Item Information
Title: Television documentary on Nam June Paik and Liz Phillips collaboration, unedited footage
Date: 1979 September 18
Physical Details: 3 videocassettes (U-Matic) : sd., col. ; 3/4 in. ; 46 min., 34 sec.
Description: Unedited footage shot for a television documentary about a collaboration between Nam June Paik and Liz Phillips, with the dancer Robert Kovich. The meeting takes place in Paik's Mercer Street studio.
Creator: Fraiberg, Lawrence P.
Forms part of: State of the arts videorecordings, 1979
Rights Statement: Current copyright status is undetermined
Citation Information: Lawrence P. Fraiberg and Ted Cavanau. Television documentary on Nam June Paik and Liz Phillips collaboration, unedited footage, 1979 September 18. State of the arts videorecordings, 1979. Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution.
Availability: This item has been digitally reformatted. It is available by requesting an appointment in the Archives of American Art's reading rooms, or in certain situations as a Reproduction Request.
Digital ID: 17322