Ad-Arn, General, 1945
Select: Ad-Arn, General, 1945
Art-Ay, General, 1945
Select: Art-Ay, General, 1945 Scope and Contents note (Alicia Atkinson)
American Federation of Arts, 1945
Select: American Federation of Arts, 1945
Art Institute of Chicago, 1945
Select: Art Institute of Chicago, 1945
Art Institute of Zanesville, 1945
Select: Art Institute of Zanesville, 1945
Ba-Be, General, 1945
Select: Ba-Be, General, 1945 Scope and Contents note (Jozef Bakos; Joseph Barber; Gifford Beal; Reynolds Beal; Rosalie Berkowitz)
Bl-Bu, General, 1945
Select: Bl-Bu, General, 1945 Scope and Contents note (Louis Bouché)
Ca-Cl, General, 1945
Select: Ca-Cl, General, 1945 Scope and Contents note (Albert Christ-Janer regarding his book Boardman Robinson)
Co-Cu, General, 1945
Select: Co-Cu, General, 1945 Scope and Contents note (Russell Cowles; Evangeline Cozzens; Currier Gallery of Art)
Carnegie Institute, 1945
Select: Carnegie Institute, 1945
Cranbrook Academy of Art, 1945
Select: Cranbrook Academy of Art, 1945 Scope and Contents note (Albert Christ-Janer)
D, General, 1945
Select: D, General, 1945 Scope and Contents note (Donald Greason of Deerfield Academy; Detroit Institute of Arts; Otis Dozier; Guy Pène Du Bois; Jacques Dubourg)
E, General, 1945
Select: E, General, 1945
F, General, 1945
Select: F, General, 1945 Scope and Contents note (Vaughn Flannery regarding a commission for Walter Jeffords; Emma L. Frankenberg)
Fausett, William Dean, 1945
Select: Fausett, William Dean, 1945
Fenster, Gershon, 1945
Select: Fenster, Gershon, 1945
Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, 1945
Select: Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, 1945
G, General, 1945
Select: G, General, 1945 Scope and Contents note (Ira Glackens; Earle Grant)
Wm. E. Goodridge & Son, 1945
Select: Wm. E. Goodridge & Son, 1945
Ha, General, 1945
Select: Ha, General, 1945 Scope and Contents note (Jeanne Overbury Hart regarding George Overbury Hart drawings; Dalzell Hatfield)
He-Hu, General, 1945
Select: He-Hu, General, 1945 Scope and Contents note (John Heliker; Fred Hornby)
Halberstadt, Ernst, 1945
Select: Halberstadt, Ernst, 1945 Scope and Contents note (illustrated letter)
Hartell, John, 1945
Select: Hartell, John, 1945
J. L. Hudson Company, 1945
Select: J. L. Hudson Company, 1945
I, General, 1945
Select: I, General, 1945
J, General, 1945
Select: J, General, 1945
K, General, 1945
Select: K, General, 1945 Scope and Contents note (Charles Kaeselau; Henry G. Keller; William S. Kinney)
L, General, 1945
Select: L, General, 1945 Scope and Contents note (Isabel Nagle Lachaise; Little House Galleries; Charles Locke)
Lahey, Richard, 1945
Select: Lahey, Richard, 1945
Los Angeles County Museum, 1945
Select: Los Angeles County Museum, 1945
M, General, 1945
Select: M, General, 1945 Scope and Contents note (Milton McGreevy)
McBride, Lucia, 1945
Select: McBride, Lucia, 1945
Museum of Modern Art, 1945
Select: Museum of Modern Art, 1945
N, General, 1945
Select: N, General, 1945 Scope and Contents note (Elizabeth S. Navas)
O, General, 1945
Select: O, General, 1945
P, General, 1945
Select: P, General, 1945 Scope and Contents note (Parrish Museum of Southampton; Charles Prendergast; Eugenie Prendergast)
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1945
Select: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1945
Philadelphia Art Alliance, 1945
Select: Philadelphia Art Alliance, 1945
Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1945
Select: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1945
R, General, 1945
Select: R, General, 1945 Scope and Contents note (George Rickey; Iver Rose)
Robinson, Boardman, 1945
Select: Robinson, Boardman, 1945
Ruellan, Andrée, 1945
Select: Ruellan, Andrée, 1945
Sa-Sl, General, 1945
Select: Sa-Sl, General, 1945 Scope and Contents note (Henry E. Schnakenberg; Helen Farr Sloan; John Sloan enclosing a letter illustrated with a sketch of his studio)
Sm-Sy, General, 1945
Select: Sm-Sy, General, 1945 Scope and Contents note (Vernon Smith including biographical information; State University of Iowa; illustrated letter from Katharine Sturgis)
T, General, 1945
Select: T, General, 1945 Scope and Contents note ( Thoroughbred Record correspondence annotated by Vaughn Flannery)
Toledo Museum of Art, 1945
Select: Toledo Museum of Art, 1945
U, General, 1945
Select: U, General, 1945 Scope and Contents note (University of Chicago Press regarding publication of Boardman Robinson)
University of Nebraska, 1945
Select: University of Nebraska, 1945
V, General, 1945
Select: V, General, 1945
Robert C. Vose Galleries, 1945
Select: Robert C. Vose Galleries, 1945 Scope and Contents note (William Dean Fausett exhibition)
W, General, 1945
Select: W, General, 1945 Scope and Contents note (Alicia Waterson)
Williams, Esther, 1945
Select: Williams, Esther, 1945
X-Y-Z, General, 1945
Select: X-Y-Z, General, 1945 Scope and Contents note (Edmund Yaghjian; Linda Yates; Mahonri Mackintosh Young)
Miscellaneous Notes, 1945
Select: Miscellaneous Notes, 1945
Receipts, 1945
Select: Receipts, 1945
Ab-Ak, General, 1946
Select: Ab-Ak, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (Addison Gallery of Art; Akron Art Institute)
Al-Am, General, 1946
Select: Al-Am, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (establishing relationship with Humbert Albrizio; American Federation of Arts; establishing relationship with Bernard Arnest)
An-Au, General, 1946
Select: An-Au, General, 1946
Art Institute of Chicago, 1946
Select: Art Institute of Chicago, 1946
Ba-Bel, General, 1946
Select: Ba-Bel, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (Cecil Bell)
Ber-Bow, General, 1946
Select: Ber-Bow, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (Gifford Beal; Reynolds Beal; Rosalie Berkowitz; Lawrence Blazey; Louis Bouché)
Boy-Bu, General, 1946
Select: Boy-Bu, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (Buck Hill Art Association)
Biltmore Art Galleries, 1946
Select: Biltmore Art Galleries, 1946
Brooklyn Museum of Art, 1946
Select: Brooklyn Museum of Art, 1946
Ca-Cl, General, 1946
Select: Ca-Cl, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (Marion Monks Chase)
Co-Cu, General, 1946
Select: Co-Cu, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (Currier Gallery of Art regarding an Iver Rose exhibition)
Carnegie Institute, 1946
Select: Carnegie Institute, 1946
Cleveland Museum of Art, 1946
Select: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1946
Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, 1946
Select: Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, 1946
Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1946
Select: Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1946
Cranbrook Academy of Art, 1946
Select: Cranbrook Academy of Art, 1946 Scope and Contents note (Albert Christ-Janer regarding a Boardman Robinson exhibition and sales of his book Boardman Robinson)
Da-Des, General, 1946
Select: Da-Des, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (Walt Dehner; Koren Der Harootian)
Dev-Dy, General, 1946
Select: Dev-Dy, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (establishing a relationship with Caroline Durieux)
Dartmouth College, 1946
Select: Dartmouth College, 1946
Detroit Institute of Arts, 1946
Select: Detroit Institute of Arts, 1946
Du Bois, Guy Pène, 1946
Select: Du Bois, Guy Pène, 1946
E, General, 1946
Select: E, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (Kenneth Evett)
Fa-Find, General, 1946
Select: Fa-Find, General, 1946
Fine-Fu, General, 1946
Select: Fine-Fu, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego)
Fausett, William Dean, 1946
Select: Fausett, William Dean, 1946
Flannery, Vaughn, 1946
Select: Flannery, Vaughn, 1946
Ga-Gl, General, 1946
Select: Ga-Gl, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (Edith Glackens; Ira Glackens)
Go, General, 1946
Select: Go, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (Lloyd Goff; Nelson Goodman; Katharine Sturgis Goodman)
Gr-Gu, General, 1946
Select: Gr-Gu, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (Grand Central Art Galleries)
Ha, General, 1946
Select: Ha, General, 1946
He-Hu, General, 1946
Select: He-Hu, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (John Heliker regarding his summer in Quebec)
Halberstadt, Ernst, 1946
Select: Halberstadt, Ernst, 1946
Hartell, John, 1946
Select: Hartell, John, 1946
Hatfield, Dalzell, 1946
Select: Hatfield, Dalzell, 1946
Hooper, Parker Morse, 1946
Select: Hooper, Parker Morse, 1946
J. L. Hudson Company, 1946
Select: J. L. Hudson Company, 1946
I, General, 1946
Select: I, General, 1946
J, General, 1946
Select: J, General, 1946
James, Oliver, 1946
Select: James, Oliver, 1946
Jones, Alfred E., Jr., 1946
Select: Jones, Alfred E., Jr., 1946
K, General, 1946
Select: K, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (Henry G. Keller; John Koch)
La-Leo, General, 1946
Select: La-Leo, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (Robert Laurent)
Lev-Lu, General, 1946
Select: Lev-Lu, General, 1946
Lahey, Richard, 1946
Select: Lahey, Richard, 1946
Lambe, Polly, 1946
Select: Lambe, Polly, 1946
Ma-Mc, General, 1946
Select: Ma-Mc, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (Reginald Marsh)
Me-Mu, General, 1946
Select: Me-Mu, General, 1946
McBride, Lucia, 1946
Select: McBride, Lucia, 1946
N, General, 1946
Select: N, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (City of New York second-hand dealers license with photographs of Antoinette and Charles Kraushaar)
O, General, 1946
Select: O, General, 1946
Pa-Pe, General, 1946
Select: Pa-Pe, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (James Penney)
Ph-Pu, General, 1946
Select: Ph-Pu, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (Charles Prendergast; Eugenie Prendergast)
Pepsi-Cola Company, 1946
Select: Pepsi-Cola Company, 1946
R, General, 1946
Select: R, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (Sidney Raynes; Iver Rose)
Renaissance Society of the University of Chicago, 1946
Select: Renaissance Society of the University of Chicago, 1946
Robinson, Boardman, and Sally Robinson, 1946
Select: Robinson, Boardman, and Sally Robinson, 1946
Ruellan, Andrée, 1946
Select: Ruellan, Andrée, 1946
Sa-Sc, General, 1946
Select: Sa-Sc, General, 1946
Se-So, General, 1946
Select: Se-So, General, 1946
Sp-Sy, General, 1946
Select: Sp-Sy, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (Gertrude Stack with a related letter from Louis Bouché)
Sloan, Helen Farr, and John Sloan, 1946
Select: Sloan, Helen Farr, and John Sloan, 1946
Smith, Vernon, 1946
Select: Smith, Vernon, 1946 Scope and Contents note (preparations for an exhibition containing details about his work)
Stanley, Alix W., 1946
Select: Stanley, Alix W., 1946
T, General, 1946
Select: T, General, 1946
Toledo Museum of Art, 1946
Select: Toledo Museum of Art, 1946
Train, Helen, 1946
Select: Train, Helen, 1946
U, General, 1946
Select: U, General, 1946
University of Chicago Press, 1946
Select: University of Chicago Press, 1946
University of Nebraska, 1946
Select: University of Nebraska, 1946
V, General, 1946
Select: V, General, 1946
Robert C. Vose Galleries, 1946
Select: Robert C. Vose Galleries, 1946
Wa-Wh, General, 1946
Select: Wa-Wh, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (illustrated letter from Michael Waskowsky)
Wi-Wy, General, 1946
Select: Wi-Wy, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (Wichita Art Museum)
Walker Art Center, 1946
Select: Walker Art Center, 1946
Whitney Museum of American Art, 1946
Select: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1946
Wichita Art Museum, 1946
Select: Wichita Art Museum, 1946
Williams, Esther, 1946
Select: Williams, Esther, 1946
Willson, Donald B., 1946
Select: Willson, Donald B., 1946
Worcester Art Museum, 1946
Select: Worcester Art Museum, 1946
X-Y-Z, General, 1946
Select: X-Y-Z, General, 1946 Scope and Contents note (Edmund Yaghjian regarding his move to Columbia, South Carolina, and briefly mentioning a visit from Rockwell Kent; Mahonri Mackintosh Young)
Miscellaneous Notes and Receipts, 1946
Select: Miscellaneous Notes and Receipts, 1946
Ab-Am, General, 1947
Select: Ab-Am, General, 1947
An-Ay, General, 1947
Select: An-Ay, General, 1947 Scope and Contents note (Bernard Arnest regarding his teaching job; Art Institute of Chicago)
Albrizio, Humbert, 1947
Select: Albrizio, Humbert, 1947
Ba-Ber, General, 1947
Select: Ba-Ber, General, 1947 Scope and Contents note (Rosalie Berkowitz concerning her new artwork)
Bes-Bo, General, 1947
Select: Bes-Bo, General, 1947
Br-Bu, General, 1947
Select: Br-Bu, General, 1947 Scope and Contents note (Branch Agricultural College of Utah; real estate agents Brown, Wheelock, Harris, & Stevens, Inc., documenting legal transfer of the business to Charles and Antoinette Kraushaar as of October 1; Buck Hill Art Association)
George Baer Galleries, 1947
Select: George Baer Galleries, 1947
Beal, Gifford, 1947
Select: Beal, Gifford, 1947
Ca-Ch, General, 1947
Select: Ca-Ch, General, 1947 Scope and Contents note (Flavio Cabral; S. L. Charmin; Marion Monks Chase)
Ci-Coo, General, 1947
Select: Ci-Coo, General, 1947
Cor-Cu, General, 1947
Select: Cor-Cu, General, 1947
Carnegie Institute, 1947
Select: Carnegie Institute, 1947
Cleveland Museum of Art, 1947
Select: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1947
Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, 1947
Select: Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, 1947
Da, General, 1947
Select: Da, General, 1947 Scope and Contents note (Davenport Municipal Art Gallery in Iowa)
Dea-Det, General, 1947
Select: Dea-Det, General, 1947 Scope and Contents note (Walt Dehner)
Dev-Dy, General, 1947
Select: Dev-Dy, General, 1947 Scope and Contents note (Ross Devean; Guy Pène Du Bois concerning his decision to seek another dealer)
E, General, 1947
Select: E, General, 1947 Scope and Contents note (Fritz Ehrenfest)
Evett, Kenneth, 1947
Select: Evett, Kenneth, 1947
F, General, 1947
Select: F, General, 1947
Fausett, William Dean, 1947
Select: Fausett, William Dean, 1947
Flannery, Vaughn, 1947
Select: Flannery, Vaughn, 1947
Ga-Gl, General, 1947
Select: Ga-Gl, General, 1947
Go-Gr, General, 1947
Select: Go-Gr, General, 1947
Glackens, Edith, and Ira Glackens, 1947
Select: Glackens, Edith, and Ira Glackens, 1947
Wm. E. Goodridge & Son, 1947
Select: Wm. E. Goodridge & Son, 1947
Ha, General, 1947
Select: Ha, General, 1947 Scope and Contents note (Charles Harsanyi; John Hartell)
He-Hu, General, 1947
Select: He-Hu, General, 1947 Scope and Contents note (Alfred H. Holbrook of the University of Georgia Department of Art)
Halberstadt, Ernst, 1947
Select: Halberstadt, Ernst, 1947
Hatfield, Dalzell, 1947
Select: Hatfield, Dalzell, 1947 Scope and Contents note (Russell Cowles exhibition)
Heliker, John, 1947
Select: Heliker, John, 1947 Scope and Contents note (summer spent in Quebec)
J. L. Hudson Company, 1947
Select: J. L. Hudson Company, 1947
I, General, 1947
Select: I, General, 1947
J, General, 1947
Select: J, General, 1947 Scope and Contents note (Walter Jeffords)
K, General, 1947
Select: K, General, 1947 Scope and Contents note (Henry G. Keller; John Koch)
Keighley, Genevieve, and William Keighley, 1947
Select: Keighley, Genevieve, and William Keighley, 1947
La-Le, General, 1947
Select: La-Le, General, 1947 Scope and Contents note (Richard Lahey; William F. Laporte; Genevieve Lawrence)
Li-Lu, General, 1947
Select: Li-Lu, General, 1947 Scope and Contents note (Robert E. Locher)
Laurent, Robert, 1947
Select: Laurent, Robert, 1947
Levyne, Sidney A., 1947
Select: Levyne, Sidney A., 1947
Ma-Mc, General, 1947
Select: Ma-Mc, General, 1947
Me-Mi, General, 1947
Select: Me-Mi, General, 1947
Mo-Mu, General, 1947
Select: Mo-Mu, General, 1947
May, George, 1947
Select: May, George, 1947
Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1947
Select: Minneapolis Institute of Arts, 1947
N, General, 1947
Select: N, General, 1947 Scope and Contents note (Woldemar Neufeld)
O, General, 1947
Select: O, General, 1947
Charles Z. Offin Advertising, 1947
Select: Charles Z. Offin Advertising, 1947
Pa-Pen, General, 1947
Select: Pa-Pen, General, 1947
Pep-Pu, General, 1947
Select: Pep-Pu, General, 1947 Scope and Contents note (Duncan Phillips)
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1947
Select: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1947
Portraits, Inc., 1947
Select: Portraits, Inc., 1947
Prendergast, Charles, and Eugenie Prendergast, 1947
Select: Prendergast, Charles, and Eugenie Prendergast, 1947 Scope and Contents note (exhibition of Charles Prendergast's work; issues relating to the settlement of John F. Kraushaar's estate)
Q, General, 1947
Select: Q, General, 1947
R, General, 1947
Select: R, General, 1947 Scope and Contents note (Randolph-Macon Woman's College; Sidney Raynes; Renaissance Society of the University of Chicago; Iver Rose; Alice Roullier concerning the closing of Albert Roullier Art Galleries)
Robinson, Boardman, and Sally Robinson, 1947
Select: Robinson, Boardman, and Sally Robinson, 1947 Scope and Contents note (Boardman Robinson's poor health following a stroke)
Ruellan, Andrée, 1947
Select: Ruellan, Andrée, 1947
Sa-Sm, General, 1947
Select: Sa-Sm, General, 1947 Scope and Contents note (Henry E. Schnakenberg; Karl Schrag)
So-Sy, General, 1947
Select: So-Sy, General, 1947
Charles Sessler, 1947
Select: Charles Sessler, 1947
Sloan, Helen Farr, and John Sloan, 1947
Select: Sloan, Helen Farr, and John Sloan, 1947
Smith, Vernon, 1947
Select: Smith, Vernon, 1947
J. B. Speed Memorial Museum, 1947
Select: J. B. Speed Memorial Museum, 1947
Stanley, Alix W., 1947
Select: Stanley, Alix W., 1947
T, General, 1947
Select: T, General, 1947
Toledo Museum of Art, 1947
Select: Toledo Museum of Art, 1947
Train, Helen, 1947
Select: Train, Helen, 1947
U, General, 1947
Select: U, General, 1947
University of Nebraska, 1947
Select: University of Nebraska, 1947
V, General, 1947
Select: V, General, 1947
Robert C. Vose Galleries, 1947
Select: Robert C. Vose Galleries, 1947 Scope and Contents note (William Dean Fausett exhibition)
Wa-Wh, General, 1947
Select: Wa-Wh, General, 1947
Wi-Wo, General, 1947
Select: Wi-Wo, General, 1947 Scope and Contents note (Wichita Art Museum; Lewis B. Williams regarding a portrait by John Koch; Ralph L. Wilson)
Wadsworth Atheneum, 1947
Select: Wadsworth Atheneum, 1947
Whitney Museum of American Art, 1947
Select: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1947
Williams, Esther, 1947
Select: Williams, Esther, 1947 Scope and Contents note (family matters and her artwork)
Witte Memorial Museum, 1947
Select: Witte Memorial Museum, 1947
Worcester Art Museum, 1947
Select: Worcester Art Museum, 1947
X-Y-Z, General, 1947
Select: X-Y-Z, General, 1947 Scope and Contents note (Edmund Yaghjian)
Miscellaneous Notes and Receipts, 1947
Select: Miscellaneous Notes and Receipts, 1947 Scope and Contents note (price list for commissioned portraits by William Dean Fausett, John Koch, and Esther Williams)
Ab-Am, General, 1948
Select: Ab-Am, General, 1948 Scope and Contents note (Humbert Albrizio)
An-Ay, General, 1948
Select: An-Ay, General, 1948 Scope and Contents note (Alicia Atkinson)
American Federation of Arts, 1948
Select: American Federation of Arts, 1948
Arnest, Bernard, 1948
Select: Arnest, Bernard, 1948
Art in Industry, 1948
Select: Art in Industry, 1948 Scope and Contents note (agreements with various artists giving exclusive option for use of their work in the design and decoration of industrial products for a year)
Art Institute of Chicago, 1948
Select: Art Institute of Chicago, 1948
Ba, General, 1948
Select: Ba, General, 1948 Scope and Contents note (Peggy Bacon; Joseph Barber)
Be, General, 1948
Select: Be, General, 1948 Scope and Contents note (Gifford Beal; Reynolds Beal)
Bi-Bu, General, 1948
Select: Bi-Bu, General, 1948
Beal, Becky, 1948
Select: Beal, Becky, 1948
Bouché, Louis, 1948
Select: Bouché, Louis, 1948
Ca-Ch, General, 1948
Select: Ca-Ch, General, 1948 Scope and Contents note (Francis Chapin; S. L. Charmin; Edward Christiana)
Ci-Cu, General, 1948
Select: Ci-Cu, General, 1948 Scope and Contents note (Cincinnati Art Museum; Russell Cowles)
Carnegie Institute, 1948
Select: Carnegie Institute, 1948
Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, 1948
Select: Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, 1948
Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1948
Select: Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1948
Cowie Galleries, 1948
Select: Cowie Galleries, 1948
Da-Dem, General, 1948
Select: Da-Dem, General, 1948 Scope and Contents note (Walt Dehner)
Den-Du, General, 1948
Select: Den-Du, General, 1948 Scope and Contents note (Denver Art Museum Children's Museum; Alger House Museum at the Detroit Institute of Arts; Otis Dozier; Yvonne Du Bois)
Dartmouth College Library, 1948
Select: Dartmouth College Library, 1948
E, General, 1948
Select: E, General, 1948
Evett, Kenneth, 1948
Select: Evett, Kenneth, 1948 Scope and Contents note (catalog of exhibition)
F, General, 1948
Select: F, General, 1948
Fausett, William Dean, 1948
Select: Fausett, William Dean, 1948
Marshall Field and Company, 1948
Select: Marshall Field and Company, 1948 Scope and Contents note (Frank Oeschlaeger)
Flannery, Vaughn, 1948
Select: Flannery, Vaughn, 1948
G, General, 1948
Select: G, General, 1948 Scope and Contents note (Robert Gates regarding his latest artwork; Edith Glackens and Ira Glackens regarding payments due to them from John F. Kraushaar's estate and Charles Prendergast's death; Katharine Sturgis Goodman)
Wm. E. Goodridge & Son, 1948
Select: Wm. E. Goodridge & Son, 1948
H, General, 1948
Select: H, General, 1948 Scope and Contents note (Ernst Halberstadt; Mrs. Frederick W. Harer regarding her husband's sculpture; John Heliker; Alfred H. Holbrook)
Hartell, John, 1948
Select: Hartell, John, 1948
Hatfield, Dalzell, 1948
Select: Hatfield, Dalzell, 1948
J. L. Hudson Company, 1948
Select: J. L. Hudson Company, 1948
I, General, 1948
Select: I, General, 1948
J, General, 1948
Select: J, General, 1948 Scope and Contents note (Walter M. Jeffords regarding Vaughn Flannery; Alfred E. Jones, Jr.)
K, General, 1948
Select: K, General, 1948 Scope and Contents note (Charles Kaeselau; Henry G. Keller; William Kienbusch; John Koch)
Kansas City Art Institute, 1948
Select: Kansas City Art Institute, 1948
Keighley, Genevieve, and William Keighley, 1948
Select: Keighley, Genevieve, and William Keighley, 1948
L, General, 1948
Select: L, General, 1948 Scope and Contents note (Richard Lahey; Robert E. Locher; Charles Locke)
Laurent, Robert, 1948
Select: Laurent, Robert, 1948
Lawrence, Genevieve, 1948
Select: Lawrence, Genevieve, 1948 Scope and Contents note (LuGen Galleries)
Levyne, Sidney A., 1948
Select: Levyne, Sidney A., 1948
Ma-Mc, General, 1948
Select: Ma-Mc, General, 1948
Me-My, General, 1948
Select: Me-My, General, 1948 Scope and Contents note (Museum of Fine Arts, Boston; Museum of the City of New York)
N, General, 1948
Select: N, General, 1948 Scope and Contents note (New York Board of Education regarding a traveling exhibition in high schools; Newark Museum; North Carolina State Art Society)
William Rockhill Nelson Trust, 1948
Select: William Rockhill Nelson Trust, 1948
O, General, 1948
Select: O, General, 1948
Pa-Pen, General, 1948
Select: Pa-Pen, General, 1948 Scope and Contents note (Inez Parker; James Penney; Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts)
Pep-Pu, General, 1948
Select: Pep-Pu, General, 1948 Scope and Contents note (Pepsi-Cola Company regarding the company's annual art competition; Phillips Gallery; Eugenie Prendergast)
Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1948
Select: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1948
R, General, 1948
Select: R, General, 1948 Scope and Contents note (Sally Robinson regarding Boardman Robinson's health and financial problems; Iver Rose; Charles Rosen)
Ruellan, Andrée, 1948
Select: Ruellan, Andrée, 1948
Sa-Si, General, 1948
Select: Sa-Si, General, 1948 Scope and Contents note (Henry E. Schnakenberg; Karl Schrag; Everett Shinn)
Sl-Sw, General, 1948
Select: Sl-Sw, General, 1948
Sloan, Helen Farr, and John Sloan, 1948
Select: Sloan, Helen Farr, and John Sloan, 1948
Smith, Vernon, 1948
Select: Smith, Vernon, 1948
Stanley, Alix W., 1948
Select: Stanley, Alix W., 1948 Scope and Contents note (business with the New Britain Institute)
T, General, 1948
Select: T, General, 1948
Ten Thirty Gallery, 1948
Select: Ten Thirty Gallery, 1948
Toledo Museum of Art, 1948
Select: Toledo Museum of Art, 1948
U, General, 1948
Select: U, General, 1948 Scope and Contents note (University of Illinois Department of Art; University of Nebraska)
V, General, 1948
Select: V, General, 1948 Scope and Contents note (Virginia Museum of Fine Arts; Charles Voorhies)
W, General, 1948
Select: W, General, 1948 Scope and Contents note (Wadsworth Atheneum; Jane Wasey)
Walker Art Center, 1948
Select: Walker Art Center, 1948
Whitney, John Hay, 1948
Select: Whitney, John Hay, 1948 Scope and Contents note (purchase of Vaughn Flannery paintings)
Whitney Museum of American Art, 1948
Select: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1948
Williams, Esther, 1948
Select: Williams, Esther, 1948 Scope and Contents note (her work; Charles Prendergast's death; Rockport art community)
Worth Avenue Gallery, 1948
Select: Worth Avenue Gallery, 1948
X-Y-Z, 1948
Select: X-Y-Z, 1948 Scope and Contents note (Mahonri Mackintosh Young)
Miscellaneous Notes, 1948
Select: Miscellaneous Notes, 1948 Scope and Contents note (catalog for an exhibition entitled New York Paintings and Watercolors; a photograph of an unidentified artwork)
Receipts, 1948
Select: Receipts, 1948
Ad-Am, General, 1949
Select: Ad-Am, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (Humbert Albrizio)
Ar-Ay, General, 1949
Select: Ar-Ay, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (Department of the Army regarding an exhibition of American watercolors at the Albertina Gallery in Vienna; Bernard Arnest; 2 illustrated letters from Alicia Atkinson; photographic print by Julie Arden)
Ba-Bl, General, 1949
Select: Ba-Bl, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (Peggy Bacon; Joseph Barber; Rosalie Berkowitz)
Bo-Bu, General, 1949
Select: Bo-Bu, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (Louis Bouché)
Beal, Gifford, 1949
Select: Beal, Gifford, 1949
Ca-Cl, General, 1949
Select: Ca-Cl, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (Francis Chapin; Edward Christiana; Clearwater Art Museum)
Co-Cu, General, 1949
Select: Co-Cu, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (Evangeline Cozzens)
Carnegie Institute, 1949
Select: Carnegie Institute, 1949
Cleveland Museum of Art, 1949
Select: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1949 Scope and Contents note (Henry G. Keller memorial exhibition following Keller's death in August)
Cowie Galleries, 1949
Select: Cowie Galleries, 1949
Da-Des, General, 1949
Select: Da-Des, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (Dayton Art Institute; Des Moines Art Center)
Det-Du, General, 1949
Select: Det-Du, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (Elsie Driggs; Guy Pène a Du Bois; Yvonne Du Bois; Louis Durchavek)
Des Moines Art Center, 1949
Select: Des Moines Art Center, 1949
E, General, 1949
Select: E, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (Kenneth Evett)
F, General, 1949
Select: F, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (William Dean Fausett; Syd Fossum)
Flannery, Vaughn, 1949
Select: Flannery, Vaughn, 1949
G, General, 1949
Select: G, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (Robert F. Gates; Linda Goetz; Katharine Sturgis Goodman)
Glackens, Edith, and Ira Glackens, 1949
Select: Glackens, Edith, and Ira Glackens, 1949
Wm. E. Goodridge & Son, 1949
Select: Wm. E. Goodridge & Son, 1949
H, General, 1949
Select: H, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (Ernst Halberstadt; Jeanne Overbury Hart regarding the estate of George Overbury Hart)
Hartell, John, 1949
Select: Hartell, John, 1949
Heliker, Mrs. J. E., and John Heliker, 1948-1949
Select: Heliker, Mrs. J. E., and John Heliker, 1948-1949 Scope and Contents note (John Heliker's trip to Europe) Conditions Governing Use This folder has been digitized but is not available online; usage conditions apply. Contact Reference Services for more information.
J. L. Hudson Company, 1949
Select: J. L. Hudson Company, 1949
I, General, 1949
Select: I, General, 1949
J, General, 1949
Select: J, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (Alfred E. Jones, Jr.)
K, General, 1949
Select: K, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (Henry G. Keller's son, Albert F. Keller; William Kienbusch; John Koch)
La-Le, General, 1949
Select: La-Le, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (Joseph Lasker)
Li-Ly, General, 1949
Select: Li-Ly, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (LuGen Galleries)
Laurent, Robert, 1949
Select: Laurent, Robert, 1949 Scope and Contents note (exhibitions for Indiana University Fine Arts Department)
M, General, 1949
Select: M, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (Harriette Miller)
Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, 1949
Select: Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, 1949
N, General, 1949
Select: N, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (Thomas W. Nason)
New Britain Institute, 1949
Select: New Britain Institute, 1949
O, General, 1949
Select: O, General, 1949
Ogden, Mrs. Ralph, 1949
Select: Ogden, Mrs. Ralph, 1949
P, General, 1949
Select: P, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (James Penney)
Q, General, 1949
Select: Q, General, 1949
R, General, 1949
Select: R, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (Sidney Raynes; Sally Robinson regarding Boardman Robinson's health and John F. Kraushaar's estate; Iver Rose; Charles Rosen; Andrée Ruellan)
Sa-So, General, 1949
Select: Sa-So, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (Henry E. Schnakenberg; Karl Schrag; Louis B. Siegriest; Vernon Smith)
Sp-Sy, General, 1949
Select: Sp-Sy, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (State University of Iowa)
Saginaw Museum, 1949
Select: Saginaw Museum, 1949 Scope and Contents note (museum director, Richard E. Kuehne)
Sloan, Helen Farr, and John Sloan, 1949
Select: Sloan, Helen Farr, and John Sloan, 1949
Stanley, Alix W., 1949
Select: Stanley, Alix W., 1949
T, General, 1949
Select: T, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (Terry Art Institute)
Toledo Museum of Art, 1949
Select: Toledo Museum of Art, 1949
U, General, 1949
Select: U, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (University of Nebraska)
University of Illinois, 1949
Select: University of Illinois, 1949
V, General, 1949
Select: V, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (Charles H. Voorhies regarding his work)
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 1949
Select: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 1949
Wa-Wh, General, 1949
Select: Wa-Wh, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (John Hay Whitney)
Wi-Wy, General, 1949
Select: Wi-Wy, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (Harry Wickey; Maria Wickey; Donald Witherstine of Shore Studios; Ann Wolfe; Worth Avenue Gallery)
Walker Art Center, 1949
Select: Walker Art Center, 1949
Weyerhaeuser, Carl, and Edith Weyerhauser, 1949
Select: Weyerhaeuser, Carl, and Edith Weyerhauser, 1949
Whitney Museum of American Art, 1949
Select: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1949
Williams, Esther, 1949
Select: Williams, Esther, 1949 Scope and Contents note (portrait commission from Carl and Edith Weyerhaeuser)
X-Y-Z, General, 1949
Select: X-Y-Z, General, 1949 Scope and Contents note (Edmund Yaghjian)
Miscellaneous Notes, 1949
Select: Miscellaneous Notes, 1949
Bills and Receipts, 1949
Select: Bills and Receipts, 1949
A, General, 1950
Select: A, General, 1950
B, General, 1950
Select: B, General, 1950 Scope and Contents note (Donald Bear, director of the Santa Barbara Museum of Art, regarding some of his drawings sent to Kraushaar Galleries on consignment)
C, General, 1950
Select: C, General, 1950 Scope and Contents note (Edward Christiana concerning his watercolors)
Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1950
Select: Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1950
D, General, 1950
Select: D, General, 1950 Scope and Contents note (Maurice Douek; Stella Drabkin; Elsie Driggs)
Des Moines Art Center, 1950
Select: Des Moines Art Center, 1950
E, General, 1950
Select: E, General, 1950
F, General, 1950
Select: F, General, 1950 Scope and Contents note (Florida Gulf Coast Art Center; Syd Fossum)
G, General, 1950
Select: G, General, 1950 Scope and Contents note (Robert F. Gates; attorneys Gillespie & O'Connor regarding the transfer of the business to the sole ownership of Antoinette Kraushaar; Katharine Sturgis Goodman; Grinnell College)
Ha, General, 1950
Select: Ha, General, 1950 Scope and Contents note (Ernst Halberstadt; Dalzell Hatfield)
He-Hy, General, 1950
Select: He-Hy, General, 1950 Scope and Contents note (Mrs. J. E. Heliker concerning John Heliker)
I, General, 1950
Select: I, General, 1950
J, General, 1950
Select: J, General, 1950 Scope and Contents note (Alfred E. Jones, Jr.)
James, Oliver B., 1950
Select: James, Oliver B., 1950 Scope and Contents note (purchases)
K, General, 1950
Select: K, General, 1950 Scope and Contents note (Max Kahn)
L, General, 1950
Select: L, General, 1950 Scope and Contents note (Richard Lahey; William F. Laporte; Tom Lias)
LuGen Galleries, 1950
Select: LuGen Galleries, 1950
Ma, General, 1950
Select: Ma, General, 1950
Mc-Mu, General, 1950
Select: Mc-Mu, General, 1950
Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, 1950
Select: Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, 1950
N, General, 1950
Select: N, General, 1950 Scope and Contents note (Ann Norton, formerly Weaver)
O, General, 1950
Select: O, General, 1950
P, General, 1950
Select: P, General, 1950 Scope and Contents note (Howard Ashman Patterson; Philadelphia Art Alliance; Eugenie Prendergast)
Q, General, 1950
Select: Q, General, 1950 Scope and Contents note (Gertrude Quastler)
R, General, 1950
Select: R, General, 1950 Scope and Contents note (Sidney Raynes; George Remailly; Hedley H. Rhys regarding his dissertation on Maurice Prendergast)
Rhode Island School of Design, 1950
Select: Rhode Island School of Design, 1950 Scope and Contents note (James D. Herbert)
Sa-Sm, General, 1950
Select: Sa-Sm, General, 1950 Scope and Contents note (Katherine S. Schamberg; Karl Schrag; Vernon Smith)
So-Sy, General, 1950
Select: So-Sy, General, 1950 Scope and Contents note (Southern Vermont Art Center; Alix W. Stanley regarding New Britain Institute)
T, General, 1950
Select: T, General, 1950
U, General, 1950
Select: U, General, 1950
University of Nebraska, 1950
Select: University of Nebraska, 1950
V, General, 1950
Select: V, General, 1950 Scope and Contents note (Charles Voorhies)
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 1950
Select: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 1950
Wa-We, General, 1950
Select: Wa-We, General, 1950 Scope and Contents note (Wadsworth Atheneum; Walker Art Center; Nan Watson; Carl Weyerhauser)
Wh-Wo, General, 1950
Select: Wh-Wo, General, 1950 Scope and Contents note (Whitney Museum of American Art regarding a John Sloan retrospective; Louis Wille; Ralph L. Wilson; Ann Wolfe)
X-Y-Z, General, 1950
Select: X-Y-Z, General, 1950
Bills and Receipts, 1950
Select: Bills and Receipts, 1950
William Sommer Exhibition, 1950
Select: William Sommer Exhibition, 1950 Scope and Contents note (1950-1951 correspondence with lenders to the exhibition and a marked-up copy of the exhibition catalog)
A, General, 1951
Select: A, General, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Art Association of Newport)
Ba-Bl, General, 1951
Select: Ba-Bl, General, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Joseph Barber)
Bo-Bu, General, 1951
Select: Bo-Bu, General, 1951
Barrett, Thomas R., 1951
Select: Barrett, Thomas R., 1951
C, General, 1951
Select: C, General, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Cleveland Museum of Art; Evangeline Cozzens regarding her health)
Cowie Galleries, 1951
Select: Cowie Galleries, 1951
D, General, 1951
Select: D, General, 1951
Des Moines Art Center, 1951
Select: Des Moines Art Center, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Frederick Dwight Kirsch)
E, General, 1951
Select: E, General, 1951
F, General, 1951
Select: F, General, 1951 Scope and Contents note (James Penney regarding an exhibition of his work at the Ferree School of Art; Syd Fossum)
Florida Gulf Coast Art Center, 1951
Select: Florida Gulf Coast Art Center, 1951 Scope and Contents note (seminar at the center on problems in buying and selling art in which Antoinette Kraushaar participated)
G, General, 1951
Select: G, General, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Lloyd Goff; Katharine Sturgis Goodman)
Ha-Hi, General, 1951
Select: Ha-Hi, General, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Ernst Halberstadt)
Ho-Hu, General, 1951
Select: Ho-Hu, General, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Hotchkiss School regarding an exhibition of work by William Kienbusch; Howard University; Whitney Ford Hoyt)
Hale, Bertha C., 1951
Select: Hale, Bertha C., 1951 Scope and Contents note (sales from the Hale Collection through Parke-Bernet Galleries, Inc.)
Clare J. Hoffman, Incorporated, 1951
Select: Clare J. Hoffman, Incorporated, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Vaughn Flannery exhibition)
J. L. Hudson Company, 1951
Select: J. L. Hudson Company, 1951
I, General, 1951
Select: I, General, 1951
J, General, 1951
Select: J, General, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Oliver B. James; Walter Jeffords; Joslyn Art Museum)
K, General, 1951
Select: K, General, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Mr. and Mrs. Max Kahn)
La-Li, General, 1951
Select: La-Li, General, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Mildred H. Lamb; Sidney A. Levyne; Tom Lias)
Lo-Lu, General, 1951
Select: Lo-Lu, General, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Charles Locke; Don Lord; Los Angeles County Museum)
LuGen Galleries, 1951
Select: LuGen Galleries, 1951
Ma-Mc General, 1951
Select: Ma-Mc General, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Marguerite Duthuit-Matisse regarding Henri Matisse sales from Kraushaar Galleries)
Me-Mi, General, 1951
Select: Me-Mi, General, 1951
Mo-Mu, General, 1951
Select: Mo-Mu, General, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Mount Holyoke College)
McClellan, H. C., 1951
Select: McClellan, H. C., 1951
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1951
Select: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1951
Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, 1951
Select: Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, 1951
Museum of Modern Art, 1951
Select: Museum of Modern Art, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Art Lending Service established by the museum's Junior Council in October)
N, General, 1951
Select: N, General, 1951 Scope and Contents note (National Academy of Design; letter from the National Arts Club annotated by Louis Bouché)
O, General, 1951
Select: O, General, 1951
Pa-Ph, General, 1951
Select: Pa-Ph, General, 1951
Pi-Pr, 1951
Select: Pi-Pr, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Eugenie Prendergast; Easton Pribble)
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1951
Select: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1951
Q, General, 1951
Select: Q, General, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Gertrude Quastler)
Ra-Ri, General, 1951
Select: Ra-Ri, General, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Sidney Raynes; George Rickey)
Ro-Ry, General, 1951
Select: Ro-Ry, General, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Ann Ryan)
Sa-Sh General, 1951
Select: Sa-Sh General, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Allen Saalburg; Mary Saalburg)
Si-Spe, 1951
Select: Si-Spe, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Vernon Smith)
Spr-Sw, General, 1951
Select: Spr-Sw, General, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Louise Stanton; Queena Stovall)
Springfield Museum of Fine Arts, 1951
Select: Springfield Museum of Fine Arts, 1951
Suffolk Museum at Stony Brook, 1951
Select: Suffolk Museum at Stony Brook, 1951 Scope and Contents note (catalog for an exhibition of paintings by John Koch at the museum with a foreword by Antoinette Kraushaar)
T, General, 1951
Select: T, General, 1951
Teetzel, Albert B., 1951
Select: Teetzel, Albert B., 1951
Toledo Museum of Art, 1951
Select: Toledo Museum of Art, 1951
U, General, 1951
Select: U, General, 1951 Scope and Contents note (University of Michigan; University of Minnesota)
University of Illinois, 1951
Select: University of Illinois, 1951
University of Nebraska, 1951
Select: University of Nebraska, 1951
V, General, 1951
Select: V, General, 1951
Wa-Wh, General, 1951
Select: Wa-Wh, General, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Charles Wadsworth)
Wi-Wo, General, 1951
Select: Wi-Wo, General, 1951
Wadsworth Atheneum, 1951
Select: Wadsworth Atheneum, 1951
Walker Art Center, 1951
Select: Walker Art Center, 1951
Whitney Museum of American Art, 1951
Select: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1951 Scope and Contents note (John Sloan exhibition)
X-Y-Z, General, 1951
Select: X-Y-Z, General, 1951 Scope and Contents note (Edmund Yaghjian)
A, General, 1952
Select: A, General, 1952
Ba-Bo, General, 1952
Select: Ba-Bo, General, 1952 Scope and Contents note (Joseph Barber)
Br-Bu, General, 1952
Select: Br-Bu, General, 1952
C, General, 1952
Select: C, General, 1952 Scope and Contents note (California Palace of the Legion of Honor; Cedar Rapids Art Association; Evangeline Cozzens)
Cowie Galleries, 1952
Select: Cowie Galleries, 1952
D, General, 1952
Select: D, General, 1952 Scope and Contents note (Des Moines Art Center; Caroline Durieux)
E, General, 1952
Select: E, General, 1952
Fa-Fi, General, 1952
Select: Fa-Fi, General, 1952
Fl-Fu, General, 1952
Select: Fl-Fu, General, 1952 Scope and Contents note (Lawrence A. Fleischman; Fort Worth Art Association)
G, General, 1952
Select: G, General, 1952 Scope and Contents note (Michael Gish; illustrated letter from Lloyd Goff)
Gaylord, Robert, 1952
Select: Gaylord, Robert, 1952
Ha, General, 1952
Select: Ha, General, 1952
He-Hu, General, 1952
Select: He-Hu, General, 1952 Scope and Contents note (Charles Hound enclosing 2 photographs of his watercolors; Whitney Ford Hoyt)
Hatfield, Dalzell, 1952
Select: Hatfield, Dalzell, 1952
Clare J. Hoffman, Incorporated, 1952
Select: Clare J. Hoffman, Incorporated, 1952
J. L. Hudson Company, 1952
Select: J. L. Hudson Company, 1952
I, General, 1952
Select: I, General, 1952
J, General, 1952
Select: J, General, 1952
Jones, Alfred E., 1952
Select: Jones, Alfred E., 1952
K, General, 1952
Select: K, General, 1952
La-Lev, General, 1952
Select: La-Lev, General, 1952
Lew-Ly, General, 1952
Select: Lew-Ly, General, 1952 Scope and Contents note (Anna Licht; Charles Locke)
LuGen Galleries, 1952
Select: LuGen Galleries, 1952 Scope and Contents note (Genevieve Lawrence)
Ma-Mc, General, 1952
Select: Ma-Mc, General, 1952
Me-My, General (Genevieve Lawrence), 1952
Select: Me-My, General (Genevieve Lawrence), 1952
Museum of Modern Art, 1952
Select: Museum of Modern Art, 1952 Scope and Contents note (arrangements with, and report on, the museum's Art Lending Service)
N, General, 1952
Select: N, General, 1952
O, General, 1952
Select: O, General, 1952 Scope and Contents note (arrangements with, and report on, the museum's Art Lending Service)
Pa-Pi, General, 1952
Select: Pa-Pi, General, 1952 Scope and Contents note (Philadelphia Art Alliance; Philadelphia Museum of Art)
Po-Pr, General, 1952
Select: Po-Pr, General, 1952 Scope and Contents note (Eugenie Prendergast; Easton Pribble; Print Club of Philadelphia; Portland Art Museum regarding an exhibition of Oregon artists)
George Parker Interiors, 1952
Select: George Parker Interiors, 1952
Q, General, 1952
Select: Q, General, 1952
R, General, 1952
Select: R, General, 1952 Scope and Contents note (Sidney Raynes; George Rickey; Maude Riley; Iver Rose; Boardman Robinson's estate)
Sa-Si, General, 1952
Select: Sa-Si, General, 1952 Scope and Contents note (Saint-Gaudens Memorial; Millard Sheets regarding a Gifford Beal retrospective at Scripps College)
Sm-Sp, General, 1952
Select: Sm-Sp, General, 1952
St-Sy, General, 1952
Select: St-Sy, General, 1952 Scope and Contents note (Queena Stovall)
T, General, 1952
Select: T, General, 1952 Scope and Contents note (Helen Train)
U, General, 1952
Select: U, General, 1952
V, General, 1952
Select: V, General, 1952 Scope and Contents note (hand-colored card from Mrs. M. G. Volz)
Wa-Wh, General, 1952
Select: Wa-Wh, General, 1952 Scope and Contents note (Jane Wasey; Helen Loggie of the Western Washington College of Education)
Wi-Wo, General, 1952
Select: Wi-Wo, General, 1952 Scope and Contents note (Louis Wille; Ralph L. Wilson enclosing a letter from Ira Glackens on the history of Nude Dressing Hair by William J. Glackens, which Wilson presented to Lehigh University)
Weiss, William A., 1952
Select: Weiss, William A., 1952
Whitney Museum of American Art, 1952
Select: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1952
X-Y-Z, General, 1952
Select: X-Y-Z, General, 1952 Scope and Contents note (Edmund Yaghjian; Yale University Division of the Arts)
A, General, 1953
Select: A, General, 1953
Art Association of Newport, 1953
Select: Art Association of Newport, 1953 Scope and Contents note (arrangements for a Gifford Beal exhibition)
B, General, 1953
Select: B, General, 1953 Scope and Contents note (Mrs. James H. Beal)
C, General, 1953
Select: C, General, 1953 Scope and Contents note (Marion Monks Chase; Charles Childs of Childs Gallery; City Art Museum of St. Louis; A. S. Cowie; Evangeline Cozzens)
D, General, 1953
Select: D, General, 1953 Scope and Contents note (Dallas Young Collections group)
Des Moines Art Center, 1953
Select: Des Moines Art Center, 1953
E, General, 1953
Select: E, General, 1953 Scope and Contents note (Sidney Eaton)
F, General, 1953
Select: F, General, 1953
G, General, 1953
Select: G, General, 1953 Scope and Contents note (Emil Gallozzi enclosing photograph of a painting by Franz Radziwill; Michael Gish)
H, General, 1953
Select: H, General, 1953 Scope and Contents note (James Hansen; Charles Heaney; John Heliker)
Clare J. Hoffman, Incorporated, 1953
Select: Clare J. Hoffman, Incorporated, 1953
J. L. Hudson Company, 1953
Select: J. L. Hudson Company, 1953
I, General, 1953
Select: I, General, 1953
J, General, 1953
Select: J, General, 1953
Jeffords, Walter M., 1953
Select: Jeffords, Walter M., 1953 Scope and Contents note (Vaughn Flannery paintings)
K, General, 1953
Select: K, General, 1953 Scope and Contents note (Max Kahn requesting his work be returned to him; Kansas State College)
L, General, 1953
Select: L, General, 1953 Scope and Contents note (Charles Locke; Don Lord)
Lawrence, Genevieve, 1953
Select: Lawrence, Genevieve, 1953
Ma-Mc, General, 1953
Select: Ma-Mc, General, 1953 Scope and Contents note (Dorothy Holt Manuel; Reginald Marsh)
Me-My, General, 1953
Select: Me-My, General, 1953 Scope and Contents note (Leo Meissner concerning return of his prints)
Maxon, Marjorie, 1953
Select: Maxon, Marjorie, 1953
University of Rochester Memorial Art Gallery, 1953
Select: University of Rochester Memorial Art Gallery, 1953
Museum of Modern Art, 1953
Select: Museum of Modern Art, 1953
N, General, 1953
Select: N, General, 1953
Newman, Hélèe S., 1953
Select: Newman, Hélèe S., 1953
O, General, 1953
Select: O, General, 1953
Pa-Ph, General, 1953
Select: Pa-Ph, General, 1953 Scope and Contents note (Duncan Phillips; Marjorie Phillips)
Pi-Pr, General, 1953
Select: Pi-Pr, General, 1953 Scope and Contents note (Eugenie Prendergast; Vincent Price)
George Parker Interiors, 1953
Select: George Parker Interiors, 1953
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1953
Select: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1953 Scope and Contents note (Karl Schrag relating to an invitation he received to exhibit in the academy's 51st annual watercolor and print exhibition)
Q, General, 1953
Select: Q, General, 1953
Ra-Re, General, 1953
Select: Ra-Re, General, 1953
Rh-Ry, General, 1953
Select: Rh-Ry, General, 1953 Scope and Contents note (Maude Riley; Sally Robinson; Jack Roth enclosing a photograph of his work; Michael Russo)
Sa-Sh, General, 1953
Select: Sa-Sh, General, 1953 Scope and Contents note (Jason Schoener; Scripps College regarding a Gifford Beal exhibition; David Seyler)
Si-Sp, General, 1953
Select: Si-Sp, General, 1953 Scope and Contents note (Vernon Smith; William L. Sommer regarding settlement of his deceased father's estate; Otto Spaeth)
St-Sy, General, 1953
Select: St-Sy, General, 1953 Scope and Contents note (Kenneth Stoner; Queena Stovall; Syracuse Museum of Fine Arts)
San Francisco Museum of Art, 1953
Select: San Francisco Museum of Art, 1953
Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 1953
Select: Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 1953
T, General, 1953
Select: T, General, 1953 Scope and Contents note (Helen Train)
Toledo Museum of Art, 1953
Select: Toledo Museum of Art, 1953
U, General, 1953
Select: U, General, 1953
V, General, 1953
Select: V, General, 1953
Wa-We, General, 1953
Select: Wa-We, General, 1953 Scope and Contents note (Charles Wadsworth)
Wi-Wr, General, 1953
Select: Wi-Wr, General, 1953
Weiss, William A., 1953
Select: Weiss, William A., 1953
Whitney Museum of American Art, 1953
Select: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1953
X-Y-Z, General, 1953
Select: X-Y-Z, General, 1953
A, General, 1954
Select: A, General, 1954 Scope and Contents note (Art Association of Newport; Alicia Atkinson)
B, General, 1954
Select: B, General, 1954 Scope and Contents note (Brooks Memorial Art Gallery; Van Wyck Brooks; Elizabeth Brown)
C, General, 1954
Select: C, General, 1954 Scope and Contents note (Yuen Yuey Chinn; Corcoran Gallery Institute of Contemporary Arts; Hyde Cox)
Carnegie Institute, 1954
Select: Carnegie Institute, 1954
D, General, 1954
Select: D, General, 1954 Scope and Contents note (Dayton Art Institute)
Des Moines Art Center, 1954
Select: Des Moines Art Center, 1954 Scope and Contents note (Frederick Dwight Kirsch)
E, General, 1954
Select: E, General, 1954 Scope and Contents note (Sidney Eaton)
F, General, 1954
Select: F, General, 1954
Fifth Avenue Protective Association, 1954
Select: Fifth Avenue Protective Association, 1954 Scope and Contents note (regarding litigation over 2 paintings consigned to George Parker Interiors that were not paid for)
G, General, 1954
Select: G, General, 1954 Scope and Contents note (Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum)
Grugan, Andrew J., 1954
Select: Grugan, Andrew J., 1954 Scope and Contents note (illustrated letter and correspondence regarding Grugan's collection of etchings by John Sloan)
Ha-He, General, 1954
Select: Ha-He, General, 1954
Hi-Hu, General, 1954
Select: Hi-Hu, General, 1954 Scope and Contents note (Joseph H. Hirshhorn)
J. L. Hudson Company, 1954
Select: J. L. Hudson Company, 1954
I, General, 1954
Select: I, General, 1954
J, General, 1954
Select: J, General, 1954 Scope and Contents note (Oliver B. James)
K, General, 1954
Select: K, General, 1954
L, General, 1954
Select: L, General, 1954 Scope and Contents note (Genevieve Lawrence)
Lehigh University, 1954
Select: Lehigh University, 1954
Ma-Mc, General, 1954
Select: Ma-Mc, General, 1954
Me-Mu, General, 1954
Select: Me-Mu, General, 1954 Scope and Contents note (Montclair Art Museum; Museum of Art of Ogonquit)
Meta Mold Aluminum Company, 1954
Select: Meta Mold Aluminum Company, 1954 Scope and Contents note (Frank Gelein, curator of the company's Art for Everyone exhibition)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1954
Select: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1954
Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, 1954
Select: Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, 1954
Museum of Fine Arts of Houston, 1954
Select: Museum of Fine Arts of Houston, 1954
Museum of Modern Art, 1954
Select: Museum of Modern Art, 1954 Scope and Contents note (records of transactions with the Art Lending Service)
N, General, 1954
Select: N, General, 1954 Scope and Contents note (Elizabeth S. Navas; Woldemar Neufeld)
Newman, Hélèe S., 1954
Select: Newman, Hélèe S., 1954
O, General, 1954
Select: O, General, 1954 Scope and Contents note (Verne Offerman)
Pa-Ph, General, 1954
Select: Pa-Ph, General, 1954 Scope and Contents note (Philadelphia Museum of Art)
Pi-Pu, General, 1954
Select: Pi-Pu, General, 1954 Scope and Contents note (Dorothy Poulos)
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1954
Select: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1954
Philadelphia Art Alliance, 1954
Select: Philadelphia Art Alliance, 1954
Q, General, 1954
Select: Q, General, 1954 Scope and Contents note (Gertrude Quastler)
R, General, 1954
Select: R, General, 1954 Scope and Contents note (Sidney Raynes; Billy Rose)
Sa-Si, General, 1954
Select: Sa-Si, General, 1954 Scope and Contents note (Arthur Saltzman regarding purchase of James Penney's Oneida Square with notes by Penney)
Sm-St, General, 1954
Select: Sm-St, General, 1954 Scope and Contents note (Hughie Lee-Smith; Vernon Smith; Queena Stovall)
T, General, 1954
Select: T, General, 1954 Scope and Contents note (Temple University; Toledo Museum of Art)
U, General, 1954
Select: U, General, 1954 Scope and Contents note (University of Miami Lowe Gallery)
University of Nebraska, 1954
Select: University of Nebraska, 1954 Scope and Contents note (selection of Kenneth Evett to create the first set of murals for Nebraska's capitol building)
V, General, 1954
Select: V, General, 1954 Scope and Contents note (Virginia Museum of Fine Arts)
W, General, 1954
Select: W, General, 1954
Wadsworth Atheneum, 1954
Select: Wadsworth Atheneum, 1954
Walker Art Center, 1954
Select: Walker Art Center, 1954
Whitney Museum of American Art, 1954
Select: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1954
Wilson, Margretta, and Ralph L. Wilson, 1954
Select: Wilson, Margretta, and Ralph L. Wilson, 1954 Scope and Contents note (arrangements for exhibitions and purchases for Lehigh University)
X-Y-Z, General, 1954
Select: X-Y-Z, General, 1954 Scope and Contents note (Mahonri Mackintosh Young)
A, General, 1955
Select: A, General, 1955 Scope and Contents note (Barnett Aden Gallery; Alicia Atkinson)
American Academy of Arts and Letters, 1955
Select: American Academy of Arts and Letters, 1955
American Federation of Arts, 1955
Select: American Federation of Arts, 1955
Ba-Bl, General, 1955
Select: Ba-Bl, General, 1955 Scope and Contents note (John Bernhardt)
Bo-Bu, General, 1955
Select: Bo-Bu, General, 1955 Scope and Contents note (Manuel Bromberg)
Baltimore Museum of Art, 1955
Select: Baltimore Museum of Art, 1955
Brooklyn Museum, 1955
Select: Brooklyn Museum, 1955
Ca-Coe, General, 1955
Select: Ca-Coe, General, 1955 Scope and Contents note (Yuen Yuey Chinn; Edward Christiana)
Col-Cr, General, 1955
Select: Col-Cr, General, 1955 Scope and Contents note (Evangeline Cozzens)
Carnegie Institute, 1955
Select: Carnegie Institute, 1955
Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, 1955
Select: Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, 1955
Da-Def, General, 1955
Select: Da-Def, General, 1955 Scope and Contents note (Dayton Art Institute)
Deg-Dy, General, 1955
Select: Deg-Dy, General, 1955 Scope and Contents note (card from Guy Pène and Yvonne Du Bois)
"D" Contemporary Paintings, 1955
Select: "D" Contemporary Paintings, 1955
Dartmouth College, 1955
Select: Dartmouth College, 1955
De Gregorio, Vincent J., 1955
Select: De Gregorio, Vincent J., 1955
Des Moines Art Center, 1955
Select: Des Moines Art Center, 1955
E, General, 1955
Select: E, General, 1955
Fa, General, 1955
Select: Fa, General, 1955
Fe-Fu, General, 1955
Select: Fe-Fu, General, 1955 Scope and Contents note (David Finn of Ruder & Finn Associates regarding a traveling exhibition, Business Meets the Arts)
G, General, 1955
Select: G, General, 1955 Scope and Contents note (Mrs. Walter F. Gips, Jr., regarding a commission for a mobile by George Rickey; Michael Gish)
Glover Associates, Inc., 1955
Select: Glover Associates, Inc., 1955 Scope and Contents note (Ruth Martin)
Wm. E. Goodridge & Son, 1955
Select: Wm. E. Goodridge & Son, 1955
Grugan, Andrew J., 1955
Select: Grugan, Andrew J., 1955
H, General, 1955
Select: H, General, 1955 Scope and Contents note (Whitney Ford Hoyt)
J. L. Hudson Company, 1955
Select: J. L. Hudson Company, 1955
I, General, 1955
Select: I, General, 1955
J, General, 1955
Select: J, General, 1955
K, General, 1955
Select: K, General, 1955 Scope and Contents note (Kansas State College; Irving Katzenstein)
L, General, 1955
Select: L, General, 1955 Scope and Contents note (Richard Lahey; Lehigh University)
Ma, General, 1955
Select: Ma, General, 1955
Mc-Mu, General, 1955
Select: Mc-Mu, General, 1955 Scope and Contents note (Minneapolis Institute of Arts)
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1955
Select: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1955
Mount Holyoke College, 1955
Select: Mount Holyoke College, 1955
Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, 1955
Select: Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, 1955
Museum of Modern Art, 1955
Select: Museum of Modern Art, 1955
N, General (Woldemar Neufeld), 1955
Select: N, General (Woldemar Neufeld), 1955
William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art, 1955
Select: William Rockhill Nelson Gallery of Art, 1955
O, General, 1955
Select: O, General, 1955
Pa-Ph, General (Walter Pach), 1955
Select: Pa-Ph, General (Walter Pach), 1955
Pi-Pr, General (Eugenie Prendergast), 1955
Select: Pi-Pr, General (Eugenie Prendergast), 1955
Parrish Art Museum, 1955
Select: Parrish Art Museum, 1955
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1955
Select: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1955
Pennsylvania State University, 1955
Select: Pennsylvania State University, 1955
Philadelphia Art Alliance, 1955
Select: Philadelphia Art Alliance, 1955
Q, General, 1955
Select: Q, General, 1955
R, General, 1955
Select: R, General, 1955
Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago, 1955
Select: Renaissance Society at the University of Chicago, 1955
Sa-Sc, General, 1955
Select: Sa-Sc, General, 1955
Se-So, General, 1955
Select: Se-So, General, 1955 Scope and Contents note (David Seyler; Hughie Lee-Smith; Vernon Smith; Smithsonian Institution National Collection of Fine Arts)
Sp-Sw, General, 1955
Select: Sp-Sw, General, 1955 Scope and Contents note (Queena Stovall)
T, General, 1955
Select: T, General, 1955
U, General, 1955
Select: U, General, 1955 Scope and Contents note (Union College; University of Minnesota)
University of Nebraska, 1955
Select: University of Nebraska, 1955
V, General, 1955
Select: V, General, 1955
Wa-We, General (Union College; University of Minnesota), 1955
Select: Wa-We, General (Union College; University of Minnesota), 1955
Wh-Wy, General, 1955
Select: Wh-Wy, General, 1955 Scope and Contents note (Whitney Museum of American Art; Ralph L. Wilson; Worcester Art Museum)
Wadsworth Atheneum, 1955
Select: Wadsworth Atheneum, 1955
Walker Art Center, 1955
Select: Walker Art Center, 1955
X-Y-Z, General, 1955
Select: X-Y-Z, General, 1955
A, General, 1956
Select: A, General, 1956 Scope and Contents note (Whitney Museum of American Art; Ralph L. Wilson; Worcester Art Museum)
American Academy of Arts and Letters, 1956
Select: American Academy of Arts and Letters, 1956 Scope and Contents note (loans for a Gifford Beal exhibition with dates of paintings and insurance values)
American Federation of Arts, 1956
Select: American Federation of Arts, 1956 Scope and Contents note ( Sport in Art exhibition)
Ba-Bo, General, 1956
Select: Ba-Bo, General, 1956 Scope and Contents note (Birmingham Museum of Art with a letter to Joe Lasker referring to Lasker's protest against the museum in response to "the entire course of events from the Supreme Court decision")
Br-Bu, General, 1956
Select: Br-Bu, General, 1956
Beal, Rebecca J., 1956
Select: Beal, Rebecca J., 1956 Scope and Contents note (loan and purchase of William Kienbusch pictures)
Brooklyn Museum, 1956
Select: Brooklyn Museum, 1956 Scope and Contents note (purchase of Nude with Apples by William J. Glackens)
Ca-Cl, General, 1956
Select: Ca-Cl, General, 1956 Scope and Contents note (Yuen Yuey Chinn; Edward Christiana; Albert Christ-Janer)
Co-Cu, General, 1956
Select: Co-Cu, General, 1956 Scope and Contents note (Yuen Yuey Chinn; Edward Christiana; Albert Christ-Janer)
Carnegie Institute, 1956
Select: Carnegie Institute, 1956 Scope and Contents note (purchase of La Villette by William J. Glackens)
Carlee, Randolph D. L., 1956
Select: Carlee, Randolph D. L., 1956 Scope and Contents note (regarding purchase of 2 John Sloan paintings, Red Paint Mill and Off the Nambe Road)
Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1956
Select: Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1956 Scope and Contents note (Institute of Contemporary Arts events at the gallery)
Currier Gallery of Art, 1956
Select: Currier Gallery of Art, 1956 Scope and Contents note ( Painters by the Sea exhibition)
D, General, 1956
Select: D, General, 1956 Scope and Contents note (Archives of American Art at the Detroit Institute of Arts concerning donation of art auction catalogs and possible donation of a Maurice Prendergast sketchbook)
Dayton Art Institute, 1956
Select: Dayton Art Institute, 1956
Denver Art Museum, 1956
Select: Denver Art Museum, 1956 Scope and Contents note (the museum's Children's Museum regarding Tom Hardy sculpture)
E, General, 1956
Select: E, General, 1956 Scope and Contents note (Allan D. Emil concerning purchase of the Maurice Prendergast painting Summer and Head by Gaston Lachaise; Frank Eyerly)
F, General, 1956
Select: F, General, 1956
G, General, 1956
Select: G, General, 1956 Scope and Contents note (Robert Garelick of Garelick's Gallery regarding a John Sloan exhibition and the purchase of 45 etchings)
Wm. E. Goodridge & Son, 1956
Select: Wm. E. Goodridge & Son, 1956 Scope and Contents note (90 John Sloan etchings on consignment to Kraushaar Galleries from Wayte Raymond that were lost in the move to Madison Avenue in 1955; catalog for a William Kienbusch exhibition with insurance values)
H, General, 1956
Select: H, General, 1956 Scope and Contents note (Whitney Ford Hoyt)
Hatfield, Dalzell, and Ruth Hatfield, 1956
Select: Hatfield, Dalzell, and Ruth Hatfield, 1956 Scope and Contents note (Russell Cowles exhibition)
I, General, 1956
Select: I, General, 1956 Scope and Contents note (Henry Hope of Indiana University Fine Arts Department with his suggested copy for an introduction to a Robert Laurent exhibition catalog)
J, General, 1956
Select: J, General, 1956
K, General, 1956
Select: K, General, 1956
L, General, 1956
Select: L, General, 1956
Lehigh University, 1956
Select: Lehigh University, 1956
Ma, General, 1956
Select: Ma, General, 1956 Scope and Contents note (Elsie Manville; George May)
Mc-Mi, General, 1956
Select: Mc-Mi, General, 1956 Scope and Contents note (Metropolitan Museum of Art)
Mo-Mu, General, 1956
Select: Mo-Mu, General, 1956 Scope and Contents note (Mount Holyoke College; Museum of Art of Ogonquit; Museum of Modern Art)
Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, 1956
Select: Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, 1956
Na-Nev, General, 1956
Select: Na-Nev, General, 1956
New-No, General, 1956
Select: New-No, General, 1956
O, General, 1956
Select: O, General, 1956
Pa-Pe, General, 1956
Select: Pa-Pe, General, 1956
Ph-Pu, General, 1956
Select: Ph-Pu, General, 1956 Scope and Contents note (Mount Holyoke College; Museum of Art of Ogonquit; Museum of Modern Art)
Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1956
Select: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1956 Scope and Contents note (John Sloan exhibition and purchase of a John Sloan collection by the museum including a price list)
Ra-Re, General, 1956
Select: Ra-Re, General, 1956 Scope and Contents note (Sidney Raynes; illustrated postcard from Grant T. Reynard)
Rh-Ru, General, 1956
Select: Rh-Ru, General, 1956 Scope and Contents note (Edward G. Robinson regarding a Maurice Prendergast painting)
Sa-Se, General, 1956
Select: Sa-Se, General, 1956
Sh-Sy, General, 1956
Select: Sh-Sy, General, 1956 Scope and Contents note (Queena Stovall)
Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 1956
Select: Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 1956 Scope and Contents note (Carl Morris exhibition with a letter from Morris thanking the museum and expressing pleasure at the sale of River Night)
Schramm, James, 1956
Select: Schramm, James, 1956
T, General, 1956
Select: T, General, 1956
U, General, 1956
Select: U, General, 1956 Scope and Contents note (University of Colorado; University of Michigan; Mary Washington College at the University of Virgini a)
University of Maine, 1956
Select: University of Maine, 1956 Scope and Contents note (University of Colorado; University of Michigan; Mary Washington College at the University of Virginia)
University of Nebraska, 1956
Select: University of Nebraska, 1956
V, General, 1956
Select: V, General, 1956
W, General, 1956
Select: W, General, 1956 Scope and Contents note (University of Colorado; University of Michigan; Mary Washington College at the University of Virginia)
Wadsworth Atheneum, 1956
Select: Wadsworth Atheneum, 1956
Whitney Museum of American Art, 1956
Select: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1956
Wilson, Ralph L., 1956
Select: Wilson, Ralph L., 1956
X-Y-Z, General, 1956
Select: X-Y-Z, General, 1956
Ad-Ap, General, 1957
Select: Ad-Ap, General, 1957 Scope and Contents note (University of Colorado; University of Michigan; Mary Washington College at the University of Virginia)
Ar-At, General, 1957
Select: Ar-At, General, 1957 Scope and Contents note (Ned Archer; Atlanta Art Association)
American Federation of Arts, 1957
Select: American Federation of Arts, 1957 Scope and Contents note (exhibitions including catalogs for, and information regarding, Fourteen Painter-Printmakers held at Kraushaar Galleries, May-June 1957)
Ba-Bo, General, 1957
Select: Ba-Bo, General, 1957 Scope and Contents note (John Bernhardt)
Br-Bu, General, 1957
Select: Br-Bu, General, 1957 Scope and Contents note (Ainslie Burke concerning a Fulbright-funded year in Italy)
Beal, James, and Rebecca Beal, 1957
Select: Beal, James, and Rebecca Beal, 1957
Bernstein, Irwin L., 1957
Select: Bernstein, Irwin L., 1957
Ca-Cl, General, 1957
Select: Ca-Cl, General, 1957 Scope and Contents note (Ainslie Burke concerning a Fulbright-funded year in Italy)
Co-Cu, General, 1957
Select: Co-Cu, General, 1957 Scope and Contents note (Columbia Museum of Art; Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts)
Carlee, Randolph D. L., 1957
Select: Carlee, Randolph D. L., 1957
Cushman Gallery, Inc., 1957
Select: Cushman Gallery, Inc., 1957 Scope and Contents note (Edward Christiana regarding exhibition of his work)
Da-Dc, General, 1957
Select: Da-Dc, General, 1957 Scope and Contents note (Dartmouth College; Dayton Art Institute)
De-Du, General, 1957
Select: De-Du, General, 1957 Scope and Contents note (Denver Art Museum; Detroit Institute of Arts concerning the Archives of American Art; Yvonne Du Bois)
Des Moines Art Center, 1957
Select: Des Moines Art Center, 1957
E, General, 1957
Select: E, General, 1957
F, General, 1957
Select: F, General, 1957 Scope and Contents note (Denver Art Museum; Detroit Institute of Arts concerning the Archives of American Art; Yvonne Du Bois)
G, General, 1957
Select: G, General, 1957
Wm. E. Goodridge, Inc., 1957
Select: Wm. E. Goodridge, Inc., 1957 Scope and Contents note (catalogs of John Heliker and John Koch exhibitions with insurance notes)
H, General, 1957
Select: H, General, 1957 Scope and Contents note (Charles Hagedorn regarding a sculpture commission by Tom Hardy with photographs of the sculpture's location; Alan Chidsey regarding Marsden Hartley's estate)
I, General, 1957
Select: I, General, 1957
J, General, 1957
Select: J, General, 1957 Scope and Contents note (Junior League Art Gallery, Inc., in Louisville)
Ka-Ke, General, 1957
Select: Ka-Ke, General, 1957
Ki-Ku, General, 1957
Select: Ki-Ku, General, 1957 Scope and Contents note (David Kimball)
La-Le, General, 1957
Select: La-Le, General, 1957
Li-Ly, General, 1957
Select: Li-Ly, General, 1957 Scope and Contents note (Library of Congress regarding prints purchased)
Lehigh University, 1957
Select: Lehigh University, 1957 Scope and Contents note (illustrated letter from Francis J. Quirk; copies of letters to Ralph Wilson regarding the collection at Lehigh University)
Ma-Mc, General, 1957
Select: Ma-Mc, General, 1957 Scope and Contents note (Edward Marcus; George May)
Me-My, General, 1957
Select: Me-My, General, 1957 Scope and Contents note (Museum of Art of Ogonquit regarding plans for a Tom Hardy exhibition)
Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, 1957
Select: Montreal Museum of Fine Arts, 1957 Scope and Contents note (loan of The Beach, San Malo for an exhibition of art by William J. Glackens and his friends at Kraushaar Galleries in 1957)
Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, 1957
Select: Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, 1957
Museum of Modern Art, 1957
Select: Museum of Modern Art, 1957
N, General, 1957
Select: N, General, 1957
O, General, 1957
Select: O, General, 1957
P, General, 1957
Select: P, General, 1957
Philadelphia Art Alliance, 1957
Select: Philadelphia Art Alliance, 1957
Q, General, 1957
Select: Q, General, 1957
Ra, General, 1957
Select: Ra, General, 1957 Scope and Contents note (Sidney Raynes)
Re-Ry, General, 1957
Select: Re-Ry, General, 1957 Scope and Contents note (3 illustrated postcards from Grant T. Reynard; Sally Robinson)
Sa-Se, General, 1957
Select: Sa-Se, General, 1957
Sh-Sy, General, 1957
Select: Sh-Sy, General, 1957
Slater Memorial Museum, 1957
Select: Slater Memorial Museum, 1957
T, General, 1957
Select: T, General, 1957
U, General, 1957
Select: U, General, 1957
V, General, 1957
Select: V, General, 1957
Wa, General, 1957
Select: Wa, General, 1957
We-Wo, General, 1957
Select: We-Wo, General, 1957
Wadsworth Atheneum, 1957
Select: Wadsworth Atheneum, 1957
Whitney Museum of American Art, 1957
Select: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1957
X-Y-Z, General, 1957
Select: X-Y-Z, General, 1957 Scope and Contents note (estate of Mahonri Mackintosh Young, who died in November 1957)
Ad-Am, General, 1958
Select: Ad-Am, General, 1958
Ap-At, General, 1958
Select: Ap-At, General, 1958
American Federation of Arts, 1958
Select: American Federation of Arts, 1958
Ba-Bi, General, 1958
Select: Ba-Bi, General, 1958 Scope and Contents note (estate of Mahonri Mackintosh Young, who died in November 1957)
Bo-Bu, General, 1958
Select: Bo-Bu, General, 1958
Ca-Ci, General, 1958
Select: Ca-Ci, General, 1958 Scope and Contents note (Yuen Yuey Chinn in Paris; Edward Christiana)
Cl-Col, General, 1958
Select: Cl-Col, General, 1958
Con-Cu, General, 1958
Select: Con-Cu, General, 1958
Carlee, Randolph D. L., 1958
Select: Carlee, Randolph D. L., 1958 Scope and Contents note (concerning purchase of Seine at Paris by William J. Glackens)
Carr, Mr. and Mrs. F. William, 1958
Select: Carr, Mr. and Mrs. F. William, 1958
Cincinnati Art Museum, 1958
Select: Cincinnati Art Museum, 1958 Scope and Contents note (museum's Contemporary Arts Center)
D, General, 1958
Select: D, General, 1958 Scope and Contents note (Denver Art Museum; Ralph Dubin)
Des Moines Art Center, 1958
Select: Des Moines Art Center, 1958 Scope and Contents note (Frederick Dwight Kirsch concerning exhibitions at the center, purchase of Maurice Prendergast's Girl in Blue Dress, and personal matters)
E, General, 1958
Select: E, General, 1958
F, General, 1958
Select: F, General, 1958 Scope and Contents note (Perle Fine)
G, General, 1958
Select: G, General, 1958
Wm. E. Goodridge, Inc., 1958
Select: Wm. E. Goodridge, Inc., 1958
Ha, General, 1958
Select: Ha, General, 1958 Scope and Contents note (Ernst Halberstadt)
He-Hy, General, 1958
Select: He-Hy, General, 1958
I, General, 1958
Select: I, General, 1958 Scope and Contents note (Iowa State Teachers College)
J, General, 1958
Select: J, General, 1958 Scope and Contents note (Dorothy C. Jack enclosing a photograph of a landscape by Childe Hassam)
K, General, 1958
Select: K, General, 1958 Scope and Contents note (Antoinette Kraushaar during her visit to the Walker Art Center)
Kimball, David C., 1958
Select: Kimball, David C., 1958
La-Les, General, 1958
Select: La-Les, General, 1958 Scope and Contents note (Lehigh University)
Lev-Lu, General, 1958
Select: Lev-Lu, General, 1958 Scope and Contents note (Robert Light regarding John Sloan etchings with a marked-up copy of Catalogue of the Complete Collection of Etchings by John Sloan dated February 1937; Don Lord)
London, Robert, 1958
Select: London, Robert, 1958
Ma-Me, General, 1958
Select: Ma-Me, General, 1958 Scope and Contents note (John, Jr., and Norma Marin; Marjorie Maxon; George May; Elizabeth McFadden)
Mi-My, General, 1958
Select: Mi-My, General, 1958
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1958
Select: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1958 Scope and Contents note (purchase of 3 works by Maurice Prendergast; letter enclosing notes on all Prendergast paintings handled by Kraushaar Galleries)
Museum of Modern Art, 1958
Select: Museum of Modern Art, 1958
N, General, 1958
Select: N, General, 1958 Scope and Contents note (Margaret Lawson Nison concerning sales of artwork by Ernest Lawson)
O, General, 1958
Select: O, General, 1958
Pa-Pe, General, 1958
Select: Pa-Pe, General, 1958 Scope and Contents note (Walter Pach; George Perutz)
Ph-Pr, General, 1958
Select: Ph-Pr, General, 1958 Scope and Contents note (Eugenie Prendergast)
Q, General, 1958
Select: Q, General, 1958
Ra-Rh, General, 1958
Select: Ra-Rh, General, 1958 Scope and Contents note (Charles Raubicheck; illustrated postcard from Grant T. Reynard; Hedley Rhys concerning his thesis on Maurice Prendergast)
Ri-Ru, General, 1958
Select: Ri-Ru, General, 1958 Scope and Contents note (Grace Root concerning prices and insurance values on her art collection and enclosing a photo postcard of her house; Iver Rose; Irwing Rosenhouse enclosing prices of his prints)
Sa-Se, General, 1958
Select: Sa-Se, General, 1958
Sh-Sp, General, 1958
Select: Sh-Sp, General, 1958 Scope and Contents note (Jack Steiger; Harris Steinberg)
St, General, 1958
Select: St, General, 1958
Schermerhorn Gallery, 1958
Select: Schermerhorn Gallery, 1958
Smithsonian Institution, 1958
Select: Smithsonian Institution, 1958 Scope and Contents note (loans for 2 exhibitions)
Syracuse Museum of Fine Arts, 1958
Select: Syracuse Museum of Fine Arts, 1958
T, General, 1958
Select: T, General, 1958 Scope and Contents note (Evelyn Taylor; Helen Train)
U, General, 1958
Select: U, General, 1958
University of Nebraska, 1958
Select: University of Nebraska, 1958
University of Notre Dame, 1958
Select: University of Notre Dame, 1958
V, General, 1958
Select: V, General, 1958
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 1958
Select: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 1958
Wa-Wel, General, 1958
Select: Wa-Wel, General, 1958
Wes-Wy, General, 1958
Select: Wes-Wy, General, 1958 Scope and Contents note (Esther Williams concerning memories of William J. Glackens; Ralph L. Wilson)
Wadsworth Atheneum, 1958
Select: Wadsworth Atheneum, 1958
Walker Art Center, 1958
Select: Walker Art Center, 1958 Scope and Contents note (exhibition attended by Antoinette Kraushaar)
X-Y-Z, General, 1958
Select: X-Y-Z, General, 1958 Scope and Contents note (Edmund Yaghjian)
Aa-Al, General, 1959
Select: Aa-Al, General, 1959
Am-At, General, 1959
Select: Am-At, General, 1959 Scope and Contents note (Dorothy Andrews)
Ba-Be, General, 1959
Select: Ba-Be, General, 1959 Scope and Contents note (list of paintings by Cecil Bell on consignment at Kraushaar Galleries)
Bi-Bu, General, 1959
Select: Bi-Bu, General, 1959 Scope and Contents note (Bowdoin College Museum of Fine Arts; Brick Store Museum concerning a Peggy Bacon exhibition)
Baltimore Museum of Art, 1959
Select: Baltimore Museum of Art, 1959 Scope and Contents note (Vaughn Flannery memorial exhibition with a list of all Flannery paintings handled by Kraushaar Galleries)
Ca-Ch, General, 1959
Select: Ca-Ch, General, 1959 Scope and Contents note (Mary Chenoweth; Yuen Yuey Chinn; Edward Christiana)
Ci-Col, General, 1959
Select: Ci-Col, General, 1959 Scope and Contents note (Coleman Art Gallery; Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts)
Com-Cu, General, 1959
Select: Com-Cu, General, 1959
Cincinnati Art Museum, 1959
Select: Cincinnati Art Museum, 1959 Scope and Contents note (museum's Contemporary Arts Center)
Columbia Museum of Art, 1959
Select: Columbia Museum of Art, 1959
D, General, 1959
Select: D, General, 1959 Scope and Contents note (Randall Davey; Richard Davis; Worden Day; Werner Drewes)
Des Moines Art Center, 1959
Select: Des Moines Art Center, 1959 Scope and Contents note (purchase of Tugs by John Sloan)
E, General, 1959
Select: E, General, 1959
Epstein, Ellen, 1959
Select: Epstein, Ellen, 1959
F, General, 1959
Select: F, General, 1959
G, General, 1959
Select: G, General, 1959
Wm. E. Goodridge, Inc., 1959
Select: Wm. E. Goodridge, Inc., 1959 Scope and Contents note (catalog for a Henry Mitchell exhibition)
Grant, Earle, 1959
Select: Grant, Earle, 1959
Ha-Hei, General, 1959
Select: Ha-Hei, General, 1959
Hel-Hy, General, 1959
Select: Hel-Hy, General, 1959 Scope and Contents note (Whitney Ford Hoyt)
Dalzell Hatfield Galleries, 1959
Select: Dalzell Hatfield Galleries, 1959
Heinzelman, Carl D., 1959
Select: Heinzelman, Carl D., 1959
I, General, 1959
Select: I, General, 1959
J, General, 1959
Select: J, General, 1959
K, General, 1959
Select: K, General, 1959 Scope and Contents note (Kansas State University; Glen Krause)
La-Les, General, 1959
Select: La-Les, General, 1959
Lev-Lu, General, 1959
Select: Lev-Lu, General, 1959 Scope and Contents note (Leslie Levy enclosing a photograph of John Sloan's painting Gloucester Bay; Charles Locke)
Ma-Me, General, 1959
Select: Ma-Me, General, 1959
Mi-Mu, General, 1959
Select: Mi-Mu, General, 1959 Scope and Contents note (Adelaide Moise; William Moise)
Museum of Modern Art, 1959
Select: Museum of Modern Art, 1959
N, General, 1959
Select: N, General, 1959
O, General, 1959
Select: O, General, 1959
Pa-Pe, General, 1959
Select: Pa-Pe, General, 1959
Ph-Pr, General, 1959
Select: Ph-Pr, General, 1959
Prendergast, Eugenie, 1959
Select: Prendergast, Eugenie, 1959 Scope and Contents note (regarding arrangements for handling the work of Charles and Maurice Prendergast including lists of works on consignment from 1956 to 1959
Q, General, 1959
Select: Q, General, 1959 Scope and Contents note (Gertrude Quastler)
R, General, 1959
Select: R, General, 1959 Scope and Contents note (Sally Robinson)
Sa-Sc, General, 1959
Select: Sa-Sc, General, 1959 Scope and Contents note (Schermerhorn Gallery)
Se-So, General, 1959
Select: Se-So, General, 1959 Scope and Contents note (Ronald Searle)
Sp-Sy, General, 1959
Select: Sp-Sy, General, 1959
Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 1959
Select: Santa Barbara Museum of Art, 1959
Semans, Mary T., 1959
Select: Semans, Mary T., 1959
T, General, 1959
Select: T, General, 1959
U, General, 1959
Select: U, General, 1959
V, General, 1959
Select: V, General, 1959
Wa-Wh, General, 1959
Select: Wa-Wh, General, 1959
Wi-Wy, General, 1959
Select: Wi-Wy, General, 1959
Wadsworth Atheneum, 1959
Select: Wadsworth Atheneum, 1959
Wilmington Society of the Fine Arts, 1959
Select: Wilmington Society of the Fine Arts, 1959
X-Y-Z, General, 1959
Select: X-Y-Z, General, 1959
Ab-Al, General, 1960
Select: Ab-Al, General, 1960 Scope and Contents note (Ronald Searle)
Am-Au, General, 1960
Select: Am-Au, General, 1960 Scope and Contents note (Dorothy Andrews)
Allentown Art Museum, 1960
Select: Allentown Art Museum, 1960
Ba-Bl, General, 1960
Select: Ba-Bl, General, 1960 Scope and Contents note (Maud Beal; Rosalie Berkowitz; John Bernhardt)
Bo-Bu, General, 1960
Select: Bo-Bu, General, 1960
Baker, Keith H., 1960
Select: Baker, Keith H., 1960
Brooklyn Museum, 1960
Select: Brooklyn Museum, 1960
Ca-Cl, General, 1960
Select: Ca-Cl, General, 1960 Scope and Contents note (Maud Beal; Rosalie Berkowitz; John Bernhardt)
Co-Cu, General, 1960
Select: Co-Cu, General, 1960
Carnegie Institute, 1960
Select: Carnegie Institute, 1960
Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, 1960
Select: Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, 1960
D, General, 1960
Select: D, General, 1960 Scope and Contents note (1957 Archives of American Art brochure from Detroit Institute of Arts)
Dallas Museum for Contemporary Arts, 1960
Select: Dallas Museum for Contemporary Arts, 1960 Scope and Contents note (exhibition of drawings by Ulfert Wilke)
Dartmouth College, 1960
Select: Dartmouth College, 1960 Scope and Contents note (William J. Glackens retrospective exhibition)
Dayton Art Institute, 1960
Select: Dayton Art Institute, 1960
E, General, 1960
Select: E, General, 1960
Fa-Fi, General, 1960
Select: Fa-Fi, General, 1960
Fl-Fu, General, 1960
Select: Fl-Fu, General, 1960 Scope and Contents note (Ford Foundation concerning retrospective exhibitions of Carl Morris and Karl Schrag arranged in conjunction with American Federation of Arts)
Fillin, Walter, 1960
Select: Fillin, Walter, 1960 Scope and Contents note (estimates for value of various pictures)
Fleischman, Lawrence, 1960
Select: Fleischman, Lawrence, 1960
Ga-Go, General, 1960
Select: Ga-Go, General, 1960
Gr-Gu, General, 1960
Select: Gr-Gu, General, 1960
Wm. E. Goodridge, Inc., 1960
Select: Wm. E. Goodridge, Inc., 1960
Ha-He, General, 1960
Select: Ha-He, General, 1960
Hi-Hu, General, 1960
Select: Hi-Hu, General, 1960 Scope and Contents note (Whitney Ford Hoyt)
I, General, 1960
Select: I, General, 1960
J, General, 1960
Select: J, General, 1960 Scope and Contents note (Julius Jacobson)
Ka-Kh, General, 1960
Select: Ka-Kh, General, 1960
Ki-Ku, General, 1960
Select: Ki-Ku, General, 1960 Scope and Contents note (John Koch; Glen Krause; Antoinette Kraushaar to her employees from her vacation in East Hampton with business and personal news)
L, General, 1960
Select: L, General, 1960
Lehigh University, 1960
Select: Lehigh University, 1960
Lofstrum, James E., 1960
Select: Lofstrum, James E., 1960
Ma, General, 1960
Select: Ma, General, 1960
Mc-Me, General, 1960
Select: Mc-Me, General, 1960
Mi-Mu, General, 1960
Select: Mi-Mu, General, 1960
Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1960
Select: Museum of Fine Arts, Boston, 1960 Scope and Contents note (John Koch; Glen Krause; Antoinette Kraushaar to her employees from her vacation in East Hampton with business and personal news)
Museum of Modern Art, 1960
Select: Museum of Modern Art, 1960
N, General, 1960
Select: N, General, 1960
O, General, 1960
Select: O, General, 1960
Pa-Pe, General, 1960
Select: Pa-Pe, General, 1960
Ph-Pr, General, 1960
Select: Ph-Pr, General, 1960
Prendergast, Eugenie, 1960
Select: Prendergast, Eugenie, 1960 Scope and Contents note (her wish to exercise more control over Prendergast works sold through Kraushaar Galleries)
Q, General, 1960
Select: Q, General, 1960
R, General, 1960
Select: R, General, 1960 Scope and Contents note (Andrée Ruellan)
Sa-Sei, General, 1960
Select: Sa-Sei, General, 1960
Sel-So, General, 1960
Select: Sel-So, General, 1960
Sp-Sw, General, 1960
Select: Sp-Sw, General, 1960
T, General, 1960
Select: T, General, 1960 Scope and Contents note (Thieme Galleries)
U, General, 1960
Select: U, General, 1960
University of Nebraska, 1960
Select: University of Nebraska, 1960 Scope and Contents note (Nebraska Art Association)
V, General, 1960
Select: V, General, 1960
Wa-Wh, General, 1960
Select: Wa-Wh, General, 1960
Wi-Wy, General, 1960
Select: Wi-Wy, General, 1960 Scope and Contents note (Wichita Art Museum)
Wadsworth Atheneum, 1960
Select: Wadsworth Atheneum, 1960
Walker Art Center, 1960
Select: Walker Art Center, 1960
Wilson, Ralph L., 1960
Select: Wilson, Ralph L., 1960
X-Y-Z, General, 1960
Select: X-Y-Z, General, 1960
Ab-Al, General, 1961
Select: Ab-Al, General, 1961 Scope and Contents note (Humbert Albrizio)
Am-Au, General, 1961
Select: Am-Au, General, 1961
American Federation of Arts, 1961
Select: American Federation of Arts, 1961
Arnest, Bernard, 1961
Select: Arnest, Bernard, 1961 Scope and Contents note (artwork created in Afghanistan)
Art Association of Newport, 1961
Select: Art Association of Newport, 1961
Ba-Bl, General, 1961
Select: Ba-Bl, General, 1961
Bn-Bu, General, 1961
Select: Bn-Bu, General, 1961
Bacon, Peggy, 1961
Select: Bacon, Peggy, 1961
Baker, Keith, 1961
Select: Baker, Keith, 1961
Bouché, Louis, and Marian Bouché, 1961
Select: Bouché, Louis, and Marian Bouché, 1961
Bowdoin College Museum of Fine Arts, 1961
Select: Bowdoin College Museum of Fine Arts, 1961
Ca-Ch, General, 1961
Select: Ca-Ch, General, 1961 Scope and Contents note (Yuen Yuey Chinn)
Ci-Cr, General, 1961
Select: Ci-Cr, General, 1961
Carlin Galleries, 1961
Select: Carlin Galleries, 1961
Da, General, 1961
Select: Da, General, 1961
De-Du, General, 1961
Select: De-Du, General, 1961 Scope and Contents note (Yuen Yuey Chinn)
DeLonga, Leonard, and Sandy DeLonga, 1961
Select: DeLonga, Leonard, and Sandy DeLonga, 1961
Des Moines Art Center, 1961
Select: Des Moines Art Center, 1961
E, General, 1961
Select: E, General, 1961
Evett, Kenneth, 1961
Select: Evett, Kenneth, 1961
Eyerly, Frank, 1961
Select: Eyerly, Frank, 1961
F, General, 1961
Select: F, General, 1961
Feldman, Walter, 1961
Select: Feldman, Walter, 1961
Fuller, William M. and Mrs., 1961
Select: Fuller, William M. and Mrs., 1961
G, General, 1961
Select: G, General, 1961 Scope and Contents note (Leon Goldin; John Guerin)
Glackens, Ira, 1961
Select: Glackens, Ira, 1961
Goldman, Harold, 1961
Select: Goldman, Harold, 1961
Wm. E. Goodridge, Inc., 1961
Select: Wm. E. Goodridge, Inc., 1961
Guerin, John, 1961
Select: Guerin, John, 1961
Gutman, Jacob C., 1961
Select: Gutman, Jacob C., 1961
Ha, General, 1961
Select: Ha, General, 1961 Scope and Contents note (John Hartell)
He-Hu, General, 1961
Select: He-Hu, General, 1961 Scope and Contents note (Whitney Ford Hoyt)
Hardy, Tom, 1961
Select: Hardy, Tom, 1961
I, General, 1961
Select: I, General, 1961
J, General, 1961
Select: J, General, 1961
Ka-Ki, General, 1961
Select: Ka-Ki, General, 1961 Scope and Contents note (William Kienbusch concerning a trip to Europe)
Kl-Ku, General, 1961
Select: Kl-Ku, General, 1961 Scope and Contents note (John Koch to customers regarding work on their purchases; Glen Krause)
La, General, 1961
Select: La, General, 1961 Scope and Contents note (Joe Lasker; John Laurent)
Le-Lu, General, 1961
Select: Le-Lu, General, 1961 Scope and Contents note (James Lechay; Charles Locke)
Laurent, Robert, 1961
Select: Laurent, Robert, 1961
Lehigh University, 1961
Select: Lehigh University, 1961
Ma, General, 1961
Select: Ma, General, 1961
Mc-Mu, General, 1961
Select: Mc-Mu, General, 1961 Scope and Contents note (Henry Mitchell)
Morris, Carl, 1961
Select: Morris, Carl, 1961 Scope and Contents note (recent difficulties with work and plans for an exhibition)
Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, 1961
Select: Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, 1961
Museum of Modern Art, 1961
Select: Museum of Modern Art, 1961
N, General, 1961
Select: N, General, 1961
O, General, 1961
Select: O, General, 1961
Charles Z. Offin Advertising, 1961
Select: Charles Z. Offin Advertising, 1961
Pa-Pen, General, 1961
Select: Pa-Pen, General, 1961 Scope and Contents note (James Penney)
Per-Pr, General, 1961
Select: Per-Pr, General, 1961
Q, General, 1961
Select: Q, General, 1961
Ra-Re, General, 1961
Select: Ra-Re, General, 1961 Scope and Contents note (Sidney Raynes in Rome)
Ri-Ru, General, 1961
Select: Ri-Ru, General, 1961 Scope and Contents note (Andrée Ruellan)
Rickey, George, 1961
Select: Rickey, George, 1961
Sa-Sc, General, 1961
Select: Sa-Sc, General, 1961 Scope and Contents note (Karl Schrag regarding boycotting of New York exhibitions by the Artist Tenant Association)
Se-So, General, 1961
Select: Se-So, General, 1961 Scope and Contents note (John Sloan Trust)
Sp-Su, General, 1961
Select: Sp-Su, General, 1961
Semans, Mary T., 1961
Select: Semans, Mary T., 1961
T, General, 1961
Select: T, General, 1961
U, General, 1961
Select: U, General, 1961 Scope and Contents note (University of Michigan regarding Antoinette Kraushaar's regret about Eugenie Prendergast's decision to end her business relationship with Kraushaar Galleries)
V, General, 1961
Select: V, General, 1961 Scope and Contents note (Walter H. Vanderburgh concerning details about the life of George Luks for a book he is writing)
Wa-Wh, General, 1961
Select: Wa-Wh, General, 1961 Scope and Contents note (Jane Wasey)
Wi-Wo, General, 1961
Select: Wi-Wo, General, 1961
Wilke, Ulfert, 1961
Select: Wilke, Ulfert, 1961
Wilmington Society of the Fine Arts, 1961
Select: Wilmington Society of the Fine Arts, 1961
X-Y-Z, General, 1961
Select: X-Y-Z, General, 1961 Scope and Contents note (Marguerite Zorach)
Ab-Al, General, 1962
Select: Ab-Al, General, 1962 Scope and Contents note (Humbert Albrizio)
Am-Av, General, 1962
Select: Am-Av, General, 1962
Albany Institute of History and Art, 1962
Select: Albany Institute of History and Art, 1962
Ba, General, 1962
Select: Ba, General, 1962 Scope and Contents note (Peggy Bacon)
Be-Bl, General, 1962
Select: Be-Bl, General, 1962
Bo-Bu, General, 1962
Select: Bo-Bu, General, 1962 Scope and Contents note (Louis Bouché)
Bayroff, Mollie, 1962
Select: Bayroff, Mollie, 1962
Burton, Irving F., 1962
Select: Burton, Irving F., 1962
Butler Institute of American Art, 1962
Select: Butler Institute of American Art, 1962
C, General, 1962
Select: C, General, 1962
Colby College, 1962
Select: Colby College, 1962
Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, 1962
Select: Colorado Springs Fine Arts Center, 1962
Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1962
Select: Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1962
Cornell University, 1962
Select: Cornell University, 1962 Scope and Contents note (Louis Bouché)
Da-Den, General, 1962
Select: Da-Den, General, 1962
Des-Dy, General, 1962
Select: Des-Dy, General, 1962
Dade, Phillip, 1962
Select: Dade, Phillip, 1962
Dallas Museum for Contemporary Arts, 1962
Select: Dallas Museum for Contemporary Arts, 1962
Devlin Gallery, 1962
Select: Devlin Gallery, 1962
E, General, 1962
Select: E, General, 1962 Scope and Contents note (Paul Ehrenfest enclosing a photograph of his home)
F, General, 1962
Select: F, General, 1962
Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, 1962
Select: Fine Arts Gallery of San Diego, 1962
G, General, 1962
Select: G, General, 1962 Scope and Contents note (Leon Goldin)
Goldman, Harold J., 1962
Select: Goldman, Harold J., 1962
Wm. E. Goodridge, Inc., 1962
Select: Wm. E. Goodridge, Inc., 1962 Scope and Contents note (catalogs for Peggy Bacon and William Kienbusch exhibitions)
Grand Rapids Art Gallery, 1962
Select: Grand Rapids Art Gallery, 1962
Ha-Hen, General, 1962
Select: Ha-Hen, General, 1962 Scope and Contents note (John Heliker)
Her-Hy, General, 1962
Select: Her-Hy, General, 1962 Scope and Contents note (Whitney Ford Hoyt)
Huntington, Christopher, 1962
Select: Huntington, Christopher, 1962 Scope and Contents note (relationship with John Laurent)
I, General, 1962
Select: I, General, 1962
Iowa State University, 1962
Select: Iowa State University, 1962 Scope and Contents note (Frederick Dwight Kirsch)
J, General, 1962
Select: J, General, 1962
Ka-Kem, General, 1962
Select: Ka-Kem, General, 1962
Ken-Ku, General, 1962
Select: Ken-Ku, General, 1962 Scope and Contents note (William Kienbusch; John Koch; Glen Krause)
L, General, 1962
Select: L, General, 1962 Scope and Contents note (James Lechay)
Lehigh University, 1962
Select: Lehigh University, 1962
Lucas, Mr. & Mrs. Charles C., Jr., 1962
Select: Lucas, Mr. & Mrs. Charles C., Jr., 1962
Ma, General, 1962
Select: Ma, General, 1962
Mc-My, General, 1962
Select: Mc-My, General, 1962
Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, 1962
Select: Munson-Williams-Proctor Institute, 1962 Scope and Contents note (exhibition for 50th anniversary of the Armory Show)
Museum of Modern Art, 1962
Select: Museum of Modern Art, 1962
Na-Nel, General, 1962
Select: Na-Nel, General, 1962
New-No, General, 1962
Select: New-No, General, 1962
O, General, 1962
Select: O, General, 1962
Pa-Pen, General, 1962
Select: Pa-Pen, General, 1962
Per-Pr, General, 1962
Select: Per-Pr, General, 1962
Powell, Katherine, 1962
Select: Powell, Katherine, 1962 Scope and Contents note (Ernest Lawson paintings; Powell's recollections of Lawson and his gift to her of a painting by William J. Glackens; 2 photographs of paintings by Ernest Lawson and Robert Rei d)
Princeton University, 1962
Select: Princeton University, 1962
Ra-Rh, General, 1962
Select: Ra-Rh, General, 1962 Scope and Contents note (Sidney Raynes)
Ri-Ru, General, 1962
Select: Ri-Ru, General, 1962
Sa-Si, General, 1962
Select: Sa-Si, General, 1962 Scope and Contents note (Henry E. Schnakenberg)
Sm-Sy, General, 1962
Select: Sm-Sy, General, 1962
Semans, James, and Mary Semans, 1962
Select: Semans, James, and Mary Semans, 1962
Suffolk Museum at Stony Brook, 1962
Select: Suffolk Museum at Stony Brook, 1962
T, General, 1962
Select: T, General, 1962
Toledo Museum of Art, 1962
Select: Toledo Museum of Art, 1962
U, General, 1962
Select: U, General, 1962
V, General, 1962
Select: V, General, 1962
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 1962
Select: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 1962
Wa-Wh, General, 1962
Select: Wa-Wh, General, 1962 Scope and Contents note (Jane Wasey)
Wi-Wo, General, 1962
Select: Wi-Wo, General, 1962 Scope and Contents note (Ulfert Wilke; Esther Williams's attorneys regarding ending her relationship with Kraushaar Galleries)
Wilson, Ralph L., 1962
Select: Wilson, Ralph L., 1962
X-Y-Z, General, 1962
Select: X-Y-Z, General, 1962 Scope and Contents note (Marguerite Zorach)
Ab-Al, General, 1963
Select: Ab-Al, General, 1963
Am-At, General, 1963
Select: Am-At, General, 1963
Art Dealers Association of America, 1963
Select: Art Dealers Association of America, 1963 Scope and Contents note (appraisals)
Ba-Be, General, 1963
Select: Ba-Be, General, 1963
Bi-Bri, General, 1963
Select: Bi-Bri, General, 1963
Bro-Bu, General, 1963
Select: Bro-Bu, General, 1963 Scope and Contents note (Louis Bouché;)
Ca-Cl, General, 1963
Select: Ca-Cl, General, 1963
Co-Cu, General, 1963
Select: Co-Cu, General, 1963 Scope and Contents note (Russell Cowles)
Cherasky, Martin, 1963
Select: Cherasky, Martin, 1963
Colby College, 1963
Select: Colby College, 1963
Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1963
Select: Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1963
D, General, 1963
Select: D, General, 1963 Scope and Contents note (Leonard DeLonga; Virginia Downe s)
Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, 1963
Select: Dallas Museum of Fine Arts, 1963
Dartmouth College, 1963
Select: Dartmouth College, 1963 Scope and Contents note (Russell Cowles exhibition)
E, General, 1963
Select: E, General, 1963 Scope and Contents note (Kenneth Evett)
Eyerly, Frank, 1963
Select: Eyerly, Frank, 1963
Fa-Fl, General, 1963
Select: Fa-Fl, General, 1963 Scope and Contents note (Walter Feldman)
Fo-Fu, General, 1963
Select: Fo-Fu, General, 1963
Fillin, Amy, and Walter Fillin, 1963
Select: Fillin, Amy, and Walter Fillin, 1963 Scope and Contents note (art appraisals)
G, General, 1963
Select: G, General, 1963 Scope and Contents note (Ira Glackens concerning appraisal of a William J. Glackens drawing given to the Brooklyn Museum; John Guerin)
Gallery, Inc., 1963
Select: Gallery, Inc., 1963
Geesey, Titus, 1963
Select: Geesey, Titus, 1963
Wm. E. Goodridge, Inc., 1963
Select: Wm. E. Goodridge, Inc., 1963
Ha-He, General (Ira Glackens concerning appraisal of a William J. Glackens drawing given to the Brooklyn Museum; John Guerin), 1963
Select: Ha-He, General (Ira Glackens concerning appraisal of a William J. Glackens drawing given to the Brooklyn Museum; John Guerin), 1963
Hi-Hy, General, 1963
Select: Hi-Hy, General, 1963 Scope and Contents note (Whitney Ford Hoyt)
Hyman, Sigmund, 1963
Select: Hyman, Sigmund, 1963
I, General, 1963
Select: I, General, 1963
J, General, 1963
Select: J, General, 1963
Ka-Ke, General, 1963
Select: Ka-Ke, General, 1963
Ki-Ku, General, 1963
Select: Ki-Ku, General, 1963 Scope and Contents note (Whitney Ford Hoyt)
Kennedy Galleries, Inc., 1963
Select: Kennedy Galleries, Inc., 1963
La, General, 1963
Select: La, General, 1963 Scope and Contents note (Joe Lasker; John Laurent; Robert Laurent)
Le-Lu, General, 1963
Select: Le-Lu, General, 1963
Lehigh University, 1963
Select: Lehigh University, 1963
Lucas, Charles C., Jr., 1963
Select: Lucas, Charles C., Jr., 1963
Ma, General, 1963
Select: Ma, General, 1963
Mc-Mo, General, 1963
Select: Mc-Mo, General, 1963
Mu-My, General, 1963
Select: Mu-My, General, 1963
Maine Coast Artists, 1963
Select: Maine Coast Artists, 1963
Museum of Modern Art (Joe Lasker; John Laurent; Robert Laurent), 1963
Select: Museum of Modern Art (Joe Lasker; John Laurent; Robert Laurent), 1963
Museum of the City of New York, 1963
Select: Museum of the City of New York, 1963 Scope and Contents note (John Koch retrospective exhibition)
N, General, 1963
Select: N, General, 1963
O, General, 1963
Select: O, General, 1963
P, General, 1963
Select: P, General, 1963 Scope and Contents note (James Penney)
Ra-Ri, General, 1963
Select: Ra-Ri, General, 1963 Scope and Contents note (George Rickey concerning his decision to leave Kraushaar Galleries)
Ro-Ry, General, 1963
Select: Ro-Ry, General, 1963 Scope and Contents note (Andrée Ruellan)
Raynes, Sidney, 1963
Select: Raynes, Sidney, 1963 Scope and Contents note (Antoinette Kraushaar's decision to cancel Raynes's exhibition due to dissatisfaction with her latest work)
Sa-Sch, 1963
Select: Sa-Sch, 1963 Scope and Contents note (Concetta Scarvaglione; Henry E. Schnakenberg; Karl Schrag describing his experiences in Mexico)
Sco-Sm, General, 1963
Select: Sco-Sm, General, 1963
Sn-Sy, General, 1963
Select: Sn-Sy, General, 1963 Scope and Contents note (Storm King Art Center)
Southern Vermont Art Center, 1963
Select: Southern Vermont Art Center, 1963
T, General, 1963
Select: T, General, 1963 Scope and Contents note (illustrated letter from Dan Taulbee)
U, General, 1963
Select: U, General, 1963
V, General, 1963
Select: V, General, 1963
Wa-Wh, General, 1963
Select: Wa-Wh, General, 1963
Wi-Wr, General (illustrated letter from Dan Taulbee), 1963
Select: Wi-Wr, General (illustrated letter from Dan Taulbee), 1963
X-Y-Z, General, 1963
Select: X-Y-Z, General, 1963
Ad-Am, General, 1964
Select: Ad-Am, General, 1964
An-Au, General, 1964
Select: An-Au, General, 1964
Art Dealers Association of America, 1964
Select: Art Dealers Association of America, 1964
Art Gallery of Hamilton, 1964
Select: Art Gallery of Hamilton, 1964
Ba-Be, General, 1964
Select: Ba-Be, General, 1964 Scope and Contents note (illustrated letter from Dan Taulbee)
Bi-Bu, General, 1964
Select: Bi-Bu, General, 1964 Scope and Contents note (Birmingham Museum of Art; Louis Bouché regarding a portrait commission; E. Ainslie Burke)
Bacon, Peggy, 1964
Select: Bacon, Peggy, 1964
Baltimore Museum of Art, 1964
Select: Baltimore Museum of Art, 1964
Ca-Ch, General, 1964
Select: Ca-Ch, General, 1964
Ci-Coo, General, 1964
Select: Ci-Coo, General, 1964 Scope and Contents note (Birmingham Museum of Art; Louis Bouché regarding a portrait commission; E. Ainslie Burke)
Cor-Cu, General, 1964
Select: Cor-Cu, General, 1964 Scope and Contents note (Russell Cowles)
Carlin Galleries, 1964
Select: Carlin Galleries, 1964
Colby College, 1964
Select: Colby College, 1964
Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, 1964
Select: Columbus Gallery of Fine Arts, 1964
Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1964
Select: Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1964
D, General, 1964
Select: D, General, 1964 Scope and Contents note (Leonard DeLonga; Werner Drewes)
E, General, 1964
Select: E, General, 1964 Scope and Contents note (Kenneth Evett)
F, General, 1964
Select: F, General, 1964 Scope and Contents note (William Dean Fausett; Walter Feldman; Daniel Fraad, Jr., enclosing snapshot of John Sloan's McSorley's Bar)
Fort Worth Art Center, 1964
Select: Fort Worth Art Center, 1964 Scope and Contents note (concerning a John Guerin and William Kienbusch exhibition)
Ga-Gi, General, 1964
Select: Ga-Gi, General, 1964
Gl-Gu, General, 1964
Select: Gl-Gu, General, 1964 Scope and Contents note (Leon Goldin; John Guerin)
Glackens, Ira, 1964
Select: Glackens, Ira, 1964
Wm. E. Goodridge, Inc., 1964
Select: Wm. E. Goodridge, Inc., 1964
Ha-He, General, 1964
Select: Ha-He, General, 1964 Scope and Contents note (Tom Hardy; John Hartell; John Heliker)
Hi-Hy, General, 1964
Select: Hi-Hy, General, 1964 Scope and Contents note (Whitney Ford Hoyt)
I, General, 1964
Select: I, General, 1964
J, General, 1964
Select: J, General, 1964
Ka-Ke, General, 1964
Select: Ka-Ke, General, 1964
Ki-Kr, General (Whitney Ford Hoyt), 1964
Select: Ki-Kr, General (Whitney Ford Hoyt), 1964
La-Le, General, 1964
Select: La-Le, General, 1964 Scope and Contents note (Joe Lasker; John Laurent)
Li-Ly, General, 1964
Select: Li-Ly, General, 1964 Scope and Contents note (Charles Locke)
Laurent, Robert, 1964
Select: Laurent, Robert, 1964
Lechay, James, 1964
Select: Lechay, James, 1964
Lucas, Charles C., Jr., 1964
Select: Lucas, Charles C., Jr., 1964
Ma, General, 1964
Select: Ma, General, 1964
Mc-Me, General, 1964
Select: Mc-Me, General, 1964
Mi-My, General, 1964
Select: Mi-My, General, 1964
Morris, Carl, 1964
Select: Morris, Carl, 1964 Scope and Contents note (traumatic boating accident during an ocean fishing trip)
Mount Holyoke College, 1964
Select: Mount Holyoke College, 1964
Museum of Modern Art, 1964
Select: Museum of Modern Art, 1964
N, General, 1964
Select: N, General, 1964
New York World's Fair, 1964
Select: New York World's Fair, 1964 Scope and Contents note (loans to the Committee of Artists' Societies)
O, General, 1964
Select: O, General, 1964
Pa-Pe, General, 1964
Select: Pa-Pe, General, 1964
Ph-Pu, General, 1964
Select: Ph-Pu, General, 1964
Penney, James, 1964
Select: Penney, James, 1964
Perutz, George, 1964
Select: Perutz, George, 1964
Q, General, 1964
Select: Q, General, 1964
Ra-Ri, General, 1964
Select: Ra-Ri, General, 1964 Scope and Contents note (loans to the Committee of Artists' Societies)
Ro-Ru, General, 1964
Select: Ro-Ru, General, 1964
Ruellan, Andrée, 1964
Select: Ruellan, Andrée, 1964
Sa-Se, General, 1964
Select: Sa-Se, General, 1964 Scope and Contents note (Henry E. Schnakenberg; Karl Schrag)
Sh-Sm, General, 1964
Select: Sh-Sm, General, 1964 Scope and Contents note (Helen Farr Sloan; Vernon Smith)
Sn-Sy, General, 1964
Select: Sn-Sy, General, 1964
T, General, 1964
Select: T, General, 1964
U, General, 1964
Select: U, General, 1964
University of Nebraska, 1964
Select: University of Nebraska, 1964
V, General, 1964
Select: V, General, 1964
W, General, 1964
Select: W, General, 1964 Scope and Contents note (Jane Wasey; Ulfert Wilke)
Whitney Museum of American Art, 1964
Select: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1964
Wilmington Society of the Fine Arts, 1964
Select: Wilmington Society of the Fine Arts, 1964
X-Y-Z, General, 1964
Select: X-Y-Z, General, 1964 Scope and Contents note (Marguerite Zorach; William Zorach)
L-N, General, 1965
Select: L-N, General, 1965 Scope and Contents note (10 items only)
A, General, 1966
Select: A, General, 1966
Art Dealers Association of America, 1966
Select: Art Dealers Association of America, 1966
B, General, 1966
Select: B, General, 1966
C, General, 1966
Select: C, General, 1966 Scope and Contents note (Kenneth Callahan concerning Antoinette Kraushaar's decision to take on his work; Vivian Chapin concerning an exhibition of Francis Chapin's work; Evangeline Cozzens)
City Art Museum of St. Louis, 1966
Select: City Art Museum of St. Louis, 1966 Scope and Contents note (William J. Glackens retrospective exhibition; copy of an essay on Glackens by Leslie Katz)
D, General, 1966
Select: D, General, 1966 Scope and Contents note (Leonard DeLonga)
E, General, 1966
Select: E, General, 1966 Scope and Contents note (Kenneth Evett)
F, General, 1966
Select: F, General, 1966 Scope and Contents note (Walter Feldman; Mrs. Vaughn Flannery)
G, General, 1966
Select: G, General, 1966 Scope and Contents note (Leon Goldin; John Guerin)
Glackens, Ira, 1966
Select: Glackens, Ira, 1966 Scope and Contents note (William J. Glackens retrospective exhibition in St. Louis; arrangements with Richard J. Wattenmaker for an exhibition at Rutgers University)
Wm. E. Goodridge, Inc., 1966
Select: Wm. E. Goodridge, Inc., 1966
H, General, 1966
Select: H, General, 1966 Scope and Contents note (Tom Hardy)
I, General, 1966
Select: I, General, 1966
J, General, 1966
Select: J, General, 1966 Scope and Contents note (Jewish Museum)
K, General, 1966
Select: K, General, 1966
L, General, 1966
Select: L, General, 1966
M, General, 1966
Select: M, General, 1966
N, General, 1966
Select: N, General, 1966
O, General, 1966
Select: O, General, 1966
P, General, 1966
Select: P, General, 1966
Q, General, 1966
Select: Q, General, 1966
R, General, 1966
Select: R, General, 1966
S, General, 1966
Select: S, General, 1966
T, General, 1966
Select: T, General, 1966
U, General, 1966
Select: U, General, 1966 Scope and Contents note (University of Iowa concerning Humbert Albrizio retrospective exhibition)
V, General, 1966
Select: V, General, 1966
W, General, 1966
Select: W, General, 1966
Wilmington Society of Fine Arts, 1966
Select: Wilmington Society of Fine Arts, 1966 Scope and Contents note (Jerome Myers exhibition)
X-Y-Z, General, 1966
Select: X-Y-Z, General, 1966
Aa-Am, General, 1967
Select: Aa-Am, General, 1967
Ar-Ay, General, 1967
Select: Ar-Ay, General, 1967 Scope and Contents note (Bernard Arnest)
American Academy of Arts and Letters, 1967
Select: American Academy of Arts and Letters, 1967
Art Dealers Association of America, 1967
Select: Art Dealers Association of America, 1967 Scope and Contents note (photograph of Sunflowers by Henry Varnum Poor)
Art Gallery of Hamilton, 1967
Select: Art Gallery of Hamilton, 1967
Ba-Bn, General, 1967
Select: Ba-Bn, General, 1967 Scope and Contents note (Gifford Beal, Jr.)
Bo-Bu, General, 1967
Select: Bo-Bu, General, 1967
Birmingham Museum of Fine Arts, 1967
Select: Birmingham Museum of Fine Arts, 1967
Ca-Ch, General, 1967
Select: Ca-Ch, General, 1967
Cl-Com, General, 1967
Select: Cl-Com, General, 1967
Con-Cu, General, 1967
Select: Con-Cu, General, 1967
Callahan, Kenneth, 1967
Select: Callahan, Kenneth, 1967 Scope and Contents note (concerning first exhibition at Kraushaar Galleries)
Carlin Galleries, 1967
Select: Carlin Galleries, 1967
City Art Museum of St. Louis, 1967
Select: City Art Museum of St. Louis, 1967
Coblentz, A. Abbott, and Roslyn Coblentz, 1967
Select: Coblentz, A. Abbott, and Roslyn Coblentz, 1967
Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1967
Select: Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1967
D, General, 1967
Select: D, General, 1967 Scope and Contents note (Leonard DeLonga concerning sale of a triptych)
E, General, 1967
Select: E, General, 1967 Scope and Contents note (Kenneth Evett)
Fa-Fl, General, 1967
Select: Fa-Fl, General, 1967 Scope and Contents note (Walter Feldman concerning ending the relationship as his dealer)
Fo-Fu, General, 1967
Select: Fo-Fu, General, 1967 Scope and Contents note (Henry Fonda concerning purchase of A Mountain Lake by William J. Glackens enclosing information about the painting from Ira Glackens)
G, General, 1967
Select: G, General, 1967 Scope and Contents note (John Guerin)
Ganz, Julian, Jr., 1967
Select: Ganz, Julian, Jr., 1967
Glackens, Ira, 1967
Select: Glackens, Ira, 1967
Wm. E. Goodridge, Inc., 1967
Select: Wm. E. Goodridge, Inc., 1967 Scope and Contents note (catalogs for John Heliker and William J. Glackens exhibitions)
Ha-He, General, 1967
Select: Ha-He, General, 1967 Scope and Contents note (Tom Hardy; John Heliker)
Hi-Hy, General, 1967
Select: Hi-Hy, General, 1967 Scope and Contents note (Whitney Ford Hoyt)
Hanes, Ralph P., 1967
Select: Hanes, Ralph P., 1967
Hillstrom, Richard L., 1967
Select: Hillstrom, Richard L., 1967
I, General, 1967
Select: I, General, 1967
J, General, 1967
Select: J, General, 1967
Ka-Kl, General, 1967
Select: Ka-Kl, General, 1967
Kn-Ku, General, 1967
Select: Kn-Ku, General, 1967 Scope and Contents note (John Koch)
L, General, 1967
Select: L, General, 1967 Scope and Contents note (Dennis Leon)
Lehigh University, 1967
Select: Lehigh University, 1967
Ma, General, 1967
Select: Ma, General, 1967 Scope and Contents note (Elsie Manville)
Mc-Mi, General, 1967
Select: Mc-Mi, General, 1967 Scope and Contents note (illustrated letter from Robert McDonald; catalog for a William J. Glackens exhibition, May-June 1967)
Mo-My, General, 1967
Select: Mo-My, General, 1967
N, General, 1967
Select: N, General, 1967
North Texas Museum Resources Council, 1967
Select: North Texas Museum Resources Council, 1967 Scope and Contents note (exhibition of American painting for presentation in Australia)
O, General, 1967
Select: O, General, 1967
Pa-Pe, General, 1967
Select: Pa-Pe, General, 1967
Ph-Py, General, 1967
Select: Ph-Py, General, 1967
Perutz, George and Mrs., 1967
Select: Perutz, George and Mrs., 1967
Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1967
Select: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1967
Q, General, 1967
Select: Q, General, 1967
R, General, 1967
Select: R, General, 1967
Rutgers, the State University, 1967
Select: Rutgers, the State University, 1967 Scope and Contents note (loans for a William J. Glackens exhibition)
Sa-Si, General, 1967
Select: Sa-Si, General, 1967 Scope and Contents note (Henry E. Schnakenberg)
Sk-So, General, 1967
Select: Sk-So, General, 1967 Scope and Contents note (Jewish Social Service Agency concerning a Lower East Side exhibition at the Smithsonian Institution)
Sp-Su, General, 1967
Select: Sp-Su, General, 1967 Scope and Contents note (Gerhard D. Straus enclosing a photograph of Charles Demuth's Wild Orchids)
Smith, James U., Jr., 1967
Select: Smith, James U., Jr., 1967
T, General, 1967
Select: T, General, 1967
U, General, 1967
Select: U, General, 1967
Upstairs Gallery, 1967
Select: Upstairs Gallery, 1967
V, General, 1967
Select: V, General, 1967
Wa-Web, General, 1967
Select: Wa-Web, General, 1967
Wei-Wr, General, 1967
Select: Wei-Wr, General, 1967
Whitney Museum of American Art, 1967
Select: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1967
X-Y-Z, General, 1967
Select: X-Y-Z, General, 1967
A-F, General, 1968
Select: A-F, General, 1968 Scope and Contents note (Walter Feldman)