"Alphabetical Listing of Works,", 1986
Select: "Alphabetical Listing of Works,", 1986
American Art Research Council Files on Prendergast (Photocopies), circa 1940s
Select: American Art Research Council Files on Prendergast (Photocopies), circa 1940s
Auction Lists, circa 1983
Select: Auction Lists, circa 1983
Bibliographic Research Material, circa 1980s
Select: Bibliographic Research Material, circa 1980s
Correspondence, 1983-1990
Select: Correspondence, 1983-1990 (5 folders)
Data Entry Documentation, circa 1984
Select: Data Entry Documentation, circa 1984
Dissertation, Maurice Prendergast: The Sources and Development of His Style by Hedley H. Rhys, 1952
Select: Dissertation, Maurice Prendergast: The Sources and Development of His Style by Hedley H. Rhys, 1952
Draft Essays, circa 1986-1989
Select: Draft Essays, circa 1986-1989 (2 folders)
Drafts of Catalogue Raisonne Front Matter, 1989
Select: Drafts of Catalogue Raisonne Front Matter, 1989
Essay, "Maurice B. Prendergast,", circa 1980s
Select: Essay, "Maurice B. Prendergast,", circa 1980s (2 folders)
Exhibition Catalog, Maurice Prendergast: 1959-1924 (Photocopy), 1960
Select: Exhibition Catalog, Maurice Prendergast: 1959-1924 (Photocopy), 1960
Galley Proofs for Prendergast Essay, 1989
Select: Galley Proofs for Prendergast Essay, 1989
Genealogical Research, 1985-1986
Select: Genealogical Research, 1985-1986
Miscellaneous Project Documents, 1983-1986
Select: Miscellaneous Project Documents, 1983-1986
Notes, 1980s
Select: Notes, 1980s
Outline, 1980s
Select: Outline, 1980s
"Prendergast Addresses,", 1987
Select: "Prendergast Addresses,", 1987
"Prendergast Bibliography" Note Cards, circa 1980s
Select: "Prendergast Bibliography" Note Cards, circa 1980s
"Prendergast Lectures: Charles Sheeler,", 1987
Select: "Prendergast Lectures: Charles Sheeler,", 1987
"Prendergast Systematic Catalog General Bibliography and Exhibition Listing,", 1985
Select: "Prendergast Systematic Catalog General Bibliography and Exhibition Listing,", 1985
Printed Material about Massachusetts (Photocopies), undated
Select: Printed Material about Massachusetts (Photocopies), undated
Printed Material about Charles and Maurice Prendergast (Photocopies), 1893-1980s
Select: Printed Material about Charles and Maurice Prendergast (Photocopies), 1893-1980s (5 folders)
Project Budget, 1983
Select: Project Budget, 1983
Project Reports, 1984-1985
Select: Project Reports, 1984-1985
Records of Meetings with Mrs. Prendergast, 1983-1984
Select: Records of Meetings with Mrs. Prendergast, 1983-1984
Samples of Catalogue Raisonne (Photocopies), 1959-1981
Select: Samples of Catalogue Raisonne (Photocopies), 1959-1981
"Work of Maurice and Charles Prendergast in the Hanging Collection of Mrs. Charles Prendergast,", circa 1983
Select: "Work of Maurice and Charles Prendergast in the Hanging Collection of Mrs. Charles Prendergast,", circa 1983