Item Information
Title: "Leon Golub and Nancy Spero Exhibit at Hiroshima" and "On the Road"
Date: 1996
Physical Details: 1 videocassette (VHS) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in. ; 1 hr., 2 min., 35 sec.
Description: First 34 min. 52 sec. of tape contains raw footage of Nancy Spero & Leon Golub exhibit installation at Hiroshima City Museum of Contemporary Art. Additional content begins at 00:34:52. Additional content appears to be several versions of a music video in Japanese. Media label indicates that "On the Road" is music video title.
Creator: Unidentified
Forms part of: Nancy Spero papers, 1940s-2009
Rights Statement: Current copyright status is undetermined
Citation Information: "Leon Golub and Nancy Spero Exhibit at Hiroshima" and "On the Road", 1996. Nancy Spero papers, 1940s-2009. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.
Availability: This item has been digitally reformatted. It is available by requesting an appointment in the Archives of American Art's reading rooms, or in certain situations as a Reproduction Request.
Digital ID: 25863