Interview of Jeff Donaldson, Transcript, 1978-1979
Select: Interview of Jeff Donaldson, Transcript, 1978-1979 Scope and Contents Transcript only.
Interview of Jeff Donaldson for "I'll Make Me a World," Transcript, 1997
Select: Interview of Jeff Donaldson for "I'll Make Me a World," Transcript, 1997 Scope and Contents Transcript only.
Tina Allen, undated
Select: Tina Allen, undated 1 Sound cassette
Charles Alston, circa 1972
Select: Charles Alston, circa 1972 2 Sound cassettesincomplete copies of original recording1 Sound cassetteoriginal
Kwasi Asantey, Inkster, MI, 1986 October 17
Select: Kwasi Asantey, Inkster, MI, 1986 October 17 1 Sound cassette
Ellsworth Ausby, circa 1972-circa 1987
Select: Ellsworth Ausby, circa 1972-circa 1987 1 Sound cassette Scope and Contents Ausby cassette is blank.
Romare Bearden Statement on 306 West 141st Street, circa 1972
Select: Romare Bearden Statement on 306 West 141st Street, circa 1972 2 Sound cassettes1 cassette is possibly a duplicate
Romare Bearden, circa 1972
Select: Romare Bearden, circa 1972 1 Sound cassetteHandwritten note on original cassette: "Bearden-reaction to outline" Scope and Contents Bearden interview is on one side of one sound cassette; found on second side of Bob Blackburn interview tape 2.
Phoebe Beasley, circa 1972-circa 1987
Select: Phoebe Beasley, circa 1972-circa 1987 1 Sound cassette
Bob Blackburn, circa 1972
Select: Bob Blackburn, circa 1972 1 Sound cassette Scope and Contents Blackburn interview is on two sides of two separate cassettes. Second cassette contains interview with Romare Bearden on its second side.
David Bradford, Oakland, CA, 1987 May 30
Select: David Bradford, Oakland, CA, 1987 May 30 1 Sound cassette
Nathaniel Bustion, 1987
Select: Nathaniel Bustion, 1987 Scope and Contents Nathaniel Bustion interview is on second side of Mahler Ryder cassette.
Nancy Cox, 1987
Select: Nancy Cox, 1987 1 Sound cassette Scope and Contents Cox interviews is on cassette with Nengudi and Westmoreland.
Dewey Crumpler, Berkeley, CA, 1987 May 31
Select: Dewey Crumpler, Berkeley, CA, 1987 May 31 1 Sound cassette
Louis Delsarte, circa 1972-circa 1987
Select: Louis Delsarte, circa 1972-circa 1987 1 Sound cassette
Milton Derr, Boston, MA, 1987 June 10
Select: Milton Derr, Boston, MA, 1987 June 10 1 Sound cassette
Robert Dillworth, Chicago, 1987 May 17
Select: Robert Dillworth, Chicago, 1987 May 17 1 Sound cassette
Aaron Douglas, circa 1972
Select: Aaron Douglas, circa 1972 4 Sound cassettes
Jeffrey Gaddy, 1987
Select: Jeffrey Gaddy, 1987 1 Sound cassette Scope and Contents Jeffrey Gaddy interview is on cassette with Rochelle Nickolas.
Tyrone Geter, Boston, MA, 1987 June 18
Select: Tyrone Geter, Boston, MA, 1987 June 18 1 Sound cassette
Ron Griffin, Los Angeles, CA., 1987 June 3
Select: Ron Griffin, Los Angeles, CA., 1987 June 3 1 Sound cassette
Maren Hassenger, circa 1987
Select: Maren Hassenger, circa 1987 1 Sound cassette Scope and Contents Cassette is blank
Freida High, 1959 June 28
Select: Freida High, 1959 June 28 1 Sound cassette Scope and Contents Donaldson introduces High and she states her name, address, and telephone number. The interview then cuts off and the rest of the cassette is blank.
Ray Holbert, Berkeley, CA, 1987 May 31
Select: Ray Holbert, Berkeley, CA, 1987 May 31 1 Sound cassette
Varnett Honeywood, Transcript of Interview; Mildred Howard, Berkeley, CA, 1990, 1987 May 30
Select: Varnett Honeywood, Transcript of Interview; Mildred Howard, Berkeley, CA, 1990, 1987 May 30 1 Sound cassette
Suzanne Jackson, Oakland, CA, 1987 May 31
Select: Suzanne Jackson, Oakland, CA, 1987 May 31 1 Sound cassette
Wadsworth Jarrell, 1987
Select: Wadsworth Jarrell, 1987 Scope and Contents Wadsworth Jarrell cassette also contains Joe Sam interview on its second.
Lester Johnson, 1986 October 15
Select: Lester Johnson, 1986 October 15 1 Sound cassette
Donald Joyce, 1980 May 18
Select: Donald Joyce, 1980 May 18 1 Sound cassette
Norman Lewis, 1972 August 4
Select: Norman Lewis, 1972 August 4 3 Sound cassettes
Jon Lockard, 1986 October 15
Select: Jon Lockard, 1986 October 15 2 Sound cassettes
Lev Mills, Atlanta, GA and Lymos Medlock, 1987 May 20, circa 1987
Select: Lev Mills, Atlanta, GA and Lymos Medlock, 1987 May 20, circa 1987 1 Sound cassette Scope and Contents Includes transcript for Lev Mills interview.
Lev Mills, 1987 May 20
Select: Lev Mills, 1987 May 20 1 Sound cassettes (microcassette) Scope and Contents Probably duplicate recording. Lev Mills interview is on second side of James Phillips cassette.
Arthur Monroe, Oakland, CA, 1987 May 30
Select: Arthur Monroe, Oakland, CA, 1987 May 30 2 Sound cassettes
Senga Nengudi, 1987
Select: Senga Nengudi, 1987 1 Sound cassetteHandwritten note on original cassette: "Los Angeles Artists. 1. Senga Nengudi 2. Lamonte Westmoreland 3. Nancy Cox Scope and Contents Cassette with Senga Nengudi interview also contains inteviews with Lamonte Westmoreland (16 minutes) and Nancy Cox (37 minutes)
Rochelle Nickolas, 1987
Select: Rochelle Nickolas, 1987 1 Sound cassette Scope and Contents Nickolas cassette also contains interview with Jeffrey Gaddy.
Ademola Olugebefol, circa 1987
Select: Ademola Olugebefol, circa 1987 1 Sound cassette
Mary Lovelace O'Neal, Oakland, CA, 1987 May 31
Select: Mary Lovelace O'Neal, Oakland, CA, 1987 May 31 1 Sound cassette
Curtis Patterson, Atlanta, GA, 1987 May 2
Select: Curtis Patterson, Atlanta, GA, 1987 May 2 1 Sound cassette Scope and Contents Includes transcript.
James Phillips, Oakland, CA, 1987 May 29
Select: James Phillips, Oakland, CA, 1987 May 29 2 Sound cassettes
James Phillips, 1987 May 29
Select: James Phillips, 1987 May 29 1 Sound cassettes (microcassette) Scope and Contents Probably duplicate recording. Cassette contains interview with Lev Mills on its second side.
W. Pickett, circa 1972-circa 1987
Select: W. Pickett, circa 1972-circa 1987 1 Sound cassette
Elliott Pinkney, 1987
Select: Elliott Pinkney, 1987 Scope and Contents Pinkney interview is on second side of Matthew Thomas cassette.
R. Pious, circa 1972-circa 1987
Select: R. Pious, circa 1972-circa 1987 1 Sound cassette
Arnold Prince, Providence, RI, circa 1987
Select: Arnold Prince, Providence, RI, circa 1987 1 Sound cassette Scope and Contents Arnold Prince cassette also contains Claudia Widdis interview on its second side.
David Ross, Chicago, IL, 1980 May 18
Select: David Ross, Chicago, IL, 1980 May 18 2 Sound cassettes
Mahler Ryder, 1987
Select: Mahler Ryder, 1987 Scope and Contents Matthew Ryder cassette contains inteview with Nathaniel Bustion on its second side.
Joe Sam, 1987
Select: Joe Sam, 1987 Scope and Contents Cassette with Joe Sam also contains interview with Wadsworth Jarrell.
Earl Sweeting, undated
Select: Earl Sweeting, undated 2 Sound cassettes
Matthew Thomas, 1987
Select: Matthew Thomas, 1987 Scope and Contents Cassette contains interview with Elliott Pinkney on its second side.
Lamonte Westmoreland, 1987
Select: Lamonte Westmoreland, 1987 1 Sound cassette Scope and Contents Westmoreland interview is on cassette with Cox and Nengudi interviews
Claudia Widdis, Providence, RI, 1987 June 17
Select: Claudia Widdis, Providence, RI, 1987 June 17 1 Sound cassette Scope and Contents Widdis interview is on second side of Arnold Prince cassette.
Shirley Woodson Reid, Detroit, MI, and Hale Woodruff, 1986 October 17 , circa 1972
Select: Shirley Woodson Reid, Detroit, MI, and Hale Woodruff, 1986 October 17 , circa 1972 1 Sound cassetteShirley Woodson Reid interview.3 Sound cassettesHale Woodruff interview. Scope and Contents Includes transcript for Shirley Woodson Reid interview.
Interviews for "Generation '306' - Harlem, New York", circa 1972
Select: Interviews for "Generation '306' - Harlem, New York", circa 1972 3 Sound cassettes
Interviews for "Generation '306' - Harlem, New York", circa 1972
Select: Interviews for "Generation '306' - Harlem, New York", circa 1972 2 Sound cassettes
Interviews for "Generation '306' - Harlem, New York", circa 1972
Select: Interviews for "Generation '306' - Harlem, New York", circa 1972 2 Sound cassettes