Item Information
Title: "Nancy Spero: Black and The Red III pa Malmo Konsthall," Sune Nordgren Interviews Nancy Spero
Date: 1994
Physical Details: 1 videocassette (VHS) : sd., col. ; 1/2 in. ; 16 min., 21 sec.
Description: Media label: Media Verkstad, "Nancy Spero pa Malmö Konsthall" (NTSC). Documentary style short film in which Sune Nordgren interviews Nancy Spero at the Malmo Konsthall gallery in Malmo, Sweden. Discussion centers around Spero's piece "Black and The Red III," which she created specifically for display in that gallery space.
Creator: Spero, Nancy, 1926-2009
Forms part of: Nancy Spero papers, 1940s-2009
Rights Statement: Current copyright status is undetermined
Citation Information: Nancy Spero. "Nancy Spero: Black and The Red III pa Malmo Konsthall," Sune Nordgren Interviews Nancy Spero, 1994. Nancy Spero papers, 1940s-2009. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.
Availability: This item has been digitally reformatted. It is available by requesting an appointment in the Archives of American Art's reading rooms, or in certain situations as a Reproduction Request.
Digital ID: 25844