Yasushi Akashi, circa 1953-1992
Select: Yasushi Akashi, circa 1953-1992
William Allan, circa 1989-2005
Select: William Allan, circa 1989-2005
Stephen Alpert, circa 2005-2020
Select: Stephen Alpert, circa 2005-2020 Includes born-digital records, see ER01
Stephen Alpert's Dinner Party; NCECA Pittsburgh, Digital Video Slideshow, 2008
Select: Stephen Alpert's Dinner Party; NCECA Pittsburgh, Digital Video Slideshow, 2008 0.539 Gigabytes
Robert Armstrong, circa 1996-2005
Select: Robert Armstrong, circa 1996-2005
Rudy and Lela Autio, circa 1959-1997
Select: Rudy and Lela Autio, circa 1959-1997
A, circa 1968-2020
Select: A, circa 1968-2020
Baker (Barry Windam), Rapoport (Debra), Wick (Susan), circa 1977-1980, 1999
Select: Baker (Barry Windam), Rapoport (Debra), Wick (Susan), circa 1977-1980, 1999
Doug Baldwin, circa 1981-2017
Select: Doug Baldwin, circa 1981-2017
Bill Berkson and Constance Llewellyn, circa 1989-2005
Select: Bill Berkson and Constance Llewellyn, circa 1989-2005
Jennifer Bornstein, circa 1995
Select: Jennifer Bornstein, circa 1995
Mark Boulding, circa 1972-2000
Select: Mark Boulding, circa 1972-2000
Joe Boxerman, circa 2006-2015
Select: Joe Boxerman, circa 2006-2015
Eugenia Butler, circa 1968-2004
Select: Eugenia Butler, circa 1968-2004
Frances Butler, circa 2007-2008
Select: Frances Butler, circa 2007-2008
B, circa
Select: B, circa
Theresa Hak Kyung Cha / Bernadette Cha, circa 1972-1988, 2000
Select: Theresa Hak Kyung Cha / Bernadette Cha, circa 1972-1988, 2000
Dale Chihuly, circa 1975-2013
Select: Dale Chihuly, circa 1975-2013
Bruce Conner, 1969, 1975
Select: Bruce Conner, 1969, 1975
Paul Cotton (Adam II, The Late Paul Cotton), circa 1967-2012
Select: Paul Cotton (Adam II, The Late Paul Cotton), circa 1967-2012
Robert Cuming, circa 1968-1985
Select: Robert Cuming, circa 1968-1985
C, circa 1969-2019
Select: C, circa 1969-2019
Bill Dane, circa 1969-2007
Select: Bill Dane, circa 1969-2007
Lowell Darling, 1974
Select: Lowell Darling, 1974
Jay De Feo, circa 1964
Select: Jay De Feo, circa 1964
Trees De Mits, circa 1998-2005
Select: Trees De Mits, circa 1998-2005
Rene (and Veronica) di Rosa, circa 1964-1997
Select: Rene (and Veronica) di Rosa, circa 1964-1997
Helen Druitt Gallery, circa 1997-2018
Select: Helen Druitt Gallery, circa 1997-2018
D, circa 1976-2003
Select: D, circa 1976-2003
Bruce Erman, circa 2014
Select: Bruce Erman, circa 2014
E, circa 1972-2000
Select: E, circa 1972-2000
Joel Fisher, circa 1987-2005
Select: Joel Fisher, circa 1987-2005
Margaret Fisher, circa 1983-2019
Select: Margaret Fisher, circa 1983-2019
John Fitzgibbon, circa 1974-2017
Select: John Fitzgibbon, circa 1974-2017
Suzanne (Sue) Foley, circa 1971-1998
Select: Suzanne (Sue) Foley, circa 1971-1998
Bill Fontana, circa 1983
Select: Bill Fontana, circa 1983
Paul Forte, circa 1972-2002
Select: Paul Forte, circa 1972-2002
John Furnival, circa 1967-1984
Select: John Furnival, circa 1967-1984
F, circa 1970-2020
Select: F, circa 1970-2020
Jim Goldberg, circa 2001-2008
Select: Jim Goldberg, circa 2001-2008
G, circa 1971-2020
Select: G, circa 1971-2020
Hans Haacke, 1993
Select: Hans Haacke, 1993
Howard Hack, 2004, 2007
Select: Howard Hack, 2004, 2007
Ann Hatch, circa 1985-2020
Select: Ann Hatch, circa 1985-2020
Mary Heilmann, circa 1980s-2019
Select: Mary Heilmann, circa 1980s-2019
Tony Hepburn, circa 1992-1998
Select: Tony Hepburn, circa 1992-1998
Tom Holland, circa 1964-1992
Select: Tom Holland, circa 1964-1992
Hans Hollein, circa 1963-2002
Select: Hans Hollein, circa 1963-2002
Martin Holt, circa 1963-2007
Select: Martin Holt, circa 1963-2007 Includes born-digital records, see ER02
Our Founding Mudder Who Art in Heaven , Digital Video Recording, 2006
Select: Our Founding Mudder Who Art in Heaven, Digital Video Recording, 2006 3.39 GigabytesOne computer file
Hetty Huisman, circa 1972-2010
Select: Hetty Huisman, circa 1972-2010
Leonard Hunter, circa 1972-2019
Select: Leonard Hunter, circa 1972-2019
H, circa 1963-2021
Select: H, circa 1963-2021 Includes one electronic disc (cd-r) with promotional artist material by Jeffrey Haddorff; not transferred.
I, circa 1975-2010
Select: I, circa 1975-2010
Jimmy Johnson, circa 1968-1990
Select: Jimmy Johnson, circa 1968-1990
Ray Johnson, circa 1976-1977
Select: Ray Johnson, circa 1976-1977
Tony Jones, 1967, 2015
Select: Tony Jones, 1967, 2015
J, circa 1986-2020
Select: J, circa 1986-2020
Jun Kaneko (and Ree Schonlau), circa 1973-1998
Select: Jun Kaneko (and Ree Schonlau), circa 1973-1998
Yoichiro Kimura, circa 1992-2013
Select: Yoichiro Kimura, circa 1992-2013
Janet Koplos, circa 2010
Select: Janet Koplos, circa 2010
Paul Kotula (Revolution), circa 1993-2010
Select: Paul Kotula (Revolution), circa 1993-2010
Shigeko Kubota, 1980, 2015
Select: Shigeko Kubota, 1980, 2015
K, circa 1970-2017
Select: K, circa 1970-2017
Seaver Leslie, circa 1969-1994
Select: Seaver Leslie, circa 1969-1994
Ed Levine, 2005-2010
Select: Ed Levine, 2005-2010
Sol Lewitt, circa 1979-2007
Select: Sol Lewitt, circa 1979-2007
Lucy Lippard, 1979, 1995
Select: Lucy Lippard, 1979, 1995
Russell Lynes, circa 1985-1991, 2002
Select: Russell Lynes, circa 1985-1991, 2002
L, circa 1963-2020
Select: L, circa 1963-2020
Tom Marioni, circa 1970-2020
Select: Tom Marioni, circa 1970-2020
John Mason, circa 1970s-2006
Select: John Mason, circa 1970s-2006
Barry McCallion, circa 1971-1980
Select: Barry McCallion, circa 1971-1980
Paul McCarthy, circa 1975-1990
Select: Paul McCarthy, circa 1975-1990
Vincent McGourty, circa 2006
Select: Vincent McGourty, circa 2006
Mary Ann Melchert (Faxes), circa 1998
Select: Mary Ann Melchert (Faxes), circa 1998
Richard Merkin, circa 1963-1980s, 2017
Select: Richard Merkin, circa 1963-1980s, 2017
Sequoia Miller, circa 2014-2015
Select: Sequoia Miller, circa 2014-2015
Tatsuo Miura, circa 1954-2011
Select: Tatsuo Miura, circa 1954-2011
M, circa 1966-2015
Select: M, circa 1966-2015
Kazuo and Tomoko Nakamoto, circa 1996
Select: Kazuo and Tomoko Nakamoto, circa 1996
Kimpei Nakamura, circa 2004
Select: Kimpei Nakamura, circa 2004
Bruce Nauman, circa 190s-2020
Select: Bruce Nauman, circa 190s-2020
Karel Nel, circa 1988-2002
Select: Karel Nel, circa 1988-2002
Manuel Neri, circa 1963-1972
Select: Manuel Neri, circa 1963-1972
Maria Nordman, circa 1970s-2011
Select: Maria Nordman, circa 1970s-2011
Richard Notkin, circa 2005-2017
Select: Richard Notkin, circa 2005-2017
Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 1969
Select: Nova Scotia College of Art and Design, 1969
N, circa 1969-2002
Select: N, circa 1969-2002
Obeslisk Gallery, circa 1968-1971
Select: Obeslisk Gallery, circa 1968-1971
Scott Oliver, 2015-2016
Select: Scott Oliver, 2015-2016
O, circa 1970-2011
Select: O, circa 1970-2011
Susan Peterson, circa 1980-2004
Select: Susan Peterson, circa 1980-2004
Adrian Piper, 1980-2002
Select: Adrian Piper, 1980-2002
Jim Pomeroy, circa 1977-2015
Select: Jim Pomeroy, circa 1977-2015
Richard Posner, circa 1980-1992
Select: Richard Posner, circa 1980-1992
Lucio Pozzi, circa 1989-2000
Select: Lucio Pozzi, circa 1989-2000
Martin Puryear, 2006, 2018
Select: Martin Puryear, 2006, 2018
P, circa 1968-2014
Select: P, circa 1968-2014
Steve Reich, circa 1967-1970
Select: Steve Reich, circa 1967-1970
Anton Reijnders, circa 2004-2020
Select: Anton Reijnders, circa 2004-2020
Jock Reynolds, circa 1972-1985
Select: Jock Reynolds, circa 1972-1985
Dorothea Rockburne, circa 1978-2018
Select: Dorothea Rockburne, circa 1978-2018
Brian Rogers, circa 1971-2006
Select: Brian Rogers, circa 1971-2006
Jim Romberg, circa 2006
Select: Jim Romberg, circa 2006
Annabeth Rosen, circa 1988-2018
Select: Annabeth Rosen, circa 1988-2018
R, circa 1961-2017
Select: R, circa 1961-2017
San Francisco Art Institute, circa 1980-2020
Select: San Francisco Art Institute, circa 1980-2020
Audrey Sabol, circa 1968-1980, 2015
Select: Audrey Sabol, circa 1968-1980, 2015
Kisaburo Sato, 2004-2013
Select: Kisaburo Sato, 2004-2013
Richard Shaw, circa 1971-2017
Select: Richard Shaw, circa 1971-2017
Jim Shrosbree, circa 1993-2010
Select: Jim Shrosbree, circa 1993-2010
Patrick Siler, circa 1966-1987, 2015
Select: Patrick Siler, circa 1966-1987, 2015
Joan Simon, circa 2012-2013
Select: Joan Simon, circa 2012-2013
Frank Simons, circa 1976-1980
Select: Frank Simons, circa 1976-1980
Joe Slusky, circa 1981, 2015
Select: Joe Slusky, circa 1981, 2015
Holly Solomon Gallery, circa 1988-1994
Select: Holly Solomon Gallery, circa 1988-1994
Jeffrey Spahn Gallery, circa 2008
Select: Jeffrey Spahn Gallery, circa 2008
Fred Spaulding, circa 1993-2015
Select: Fred Spaulding, circa 1993-2015
Hirotaka Sugawara, circa 1986-2016
Select: Hirotaka Sugawara, circa 1986-2016
Larry Sultan, circa 1982-2016
Select: Larry Sultan, circa 1982-2016
Michael Swaine, circa 2011-2016
Select: Michael Swaine, circa 2011-2016
Harald Szeemann (and Ingeborg Lüscher), circa 1971-2005, 2015
Select: Harald Szeemann (and Ingeborg Lüscher), circa 1971-2005, 2015
S, circa 1966-2020
Select: S, circa 1966-2020
Henry Takemoto, circa 2016
Select: Henry Takemoto, circa 2016
Wayne Thiebaud, circa 1980s
Select: Wayne Thiebaud, circa 1980s
Tohoku Gakuin, circa 1964-2015
Select: Tohoku Gakuin, circa 1964-2015
Marcia Tucker, circa 1978-2005
Select: Marcia Tucker, circa 1978-2005
T, circa 1986-2004
Select: T, circa 1986-2004
Carlos Villa, circa 1986-1987
Select: Carlos Villa, circa 1986-1987
Peter Voulkos, circa 1961-2016
Select: Peter Voulkos, circa 1961-2016
V, circa 2008
Select: V, circa 2008
Hugh Wakefield, circa 1967-1968
Select: Hugh Wakefield, circa 1967-1968
Jamie Walker, circa 1993-2006
Select: Jamie Walker, circa 1993-2006
Po Shu Wang, circa 1988-1990
Select: Po Shu Wang, circa 1988-1990
William Wareham, circa 1985-2016
Select: William Wareham, circa 1985-2016
Lawrence Weiner, circa 1986-1996
Select: Lawrence Weiner, circa 1986-1996
Bill Wiley, circa 1974-2006
Select: Bill Wiley, circa 1974-2006
Gerry Williams (The Studio Potter ), circa 1985-2005
Select: Gerry Williams (The Studio Potter), circa 1985-2005
Jonathan Williams (The Jargon Society), circa 1977-1991
Select: Jonathan Williams (The Jargon Society), circa 1977-1991
Reese Williams (Tanam Press), circa 1977-2019
Select: Reese Williams (Tanam Press), circa 1977-2019
William Witherup, circa 1974-1982
Select: William Witherup, circa 1974-1982
W, circa 1962-2020
Select: W, circa 1962-2020
Yorifumi Yaguchi, circa 1972-1976, 2000
Select: Yorifumi Yaguchi, circa 1972-1976, 2000
Y, circa 1994-2004
Select: Y, circa 1994-2004
Z, circa 1971-2006
Select: Z, circa 1971-2006
Students, circa 1970-2019
Select: Students, circa 1970-2019
First Name Only, Unidentified, circa 1989-2003
Select: First Name Only, Unidentified, circa 1989-2003
Outgoing, circa 1973-2011
Select: Outgoing, circa 1973-2011