"The American Flag - Know Its Beauty", 1940
Select: "The American Flag - Know Its Beauty", 1940
"Assisi Work for Linens: An Old New Stitch from Italy", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Assisi Work for Linens: An Old New Stitch from Italy", circa 1925-1929
Basket Pioneering , 1933
Select: Basket Pioneering, 1933
"Batiking for Beginners", circa 1929
Select: "Batiking for Beginners", circa 1929
"Batiking on Paper", 1937
Select: "Batiking on Paper", 1937
"Bedspread Suggestions from the Decorator", 1932
Select: "Bedspread Suggestions from the Decorator", 1932
"Block Prints You Make and Stamp Yourself", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Block Prints You Make and Stamp Yourself", circa 1925-1929
"Bouquets That Last the Year Round", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Bouquets That Last the Year Round", circa 1925-1929
"Christmas Cards That You Can Print", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Christmas Cards That You Can Print", circa 1925-1929
"Curtaining the Home", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Curtaining the Home", circa 1925-1929
"A Desk Set You Can Make", circa 1925-1929
Select: "A Desk Set You Can Make", circa 1925-1929
"Doll's Dandy House", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Doll's Dandy House", circa 1925-1929
"Dolly's Christmas Luggage", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Dolly's Christmas Luggage", circa 1925-1929
"Dressing Tables You Can Make", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Dressing Tables You Can Make", circa 1925-1929
"Dressing Up the Closet", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Dressing Up the Closet", circa 1925-1929
"Easy Flower Designs in Swedish Weaving", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Easy Flower Designs in Swedish Weaving", circa 1925-1929
"Easy Made Furnishings for Child's Room", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Easy Made Furnishings for Child's Room", circa 1925-1929
"Efficient Mending Methods", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Efficient Mending Methods", circa 1925-1929
Embroidery in Wools , circa 1932
Select: Embroidery in Wools, circa 1932
"Farm Grown Baskets: Woven from Vines, Leaves and Grasses", circa 1930
Select: "Farm Grown Baskets: Woven from Vines, Leaves and Grasses", circa 1930
"A Fascinating Home Made Desk That Looks Antique", 1930
Select: "A Fascinating Home Made Desk That Looks Antique", 1930
"A Fascinating Home Made Desk That Looks Antique", 1930
Select: "A Fascinating Home Made Desk That Looks Antique", 1930
"First Lessons in Weaving", circa 1930
Select: "First Lessons in Weaving", circa 1930
"Five Reed Baskets You Can Make", circa 1930
Select: "Five Reed Baskets You Can Make", circa 1930
"Five Ways to Reseat Old Chairs", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Five Ways to Reseat Old Chairs", circa 1925-1929
"Four Bead Bouquets", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Four Bead Bouquets", circa 1925-1929
"From Tin Cans to Flower Pots", circa 1928
Select: "From Tin Cans to Flower Pots", circa 1928
"Gay Coverings for the Dressing Table", 1931
Select: "Gay Coverings for the Dressing Table", 1931
"Gifts to Make with Beads", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Gifts to Make with Beads", circa 1925-1929
"Hand Made Wall Plaques", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Hand Made Wall Plaques", circa 1925-1929
"Home Made Furniture for Your Porch", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Home Made Furniture for Your Porch", circa 1925-1929
"Home Made Moccasins Save Shoes in Wartime", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Home Made Moccasins Save Shoes in Wartime", circa 1925-1929
"How to Bind Your Own Books", circa 1925-1929
Select: "How to Bind Your Own Books", circa 1925-1929
"How to Make a Kitchen Cabinet from a Packing Box", 1929
Select: "How to Make a Kitchen Cabinet from a Packing Box", 1929
"How to Make Lampshades with a Professional Finish", 1929
Select: "How to Make Lampshades with a Professional Finish", 1929
"How to Make Lampshades with a Professional Finish", 1929-1930
Select: "How to Make Lampshades with a Professional Finish", 1929-1930
"How to Make Up-To-Date Slip Covers for Your Car and Secure Custom-Made Smartness at a Minimum Expense", 1929
Select: "How to Make Up-To-Date Slip Covers for Your Car and Secure Custom-Made Smartness at a Minimum Expense", 1929
"How to Make Up-To-Date Slip Covers for Your Car and Secure Custom-Made Smartness at a Minimum Expense", 1929
Select: "How to Make Up-To-Date Slip Covers for Your Car and Secure Custom-Made Smartness at a Minimum Expense", 1929
"How to Repair and Refinish Old Furniture", circa 1925-1929
Select: "How to Repair and Refinish Old Furniture", circa 1925-1929
The Joy of Hand Weaving: The Complete Step-by-Step Book of Weaving , 1952
Select: The Joy of Hand Weaving: The Complete Step-by-Step Book of Weaving, 1952
"Knots Useful to the Farm Family", 1929
Select: "Knots Useful to the Farm Family", 1929
"Leathercraft", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Leathercraft", circa 1925-1929
"Make a Basket from Corn Husks", 1944
Select: "Make a Basket from Corn Husks", 1944
"Make the Telephone Book a Thing of Beauty", 1931
Select: "Make the Telephone Book a Thing of Beauty", 1931
"Make the Telephone Book a Thing of Beauty", 1931
Select: "Make the Telephone Book a Thing of Beauty", 1931
"Mats to Weave of Cord and Twine", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Mats to Weave of Cord and Twine", circa 1925-1929
Miscellaneous Articles for Thread Companies and Capper's Farmer Home Service, circa 1930s
Select: Miscellaneous Articles for Thread Companies and Capper's Farmer Home Service, circa 1930s
"Pine Needle Basketry", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Pine Needle Basketry", circa 1925-1929
The Reed Book , circa 1930
Select: The Reed Book, circa 1930
"Repair and Care of Old Picture Frames", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Repair and Care of Old Picture Frames", circa 1925-1929
"Re-Upholstering Your Chair", 1929
Select: "Re-Upholstering Your Chair", 1929
"Rug Patterns to Design Yourself", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Rug Patterns to Design Yourself", circa 1925-1929
"Rug Weaving for Everyone", circa 1957
Select: "Rug Weaving for Everyone", circa 1957
"Screens to Make Yourself", 1931
Select: "Screens to Make Yourself", 1931
The Shuttle Service Bulletin, 1936-1992
Select: The Shuttle Service Bulletin, 1936-1992 Scope and Contents Includes a history of the bulletin by Josephine Couch Del Deo.
"Things to Do with Corn Shucks", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Things to Do with Corn Shucks", circa 1925-1929
"Two Round Rugs", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Two Round Rugs", circa 1925-1929
"Two Rugs Stitched to Look Hooked-In", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Two Rugs Stitched to Look Hooked-In", circa 1925-1929
"Vases and Gift Boxes from Bottles and Coffee Cans", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Vases and Gift Boxes from Bottles and Coffee Cans", circa 1925-1929
"Weaving on Net", circa 1925-1929
Select: "Weaving on Net", circa 1925-1929