Art Portfolio, 2019
Select: Art Portfolio, 2019
ArteLatAm Ecuardor Exhibition, 2018
Select: ArteLatAm Ecuardor Exhibition, 2018
"Awhere: Stories of Tradition and Change", 2012
Select: "Awhere: Stories of Tradition and Change", 2012 1 DVD Scope and Contents DVD is titled, "Awhere Stories of tradition & Change Print Portfolios by Dominican York Proyecto GRAFICA"
"Bronx Recognizes Its Own", 2017
Select: "Bronx Recognizes Its Own", 2017
Correspondence, 1983-2016
Select: Correspondence, 1983-2016
Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival, 2012
Select: Dominican Republic Environmental Film Festival, 2012
Dominican York Proyecto GRAFICA, 2011-2012
Select: Dominican York Proyecto GRAFICA, 2011-2012
Doris c. Freedman Award Presentation, 2003
Select: Doris c. Freedman Award Presentation, 2003
"Generations" Proposed Exhibition, undated
Select: "Generations" Proposed Exhibition, undated
Leon Jimenez Exhibition Proposal, undated
Select: Leon Jimenez Exhibition Proposal, undated
"Make Your Art Your Business," Course Material, 1997
Select: "Make Your Art Your Business," Course Material, 1997
"Moses Ros-Suarez: The Printed Mobile" Exhibition, 2011
Select: "Moses Ros-Suarez: The Printed Mobile" Exhibition, 2011
MUD/BONE Print Studio, 2006-2007
Select: MUD/BONE Print Studio, 2006-2007
"New Prints 2012/Winter" Exhibition, International Print Center New York, 2012
Select: "New Prints 2012/Winter" Exhibition, International Print Center New York, 2012
New York American Institute of Architects, Residency, 2001
Select: New York American Institute of Architects, Residency, 2001
Photographs, Murals, undated
Select: Photographs, Murals, undated
Receipts, 2002
Select: Receipts, 2002
Research Material, circa 2002
Select: Research Material, circa 2002 Scope and Contents Includes an artist's services list, article on Alexander Calder, a paper on Leonardo Da Vinci, and information on mural and outdoor sculpture materials and techniques.
Resumes, 1992-2002
Select: Resumes, 1992-2002
Ros Art Gallery, 1985-1986
Select: Ros Art Gallery, 1985-1986
Ros Progress Reports, 1998-2001
Select: Ros Progress Reports, 1998-2001
"Tyranny's Tears" Exhibition, 2014-2017
Select: "Tyranny's Tears" Exhibition, 2014-2017
Uptown Print Project, 2014-2015
Select: Uptown Print Project, 2014-2015
Use Permit, City of New York, 2010
Select: Use Permit, City of New York, 2010
Miscellaneous, 1994-2020
Select: Miscellaneous, 1994-2020