A, 1998-2012
Select: A, 1998-2012
Arai, Lucy, 2007-2012
Select: Arai, Lucy, 2007-2012
Austin, Carole, 2004-2012
Select: Austin, Carole, 2004-2012
B, 1962-2012
Select: B, 1962-2012
C, 1977-2013
Select: C, 1977-2013
D, 1969-2008
Select: D, 1969-2008
deVera, Federico, circa 1991
Select: deVera, Federico, circa 1991
di Mare, Dominic and Margaret, 1966-2013
Select: di Mare, Dominic and Margaret, 1966-2013
D-F, 1964-2014
Select: D-F, 1964-2014
Ebendorf, Bob, 2003-2006
Select: Ebendorf, Bob, 2003-2006
G-H, 1960-2013
Select: G-H, 1960-2013
H, 1986-2012
Select: H, 1986-2012
Hirondelle, Anne, 1996-2012
Select: Hirondelle, Anne, 1996-2012
Honors and Awards, Regarding, 1980-2007
Select: Honors and Awards, Regarding, 1980-2007
I, 1995-2011
Select: I, 1995-2011
Ishiyama, Reiko, 2007-2011
Select: Ishiyama, Reiko, 2007-2011
J-K, 1957-2011
Select: J-K, 1957-2011
K, 1999-2013
Select: K, 1999-2013
Krupenia, Deborah, 2002-2007
Select: Krupenia, Deborah, 2002-2007 Scope and Contents Includes Krupenia's paper on Schwarcz and the Japanese aesthetic.
L, 1992-20121
Select: L, 1992-20121
M, 1964-2012
Select: M, 1964-2012
Merrill, Forrest, 1998-2013
Select: Merrill, Forrest, 1998-2013
Morris, Percy and Leanna (Father and Sister), circa 2000
Select: Morris, Percy and Leanna (Father and Sister), circa 2000 Scope and Contents Includes a photograph of box made by Schwarcz in honor of her mother. Letters are photocopies of originals from circa 1963.
N, 1959-2010
Select: N, 1959-2010
Nelson, Hal and Bernard Jazzar, 2001-2014
Select: Nelson, Hal and Bernard Jazzar, 2001-2014 Scope and Contents Additional correspondence with Jazzar can be found in the Long Beach Museum of Art file within Series 3 and the Enamelist Society file within Series 4.
O-P, 1970-2012
Select: O-P, 1970-2012
Perkins, Sarah, 2005-2013
Select: Perkins, Sarah, 2005-2013
Peterhans, Brigitte, 2000-2012
Select: Peterhans, Brigitte, 2000-2012
Publications, Regarding, 1959-1977
Select: Publications, Regarding, 1959-1977
Q-R, 1960-2008
Select: Q-R, 1960-2008
R, 1998-2013
Select: R, 1998-2013
S, 1995-2013
Select: S, 1995-2013
S, 1961-2014
Select: S, 1961-2014
Sekimachi, Kay, circa 1980
Select: Sekimachi, Kay, circa 1980
Slemmons, Kiff, circa 2000s
Select: Slemmons, Kiff, circa 2000s
Solberg, Ramona, 2003-2004
Select: Solberg, Ramona, 2003-2004
Soldner, Paul, circa 1982
Select: Soldner, Paul, circa 1982
T, 1958-2007
Select: T, 1958-2007
U-V, 1956-2012
Select: U-V, 1956-2012
W, 1979-2014
Select: W, 1979-2014
Y, 2006
Select: Y, 2006
First Names Only, 1995-2012
Select: First Names Only, 1995-2012
Illegible or Unidentified, 1994-2004
Select: Illegible or Unidentified, 1994-2004