Dealers - California
Select: Dealers - California
Atlantic Richfield, 1981-1984
Select: Atlantic Richfield, 1981-1984
Joni Gordon/Newspace, 1981-1986
Select: Joni Gordon/Newspace, 1981-1986
Harcourts Contemporary, 1985-1986
Select: Harcourts Contemporary, 1985-1986
Judy Kay/San Francisco, 1982-1986
Select: Judy Kay/San Francisco, 1982-1986
Rubicon Gallery, 1981-1982
Select: Rubicon Gallery, 1981-1982
Santa Barbara Arts Forum, 1982-1983
Select: Santa Barbara Arts Forum, 1982-1983
Joan Simon/Functional Art Show, 1981
Select: Joan Simon/Functional Art Show, 1981
Bruce Velick Gallery, 1983-1985
Select: Bruce Velick Gallery, 1983-1985
California- Miscellaneous, 1986
Select: California- Miscellaneous, 1986
World Print Council/Leslie Luebbers, 1983-1986
Select: World Print Council/Leslie Luebbers, 1983-1986
Dealers - Colorado
Select: Dealers - Colorado
Robischon Gallery, 1986
Select: Robischon Gallery, 1986
Janie Beggs Fine Arts, 1986
Select: Janie Beggs Fine Arts, 1986
Unicorn Gallery, 1983-1984
Select: Unicorn Gallery, 1983-1984
Dealers - Connecticut
Select: Dealers - Connecticut
Parson Webb Gallery, 1981
Select: Parson Webb Gallery, 1981
Dealers - Washington, DC
Select: Dealers - Washington, DC
Brody's Gallery, 1983
Select: Brody's Gallery, 1983
Jean Efron, 1982-1986
Select: Jean Efron, 1982-1986
McIntosh/Drysdale Gallery, 1981-1986
Select: McIntosh/Drysdale Gallery, 1981-1986
Washington, DC Miscellaneous, 1986
Select: Washington, DC Miscellaneous, 1986
Dealers - Florida
Select: Dealers - Florida
Fay Gold Gallery, 1981-1986
Select: Fay Gold Gallery, 1981-1986
Center for the Contemporary Arts, 1984-1986
Select: Center for the Contemporary Arts, 1984-1986
Carol Getz, 1982
Select: Carol Getz, 1982
Norton Art Gallery, 1982
Select: Norton Art Gallery, 1982
Tampa Art Museum, 1983
Select: Tampa Art Museum, 1983
University of West Florida Gallery, 1983-1984
Select: University of West Florida Gallery, 1983-1984
Dealers - Georgia
Select: Dealers - Georgia
Coca-Cola, 1986
Select: Coca-Cola, 1986
Dealers - Hawaii
Select: Dealers - Hawaii
Marvin Heifferman/Liberty House, undated
Select: Marvin Heifferman/Liberty House, undated
Dealers - Illinois
Select: Dealers - Illinois
Barbara Balkin, 1982-1983
Select: Barbara Balkin, 1982-1983
Dart Gallery, 1981-1983
Select: Dart Gallery, 1981-1983
Sondra Eisenberg, 1983-1984
Select: Sondra Eisenberg, 1983-1984
Hokin Gallery, 1983
Select: Hokin Gallery, 1983
Landfall Press, 1982-1984
Select: Landfall Press, 1982-1984
Lillstreet Gallery, 1986
Select: Lillstreet Gallery, 1986
Larson Associates Inc., 1986
Select: Larson Associates Inc., 1986
Chicago Musuem of Contemporary Art, 1982-1983
Select: Chicago Musuem of Contemporary Art, 1982-1983
Dealers - Iowa
Select: Dealers - Iowa
Perciva Galleries, 1986
Select: Perciva Galleries, 1986
Dealers - Kansas/Missouri
Select: Dealers - Kansas/Missouri
Brentwood Gallery, 1984
Select: Brentwood Gallery, 1984
University of Missouri, Kansas City, 1982
Select: University of Missouri, Kansas City, 1982
Dealers - Louisiana
Select: Dealers - Louisiana
Elmhurst Park Gallery, 1982-1983
Select: Elmhurst Park Gallery, 1982-1983
University of South Louisiana, 1981
Select: University of South Louisiana, 1981
New Orleans, Louisiana Miscellaneous, 1986
Select: New Orleans, Louisiana Miscellaneous, 1986
Dealers - Maryland
Select: Dealers - Maryland
G.H. Dalsheimer Gallery, 1986
Select: G.H. Dalsheimer Gallery, 1986
Baltimore Musuem of Art, 1981-1983
Select: Baltimore Musuem of Art, 1981-1983
Sylvia Cordish Fine Arts, 1985
Select: Sylvia Cordish Fine Arts, 1985
Dealers - Massachusetts
Select: Dealers - Massachusetts
Aptekar Arts Management, 1983-1984
Select: Aptekar Arts Management, 1983-1984
Cutler Stavaridis Gallery, 1981
Select: Cutler Stavaridis Gallery, 1981
Krakow Gallery/Cell Friedman, undated
Select: Krakow Gallery/Cell Friedman, undated
Portia Harcus Gallery, 1983-1984
Select: Portia Harcus Gallery, 1983-1984
Magnuson Lee Gallery, 1981
Select: Magnuson Lee Gallery, 1981
Thomas Segal Gallery, 1981-1982
Select: Thomas Segal Gallery, 1981-1982
Dealers - Michigan
Select: Dealers - Michigan
Cantor Lemberg Gallery, 1981-1986
Select: Cantor Lemberg Gallery, 1981-1986
Lee Hoffman Gallery, 1982
Select: Lee Hoffman Gallery, 1982
Dealers - Minnesota
Select: Dealers - Minnesota
Lynne Sowder and Associates, 1982-1986
Select: Lynne Sowder and Associates, 1982-1986
Dealers - New Jersey
Select: Dealers - New Jersey
Art of Our Time, 1981-1984
Select: Art of Our Time, 1981-1984
Prudential Ins. Co., 1980-1981
Select: Prudential Ins. Co., 1980-1981
Rutgers Print Archives, 1982-1983
Select: Rutgers Print Archives, 1982-1983
New Jersey Miscellaneous, 1985
Select: New Jersey Miscellaneous, 1985
Dealers - New Mexico, 1990
Select: Dealers - New Mexico, 1990
Dealers - New York
Select: Dealers - New York
A.I.P.A.D., 1984
Select: A.I.P.A.D., 1984
Artists Space, 1983
Select: Artists Space, 1983
Bellette Hofmann, 1983
Select: Bellette Hofmann, 1983
Castelli Goodman Solomon Gallery, 1981-1982
Select: Castelli Goodman Solomon Gallery, 1981-1982
Elizabeth Galasso Fine Arts Leasing, 1984
Select: Elizabeth Galasso Fine Arts Leasing, 1984
Franklin Furnace, 1984
Select: Franklin Furnace, 1984
Carol Goldberg, 1982
Select: Carol Goldberg, 1982
Hudson General Corp., 1981
Select: Hudson General Corp., 1981
Corporate Art Directions/Betty Levin, 1982
Select: Corporate Art Directions/Betty Levin, 1982
New Musuem, 1983
Select: New Musuem, 1983
Paperworks Gallery, 1984
Select: Paperworks Gallery, 1984
Paris Review, 1982
Select: Paris Review, 1982
Salomon Brothers/Peggy Kutsen, 1983
Select: Salomon Brothers/Peggy Kutsen, 1983
Stacker, 1983
Select: Stacker, 1983
Thorpe Intermedia Gallery, 1981
Select: Thorpe Intermedia Gallery, 1981
28 St. Gallery/Andrew Veljkovic, 1983-1984
Select: 28 St. Gallery/Andrew Veljkovic, 1983-1984
Diane Villani, 1982-1986
Select: Diane Villani, 1982-1986
Ward Gallery, Sibley's, 1983
Select: Ward Gallery, Sibley's, 1983
New York Sales, 1986
Select: New York Sales, 1986
New York Corporate
Select: New York Corporate
Chase Bank/Jack Boulton, 1982-1985
Select: Chase Bank/Jack Boulton, 1982-1985
Fine Arts Planning Group/Nancy Rosen, 1985
Select: Fine Arts Planning Group/Nancy Rosen, 1985
Reader's Digest, 1983
Select: Reader's Digest, 1983
Randy Rosen GE, 1983
Select: Randy Rosen GE, 1983
New York Museums
Select: New York Museums
American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, 1986
Select: American Academy and Institute of Arts and Letters, 1986
Albright-Knox, 1982-1983
Select: Albright-Knox, 1982-1983
Dog Museum of America, 1982
Select: Dog Museum of America, 1982
Viart, 1983-1986
Select: Viart, 1983-1986
Wilson Arts Center/Michael Lasser, 1984
Select: Wilson Arts Center/Michael Lasser, 1984
Musuem of Modern Art, 1982-1984
Select: Musuem of Modern Art, 1982-1984
Jamaica Arts Center/William Miller, 1983
Select: Jamaica Arts Center/William Miller, 1983
Museum Tower/Sally Ludlow, 1983-1986
Select: Museum Tower/Sally Ludlow, 1983-1986
Dealers - North Carolina
Select: Dealers - North Carolina
Ackland Art Musuem/Innis Shoemaker, 1983-1984
Select: Ackland Art Musuem/Innis Shoemaker, 1983-1984
Dealers - Ohio
Select: Dealers - Ohio
Carl Solway Gallery, 1981-1986
Select: Carl Solway Gallery, 1981-1986
The New Gallery, 1981
Select: The New Gallery, 1981
Columbus Art Museum, 1982-1983
Select: Columbus Art Museum, 1982-1983
Ruth Meyer/OFA Traveling Show, 1982
Select: Ruth Meyer/OFA Traveling Show, 1982
Dealers - Oklahoma, 1983
Select: Dealers - Oklahoma, 1983
Dealers - Pennsylvania
Select: Dealers - Pennsylvania
Diane Dunning Associates, 1984-1985
Select: Diane Dunning Associates, 1984-1985
Marcus Gordon Associates, 1981-1984
Select: Marcus Gordon Associates, 1981-1984
The Fabric Workshop, 1980-1983
Select: The Fabric Workshop, 1980-1983
CIGNA Corporation, 1984
Select: CIGNA Corporation, 1984
Institute of Contemporary Art, 1983
Select: Institute of Contemporary Art, 1983
Philadelphia Art Museum, 1981-1982
Select: Philadelphia Art Museum, 1981-1982
Dealers - Rhode Island
Select: Dealers - Rhode Island
RISD Museum, 1983
Select: RISD Museum, 1983
Seabreeze Gallery, 1983-1984
Select: Seabreeze Gallery, 1983-1984
Dealers - Texas
Select: Dealers - Texas
Delahunty Gallery, 1982-1984
Select: Delahunty Gallery, 1982-1984
Kaufman Galleries, 1981
Select: Kaufman Galleries, 1981
Ben Holland/Carancahua Gallery, 1984
Select: Ben Holland/Carancahua Gallery, 1984
Mattingly-Baker Gallery, 1981-1988
Select: Mattingly-Baker Gallery, 1981-1988
Betty Moody Gallery, 1982-1983
Select: Betty Moody Gallery, 1982-1983
Texas Gallery, 1983-1986
Select: Texas Gallery, 1983-1986
Frito Lay Inc, 1986
Select: Frito Lay Inc, 1986
Dealers - Virginia
Select: Dealers - Virginia
Chrystler Museum, 1982
Select: Chrystler Museum, 1982
Dealers - Washington
Select: Dealers - Washington
Foster/White Gallery, 1982-1986
Select: Foster/White Gallery, 1982-1986
Linda Farris Gallery, 1983
Select: Linda Farris Gallery, 1983
Dealers - West Virginia
Select: Dealers - West Virginia
Raymond Hage, 1984
Select: Raymond Hage, 1984
Dealers - Wisconsin
Select: Dealers - Wisconsin
Michael Lord Gallery, 1986
Select: Michael Lord Gallery, 1986
Milwaukee Art Museum, 1986
Select: Milwaukee Art Museum, 1986
Madison Arts Center, 1982-1986
Select: Madison Arts Center, 1982-1986
Dealers - Europe
Select: Dealers - Europe
Galerie Barbara Farber/American Graffiti, 1982-1984
Select: Galerie Barbara Farber/American Graffiti, 1982-1984
ArtCurial, 1981-1984
Select: ArtCurial, 1981-1984
Konrad Fischer, 1984
Select: Konrad Fischer, 1984
Grita Insam "Franen 84", 1984
Select: Grita Insam "Franen 84", 1984
Davis Grob/12 Duke Street Gallery, 1983
Select: Davis Grob/12 Duke Street Gallery, 1983
Kestner-Gesellschaft, 1983
Select: Kestner-Gesellschaft, 1983
Paris Biennale/Georges Boudaillie, 1983
Select: Paris Biennale/Georges Boudaillie, 1983
Twigg-Smith, 1984
Select: Twigg-Smith, 1984
Dr. Eswald Rathke, 1986
Select: Dr. Eswald Rathke, 1986
Riekje Swart/Galerie Swart, 1983-1986
Select: Riekje Swart/Galerie Swart, 1983-1986
Wm Verstraeten, 1982
Select: Wm Verstraeten, 1982
Dealers - Far East
Select: Dealers - Far East
Fugi Gallery, 1984
Select: Fugi Gallery, 1984
Dealers - Latin America
Select: Dealers - Latin America
Museo Tamayo, 1983
Select: Museo Tamayo, 1983