Collection Information
Size: 1 Linear foot, (partially microfilmed on 2 reels)
Summary: Donated in 1980 by Louise Bruner, art critic for the Toledo Blade. Correspondence, subject files, printed materials, exhibition catalogs and announcements, and photographs.
REEL 532: Correspondence largely relating to her work as art critic for the TOLEDO BLADE; clippings of articles by Bruner and other relevant articles; exhibition notices and catalogs; photographs of works of art, artists and exhibition openings; and press and biographical material relating to artists.
REEL 2787: Letters to Bruner from Lisel Salzer, Harold Tishler, and Karl Tremp regarding the art of enameling.
UNMICROFILMED: Files on artists Samuel Bookatz, Fernando Botero, Bill Harper, Martin J. Heade, Richard Kozlow, Robert Philipp, and Edward and Thelma Winter; a file on museum director William M. Milliken, containing mainly letters to Bruner; files also contain photographs. Subject files containing correspondence, writings, press releases, exhibition catalogs and announcements, clippings, and photographs of artists, works of art and conservation work. Topics include ART GALLERY magazine, art in the embassies, black artists, the Toledo Museum of Art, and the Works Progress Administration.
REELS 439-441(Now Scanned): Photographs of artists, formerly part of Photos of Artists Collection I and now scanned on the Digital Collections Database. Artists include: Thomas Hart Benton, Samuel Bookatz, Staas Cotsworth, Balcomb Greene, Susan Guevara, Frances Loring, Edouard MacAvoy, and John Rood.