: Roberts - Roosval, 1946-1967, undated Scope and Contents note Roberts, R. M.Robertson, GilesRoche, Thomas P., Jr.Roe, AlbertRomanini, Angiola MariaRoosval, Johnny
Rosen - Rosenberg, 1954-1967, undated
Select: Rosen - Rosenberg, 1954-1967, undated Scope and Contents note Rosen, EdwardRosenau-Carmi, HelenRosenbaum, AllenRosenberg, J. B.
Rosenberg, Jakob, 1943-1968
Select: Rosenberg, Jakob, 1943-1968
Rosenberg - Rosenthal, 1946-1962, undated
Select: Rosenberg - Rosenthal, 1946-1962, undated Scope and Contents note Rosenberg, PierreRosenblum, RobertRosenthal, ErwinRosenthal, Gertrude
Rosenwald, Lessing J., 1951-1965
Select: Rosenwald, Lessing J., 1951-1965
Röthel, Hans K., 1932-1971
Select: Röthel, Hans K., 1932-1971
Rothlein - Röthlisberger, 1952-1964
Select: Rothlein - Röthlisberger, 1952-1964 Scope and Contents note Rothlein, JeromeRöthlisberger, Marcel
Rowland - Ruzicka, 1948-1965
Select: Rowland - Ruzicka, 1948-1965 Scope and Contents note Rowland, BenjaminRudenstine, AngelicaRudzinski, Aleksander WitoldRussell, HeideRüstow, AlexanderRuzicka, R.
S, General (single letters, Saalman - Silvers), 1937-1967
Select: S, General (single letters, Saalman - Silvers), 1937-1967 Scope and Contents note Saalman, HowardSaint-Aubain, M. P. deSalaquarda, CharlesSales, Grover, Jr.Salinger, GerhardSalm, Christian AltgrafSalomon, AlbertSandbla, Nils G.Sanders, Ernst H.Sanders, GabeSanford, Eva MatthewsSavage, H. L.Scheidmantelivian J.Schelldorfer, K.Scher, Stephen K.Schickel, RichardSchildt-Bunim, M.Schmalenbach, FritzSchmidt, GeorgSchmidt, H. D.Schmidt-Degener, H.Schneider, Donald D.Scholtens, H.J.J.Schrader, Jack L.Schramm, Percy ErnstSchreinert KurtSchrickel, H. G.Schubert, Wolf H.Schuchhardt, W. H.Schütt, MarySchütze, MartinSchultz, H. StefanSchulz, JuergenCarl Schurz Memorial FoundationSchwartz, GarySchwartz, James H.Secchi, Claudio Cesare[Sessions?], RogerShearman, John K. G.Siebenhüner, H.Siegel, EliSiegerist, Henry E.Silvers, Ilse Folk
S, General (single letters, Silverstein - Szathmary), 1944-1967
Select: S, General (single letters, Silverstein - Szathmary), 1944-1967 Scope and Contents note Silverstein, MarySilz, PriscillaSimon, ErikaSimor, GeorgeSingleton, Charles S.Sinicins, N.Sjöqvist, ErikSlingenbergSloane, John P.Smith, Francis P.Smith, GrahamSmith, Nancy R.Smith, Richard FlandersSmulders, F.Snyers, M. R.Snyder, RobertSolomon, Dagmar I.Solomon, Eva aTevanSolomonski, FritzSpear, Richard E.Spector, JackSpeigel, EileenSptizer, WolfgangStampflel, FeliceStange, AlfredStapleforth, Richard W.Stebbins, Frederick A.Steinhausen, H. K.Stern, Frederic A.Stern, OttoSternfeld, W.Stevens, Charles RolfeStewart, Dorothy N.Stites, Raymond S.Stoessel, OskarStone, I. F.Strauss, Walter L.Strayer, Joseph R.Strong, Earl D.Strunsky, RobertSulzberger, SusanneSztuki, Pa stwowe ZbiorySzablowski, JerzySzathmary, Arthur
Sachs - Salas, 1948-1969
Select: Sachs - Salas, 1948-1969 Scope and Contents note Sachs, CurtSachs, DavidSachs, Paul J.Saffaro, LucioSalas, Xavier de
Saldern - Salmi, 1940-1967
Select: Saldern - Salmi, 1940-1967 Scope and Contents note Saldern, Axel vonSalinger, GerhardSalinger, HermanSalmi, Mario
Salomon, Richard, 1934-1968, undated
Select: Salomon, Richard, 1934-1968, undated
Santillana - Saran, 1956-1967, undated
Select: Santillana - Saran, 1956-1967, undated Scope and Contents note Santillana, Giurio deSantos, Reynaldo dosSaran, Bernhard
Sarollli - Sarton, 1946-1967
Select: Sarollli - Sarton, 1946-1967 Scope and Contents note Sarolli, Gian RobertoSarton, George
Sauerländer, Willibald, 1957-1967
Select: Sauerländer, Willibald, 1957-1967
Sauerlandt - Scaglia, 1921-1969, undated
Select: Sauerlandt - Scaglia, 1921-1969, undated Scope and Contents note Sauerlandt, MaxSaxl, FritzScaglia, Gustina
Schaefer, Claude, 1947-1966
Select: Schaefer, Claude, 1947-1966
Schaper, Gunter, 1962
Select: Schaper, Gunter, 1962
Schapiro, Meyer, 1937-1967
Select: Schapiro, Meyer, 1937-1967
Schaut, Father Quentin L., 1948-1961
Select: Schaut, Father Quentin L., 1948-1961
Schefold - Schiff, 1958-1972, undated
Select: Schefold - Schiff, 1958-1972, undated Scope and Contents note Schefold, Marianne, 1958-1965Schéle, Sune, 1962Schenk zu Schweinsberg, Eberhard FreiherrSchiff, Gert
Schilling - Schönberger, 1945-1966
Select: Schilling - Schönberger, 1945-1966 Scope and Contents note Schilling, E.Schilling, RosySchlunk, HelmutSchmid, WolfgangSchmidt, GerhardSchönberger, G.
Schöne, Wolfgang, 1954-1967
Select: Schöne, Wolfgang, 1954-1967
Schrade - Schuchhardt, 1927-1976
Select: Schrade - Schuchhardt, 1927-1976 Scope and Contents note Schrade, HubertSchramm, RuthSchryver, Antoine deSchuchhardt, W. H.
Schulz-Behrend - Schwabacher, 1954-1968
Select: Schulz-Behrend - Schwabacher, 1954-1968 Scope and Contents note Schulz-Behrend, GeorgeSchürer-von Witzleben, ElisabethSchüssler, HermannSchwabacher, Willy
Schwarz, 1953-1974
Select: Schwarz, 1953-1974 Scope and Contents note Schwarz, HeinrichSchwarz, Henry F.
Schwarzenberg - Seidlin, 1946-1966, undated
Select: Schwarzenberg - Seidlin, 1946-1966, undated Scope and Contents note Schwarzenberg, ErkingerSchweitzer, BernhardSegall, BertaSeidlin, Oskar
Selig - Serra, 1947-1967
Select: Selig - Serra, 1947-1967 Scope and Contents note Selig, Karl LudwigSeligmann, GermainSerra, Manuel
Sessions - Setton, 1950-1967, undated
Select: Sessions - Setton, 1950-1967, undated Scope and Contents note Sessions, BarbaraSettis, SalvatoreSetton, Kenneth M.
Šev enko - Seymour, 1947-1965
Select: Šev enko - Seymour, 1947-1965 Scope and Contents note Šev enko, IhorSewall, JohnSexton, Eric H. L.Seymour, Charles
Seyrig - Sheppard, 1946-1968
Select: Seyrig - Sheppard, 1946-1968 Scope and Contents note Seyrig, HenriSheldon, Alice D.Sheppard, Carl D.
Sherry, William Grant, 1961-1964
Select: Sherry, William Grant, 1961-1964
Shorr - Sjöquist, 1938-1967
Select: Shorr - Sjöquist, 1938-1967 Scope and Contents note Shorr, DorothyShyrock, Richard H.Silverstein, TheodoreSimon, JulesSimson, Otto vonSjöquist, Erik
Sladeczek - Smith, 1951-1967, undated
Select: Sladeczek - Smith, 1951-1967, undated Scope and Contents note Sladeczek, LeonhardSloane, Joseph C.Smith, Nancy and E. Baldwin
Smyth, Craig, 1951-1966
Select: Smyth, Craig, 1951-1966
Snell, Bruno, 1946-1971, undated
Select: Snell, Bruno, 1946-1971, undated
Snyder - Solberg, 1950-1963
Select: Snyder - Solberg, 1950-1963 Scope and Contents note Snyder, James E.Snyder, RobertSolberg, Carl
Somitz, Walter and Elly, 1928-1963, undated
Select: Somitz, Walter and Elly, 1928-1963, undated
Sommer - Soth, 1949-1967
Select: Sommer - Soth, 1949-1967 Scope and Contents Sommer, Frank H.Soper, Alexander CoburnSoth, Lauren
Speiser, David, 1960-1967
Select: Speiser, David, 1960-1967
Spencer, 1951-1964
Select: Spencer, 1951-1964 Scope and Contents note Spencer, Eleanor P.Spencer, John R.
Speilberg, Ernest and Marie-Louise, 1951-1966
Select: Speilberg, Ernest and Marie-Louise, 1951-1966
Spitzer, Leo, 1950-1956, undated
Select: Spitzer, Leo, 1950-1956, undated
Springell - Starobinski, 1956-1965
Select: Springell - Starobinski, 1956-1965 Scope and Contents note Springell, F.Stafski, HeinzStarobinski, Jean
Stechow, W., 1922-1971
Select: Stechow, W., 1922-1971
Steck - Steinberg, 1940-1966
Select: Steck - Steinberg, 1940-1966 Scope and Contents note Steck, MaxSteegmuller, FrancisSteinberg, Leo
Steinitz, Kate, 1945-1967
Select: Steinitz, Kate, 1945-1967
Sterling - Steneberg, 1954-1966
Select: Sterling - Steneberg, 1954-1966 Scope and Contents note Sterling, CharlesSteneberg, Karl Eric
Stern, Henri, 1954-1967
Select: Stern, Henri, 1954-1967
Sternfeld, Frederick W., 1950-1961
Select: Sternfeld, Frederick W., 1950-1961
Stillman - Strauss, 1931-1968, undated
Select: Stillman - Strauss, 1931-1968, undated Scope and Contents note Stillman, ClarkStock, BrianStoddard, Whitney S.Stokes, MurielStone, LawrenceStraus, Erwin W.Strauss, LewisStrauss, Walter L.
Streisand - Stridbeck, 1953-1965
Select: Streisand - Stridbeck, 1953-1965 Scope and Contents note Streisand, HugoStridbeck, Carl G.
Strittmatter - Suida, 1950-1967
Select: Strittmatter - Suida, 1950-1967 Scope and Contents note Strittmatter, Rev. AnselmStubbe, WolfStubblebine, James H.Suida, W.
Swarzesnki, Georg, 1930-1957
Select: Swarzesnki, Georg, 1930-1957
Swarzenski, Hanus, 1931-1966
Select: Swarzenski, Hanus, 1931-1966
Sweeney - Szladitz, 1937-1967
Select: Sweeney - Szladitz, 1937-1967 Scope and Contents note Sweeney, J. J.Swoboda, Karl M.Symeonides, SibillaSzladitz, Lola
T, General (single letters, Takashina - Tyler), 1940-1967
Select: T, General (single letters, Takashina - Tyler), 1940-1967 Scope and Contents note Takashina, SujiTavel, Hans Christoph vonTaylor, Michael A.Teasdale, MollyTernbach, JosephTheuerkauff-Leiderwald, Anna ElisabethThirby, Mrs. Edwin L.Thirlwall, John C.Thompson, DorothyThordeman, BengtThorne, Edgar F.Thullier, JacquesTigerstedt, E. N.Tolman, Sally JonesTomko, George PeterTördten, Hans W.Toussiant, RolfTritscher, WaltherTritschTurner, R.Tyler, Parker
Tarkington, Booth and Betty, 1938-1973, undated
Select: Tarkington, Booth and Betty, 1938-1973, undated
Tatarkiewicz - TenBroeck, 1937-1965
Select: Tatarkiewicz - TenBroeck, 1937-1965 Scope and Contents note Tatarkiewicz, WlodyslawTaubert, JohannesTaylor, Francis HenryTaylor, SybilTemkin, OsweiTemko, AllanTenBroeck, Carl and Jane
Tervarent, Guy de, 1956-1966
Select: Tervarent, Guy de, 1956-1966
Teyssèdre - Thompson, 1951-1967
Select: Teyssèdre - Thompson, 1951-1967 Scope and Contents note Teyssèdre, BernardThiem, GuntherThompson, C. R.Thompson, Homer A.Thompson, Mary Lee
Thordeman - Thyssen-Bornemisza, 1961-1966
Select: Thordeman - Thyssen-Bornemisza, 1961-1966 Scope and Contents note Thordeman, BengtThyssen-Bornemisza, H. H.
Tietze, Erica, 1937-1958
Select: Tietze, Erica, 1937-1958
Tolnay - Trinkaus, 1940-1966
Select: Tolnay - Trinkaus, 1940-1966 Scope and Contents note Tolnay, Charles deTonelli, GiorgioTrapp. J. B.Trell, Bluma L.Treves, MarcoTrinkaus, Charles
Tschmelitsch - Usher, 1950-1968
Select: Tschmelitsch - Usher, 1950-1968 Scope and Contents note Tschmelitsch, GüntherTselos, DimitriTilly, Mary AnnTuve, RosemundUllman, B. L.Ullman, PierreUllmann, ErnstUnderwood, MargaretUngar, Emery U.Urken, Mrs. PaulUsher, Abbott P.
Van Isselt - Voss (single letters), 1942-1967
Select: Van Isselt - Voss (single letters), 1942-1967 Scope and Contents note Van Isselt, Harriette Van DamVan de Velde, R. W.Van Doren, IritaVan Ghent, DorothyVanderbilt, PaulVerodn, Timothy C.Vescovini, G. FedericiVidal, AdrienneViljoen, Helen GillViñals, Salvio G.Vogel, AmosVogel, Bernard W.Vogel, GerhardVogelsang, W.Vogelstein, HerthaVolbach, Walther R.Vondracek, M. JonVon Saldern, A.Voss, W.
Valentiner - Vasalle, 1942-1966
Select: Valentiner - Vasalle, 1942-1966 Scope and Contents note Valentiner, W. R.Van Kuylen, KristerVan Nostrand, A. D.Varma, K. M.Vasalle, Rudolph A.
Veblen, Oswald, 1950-1960
Select: Veblen, Oswald, 1950-1960
Verdier, Philippe, 1949-1967
Select: Verdier, Philippe, 1949-1967
Verhaegen, Nicole, 1951-1960
Select: Verhaegen, Nicole, 1951-1960
Verheyen, Egon, 1960-1967
Select: Verheyen, Egon, 1960-1967 Conditions Governing Use This folder has been digitized but is not available online; usage conditions apply. Contact Reference Services for more information.
Verheyen, Egon, 1960-1967
Select: Verheyen, Egon, 1960-1967 Conditions Governing Use This folder has been digitized but is not available online; usage conditions apply. Contact Reference Services for more information.
Verheyen, Egon, 1960-1967
Select: Verheyen, Egon, 1960-1967 Conditions Governing Use This folder has been digitized but is not available online; usage conditions apply. Contact Reference Services for more information.
Verulam - Vinken, 1949-1966
Select: Verulam - Vinken, 1949-1966 Scope and Contents Verulam, LordVetter, Ewald M.Vierbeck, PeterVinken, P.J.
Vöge, Wilhelm, 1924-1975, undated
Select: Vöge, Wilhelm, 1924-1975, undated
Vossler, Otto, 1953-1955
Select: Vossler, Otto, 1953-1955
W, General (single letters, Waith - Wülfingen), 1926-1967
Select: W, General (single letters, Waith - Wülfingen), 1926-1967 Scope and Contents note Waith, Eugene M.Walle, A. Van deWallen, BurrWallington, IanWallis, MieczyslaroWalters, ChristianWalters, GaryWarburg, Erich M.Ward, John L.Ward, Mary C.Watson, GeorgeWabinski, ZygmuntWBAI RadioWeadock, GertrudeWearinga, Juw fonWeber-Marshall, J.Webster, CarsonWehle, HarryWeil, AndréWeilgart, Wolfgang J.Weinberg, SaulWeinberg, Gladys D.Weinberger, EdithWeingram, S.Weintraub, ViktorWeisgall, NathalieWeisinger, HerbertWeisner, UlrichWeitz, MorrisWesenberg, RudolfWhile, RoyWhite, ChristopherWhite, Howard B.Whitman, Robert F.Whitney, HasslerWHOM RadioWickman, E. K.Wight, Frederick S.Wilber, Donald N.Wilde, JohannesWildenstein, DanielWiles, R. M.Willard, Helen D.Wellliver, WarmanWilliams, Phyllis L.Willoughby, Harold R.Wilson, J. ChristyWinslow, Harriet P.Winternitz, EmanuelWirth, Karl-AugustWitt, EobertWohl, HellmutWolandt, GerdWolf, GertrudeWolff, Eleanor L.Wolff, HeleneWood, LedgerWoodwardWoody, William H., Jr.Woolf, HarryWülfngen, Ordenberg Bock von
Waal - Wackernagel, 1947-1964
Select: Waal - Wackernagel, 1947-1964 Scope and Contents note Waal, H. van deWace, Allen J. B.Wackernagel, Wolfgang D.
Walker, 1948-1966
Select: Walker, 1948-1966 Scope and Contents note Walker, D. P.Walker, JohnWalker, Robert
Wallace, Richard W., 1959-1968
Select: Wallace, Richard W., 1959-1968
Warburg - Warren, 1940-1964
Select: Warburg - Warren, 1940-1964 Scope and Contents note Warburg, AnitaWarburg, Edward M. M.Warburg, Erich M.Warburg, MaxWard, ClarenceWarren, Edith
Wasson, R. Gordon, 1950-1957
Select: Wasson, R. Gordon, 1950-1957
Waterhouse - Weinmann, 1946-1965
Select: Waterhouse - Weinmann, 1946-1965 Scope and Contents note Waterhouse, Ellis K.Webster-Bulatkin, EleanorWeinberg, BernardWeinberger, MartinWeinmann, Françoise
Weisinger, Herbert, 1946-1965
Select: Weisinger, Herbert, 1946-1965
Weitenkampt - Weitzmann, 1951-1965
Select: Weitenkampt - Weitzmann, 1951-1965 Scope and Contents note Weitenkampf, FrankWeitzmann, Kurt
Weixlgärtner, Arpad and Josephine, 1950-1963, undated
Select: Weixlgärtner, Arpad and Josephine, 1950-1963, undated
Welliver - Wengroth, 1956-1958, undated
Select: Welliver - Wengroth, 1956-1958, undated Scope and Contents note Welliver, Mrs. Charles B.Welliver, WarmanWelsh, SueWengroth, Stow
Wentzel, Hans, 1950-1975
Select: Wentzel, Hans, 1950-1975
Wershba - Wethey, 1941-1961
Select: Wershba - Wethey, 1941-1961 Scope and Contents note Wershba, JoeWescher, PaulWethey, Harold E.
White, John, 1950-1955
Select: White, John, 1950-1955
White, Lynn, 1938-1967
Select: White, Lynn, 1938-1967
Wildenstein, Georges, 1945-1961
Select: Wildenstein, Georges, 1945-1961
Will - Winkler, 1938-1967, undated
Select: Will - Winkler, 1938-1967, undated Scope and Contents note Will, FredericWillert, PaulWilhelm, PiaWilson, LarryWind, EdgarWinkler, Friederich
Winternitz, Emmanuel, 1953-1966
Select: Winternitz, Emmanuel, 1953-1966
Witte, Wilhelm, 1961
Select: Witte, Wilhelm, 1961
Wittkower, Rudolph, 1936-1971
Select: Wittkower, Rudolph, 1936-1971
Woodford, Susan, 1966
Select: Woodford, Susan, 1966
Wolff, Kurt, 1942-1960
Select: Wolff, Kurt, 1942-1960
Woodward, Llewellyn, 1957-1962
Select: Woodward, Llewellyn, 1957-1962
Wormald, Francis, 1937-1967
Select: Wormald, Francis, 1937-1967
Wrightsman - Wuttke, 1953-1972, undated
Select: Wrightsman - Wuttke, 1953-1972, undated Scope and Contents note Wrightsman, C. B.Wuttke, Dieter
Xydis - Zeitler, 1945-1967
Select: Xydis - Zeitler, 1945-1967 Scope and Contents note Xydis, StephenYates, FrancesYoung, Mrs. T. R.Zados-Jitta, A. N.Zaffrani, Gian FrancaZannetti, MarioZarnecki, GeorgeZebal, Kinta A.Ziegermann, ErichZiegermann, PeterZeitlin, J.Zeitler, Rudolf
Zerner - Zupnick, 1937-1969
Select: Zerner - Zupnick, 1937-1969 Scope and Contents note Zerner, HenriZigrosser, CarlZilsel, E.Zimmerman, Mary H.Zucker, PaulZupnick, I. L.