Aa-Arc, General, 1962-2009
Select: Aa-Arc, General, 1962-2009 Scope and Contents Includes letters from Eleanor Antin, Lawrence Alloway
Art-Artists, General, 1977-2008
Select: Art-Artists, General, 1977-2008 Scope and Contents Includes images of an installation of Spero's work related to a blog post "Art To Go: Nancy Spero as the Mother Ship."
Artnet-Aylon, General, 1983-2006
Select: Artnet-Aylon, General, 1983-2006
Altmann, Susanne, circa 1996-2007
Select: Altmann, Susanne, circa 1996-2007
Amnesty International, 1980s-2007
Select: Amnesty International, 1980s-2007
Artforum (Ingrid Sischy), 1980
Select: Artforum (Ingrid Sischy), 1980
Attie, Dottie, 1985, 2006
Select: Attie, Dottie, 1985, 2006
Ba-Bl, General, 1978-2007
Select: Ba-Bl, General, 1978-2007
Bo-Bu, General, 1976-2009
Select: Bo-Bu, General, 1976-2009
Bird, Jon, 1985-2007
Select: Bird, Jon, 1985-2007 Scope and Contents Includes letter to Lisa Tickner
Boabab Frames, 2002
Select: Boabab Frames, 2002
Border Crossings /Meeka Walsh, 2004-2009
Select: Border Crossings/Meeka Walsh, 2004-2009
Ca-Ci, General, 1982-2009
Select: Ca-Ci, General, 1982-2009
Cl-Cu, General, 1982-2007
Select: Cl-Cu, General, 1982-2007 Scope and Contents Includes letter from Marcia R. Cohen enclosing 5 photographs she took of Spero in circa 1983 when Spero visited Atlanta, Georgia, for an exhibition sponsored by the Atlanta Women's Art collective.
Chicago, Judy, circa 1970s-1985
Select: Chicago, Judy, circa 1970s-1985
Chicago, Judy, Oversized, 1977
Select: Chicago, Judy, Oversized, 1977
Costantini, Giovanna, 2003-2007
Select: Costantini, Giovanna, 2003-2007 Includes born-digital records, see ER11.
Costantini, Giovanna, Sky Goddess, "A Passage into Light from the Book of the Dead," Digital Presentation, 2006
Select: Costantini, Giovanna, Sky Goddess, "A Passage into Light from the Book of the Dead," Digital Presentation, 2006 0.318 GigabytesOne computer file
Creative Time, Inc., 1985
Select: Creative Time, Inc., 1985
D, General, 1979-2009
Select: D, General, 1979-2009 Scope and Contents Includes letter and emails from Lesley Dill
De Julio, Maryann, 1996-2002
Select: De Julio, Maryann, 1996-2002
Dumas, Marie Hèléne, L'Évidence , 1997-2000
Select: Dumas, Marie Hèléne, L'Évidence, 1997-2000
E, General, circa 1985-2007
Select: E, General, circa 1985-2007
Editions Fawbush, circa 1999-2007
Select: Editions Fawbush, circa 1999-2007
Emily's List, 2000-2007
Select: Emily's List, 2000-2007
Eshelman, Clayton, 1971-1980
Select: Eshelman, Clayton, 1971-1980
Eshelman, Clayton, 1981-2007
Select: Eshelman, Clayton, 1981-2007
Eshelman, Clayton, Publications with Spero Illustrations, 1967-1972
Select: Eshelman, Clayton, Publications with Spero Illustrations, 1967-1972
Exit Art, 1992-2007
Select: Exit Art, 1992-2007
F, General, 1973-2007
Select: F, General, 1973-2007
Feldman, Janet, circa 1970s
Select: Feldman, Janet, circa 1970s
Festival Andere Avant Garde, 1983
Select: Festival Andere Avant Garde, 1983
Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc., 1982-2005
Select: Franklin Furnace Archive, Inc., 1982-2005
Fraser, Kathleen, 1984-2000
Select: Fraser, Kathleen, 1984-2000
Frizzell, Deborah, circa 1998-2001
Select: Frizzell, Deborah, circa 1998-2001
Frizzell, Deborah, 2002
Select: Frizzell, Deborah, 2002 Includes 1 videocassette (VHS)
Nancy Spero Installations at Hellerau in Dresden; Ronacher Theatre in Vienna; Jewish Museum in Vienna; and Military Hospital in Innsbruck, 2002
Select: Nancy Spero Installations at Hellerau in Dresden; Ronacher Theatre in Vienna; Jewish Museum in Vienna; and Military Hospital in Innsbruck, 2002 1 Videocassettes (VHS) Scope and Contents Video compilation documenting Nancy Spero installations in Hellerau in Dresden; Ronacher Theatre in Vienna; Jewish (Jüdisches) Museum in Vienna; and Military Hospital (Heeresspital) in Innsbruck. Compiled by art historian Deborah Frizzell.
Frizzell, Deborah, 2003-2008
Select: Frizzell, Deborah, 2003-2008
Frizzell, Deborah, Tibetan Mapping Project, Image Suggestions, 2002
Select: Frizzell, Deborah, Tibetan Mapping Project, Image Suggestions, 2002
G, General, 1971-2008
Select: G, General, 1971-2008
Golub, Paul, 1960s, circa 1997-circa 2000s
Select: Golub, Paul, 1960s, circa 1997-circa 2000s Includes 1 videocassette (VHS) Scope and Contents Appears to be a commercial.
Golub, Paul, 1999-2006
Select: Golub, Paul, 1999-2006
Golub, Paul, 2007-2008
Select: Golub, Paul, 2007-2008
Golub, Philip, 1950s, 2005-2009
Select: Golub, Philip, 1950s, 2005-2009
Golub, Stephen, circa 1950s, 1970s-1980s
Select: Golub, Stephen, circa 1950s, 1970s-1980s
Golub, Stephen, 1990s-2008
Select: Golub, Stephen, 1990s-2008
H, General, 1975-2007
Select: H, General, 1975-2007
Harris, Susan, circa 2000-2007
Select: Harris, Susan, circa 2000-2007
Health Related, 1981, 1998-2001
Select: Health Related, 1981, 1998-2001
Heresies , circa 1977-circa 1986
Select: Heresies, circa 1977-circa 1986
Hirshfield, Pearl, 1999-2005
Select: Hirshfield, Pearl, 1999-2005
Holzer, Jenny, 1998
Select: Holzer, Jenny, 1998
I, General, circa 1985-2006
Select: I, General, circa 1985-2006
J, General, 1975-2007
Select: J, General, 1975-2007
K, General, 1971-2009
Select: K, General, 1971-2009
Kozloff, Joyce, circa 1980s-2007
Select: Kozloff, Joyce, circa 1980s-2007
Kreissl, Alexa and Daniel Kerber, 1996-2006
Select: Kreissl, Alexa and Daniel Kerber, 1996-2006
Kulish, Gilbert and Tony, 2003-2006
Select: Kulish, Gilbert and Tony, 2003-2006 Scope and Contents Includes photos of Spero and Leon Golub with Gilbert and Tony Kulish, and photos of artwork by Spero and Golub.
L, General, 1985-2008
Select: L, General, 1985-2008
Lippard, Lucy, circa 1976-1982, 2000-2008
Select: Lippard, Lucy, circa 1976-1982, 2000-2008
Lotringer, Sylvère, 2001-2007
Select: Lotringer, Sylvère, 2001-2007
Lower East Side Print Shop, 1998-2005
Select: Lower East Side Print Shop, 1998-2005
Ma-Mi, General, 1976-2007
Select: Ma-Mi, General, 1976-2007
Mo-Mu, General, 1975-2009
Select: Mo-Mu, General, 1975-2009
Martinez, Marisol Limon, 2001-2003
Select: Martinez, Marisol Limon, 2001-2003
Mayer, Renata and Gabriel, circa 2002
Select: Mayer, Renata and Gabriel, circa 2002
Mendieta, Ana, 1979-circa 1984
Select: Mendieta, Ana, 1979-circa 1984
Meyer, Harriet and Ulrich, 1995-2007
Select: Meyer, Harriet and Ulrich, 1995-2007
Meyer, Harriet and Ulrich, 1997-2007
Select: Meyer, Harriet and Ulrich, 1997-2007
"This is Your Life: Rick Meyer" , 1995 June 08
Select: "This is Your Life: Rick Meyer" , 1995 June 08 1 Videocassettes (VHS) Scope and Contents Video created for the 70th birthday of businessman Rick Meyer, styled after TV show "This is Your Life." Meyer was a friend and patron of Leon Golub and Nancy Spero. Recorded messages from Spero and Golub wishing Meyer a happy birthday and thanking him for his support of them and their art appear in short segments.
Modlmayr, M-M, 1995-2009
Select: Modlmayr, M-M, 1995-2009
Morgan, Anne Barclay, 1997-2006
Select: Morgan, Anne Barclay, 1997-2006 Scope and Contents Includes color snapshots of Spero attending an exhibition with Morgan and others circa 2003.
N, General, 1972-2007
Select: N, General, 1972-2007
New York Times , 1989-2002
Select: New York Times, 1989-2002
Newman, Carol S., circa 1959-circa 2007
Select: Newman, Carol S., circa 1959-circa 2007 Scope and Contents Letters from Spero's sister Carol include 2 written by Spero circa 1959, about living in France and Italy with Golub and their children. Also includes color photos of Newman, Spero, and Golub and Newman's collection of artwork by Spero and Golub.
O, General, 1981-2004
Select: O, General, 1981-2004
P, General, 1979-2008
Select: P, General, 1979-2008 Scope and Contents Includes postcard from Howardena Pindell
Pepe, Sheila, 2000-2005
Select: Pepe, Sheila, 2000-2005
Proimakis, Constantinos, 1991-circa 2009
Select: Proimakis, Constantinos, 1991-circa 2009
R, General, 1979-2009
Select: R, General, 1979-2009
Roher, Judy, circa 1979-circa 1991
Select: Roher, Judy, circa 1979-circa 1991 Scope and Contents Includes correspondence related to Spero's Notes in Time curated for the Matrix Gallery by Roher at the Wadsworth Atheneum, 1983
Sa-Sh, General, 1978-2007
Select: Sa-Sh, General, 1978-2007
Si-So, General, 1978-2007
Select: Si-So, General, 1978-2007
Sp-Sw, General, 1973-2006
Select: Sp-Sw, General, 1973-2006 Scope and Contents Includes exchange with May Stevens
Schlegel, Amy, 1997-2005
Select: Schlegel, Amy, 1997-2005
School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 1946, 1973-1997
Select: School of the Art Institute of Chicago, 1946, 1973-1997 Scope and Contents 1946 letter concerns a scholarship Spero received when attending the school.
Schor, Mira, 1998-1999
Select: Schor, Mira, 1998-1999
Smith, Kiki, circa 1990s-circa 2004
Select: Smith, Kiki, circa 1990s-circa 2004
Sosa, Ana Teresa, 1997-1998
Select: Sosa, Ana Teresa, 1997-1998
Spear, Duston, 1994, 2001-2009
Select: Spear, Duston, 1994, 2001-2009
Spear, Duston, Oversized, 2009
Select: Spear, Duston, Oversized, 2009
Storr, Robert, 1980s, 2005-2006
Select: Storr, Robert, 1980s, 2005-2006
Studio Correspondence, 1998-2009
Select: Studio Correspondence, 1998-2009
T, General, 1977-2009
Select: T, General, 1977-2009
Tunn, Susanne, 1998-2007
Select: Tunn, Susanne, 1998-2007
U, General, 1975-2005
Select: U, General, 1975-2005
University of California, 1982-1998
Select: University of California, 1982-1998 Scope and Contents Includes correspondence regarding Spero's declining to participate in UCLA exhibition examining Judy Chicago's Dinner Party in feminist history.
V, General, 1976-2007
Select: V, General, 1976-2007
W, General, 1975-2008
Select: W, General, 1975-2008 Scope and Contents Includes a letter from Robert Watlington.
Walker, Joanna, circa 2003-2008
Select: Walker, Joanna, circa 2003-2008
Walsh, Louise, 1987-1997
Select: Walsh, Louise, 1987-1997
WNYC, 1994, 2005
Select: WNYC, 1994, 2005
Y, General, 1977-2006
Select: Y, General, 1977-2006
Z, General, circa 1990s-2000s
Select: Z, General, circa 1990s-2000s
Zwirner, Rudolf, 1985-1986
Select: Zwirner, Rudolf, 1985-1986
First Names Only, 1974-circa 2007
Select: First Names Only, 1974-circa 2007
Fragments, Notes and Unidentified, circa 1960s-circa 2000s
Select: Fragments, Notes and Unidentified, circa 1960s-circa 2000s
Artwork by Children/Grandchildren Sent to Spero, circa 1980s-circa 2000s
Select: Artwork by Children/Grandchildren Sent to Spero, circa 1980s-circa 2000s
Cards, circa 1960s-circa 2000s
Select: Cards, circa 1960s-circa 2000s
Cards, circa 1960s-circa 2000s
Select: Cards, circa 1960s-circa 2000s
Cards, 1996-2006
Select: Cards, 1996-2006
Cards, 2007-2009
Select: Cards, 2007-2009
Postcards, circa 1960s-circa 2000s
Select: Postcards, circa 1960s-circa 2000s
Postcards, 1999-2009
Select: Postcards, 1999-2009