Miscellaneous Unidentified Subjects, 1951-1986, undated
Select: Miscellaneous Unidentified Subjects, 1951-1986, undated
Subject Files without Surnames, 1927-1986, undated
Select: Subject Files without Surnames, 1927-1986, undated (3 folders)
Subject Files without Surnames, 1927-1986
Select: Subject Files without Surnames, 1927-1986 (4 folders)
A & M Leatherlines, Inc., 1978
Select: A & M Leatherlines, Inc., 1978
Yuji Abe (Yoseido Gallery), 1961-1962
Select: Yuji Abe (Yoseido Gallery), 1961-1962
Berenice Abbott, 1976
Select: Berenice Abbott, 1976
Abbott School of Fine and Commercial Art, 1954-1955
Select: Abbott School of Fine and Commercial Art, 1954-1955
Alice Acheson, 1950-1983
Select: Alice Acheson, 1950-1983
William B. Acker, 1974
Select: William B. Acker, 1974
Robert R. Adam, 1945-1968
Select: Robert R. Adam, 1945-1968 (3 folders)
Clinton Adams, 1990
Select: Clinton Adams, 1990
Grace Adams, 1935
Select: Grace Adams, 1935
Minna Adams, 1938
Select: Minna Adams, 1938
Alonzo Aden (Barnett Aden Gallery), 1961
Select: Alonzo Aden (Barnett Aden Gallery), 1961
Elmer Adler, 1932-1962
Select: Elmer Adler, 1932-1962
Dorothy Adlow, 1951
Select: Dorothy Adlow, 1951
Polly Aird, 1935?
Select: Polly Aird, 1935?
Grace Albee, 1960
Select: Grace Albee, 1960
Hardie Albright, undated
Select: Hardie Albright, undated
John Alden, 1945-1954
Select: John Alden, 1945-1954
Nancy Jane Virginia Alderson, 1926-1956
Select: Nancy Jane Virginia Alderson, 1926-1956
Elizabeth Alexander (Mrs. John White Alexander), 1929-1978
Select: Elizabeth Alexander (Mrs. John White Alexander), 1929-1978 (7 folders)
Alexandria Gazette , 1955
Select: Alexandria Gazette, 1955
Alexandria Medical Society, 1963
Select: Alexandria Medical Society, 1963
Charles H. Alldredge, 1963
Select: Charles H. Alldredge, 1963
John D. Allen, undated
Select: John D. Allen, undated
Lester Allentuck, 1981
Select: Lester Allentuck, 1981
Gordon K. Allison (H. V. Allison & Company), 1941-1973
Select: Gordon K. Allison (H. V. Allison & Company), 1941-1973
All Souls Unitarian Church, 1960-1961
Select: All Souls Unitarian Church, 1960-1961
Glen Alps, 1957
Select: Glen Alps, 1957
Harold Altman, 1962
Select: Harold Altman, 1962
Ethel Altschul (Mrs. Syulvan Altschul), 1959
Select: Ethel Altschul (Mrs. Syulvan Altschul), 1959
Daisy Alwine, 1954
Select: Daisy Alwine, 1954
Victor Amato, 1950-1963
Select: Victor Amato, 1950-1963
Irving Amen (Amen Gallery), 1961-1970
Select: Irving Amen (Amen Gallery), 1961-1970
American Artists Group, 1936-1953
Select: American Artists Group, 1936-1953
American Artists Professional League, Inc., undated
Select: American Artists Professional League, Inc., undated
American Council on Education, 1954-1955
Select: American Council on Education, 1954-1955
American Federation of the Arts, 1959
Select: American Federation of the Arts, 1959
American Institute of Architects, 1951-1974
Select: American Institute of Architects, 1951-1974
American Institute of Graphic Arts, 1944-1947
Select: American Institute of Graphic Arts, 1944-1947
American Journal of Psychiatry , 1950-1961
Select: American Journal of Psychiatry, 1950-1961
American Journal of Psychotherapy , 1962-1963
Select: American Journal of Psychotherapy, 1962-1963
American National Committee of Engraving, 1941
Select: American National Committee of Engraving, 1941
American Psychological Association, 1960
Select: American Psychological Association, 1960
American University, 1950-1975
Select: American University, 1950-1975 (4 folders)
Catharine McEwen Ames, 1956
Select: Catharine McEwen Ames, 1956
Elizabeth Ames, undated
Select: Elizabeth Ames, undated
John L. Ames, 1978-1979
Select: John L. Ames, 1978-1979
Anacostia Neighborhood Museum, Smithsonian Institution, 1980-1987
Select: Anacostia Neighborhood Museum, Smithsonian Institution, 1980-1987
Vera Andrus, 1949-1959
Select: Vera Andrus, 1949-1959
Cornelia Anker, 1954
Select: Cornelia Anker, 1954
Katharine Anthony, 1935-1965
Select: Katharine Anthony, 1935-1965
Robert Anthony, 1956
Select: Robert Anthony, 1956
John T. Appleby, 1974
Select: John T. Appleby, 1974
Anne Archbold, 1945-1957
Select: Anne Archbold, 1945-1957
Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, 1970-1986
Select: Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution, 1970-1986
University of Arizona, 1983-1986
Select: University of Arizona, 1983-1986
Arlington County, Virginia, 1958-1960
Select: Arlington County, Virginia, 1958-1960
Arlington Towers Associates, 1955-1980
Select: Arlington Towers Associates, 1955-1980
John Taylor Arms, 1943-1951
Select: John Taylor Arms, 1943-1951
John M. Armstrong, 1972-1981
Select: John M. Armstrong, 1972-1981
Susannah Armstrong, undated
Select: Susannah Armstrong, undated
Florence Arnheim, 1961-1975
Select: Florence Arnheim, 1961-1975
Grant Arnold, 1979-1983
Select: Grant Arnold, 1979-1983
Laura Arnold, 1954
Select: Laura Arnold, 1954
Art and the Official Mind, 1953-1955
Select: Art and the Official Mind, 1953-1955
Art Association of Newport, 1963-1968
Select: Art Association of Newport, 1963-1968
Art Barn, 1973-1976
Select: Art Barn, 1973-1976
Art in Embassies Program, 1960-1973
Select: Art in Embassies Program, 1960-1973
Art Institute of Chicago, 1944-1967
Select: Art Institute of Chicago, 1944-1967
Artists Alpine Holiday and Festival, Ouray, Colorado, 1962-1970
Select: Artists Alpine Holiday and Festival, Ouray, Colorado, 1962-1970
Artists Equity, 1947-1978
Select: Artists Equity, 1947-1978 (2 folders)
Artists For Victory, 1942-1945
Select: Artists For Victory, 1942-1945
Artists' Guild of Washington, 1942-1959
Select: Artists' Guild of Washington, 1942-1959 (2 folders)
Artist's Proof , undated
Select: Artist's Proof, undated
Art League of Northern Virginia, 1962-1977
Select: Art League of Northern Virginia, 1962-1977
Art Rental Gallery, 1960
Select: Art Rental Gallery, 1960
Arts Club of Washington, 1927
Select: Arts Club of Washington, 1927
Art Students' League, 1932
Select: Art Students' League, 1932
Winifred Ashby, 1947-1978
Select: Winifred Ashby, 1947-1978
Lila Oliver Asher, 1963-1976
Select: Lila Oliver Asher, 1963-1976
Associated American Artists, 1949-1975
Select: Associated American Artists, 1949-1975
Association for Physical and Mental Rehabilitation, 1954-1955
Select: Association for Physical and Mental Rehabilitation, 1954-1955
Mignon D. Atchison, 1971
Select: Mignon D. Atchison, 1971
Lee Atkyns, 1952
Select: Lee Atkyns, 1952
Georges Auric, 1983
Select: Georges Auric, 1983
Averett College, 1943-1961
Select: Averett College, 1943-1961
Cornelia F. Avery, 1949
Select: Cornelia F. Avery, 1949
Ayer: N. W. Ayer & Son, Inc., 1946-1948
Select: Ayer: N. W. Ayer & Son, Inc., 1946-1948
Letitia B., 1970
Select: Letitia B., 1970
Norman B., 1963
Select: Norman B., 1963
Victor Babin and Vitya Vronsky, 1946-1986
Select: Victor Babin and Vitya Vronsky, 1946-1986 (11 folders)
Franz Bader, 1934-1988
Select: Franz Bader, 1934-1988 (5 folders)
Franz Bader, 1934-1988
Select: Franz Bader, 1934-1988 (4 folders)
Frank Baer, 1925
Select: Frank Baer, 1925
Laura N. Baerstein, 1954-1977
Select: Laura N. Baerstein, 1954-1977
Jim Bailey, 1956
Select: Jim Bailey, 1956
Russell Bailey, 1947-1954
Select: Russell Bailey, 1947-1954
Mrs. Baker, undated
Select: Mrs. Baker, undated
Charles Baker, 1942-1967
Select: Charles Baker, 1942-1967
Frances H. Baker, 1948
Select: Frances H. Baker, 1948
Sarah Baker, 1950-1982
Select: Sarah Baker, 1950-1982
George Balanchine, 1962-1983
Select: George Balanchine, 1962-1983
Richard Bales, 1968
Select: Richard Bales, 1968
Mary Wilson Ball, 1949-1969
Select: Mary Wilson Ball, 1949-1969
Baltimore Museum of Art, 1948-1984
Select: Baltimore Museum of Art, 1948-1984
Robert Barbee, 1973
Select: Robert Barbee, 1973
Djuna Barnes, 1982
Select: Djuna Barnes, 1982
Wilfred "Bill" Barnes, 1954-1976
Select: Wilfred "Bill" Barnes, 1954-1976
Martin Barooshian, 1976
Select: Martin Barooshian, 1976
Lana Barring, 1960
Select: Lana Barring, 1960
Richmond Barth, 1935-1944
Select: Richmond Barth, 1935-1944 (2 folders)
Florence L. Barton, 1967
Select: Florence L. Barton, 1967
Mrs. Stanley Bate, undated
Select: Mrs. Stanley Bate, undated
Clair Batigne, 1975
Select: Clair Batigne, 1975
Adelia Bauer, 1913
Select: Adelia Bauer, 1913
Anne Baum, 1958
Select: Anne Baum, 1958
Bay Printmakers Society, 1955
Select: Bay Printmakers Society, 1955
Clarke Beach, 1953-1968
Select: Clarke Beach, 1953-1968
Dennis Beall, 1961
Select: Dennis Beall, 1961
Romare Bearden, 1972
Select: Romare Bearden, 1972
Helen and Katharine Beatty, 1938-1956
Select: Helen and Katharine Beatty, 1938-1956
Louise Bechtel, 1956-1957
Select: Louise Bechtel, 1956-1957
Eleanor Bedell, 1961-1962
Select: Eleanor Bedell, 1961-1962
Jimmy Begaye, 1963-1968
Select: Jimmy Begaye, 1963-1968
Thomas Beggs, 1955-1968
Select: Thomas Beggs, 1955-1968
Mattie Bell, undated
Select: Mattie Bell, undated
Robert Bell, 1977
Select: Robert Bell, 1977
Liz Bellis, 1961-1962
Select: Liz Bellis, 1961-1962
Laura and Murray Belman, 1969
Select: Laura and Murray Belman, 1969
Alfred Bendiner, 1957-1965
Select: Alfred Bendiner, 1957-1965
William S. Benedict, 1980
Select: William S. Benedict, 1980
Laura Bent, 1932-1979
Select: Laura Bent, 1932-1979
William and Marjorie Flack Bent, 1944-1958
Select: William and Marjorie Flack Bent, 1944-1958
Marilyn Benjamin, 1980
Select: Marilyn Benjamin, 1980
Eugene Bennett, 1967-1982
Select: Eugene Bennett, 1967-1982
Deborah Benson, 1978-1986
Select: Deborah Benson, 1978-1986
Rita-Romilly Benson, 1938
Select: Rita-Romilly Benson, 1938
Kaare J. Berg, 1978
Select: Kaare J. Berg, 1978
Dorothy and Jo Berger, 1932-1968
Select: Dorothy and Jo Berger, 1932-1968
Berkman Family, 1959
Select: Berkman Family, 1959
Berner's Hotel, London, 1976
Select: Berner's Hotel, London, 1976
Leonard Bernstein, 1959
Select: Leonard Bernstein, 1959
Ron Bernstein, undated
Select: Ron Bernstein, undated
Florence Berryman, 1953-1963
Select: Florence Berryman, 1953-1963
Sadie Bessell, 1956
Select: Sadie Bessell, 1956
Margretta Best, 1945-1954
Select: Margretta Best, 1945-1954
Bethesda Art Gallery, 1975-1988 (4 folders)
Select: Bethesda Art Gallery, 1975-1988 (4 folders)
Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad, 1978-1981
Select: Bethesda-Chevy Chase Rescue Squad, 1978-1981
Elmira Bier, 1976
Select: Elmira Bier, 1976
Natalie Bigelow, 1970-1974
Select: Natalie Bigelow, 1970-1974
Mr. Biggs, 1978
Select: Mr. Biggs, 1978
Jack Bilander, 1954-1974
Select: Jack Bilander, 1954-1974
Bertha Birtwell, 1962
Select: Bertha Birtwell, 1962
Lorna Birtwell, 1931-1940
Select: Lorna Birtwell, 1931-1940
Florence Bishop, 1945
Select: Florence Bishop, 1945
Mrs. Slavko N. Bjelajac, 1958
Select: Mrs. Slavko N. Bjelajac, 1958
Marjorie H. Black, 1961-1963
Select: Marjorie H. Black, 1961-1963
Morris Blackburn, 1956-1957
Select: Morris Blackburn, 1956-1957
Peter Blanc, 1951-1963
Select: Peter Blanc, 1951-1963
Robert and Mildred Bliss, 1938-1964
Select: Robert and Mildred Bliss, 1938-1964
Marc Blitzstein, 1964
Select: Marc Blitzstein, 1964
Carlos Blume, 1959
Select: Carlos Blume, 1959
Peter Blume, undated
Select: Peter Blume, undated
Joseph Blumenthal, 1944
Select: Joseph Blumenthal, 1944
Carroll F. Boardman, 1946
Select: Carroll F. Boardman, 1946
Belle Boas, 1944-1953
Select: Belle Boas, 1944-1953
Rose Bogdanoff, 1957
Select: Rose Bogdanoff, 1957
T. E. Bolen, 1954
Select: T. E. Bolen, 1954
Sara Bomberg, 1954
Select: Sara Bomberg, 1954
Paul Bond, 1954
Select: Paul Bond, 1954
Boosey & Hawks, 1974
Select: Boosey & Hawks, 1974
Albie Booth, 1959
Select: Albie Booth, 1959
Lucrezia Bori, 1960
Select: Lucrezia Bori, 1960
Boston Museum Shop, 1950-1985
Select: Boston Museum Shop, 1950-1985
Boston Printmakers, The, 1954-1973
Select: Boston Printmakers, The, 1954-1973
Boston Public Library Print Department, 1951-1982
Select: Boston Public Library Print Department, 1951-1982
Jack Boul, 1957-1986
Select: Jack Boul, 1957-1986
Rudyerd Boulton and Louise Rehm, 1959-1963
Select: Rudyerd Boulton and Louise Rehm, 1959-1963
Mortimer Bourne, 1948
Select: Mortimer Bourne, 1948
Catherine Drinker Bowen, 1973
Select: Catherine Drinker Bowen, 1973
A. Smith Bowman, 1966
Select: A. Smith Bowman, 1966
Mary A. Boyd, 1950-1951
Select: Mary A. Boyd, 1950-1951
William E. Boyle, 1966
Select: William E. Boyle, 1966
Lothar Brabanski, undated
Select: Lothar Brabanski, undated
Helen Bradfield, 1975-1986
Select: Helen Bradfield, 1975-1986
Lucrecia Quiroz Brady, 1965-1975
Select: Lucrecia Quiroz Brady, 1965-1975
Laura M. Bragg, 1964-1978
Select: Laura M. Bragg, 1964-1978
Sarah Braverman, 1979
Select: Sarah Braverman, 1979
Elizabeth "Libby" (Gove) and Wendell P. Brazeau, 1974-1979
Select: Elizabeth "Libby" (Gove) and Wendell P. Brazeau, 1974-1979
Alexandere Breckinridge, 1937
Select: Alexandere Breckinridge, 1937
Adelyn Dohme Breeskin, 1936-1986
Select: Adelyn Dohme Breeskin, 1936-1986
Edgar Breitenbach, 1966-1978
Select: Edgar Breitenbach, 1966-1978
Henri Brenner, 1932
Select: Henri Brenner, 1932
Brentano's, 1928
Select: Brentano's, 1928
Edwin H. "Herman" Bressler, 1927-1942
Select: Edwin H. "Herman" Bressler, 1927-1942 (4 folders)
Franklin N. Brewer, 1931-1948
Select: Franklin N. Brewer, 1931-1948
Bentley Bridgewater, 1965
Select: Bentley Bridgewater, 1965
Florence Briggs, 1963
Select: Florence Briggs, 1963
British & Irish Railways, Inc., 1964
Select: British & Irish Railways, Inc., 1964
British Museum, 1966
Select: British Museum, 1966
Emily R. Brittani, 1955
Select: Emily R. Brittani, 1955
Harry A. Broad, 1944
Select: Harry A. Broad, 1944
Catherina "Kitty" Broches, 1982
Select: Catherina "Kitty" Broches, 1982
Judith K. Brodsky, 1968-1975
Select: Judith K. Brodsky, 1968-1975
Ann C. Brolin, 1954
Select: Ann C. Brolin, 1954
Brooklyn Museum, 1938-1955
Select: Brooklyn Museum, 1938-1955
Rev. George Brooks, 1954
Select: Rev. George Brooks, 1954
Don Brown, 1950-1968
Select: Don Brown, 1950-1968
Jean M. Brown, 1932-1933
Select: Jean M. Brown, 1932-1933
Margaret Stow Bruce, 1948-1979
Select: Margaret Stow Bruce, 1948-1979
Rev. Ernest Bruder, 1953-1976
Select: Rev. Ernest Bruder, 1953-1976
John Bryans, 1960-1980
Select: John Bryans, 1960-1980
Henry H. Brylawski, 1975-1979
Select: Henry H. Brylawski, 1975-1979
Andrew Bucci, 1949-1985
Select: Andrew Bucci, 1949-1985 (5 folders)
Harlan Buchalter, undated
Select: Harlan Buchalter, undated
Carl Buchman, 1928-1929
Select: Carl Buchman, 1928-1929
Jaime Buenaventura, 1968
Select: Jaime Buenaventura, 1968
Remo and Florence Bufano, 1929-1954
Select: Remo and Florence Bufano, 1929-1954 (3 folders)
Dr. Dexter M. Bullard, 1958-1981
Select: Dr. Dexter M. Bullard, 1958-1981
Cecil Buller, 1948
Select: Cecil Buller, 1948
Bulletin of Art Therapy , 1961-1962
Select: Bulletin of Art Therapy, 1961-1962
Isabel Burgess, 1978-1984
Select: Isabel Burgess, 1978-1984
Marguerite Burgess, 1944-1984
Select: Marguerite Burgess, 1944-1984
Don Burholz, 1948
Select: Don Burholz, 1948
Martin David Burkenroad, 1933-1981
Select: Martin David Burkenroad, 1933-1981 (3 folders)
Donald L. Burnham, 1961
Select: Donald L. Burnham, 1961
Roger M. Burnham, 1965
Select: Roger M. Burnham, 1965
John Burns, 1949
Select: John Burns, 1949
Barbara Burton, 1958
Select: Barbara Burton, 1958
Harvey Bush, 1950s
Select: Harvey Bush, 1950s
Anne Bushart, 1959-1964
Select: Anne Bushart, 1959-1964
Margaret Bussey, 1981
Select: Margaret Bussey, 1981
Margaret Butcher, 1963
Select: Margaret Butcher, 1963
A. J. Buttitta, 1933
Select: A. J. Buttitta, 1933
Robert Byrne, 1926-1963
Select: Robert Byrne, 1926-1963 (3 folders)
Ray C., 1978
Select: Ray C., 1978
Paul Cadmus, 1942-1984
Select: Paul Cadmus, 1942-1984
William H. Calfee, 1942-1982
Select: William H. Calfee, 1942-1982
California Society of Etchers/California Society of Printmakers, 1959-1973
Select: California Society of Etchers/California Society of Printmakers, 1959-1973
California Western University, 1960
Select: California Western University, 1960
Sarah H. Callaham, 1960-1977
Select: Sarah H. Callaham, 1960-1977
John L. Cameron, 1983
Select: John L. Cameron, 1983
Jewett and Jeanne Campbell, 1949-1956
Select: Jewett and Jeanne Campbell, 1949-1956
Marion Canby, 1932-1938
Select: Marion Canby, 1932-1938
Cannon's Seafood, Inc., 1981
Select: Cannon's Seafood, Inc., 1981
Canyon de Chelly National Monument, 1963
Select: Canyon de Chelly National Monument, 1963
Barbara Caples, 1968-1970
Select: Barbara Caples, 1968-1970
G. A. Cardwell, Jr., 1933-1934
Select: G. A. Cardwell, Jr., 1933-1934
Carl Carmer, 1976
Select: Carl Carmer, 1976
Carnegie Institute, 1946-1978
Select: Carnegie Institute, 1946-1978 (5 folders)
Carolina Art Association (see also Gibbes Art Gallery), 1958-1985
Select: Carolina Art Association (see also Gibbes Art Gallery), 1958-1985
Betts and Bob Carpenter, 1946-1952
Select: Betts and Bob Carpenter, 1946-1952
Fitz Roy Carrington, 1929-1955
Select: Fitz Roy Carrington, 1929-1955
Ed Casarella, 1958
Select: Ed Casarella, 1958
June Cary, 1955-1959
Select: June Cary, 1955-1959
James F. Casey, 1962
Select: James F. Casey, 1962
Frank Cassidy, 1978
Select: Frank Cassidy, 1978
Nico Castel, 1957-1958
Select: Nico Castel, 1957-1958
Federico and Hilda Castellon, 1973-1980
Select: Federico and Hilda Castellon, 1973-1980
Thelma M. Castle, 1976
Select: Thelma M. Castle, 1976
Catholic University of America, 1953-1955
Select: Catholic University of America, 1953-1955
Thomas Catron, 1973
Select: Thomas Catron, 1973
Bennet Cerf, 1947
Select: Bennet Cerf, 1947
Marian Chace, 1970
Select: Marian Chace, 1970
Adelaide Chamberlain, 1928-1931
Select: Adelaide Chamberlain, 1928-1931
Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, 1948
Select: Chamber of Commerce of the United States of America, 1948
Helen and Bob Chambers, 1950-1975
Select: Helen and Bob Chambers, 1950-1975
Wally Chandler, 1958
Select: Wally Chandler, 1958
Rebecca Chang?, undated
Select: Rebecca Chang?, undated
Chaparral Indian Trading Company, 1963
Select: Chaparral Indian Trading Company, 1963
Dick Chapline, 1952
Select: Dick Chapline, 1952
Charleston, South Carolina, 1934-1986
Select: Charleston, South Carolina, 1934-1986
G. Charlesworth, 1952
Select: G. Charlesworth, 1952
Leslie and Mary Tyler Cheek, undated
Select: Leslie and Mary Tyler Cheek, undated
William Cheesman, 1948-1964
Select: William Cheesman, 1948-1964
Chestnut Lodge Hospital, 1947-1986
Select: Chestnut Lodge Hospital, 1947-1986 (2 folders)
Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church, 1956
Select: Chevy Chase Presbyterian Church, 1956
G. Alan Chidsey, 1939
Select: G. Alan Chidsey, 1939
Clifford Chieffo, 1967
Select: Clifford Chieffo, 1967
Children's Art Gallery, Inc., 1942-1947
Select: Children's Art Gallery, Inc., 1942-1947
Walter Frank Choinski, 1960
Select: Walter Frank Choinski, 1960
William Christenberry, 1976
Select: William Christenberry, 1976
Christian Science Exhibit Halls, 1949-1950
Select: Christian Science Exhibit Halls, 1949-1950
Christian Science Exhibit Halls, 1949-1950
Select: Christian Science Exhibit Halls, 1949-1950
Clara B. Church, 1955
Select: Clara B. Church, 1955
Joanne Chutter, 1972-1973
Select: Joanne Chutter, 1972-1973
Hortense and Nicolai Cikovsky, 1943-1962
Select: Hortense and Nicolai Cikovsky, 1943-1962
Cincinnati Art Museum, 1956-1960
Select: Cincinnati Art Museum, 1956-1960
Minna Citron, 1966-1976
Select: Minna Citron, 1966-1976
Jim Claiborne, 1936
Select: Jim Claiborne, 1936
Clarendon Library, 1954
Select: Clarendon Library, 1954
Clarendon Trust Company, 1964
Select: Clarendon Trust Company, 1964
Jill Clark, 1980
Select: Jill Clark, 1980
Pat Clark, 1956
Select: Pat Clark, 1956
Sidney E. Clark and Eleanor Clark, 1936-1975
Select: Sidney E. Clark and Eleanor Clark, 1936-1975 (3 folders)
William S. Clark, 1943-1955
Select: William S. Clark, 1943-1955
John G. "Jack" Clarke, 1975-1978
Select: John G. "Jack" Clarke, 1975-1978
Cyril Clemens, 1970
Select: Cyril Clemens, 1970
Cleveland Institute of Music Show, 1970-1975
Select: Cleveland Institute of Music Show, 1970-1975
Cleveland Institute of Music Show, 1970-1975
Select: Cleveland Institute of Music Show, 1970-1975
Cleveland Museum of Art, 1938-1948
Select: Cleveland Museum of Art, 1938-1948
Frederica Clucas, 1978
Select: Frederica Clucas, 1978
Harold Clurman, 1980
Select: Harold Clurman, 1980
Christine Sadler Coe (Mrs. Richard Livingston Coe), 1957-1983
Select: Christine Sadler Coe (Mrs. Richard Livingston Coe), 1957-1983
Ila Coe, 1980
Select: Ila Coe, 1980
C. S. Coen?, 1920?
Select: C. S. Coen?, 1920?
Karl F. Cohen, 1961
Select: Karl F. Cohen, 1961
Lydia Cohen, undated
Select: Lydia Cohen, undated
Nathalie Colby, 1932-1934
Select: Nathalie Colby, 1932-1934
John Coleman, 1949
Select: John Coleman, 1949
H. Bacon Collamore, 1937-1972
Select: H. Bacon Collamore, 1937-1972
Collector's Corner Gallery, 1959-1960
Select: Collector's Corner Gallery, 1959-1960
Collectors of American Art, Inc., 1957
Select: Collectors of American Art, Inc., 1957
Arthur N. Collins, 1950
Select: Arthur N. Collins, 1950
Henry Collins, 1961
Select: Henry Collins, 1961
Richard J. Collins, 1975-1978
Select: Richard J. Collins, 1975-1978
S. Colsworth, 1964
Select: S. Colsworth, 1964
Padraic and Mary "Molly" Colum, 1930-1957
Select: Padraic and Mary "Molly" Colum, 1930-1957
Columbia Historical Society, 1986
Select: Columbia Historical Society, 1986
Columbia Museum of Art, 1952
Select: Columbia Museum of Art, 1952
Eben F. Comins, 1926-1935
Select: Eben F. Comins, 1926-1935
Margaret F. Conard, 1955
Select: Margaret F. Conard, 1955
Etta Cone, 1945-1949
Select: Etta Cone, 1945-1949
Marc Connelly, undated
Select: Marc Connelly, undated
Connoisseurs, Ltd., 1960
Select: Connoisseurs, Ltd., 1960
Robert G. Connolly, 1945
Select: Robert G. Connolly, 1945
Alida Conover, 1944-1981
Select: Alida Conover, 1944-1981 (3 folders)
Helen F. Conover, 1952-1954
Select: Helen F. Conover, 1952-1954
Cindy Conrad, 1975
Select: Cindy Conrad, 1975
George Constant, 1948
Select: George Constant, 1948
Contempo , 1933
Select: Contempo, 1933
Grant Conway, 1976
Select: Grant Conway, 1976
Helen Fetter Cook, 1925-1974
Select: Helen Fetter Cook, 1925-1974 (4 folders)
Helen Fetter Cook, 1925-1974
Select: Helen Fetter Cook, 1925-1974
Hereward Lester Cooke, 1973-1976
Select: Hereward Lester Cooke, 1973-1976
Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge, 1949-1953
Select: Elizabeth Sprague Coolidge, 1949-1953
Aaron Copland, 1928-1983
Select: Aaron Copland, 1928-1983 (3 folders)
Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1947-1977
Select: Corcoran Gallery of Art, 1947-1977
Julia Cordley?, undated
Select: Julia Cordley?, undated
Katharine Cornell, 1938-1939
Select: Katharine Cornell, 1938-1939
Cornell University, 1956
Select: Cornell University, 1956
Florence Corning, 1957
Select: Florence Corning, 1957
Cosmos Club, 1977
Select: Cosmos Club, 1977
Emma Courlander, 1972-1980
Select: Emma Courlander, 1972-1980
Coward-McCann, Inc., 1930-1931
Select: Coward-McCann, Inc., 1930-1931
Craddock & Barnard, 1968-1977
Select: Craddock & Barnard, 1968-1977
Alan Crane, 1959-1972
Select: Alan Crane, 1959-1972
Priscilla Crane, 1929?
Select: Priscilla Crane, 1929?
Clare Crawford, 1928
Select: Clare Crawford, 1928
Grace A. Crawford, 1954
Select: Grace A. Crawford, 1954
Nelson Antrim Crawford, 1927-1963
Select: Nelson Antrim Crawford, 1927-1963
Dorothea Creager, 1954-1960
Select: Dorothea Creager, 1954-1960
Noche Crist, 1962-1975
Select: Noche Crist, 1962-1975
Helen M. Cromwell, undated
Select: Helen M. Cromwell, undated
Jasper Cropsey, 1968
Select: Jasper Cropsey, 1968
Anne Crosby, undated
Select: Anne Crosby, undated
Caresse Crosby, 1970
Select: Caresse Crosby, 1970
Bernice Cross, 1957-1982
Select: Bernice Cross, 1957-1982
Charles Crowder, undated
Select: Charles Crowder, undated
John W. Crowe, 1962
Select: John W. Crowe, 1962
Jos Luis Cuevas, 1954-1963
Select: Jos Luis Cuevas, 1954-1963
Gaffer Cummings, 1937-1939
Select: Gaffer Cummings, 1937-1939
Theodore Cuno, 1946-1958
Select: Theodore Cuno, 1946-1958
Mrs. F. W. Curd, 1945
Select: Mrs. F. W. Curd, 1945
Cyril, 1964
Select: Cyril, 1964
Joseph S. Czestochowski, 1975-1980
Select: Joseph S. Czestochowski, 1975-1980
George D., 1958
Select: George D., 1958
Edward Dahlberg, 1929-1977
Select: Edward Dahlberg, 1929-1977
Dorothy Dalby, 1952-1980
Select: Dorothy Dalby, 1952-1980
Harriet Damon, 1960
Select: Harriet Damon, 1960
Antoinette Darden, 1960
Select: Antoinette Darden, 1960
Alexandra Darrow, 1951
Select: Alexandra Darrow, 1951
Daughters of the American Revolution, 1939-1956
Select: Daughters of the American Revolution, 1939-1956
Pierre Daura, 1976
Select: Pierre Daura, 1976
Carson Davenport, 1939-1967
Select: Carson Davenport, 1939-1967 (4 folders)
Davidson Galleries, 1990
Select: Davidson Galleries, 1990
Gene Davis, 1960-1961
Select: Gene Davis, 1960-1961
Gwen Davis, 1981
Select: Gwen Davis, 1981
James G. Davis, 1983
Select: James G. Davis, 1983
Marni Ayres Davis, 1924-1928
Select: Marni Ayres Davis, 1924-1928
R. E. Davis & Son, 1954-1956
Select: R. E. Davis & Son, 1954-1956
Agnes and William Dawson, 1956-1963
Select: Agnes and William Dawson, 1956-1963
Carley Dawson, undated
Select: Carley Dawson, undated
Charles B. Dawson, 1956
Select: Charles B. Dawson, 1956
Mary Doolittle Dawson, 1954-1962
Select: Mary Doolittle Dawson, 1954-1962
Jane Deal, 1966
Select: Jane Deal, 1966
Russ and Jo Dean, undated
Select: Russ and Jo Dean, undated
De Cordova Museum, 1977
Select: De Cordova Museum, 1977
Adolf Dehn, undated
Select: Adolf Dehn, undated
Agnes Delano and Marion Delano Fuller, 1947-1963
Select: Agnes Delano and Marion Delano Fuller, 1947-1963
Josephine M. Delin, 1928-1956
Select: Josephine M. Delin, 1928-1956
Nevin M. Dellinger, 1958
Select: Nevin M. Dellinger, 1958
Delores Del Rio, 1983
Select: Delores Del Rio, 1983
Marguerite De M., 1975
Select: Marguerite De M., 1975
Inez Demonet, 1943-1975
Select: Inez Demonet, 1943-1975
Ludwell Denny, 1970
Select: Ludwell Denny, 1970
M. Robert Deo, 1957
Select: M. Robert Deo, 1957
John De Pol, 1975-1978
Select: John De Pol, 1975-1978
Detroit Institute of Arts, 1949
Select: Detroit Institute of Arts, 1949
Mrs. Jacob Detwiler, 1958
Select: Mrs. Jacob Detwiler, 1958
Dorothy Detzer, 1981
Select: Dorothy Detzer, 1981
Charles R. Dick, 1979
Select: Charles R. Dick, 1979
Edward F. Dickerson and Wendell E. Dickerson, 1957
Select: Edward F. Dickerson and Wendell E. Dickerson, 1957
Margaret P. Dickey Gallery of Art, 1958-1963
Select: Margaret P. Dickey Gallery of Art, 1958-1963
Emily Dickinson, undated
Select: Emily Dickinson, undated
Preston Dickinson, 1928-1979
Select: Preston Dickinson, 1928-1979
Constance Dietschy, 1961-1973
Select: Constance Dietschy, 1961-1973
Margaret Disney, 1963
Select: Margaret Disney, 1963
District of Columbia Commission on the Arts and Humanities, 1981
Select: District of Columbia Commission on the Arts and Humanities, 1981
District of Columbia Institute of Mental Hygiene, 1975
Select: District of Columbia Institute of Mental Hygiene, 1975
District of Columbia Mental Health Association, 1969-1970
Select: District of Columbia Mental Health Association, 1969-1970
Sharon Pratt Dixon, 1990
Select: Sharon Pratt Dixon, 1990
Alice Dodge, 1955
Select: Alice Dodge, 1955
Lilian T. Dodge, 1958
Select: Lilian T. Dodge, 1958
C. L. Dodgson (Lewis Carroll?), 1895
Select: C. L. Dodgson (Lewis Carroll?), 1895
Owen Dodson, 1954-1983
Select: Owen Dodson, 1954-1983
Dolan Maxwell Gallery, 1984
Select: Dolan Maxwell Gallery, 1984
Elizabeth Dominick, 1947-1954
Select: Elizabeth Dominick, 1947-1954
George A. Dondero, 1949-1952
Select: George A. Dondero, 1949-1952
Tom Donnelly, 1976
Select: Tom Donnelly, 1976
Otto Donner, 1981
Select: Otto Donner, 1981
Anne Dougherty, 1962-1967
Select: Anne Dougherty, 1962-1967
Bertha Dougherty, 1951
Select: Bertha Dougherty, 1951
Laura Douglas, 1950-1962
Select: Laura Douglas, 1950-1962
Lester Douglas, 1949
Select: Lester Douglas, 1949
Paul Douglas, 1976
Select: Paul Douglas, 1976
Sharon E. Dove, 1980
Select: Sharon E. Dove, 1980
Dover, New Hampahire, 1954
Select: Dover, New Hampahire, 1954
Betty Dow, 1941
Select: Betty Dow, 1941
Kenneth Dow, 1942-1952
Select: Kenneth Dow, 1942-1952
Carmen and Olin Dows, 1979
Select: Carmen and Olin Dows, 1979
Miss Dreier, 1950
Select: Miss Dreier, 1950
Esther Dreifus, 1975-1979
Select: Esther Dreifus, 1975-1979
Lulu Drennan, 1960
Select: Lulu Drennan, 1960
Werner Drewes, 1928-1987
Select: Werner Drewes, 1928-1987
Jean Dubuffet, 1963-1966
Select: Jean Dubuffet, 1963-1966
Robert E. Duffy, 1983
Select: Robert E. Duffy, 1983
Angier Biddle Duke, undated
Select: Angier Biddle Duke, undated
Nancy Dunaway, 1957
Select: Nancy Dunaway, 1957
Ralph A. Dungan, 1961
Select: Ralph A. Dungan, 1961
Katharine Dunlap, 1938-1970
Select: Katharine Dunlap, 1938-1970
Charles Dunn, 1959-1978
Select: Charles Dunn, 1959-1978
Dupont Laundry, 1978
Select: Dupont Laundry, 1978
Dupont Theatre Art Gallery, 1949-1954
Select: Dupont Theatre Art Gallery, 1949-1954
Laura Dupuy, 1960
Select: Laura Dupuy, 1960
John and Betsy Dutton, 1952-1980
Select: John and Betsy Dutton, 1952-1980
W. E., 1937-1939
Select: W. E., 1937-1939
Kathryn T. Eager, 1963
Select: Kathryn T. Eager, 1963
Thomas Eakins, undated
Select: Thomas Eakins, undated
Easter Islands, undated
Select: Easter Islands, undated
John C. Eastlack, 1888
Select: John C. Eastlack, 1888
Julia Eckel, 1936
Select: Julia Eckel, 1936
Nancy Edelman, 1981-1986
Select: Nancy Edelman, 1981-1986
Bob Edwards, 1939
Select: Bob Edwards, 1939
Cliff Edwards, 1971
Select: Cliff Edwards, 1971
David Edwards, 1951-1954
Select: David Edwards, 1951-1954
Eddie Edwards, 1949
Select: Eddie Edwards, 1949
Dorothy S. Egbert, 1951
Select: Dorothy S. Egbert, 1951
Lyn Egbert, 1955-1977
Select: Lyn Egbert, 1955-1977
Nancy L. Egbert, 1952
Select: Nancy L. Egbert, 1952
James Wytche Elder, 1961-1981
Select: James Wytche Elder, 1961-1981
Deborah Ellis (Mrs. Llewellyn B. Bigelow), 1966-1976
Select: Deborah Ellis (Mrs. Llewellyn B. Bigelow), 1966-1976
Helen Elser, 1961
Select: Helen Elser, 1961
Emerson Gallery, 1970-1982
Select: Emerson Gallery, 1970-1982
Louise Emerson, 1951-1975
Select: Louise Emerson, 1951-1975
John English, 1931-1932
Select: John English, 1931-1932 (Includes oversized materials from Box 21)
Peggy Erckmann, 1964
Select: Peggy Erckmann, 1964
Elizabeth N. Erlanger, 1966-1973
Select: Elizabeth N. Erlanger, 1966-1973
Dr. Erskine, 1951
Select: Dr. Erskine, 1951
Katherine "Katy" Gibbs Ericsson and Samuel Ericsson, 1941-1977
Select: Katherine "Katy" Gibbs Ericsson and Samuel Ericsson, 1941-1977
Dick Eskilson?, 1961
Select: Dick Eskilson?, 1961
Richard Ettinghausen, 1979
Select: Richard Ettinghausen, 1979
Lyle Evan Gallery, 1983
Select: Lyle Evan Gallery, 1983
Edith Evans, 1976
Select: Edith Evans, 1976
Emily A. Evans, 1953-1954
Select: Emily A. Evans, 1953-1954
Frank Evans, 1954-1960
Select: Frank Evans, 1954-1960
Lucile Evans, 1953-1962
Select: Lucile Evans, 1953-1962
Maurice Evans, 1935
Select: Maurice Evans, 1935
Stephanie Evans, 1979
Select: Stephanie Evans, 1979
Robert Evett, 1975
Select: Robert Evett, 1975
Max Ewing, 1932-1933
Select: Max Ewing, 1932-1933
Emily L. Faber, 1960
Select: Emily L. Faber, 1960
Ralph Fabri, 1971-1975
Select: Ralph Fabri, 1971-1975
Sergio Fabris, 1954
Select: Sergio Fabris, 1954
Donald Stites Fairchild, 1933-1939
Select: Donald Stites Fairchild, 1933-1939
Fairfax County Cultural Association, Inc., 1970
Select: Fairfax County Cultural Association, Inc., 1970
Fairfax Unitarian Church, 1964
Select: Fairfax Unitarian Church, 1964
Dorothy Fall, 1984
Select: Dorothy Fall, 1984
Leslie Farber, 1981
Select: Leslie Farber, 1981
Phyllis R. Faria, 1950-1952
Select: Phyllis R. Faria, 1950-1952
Farnsworth Art Museum and Library, 1953-1954
Select: Farnsworth Art Museum and Library, 1953-1954
Farrar & Rinehart, Publishers, 1940
Select: Farrar & Rinehart, Publishers, 1940
Henry Lawrence Faulkner, 1953-1958
Select: Henry Lawrence Faulkner, 1953-1958
William Faulkner, 1962
Select: William Faulkner, 1962
Federal Resrve Bank Slide Registry, undated
Select: Federal Resrve Bank Slide Registry, undated
Herbert and Ruth Feis, 1956-1965
Select: Herbert and Ruth Feis, 1956-1965
Aline Feldman, 1967-1974
Select: Aline Feldman, 1967-1974
Fendrick Gallery, 1962-1963
Select: Fendrick Gallery, 1962-1963
Alan Fern, 1982
Select: Alan Fern, 1982
Leslie Fernandez, 1969-1976
Select: Leslie Fernandez, 1969-1976
Byrd Ferneyhough, 1966
Select: Byrd Ferneyhough, 1966
Clare Ferriter, 1963-1976
Select: Clare Ferriter, 1963-1976
Frances Ferry, 1949-1966
Select: Frances Ferry, 1949-1966
Herb Fichter, 1956-1957
Select: Herb Fichter, 1956-1957
Rachel Field, 1927-1951
Select: Rachel Field, 1927-1951 (3 folders)
Ruth Filip, 1960-1961
Select: Ruth Filip, 1960-1961
Irving Fineman, 1932-1936
Select: Irving Fineman, 1932-1936
John F. Finerty, 1967
Select: John F. Finerty, 1967
First Virginia Bank, 1982
Select: First Virginia Bank, 1982
Davira Fisher, 1960-1974
Select: Davira Fisher, 1960-1974
M. T. Fisher, 1964
Select: M. T. Fisher, 1964
Richard Arnold Fisher, 1926
Select: Richard Arnold Fisher, 1926
Bradley Fisk, 1962
Select: Bradley Fisk, 1962
Fisk University, 1933-1955
Select: Fisk University, 1933-1955
Fitchburg Art Museum, 1980
Select: Fitchburg Art Museum, 1980
Bill Fitts, 1960-1974
Select: Bill Fitts, 1960-1974
Fitz, 1935
Select: Fitz, 1935
Mrs. Fitzpatrick, 1947
Select: Mrs. Fitzpatrick, 1947
Muriel Fitzpatrick, 1966
Select: Muriel Fitzpatrick, 1966
Bunny Flanagan, 1961
Select: Bunny Flanagan, 1961
John Flannagan, 1939-1940
Select: John Flannagan, 1939-1940
Janet Flint, 1975-1984
Select: Janet Flint, 1975-1984
Peggy and Richard Flint, 1941-1972
Select: Peggy and Richard Flint, 1941-1972
Frances Foote, undated
Select: Frances Foote, undated
James Forbes, 1973-1974
Select: James Forbes, 1973-1974
John R. Forbes, 1946
Select: John R. Forbes, 1946
Ford Foundation, 1958
Select: Ford Foundation, 1958
Foreign Service Journal , 1958
Select: Foreign Service Journal, 1958
Barbara Forman, 1953
Select: Barbara Forman, 1953
James Forsythe, 1982
Select: James Forsythe, 1982
Fort Meade, Maryland, 1946
Select: Fort Meade, Maryland, 1946
William F. Foshag, 1956
Select: William F. Foshag, 1956
Genevieve and Roger Foster, undated
Select: Genevieve and Roger Foster, undated
Alfred Fowler, 1948-1952
Select: Alfred Fowler, 1948-1952
Emily Francis, undated
Select: Emily Francis, undated
Sandra P. Francklin, 1967-1968
Select: Sandra P. Francklin, 1967-1968
Adele and Vincent Franks, 1942-1960
Select: Adele and Vincent Franks, 1942-1960
Frederick William Frear, 1936-1968
Select: Frederick William Frear, 1936-1968
Mrs. Max Freedman, 1967
Select: Mrs. Max Freedman, 1967
Don Freeman, 1978
Select: Don Freeman, 1978
John French, 1950-1953
Select: John French, 1950-1953
Ray H. French (Depauw University), 1959-1963
Select: Ray H. French (Depauw University), 1959-1963
F. A. Freyhan, 1951
Select: F. A. Freyhan, 1951
Amos Fries, 1933
Select: Amos Fries, 1933
Frances Frost, 1932
Select: Frances Frost, 1932
Jack Fullilove, 1942-1976
Select: Jack Fullilove, 1942-1976
Donald G., 1974-1980
Select: Donald G., 1974-1980
Lucy G., 1973
Select: Lucy G., 1973
V. V. G., 1957
Select: V. V. G., 1957
Bob and Ardis Gabel, 1950-1951
Select: Bob and Ardis Gabel, 1950-1951
Dr. Gallagher, 1985
Select: Dr. Gallagher, 1985
G. C. Gallagher, 1984
Select: G. C. Gallagher, 1984
Mary C. Gallagher, 1963
Select: Mary C. Gallagher, 1963
Gallery 4, Alexandria, Virginia, 1978
Select: Gallery 4, Alexandria, Virginia, 1978
Gallery 10, Washington, D. C., 1980
Select: Gallery 10, Washington, D. C., 1980
Gallery 313, Washington, D. C., 1957
Select: Gallery 313, Washington, D. C., 1957
Don Gallup, 1959-1976
Select: Don Gallup, 1959-1976
Ruth Galloon, 1963-1966
Select: Ruth Galloon, 1963-1966
Hester and Robert Galvin, 1970
Select: Hester and Robert Galvin, 1970
Lewis and Ruth Gannett, 1966-1979
Select: Lewis and Ruth Gannett, 1966-1979
Helen Gardner, 1954-1969
Select: Helen Gardner, 1954-1969
Beryl Garrott, undated
Select: Beryl Garrott, undated
Saul I. Gass, 1961
Select: Saul I. Gass, 1961
Margaret Casey Gates and Robert F. Gates, 1934-1982
Select: Margaret Casey Gates and Robert F. Gates, 1934-1982
Paul Gaunt, 1931-1934
Select: Paul Gaunt, 1931-1934
Thomas N. Gee, 1935-1936
Select: Thomas N. Gee, 1935-1936
Henry Geldzahler, 1977
Select: Henry Geldzahler, 1977
Ellen Gelman, 1962-1974
Select: Ellen Gelman, 1962-1974
Arnold Genthe, 1936
Select: Arnold Genthe, 1936
Phyllis Bowles Georg, 1956
Select: Phyllis Bowles Georg, 1956
Louise George, 1964
Select: Louise George, 1964
Georgetown University, 1980-1984
Select: Georgetown University, 1980-1984
George Washington University, 1965-1973
Select: George Washington University, 1965-1973
James Geralis, 1956
Select: James Geralis, 1956
Helen Gerardia, 1968-1972
Select: Helen Gerardia, 1968-1972
Doreen Gerlach, 1958
Select: Doreen Gerlach, 1958
Margaret N. Germond, 1966
Select: Margaret N. Germond, 1966
John Gernand, 1936-1983
Select: John Gernand, 1936-1983
John Gerrard, 1973-1974
Select: John Gerrard, 1973-1974
Eugenie Gershoy, 1950
Select: Eugenie Gershoy, 1950
Elsa and Herbert Gerst, undated
Select: Elsa and Herbert Gerst, undated
Libby Getz, 1967-1979
Select: Libby Getz, 1967-1979
Al and Margot Gianascol, 1954
Select: Al and Margot Gianascol, 1954
Elio Gianturco, 1953
Select: Elio Gianturco, 1953
Gibbes Art Gallery (see also Carolina Art Associaton), 1933-1985
Select: Gibbes Art Gallery (see also Carolina Art Associaton), 1933-1985
Margaret Gibson, undated
Select: Margaret Gibson, undated
V. C. Gibson, undated
Select: V. C. Gibson, undated
Marie Gilchrist, 1928-1937
Select: Marie Gilchrist, 1928-1937
Mrs. Donald Giles, 1955
Select: Mrs. Donald Giles, 1955
Duff Gilfond, 1946
Select: Duff Gilfond, 1946
Alberto Ginastera, 1983
Select: Alberto Ginastera, 1983
Elizabeth Ginnis?, 1956
Select: Elizabeth Ginnis?, 1956
Alberto Gironella, 1959
Select: Alberto Gironella, 1959
C. Leslie Glenn, 1951-1956
Select: C. Leslie Glenn, 1951-1956
Gloucester School of the Little Theatre, 1926-1927
Select: Gloucester School of the Little Theatre, 1926-1927
Frederick R. Goff, 1982
Select: Frederick R. Goff, 1982
Eva Goldbeck, 1928
Select: Eva Goldbeck, 1928
Lucien Goldschmidt, 1956-1971
Select: Lucien Goldschmidt, 1956-1971
Ben and Beatrice Goldstein Foundation, Inc., 1971-1972
Select: Ben and Beatrice Goldstein Foundation, Inc., 1971-1972
Anne and Lucy Goldthwaite, 1933-1983
Select: Anne and Lucy Goldthwaite, 1933-1983
Lucy Gomersall, 1956-1971
Select: Lucy Gomersall, 1956-1971
Elena Gonzalez, undated
Select: Elena Gonzalez, undated
Walter Scott Goodine, 1963
Select: Walter Scott Goodine, 1963
Caroline L. Gordon, 1933-1958
Select: Caroline L. Gordon, 1933-1958 (2 folders)
Grace Gorlitz, 1974
Select: Grace Gorlitz, 1974
Jac Gorodetzky, 1955
Select: Jac Gorodetzky, 1955
Edith Gove, 1954-1958
Select: Edith Gove, 1954-1958
Ralph Gove, 1954
Select: Ralph Gove, 1954
Mrs. Percy P. Grady, 1957
Select: Mrs. Percy P. Grady, 1957
Liliana Gramberg, 1968-1971
Select: Liliana Gramberg, 1968-1971
Donald Gramm, 1983
Select: Donald Gramm, 1983
Graphic Arts Council of New York, 1981
Select: Graphic Arts Council of New York, 1981
Ann and Wolf Graubard, 1959
Select: Ann and Wolf Graubard, 1959
Lillian Graves, 1933-1946
Select: Lillian Graves, 1933-1946
Mortimer Graves, 1955
Select: Mortimer Graves, 1955
Graylyn, 1952-1953
Select: Graylyn, 1952-1953
Greater Washington Invitational Art Show, 1972
Select: Greater Washington Invitational Art Show, 1972
Frances Green, 1954-1960
Select: Frances Green, 1954-1960
Gretchen Green, undated
Select: Gretchen Green, undated
Henri and Jim Green, 1951-1957
Select: Henri and Jim Green, 1951-1957
Theodore F. Green, 1957
Select: Theodore F. Green, 1957
Dorothea S. Greenbaum, 1939-1976
Select: Dorothea S. Greenbaum, 1939-1976
Marvin Grieve, 1947
Select: Marvin Grieve, 1947
Tatyana Grossman, 1976
Select: Tatyana Grossman, 1976
Bob Grove, 1991
Select: Bob Grove, 1991
Jean and Edward R. Grove, 1956-1957
Select: Jean and Edward R. Grove, 1956-1957
Martha Gruering, 1933-1937
Select: Martha Gruering, 1933-1937
Guggenheim Foundation, 1933-1939
Select: Guggenheim Foundation, 1933-1939
Loring H., 1946-1953
Select: Loring H., 1946-1953
Margaret Hagan, 1966
Select: Margaret Hagan, 1966
Frank Gardner Hale, 1933
Select: Frank Gardner Hale, 1933
Alfredo Halegua, undated
Select: Alfredo Halegua, undated
Delight Hall, 1964
Select: Delight Hall, 1964
Peggy Scott Hall, 1964
Select: Peggy Scott Hall, 1964
Corrie Halsey, 1973
Select: Corrie Halsey, 1973
George H. Hamilton, 1935-1956
Select: George H. Hamilton, 1935-1956
Genevieve Hamper, 1971
Select: Genevieve Hamper, 1971
Hanford Press, 1952
Select: Hanford Press, 1952
Roger Hansel, 1975
Select: Roger Hansel, 1975
Frances Leich Hanson (Mrs. Richard L. Hanson), 1951-1979
Select: Frances Leich Hanson (Mrs. Richard L. Hanson), 1951-1979
Janice Harrington, 1946
Select: Janice Harrington, 1946
Beverly H. Harris, 1959
Select: Beverly H. Harris, 1959
Dorothy Harrison, 1957-1971
Select: Dorothy Harrison, 1957-1971
Wallace Harrison, 1981
Select: Wallace Harrison, 1981
Horace Hart, 1963
Select: Horace Hart, 1963
Muriel Hart, undated
Select: Muriel Hart, undated
Amora C. Harvey, 1983
Select: Amora C. Harvey, 1983
Victor Hasenoehrl, 1986
Select: Victor Hasenoehrl, 1986
Nagel Haskin, 1973
Select: Nagel Haskin, 1973
Jane Haslem, 1984-1985
Select: Jane Haslem, 1984-1985
Hotel Hassler, Rome, 1966
Select: Hotel Hassler, Rome, 1966
Hatfield's Color Shop, Inc., 1956-1957
Select: Hatfield's Color Shop, Inc., 1956-1957
James D. Havens, 1956-1959
Select: James D. Havens, 1956-1959
Erik Hawkins, 1932-1933
Select: Erik Hawkins, 1932-1933
Charles W. Hawthorne, undated
Select: Charles W. Hawthorne, undated
Edith Haydon, 1967
Select: Edith Haydon, 1967
William Hays, 1978
Select: William Hays, 1978
E.? Heard, 1960
Select: E.? Heard, 1960
Paul Heard, undated
Select: Paul Heard, undated
Henriette Hooper Heath, 1950-1951
Select: Henriette Hooper Heath, 1950-1951
Inga Wall Heck, undated
Select: Inga Wall Heck, undated
Victor R. Heflin, 1974
Select: Victor R. Heflin, 1974
Laurence and Marilyn Heilprin, 1957
Select: Laurence and Marilyn Heilprin, 1957
Arthur Heintzelman, 1965
Select: Arthur Heintzelman, 1965
Janet and Naida Henderson, 1980
Select: Janet and Naida Henderson, 1980
Jack W. Henry, 1964-1982
Select: Jack W. Henry, 1964-1982
Clara Herbert, 1957
Select: Clara Herbert, 1957
Henry Herman, 1938
Select: Henry Herman, 1938
John A. Herring, 1970-1976
Select: John A. Herring, 1970-1976
Nancy Hersch, 1973
Select: Nancy Hersch, 1973
Pierre Herson, undated
Select: Pierre Herson, undated
Helene and Philip Herzbrun, 1963
Select: Helene and Philip Herzbrun, 1963
Lin and Wilmer Clyde Hewitt, 1962-1963
Select: Lin and Wilmer Clyde Hewitt, 1962-1963
Dorothy Heyward, 1944-1961
Select: Dorothy Heyward, 1944-1961
Granville Hicks, 1982
Select: Granville Hicks, 1982
Martin Hiden, 1948-1952
Select: Martin Hiden, 1948-1952
Eugene Higgins, 1946
Select: Eugene Higgins, 1946
Jean and Marion Hildebrand, 1950-1987
Select: Jean and Marion Hildebrand, 1950-1987
Helen Hill, 1981
Select: Helen Hill, 1981
Laura Hill, 1941-1953
Select: Laura Hill, 1941-1953
Winifred Hill, 1940
Select: Winifred Hill, 1940
Hill-Lederer Gallery, 1960
Select: Hill-Lederer Gallery, 1960
John Hillery, 1962-1963
Select: John Hillery, 1962-1963
Ernest Hillman, 1948-1952
Select: Ernest Hillman, 1948-1952
Allonell Hines, undated
Select: Allonell Hines, undated
Marjorie Hirano, 1967-1980
Select: Marjorie Hirano, 1967-1980
Un-Ichi Hiratsuka, 1966-1979
Select: Un-Ichi Hiratsuka, 1966-1979
Joseph Hirsch, 1981
Select: Joseph Hirsch, 1981
Joe Hirschman, 1944-1954
Select: Joe Hirschman, 1944-1954
Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, undated
Select: Hirshhorn Museum and Sculpture Garden, Smithsonian Institution, undated
Angelo Hodick, 1974
Select: Angelo Hodick, 1974
Polly Parker Hoff, 1956-1960
Select: Polly Parker Hoff, 1956-1960
Phyllis Hoffman, 1972-1974
Select: Phyllis Hoffman, 1972-1974
Hofstra University, 1985
Select: Hofstra University, 1985
Inez Hogan, 1926
Select: Inez Hogan, 1926
Beth Holderbachs, 1978
Select: Beth Holderbachs, 1978
Libby Holman, 1983
Select: Libby Holman, 1983
Mary Hone, 1972-1973
Select: Mary Hone, 1972-1973
Richard E. Hood, 1984-1985
Select: Richard E. Hood, 1984-1985
Henry T. Hooper, 1959
Select: Henry T. Hooper, 1959
Allan Hoover, Jr., 1964
Select: Allan Hoover, Jr., 1964
Hoover Company, 1978
Select: Hoover Company, 1978
DeWolf Hopper, undated
Select: DeWolf Hopper, undated
Francis H. Horan, 1952-1962
Select: Francis H. Horan, 1952-1962
Grace Horne Galleries, 1938-1944
Select: Grace Horne Galleries, 1938-1944
Mardi Horowitz, 1960-1961
Select: Mardi Horowitz, 1960-1961
Norman Horowitz, 1954
Select: Norman Horowitz, 1954
Herbert Hosmer, 1941-1954
Select: Herbert Hosmer, 1941-1954
James Freeman Hottel and Ruby Perry Hottel, 1910-1962
Select: James Freeman Hottel and Ruby Perry Hottel, 1910-1962
James Freeman Hottel and Ruby Perry Hottel, 1910-1962
Select: James Freeman Hottel and Ruby Perry Hottel, 1910-1962
Katharine A. Hottel, 1935-1981, undated
Select: Katharine A. Hottel, 1935-1981, undated
Lucy and Martin Perry Hottel, 1961-1981
Select: Lucy and Martin Perry Hottel, 1961-1981
House of Mercy, 1957
Select: House of Mercy, 1957
Howard University, 1950-1963
Select: Howard University, 1950-1963
Walter Bruce Howe, Mary Howe, and Bruce Howe, 1941-1975
Select: Walter Bruce Howe, Mary Howe, and Bruce Howe, 1941-1975
Richard Howland, 1956
Select: Richard Howland, 1956
Gizella Huber, 1963
Select: Gizella Huber, 1963
Andrew Hudson, 1978
Select: Andrew Hudson, 1978
Langston Hughes, 1931-1982
Select: Langston Hughes, 1931-1982 (41 folders; includes oversized materials from Box 21)
Ruth Fox Hume, 1980
Select: Ruth Fox Hume, 1980
Peter Hunt, 1967
Select: Peter Hunt, 1967
Hunterdon Art Center, 1967-1974
Select: Hunterdon Art Center, 1967-1974
Victoria Hutson Huntley, 1965
Select: Victoria Hutson Huntley, 1965
Mary Huntoon, 1953-1959
Select: Mary Huntoon, 1953-1959
Zora Neale Hurston, 1985, undated
Select: Zora Neale Hurston, 1985, undated
Janet Hurter, 1932-1933
Select: Janet Hurter, 1932-1933
Josephine Hutchinson, undated
Select: Josephine Hutchinson, undated
Birdie Hutton, 1953
Select: Birdie Hutton, 1953
Alfred Hutty, undated
Select: Alfred Hutty, undated
Hygeia , 1924
Select: Hygeia, 1924
I.B.M. Gallery, 1968
Select: I.B.M. Gallery, 1968
I.F.A. Galleries, 1951
Select: I.F.A. Galleries, 1951
Department of the Interior, 1961-1985
Select: Department of the Interior, 1961-1985
Carlotta Irwin, 1927
Select: Carlotta Irwin, 1927
Elizabeth Irwin, 1931-1936
Select: Elizabeth Irwin, 1931-1936
Leila Irwin, 1963-1977
Select: Leila Irwin, 1963-1977
William Irwin, 1928
Select: William Irwin, 1928
Harold B. Isen, 1967-1974
Select: Harold B. Isen, 1967-1974
Sheila Isham (Mrs. Heyward Isham), 1960-1979
Select: Sheila Isham (Mrs. Heyward Isham), 1960-1979 (2 folders)
Michio Ito, 1961
Select: Michio Ito, 1961
Anne Ives, 1956-1958
Select: Anne Ives, 1956-1958
Paul J., 1930-1931
Select: Paul J., 1930-1931
Billy Morrow Jackson, 1956-1964
Select: Billy Morrow Jackson, 1956-1964 (3 folders)
Robert Jackson & Company, 1966
Select: Robert Jackson & Company, 1966
Alice Rice Jaffe, 1934-1986
Select: Alice Rice Jaffe, 1934-1986 (22 folders)
Kristian Jakobsen, 1959
Select: Kristian Jakobsen, 1959
Macgill James, 1957
Select: Macgill James, 1957
Mitchell Jamieson, 1944-1982
Select: Mitchell Jamieson, 1944-1982 (3 folders)
Benjamin L. Jamison, 1954
Select: Benjamin L. Jamison, 1954
Josephine January, 1953
Select: Josephine January, 1953
Gladys Jardine, 1975
Select: Gladys Jardine, 1975
Jefferson County Historical Society, 1960
Select: Jefferson County Historical Society, 1960
Frank R. Jelleff, 1946-1961
Select: Frank R. Jelleff, 1946-1961
Marie Jenkins, 1960
Select: Marie Jenkins, 1960
Gladys Jenkyns, 1960
Select: Gladys Jenkyns, 1960
Ida Jervis, undated
Select: Ida Jervis, undated
Jewish Community Center, undated
Select: Jewish Community Center, undated
Garnet Jex, 1979
Select: Garnet Jex, 1979
Harold Joachim, 1974
Select: Harold Joachim, 1974
Estella Taylor Johnson (Mrs. Horace W. Johnson; "Aunt Stella"), 1933-1978
Select: Estella Taylor Johnson (Mrs. Horace W. Johnson; "Aunt Stella"), 1933-1978 (5 folders)
Hall Johnson Negro Choir, 1931
Select: Hall Johnson Negro Choir, 1931
Johnston, Lemon, & Company, 1978-1981
Select: Johnston, Lemon, & Company, 1978-1981
Mrs. C. H. Jolls, undated
Select: Mrs. C. H. Jolls, undated
Helen Lyon Jones, 1945
Select: Helen Lyon Jones, 1945
Lois Mailou Jones, 1948-1979
Select: Lois Mailou Jones, 1948-1979
Preston Jones, 1979
Select: Preston Jones, 1979
June 1 Gallery, 1979-1984
Select: June 1 Gallery, 1979-1984
Frances Jurkowitz, 1975
Select: Frances Jurkowitz, 1975
Mae and Irving Jurow, 1986
Select: Mae and Irving Jurow, 1986
Betsy K., 1964-1983
Select: Betsy K., 1964-1983
Wathen Tyler Kackley, 1956-1986
Select: Wathen Tyler Kackley, 1956-1986
Virginia and Sheffield Kagy, 1965, undated
Select: Virginia and Sheffield Kagy, 1965, undated
Dorothy and Lloyd Kahn, 1968-1976
Select: Dorothy and Lloyd Kahn, 1968-1976
Jacob Kainen, 1949-1984
Select: Jacob Kainen, 1949-1984 (9 folders)
Yumiko Kakimizu, 1961-1965
Select: Yumiko Kakimizu, 1961-1965
Fannie Kallivas, undated
Select: Fannie Kallivas, undated
Henry Kalmus, 1982
Select: Henry Kalmus, 1982
Florence W. Kane, 1952
Select: Florence W. Kane, 1952
Theodora Kane, 1956
Select: Theodora Kane, 1956
Hike Kaplan (Mrs. Robert Kaplan), 1966-1980
Select: Hike Kaplan (Mrs. Robert Kaplan), 1966-1980
Benjamin Karpman, 1962
Select: Benjamin Karpman, 1962
Bess Karrick, undated
Select: Bess Karrick, undated
Hilda Katz, 1969-1973
Select: Hilda Katz, 1969-1973
Elizabeth Hazen Kaul, 1971-1974
Select: Elizabeth Hazen Kaul, 1971-1974
Katharine Keck, 1948-1955
Select: Katharine Keck, 1948-1955
Myrtle Keeney, 1953-1960
Select: Myrtle Keeney, 1953-1960
George Keiser, 1956
Select: George Keiser, 1956
Kellaway Publishing Company, 1976
Select: Kellaway Publishing Company, 1976
Bruce Kellner, 1980-1986
Select: Bruce Kellner, 1980-1986 (4 folders)
H. and G. Kelly, 1953
Select: H. and G. Kelly, 1953
Isabella Stuart Kelly, 1956
Select: Isabella Stuart Kelly, 1956
John B. Kelly, Jr., 1985
Select: John B. Kelly, Jr., 1985
Richard Hay Kenah, 1982
Select: Richard Hay Kenah, 1982
Isabelle V. Kendig, 1949
Select: Isabelle V. Kendig, 1949
Kennedy Galleries (see also Albert Reese), 1946-1980
Select: Kennedy Galleries (see also Albert Reese), 1946-1980 (5 folders)
Dorothy Kent, 1935
Select: Dorothy Kent, 1935
Hugh Kepets, undated
Select: Hugh Kepets, undated
Sophie Kepner, 1925
Select: Sophie Kepner, 1925
Irvin Kerlan, 1957-1964
Select: Irvin Kerlan, 1957-1964
Barbara Davis Kerne, 1979
Select: Barbara Davis Kerne, 1979
Harrison Kerr, 1932
Select: Harrison Kerr, 1932
Jeanne Kerr, undated
Select: Jeanne Kerr, undated
Peter Kerr, 1957
Select: Peter Kerr, 1957
Mr. Kibler, 1950
Select: Mr. Kibler, 1950
Charlotte Stuart Kimball, 1963-1964
Select: Charlotte Stuart Kimball, 1963-1964
Eve King, 1963
Select: Eve King, 1963
Fay Ball King, undated
Select: Fay Ball King, undated
Mrs. Milton King, 1945
Select: Mrs. Milton King, 1945
Lee King, 1979
Select: Lee King, 1979
Louise King, 1962-1964
Select: Louise King, 1962-1964
Lucius and Peggy Kingman, 1960-1962
Select: Lucius and Peggy Kingman, 1960-1962
Marion Kingsbury, 1964-1978
Select: Marion Kingsbury, 1964-1978
George Kinsey, 1927
Select: George Kinsey, 1927
Robert Kipniss, 1975-1978
Select: Robert Kipniss, 1975-1978
Emily Kiracofe?, 1979
Select: Emily Kiracofe?, 1979
Kirby Lithographic Company, 1953
Select: Kirby Lithographic Company, 1953
Edward M. Kirk, 1964
Select: Edward M. Kirk, 1964
Madaline Kirker, 1951
Select: Madaline Kirker, 1951
Robert Kirkpatrick, 1961
Select: Robert Kirkpatrick, 1961
Scott Kirkpatrick, 1953
Select: Scott Kirkpatrick, 1953
Richard Kirsten, 1955-1977
Select: Richard Kirsten, 1955-1977
Ki-Wives, 1954
Select: Ki-Wives, 1954
Samuel Klaus, 1963
Select: Samuel Klaus, 1963
Elmer and Eleanor Klein, 1974-1975
Select: Elmer and Eleanor Klein, 1974-1975
Morris and Gertrude Kleinerman, 1981
Select: Morris and Gertrude Kleinerman, 1981
Henry J. Knight, 1979
Select: Henry J. Knight, 1979
Robert P. Knight, 1954
Select: Robert P. Knight, 1954
Mary Knollenberg, 1946-1955
Select: Mary Knollenberg, 1946-1955
Alfred A. Knopf, 1929
Select: Alfred A. Knopf, 1929
Kodak Processing Laboratory, 1964-1965
Select: Kodak Processing Laboratory, 1964-1965
Henry Koerner, 1973
Select: Henry Koerner, 1973
Misch Kohn, 1961
Select: Misch Kohn, 1961
Oskar Kokoschka, 1980
Select: Oskar Kokoschka, 1980
Marie Koontz, 1976
Select: Marie Koontz, 1976
Alice Graemme Korff, 1938-1975
Select: Alice Graemme Korff, 1938-1975
Paull and Jean Kovachi?, undated
Select: Paull and Jean Kovachi?, undated
June and Norman Kraeft, 1973-1976
Select: June and Norman Kraeft, 1973-1976
Elaine Kramer, 1982
Select: Elaine Kramer, 1982
Edith Kranck?, 1959
Select: Edith Kranck?, 1959
Margaret Graham Kranking, undated
Select: Margaret Graham Kranking, undated
Heinrich Kraus, undated
Select: Heinrich Kraus, undated
Bill Krause, 1951
Select: Bill Krause, 1951
Doris Kreindler, 1971-1973
Select: Doris Kreindler, 1971-1973
Teruaki Kuyama, 1954-1959
Select: Teruaki Kuyama, 1954-1959
Hanna Kwiatkowska, 1980
Select: Hanna Kwiatkowska, 1980
Denis L., 1979
Select: Denis L., 1979
Sam L., 1929-1933
Select: Sam L., 1929-1933
Odessa LaFont, 1961-1963
Select: Odessa LaFont, 1961-1963
Joseph Lambert, 1976
Select: Joseph Lambert, 1976
Margaret I. Lamont, 1933
Select: Margaret I. Lamont, 1933
Armin Landeck, 1934-1988
Select: Armin Landeck, 1934-1988 (2 folders)
Armin Landeck, 1934-1988
Select: Armin Landeck, 1934-1988 (4 folders)
Marchal Landren, 1979-1983
Select: Marchal Landren, 1979-1983
Landmark Center, 1967
Select: Landmark Center, 1967
Lois Landreth, 1962
Select: Lois Landreth, 1962
Landscape Club of Washington, D.C., 1945-1950
Select: Landscape Club of Washington, D.C., 1945-1950
Octave Landuyt, 1960
Select: Octave Landuyt, 1960
Lois Langhorne, 1950-1975
Select: Lois Langhorne, 1950-1975 (11 folders)
Tadeusz Lapinski, 1973-1976
Select: Tadeusz Lapinski, 1973-1976
Eugene Larkin, 1961
Select: Eugene Larkin, 1961
Mauricio Lasansky, 1956
Select: Mauricio Lasansky, 1956
Muriel Laskoff, 1943
Select: Muriel Laskoff, 1943
Dorothy Lathrop, 1929-1956
Select: Dorothy Lathrop, 1929-1956
Henry A. Latimer & Son, 1979
Select: Henry A. Latimer & Son, 1979
Basil La Trobe-Bateman, 1955
Select: Basil La Trobe-Bateman, 1955
Father Lauck, 1956
Select: Father Lauck, 1956
Nancy Lauderbaugh, 1967-1970
Select: Nancy Lauderbaugh, 1967-1970
Adelaide C. Law, 1960
Select: Adelaide C. Law, 1960
Lawrence (Family) Curry, 1962
Select: Lawrence (Family) Curry, 1962
Fern Lawrence, 1953
Select: Fern Lawrence, 1953
Jacob Lawrence, 1950
Select: Jacob Lawrence, 1950
John Lawrence, 1946
Select: John Lawrence, 1946
Edna Lazaron, 1962-1963
Select: Edna Lazaron, 1962-1963
Pietro Lazzari, 1946-1979
Select: Pietro Lazzari, 1946-1979 (2 folders)
Zigmond Lebensohn, 1945-1986
Select: Zigmond Lebensohn, 1945-1986
William P. Lecky, 1957-1958
Select: William P. Lecky, 1957-1958
Rita Leff, 1973
Select: Rita Leff, 1973
Lotte Lehmann, 1976
Select: Lotte Lehmann, 1976
Chester Leich, 1930-1978
Select: Chester Leich, 1930-1978
Cora and Harold Leich, 1961-1981
Select: Cora and Harold Leich, 1961-1981
Josephine "Joeen" Leich and Clarence Leich, 1942-1960
Select: Josephine "Joeen" Leich and Clarence Leich, 1942-1960 (5 folders)
John Foster Leich and Jean Ferriss Leich, 1957-1981
Select: John Foster Leich and Jean Ferriss Leich, 1957-1981
Marcella Leich, 1960
Select: Marcella Leich, 1960
Martin Leich, 1920-1983
Select: Martin Leich, 1920-1983 (3 folders)
Robert M. Leich, 1939-1983
Select: Robert M. Leich, 1939-1983
Roland and Constance Leich, 1932-1982
Select: Roland and Constance Leich, 1932-1982 (6 folders)
Walter Leich, 1957-1958
Select: Walter Leich, 1957-1958
Howard Leigh, 1984
Select: Howard Leigh, 1984
Clare Leighton, 1956-1977
Select: Clare Leighton, 1956-1977
Lottie Lenn, 1950-1975
Select: Lottie Lenn, 1950-1975
Abram Lerner, 1984
Select: Abram Lerner, 1984
"Letters to the Editor,", 1933-1951
Select: "Letters to the Editor,", 1933-1951
Harold Leventhal, 1946
Select: Harold Leventhal, 1946
Levy, 1933?
Select: Levy, 1933?
Adele Lewis, 1962
Select: Adele Lewis, 1962
Jo Ann Lewis, 1976-1991
Select: Jo Ann Lewis, 1976-1991
John Chapman Lewis, 1949
Select: John Chapman Lewis, 1949
Martin Lewis, 1978
Select: Martin Lewis, 1978
Nolan Lewis, 1979
Select: Nolan Lewis, 1979
R. E. Lewis, Inc., 1965
Select: R. E. Lewis, Inc., 1965
Rae T. Lewis, 1978-1986
Select: Rae T. Lewis, 1978-1986
Robert Lewis, 1944-1950
Select: Robert Lewis, 1944-1950
Jay Leyda, 1932-1957
Select: Jay Leyda, 1932-1957
Library of Congress, 1944-1986
Select: Library of Congress, 1944-1986 (3 folders)
Life Magazine, 1947
Select: Life Magazine, 1947
Mary Lilly, 1978
Select: Mary Lilly, 1978
Jean Lindsey, 1922
Select: Jean Lindsey, 1922
Fred Linton, 1963
Select: Fred Linton, 1963
Charlie Locke, 1934-1946
Select: Charlie Locke, 1934-1946
Florence Locknane, 1953
Select: Florence Locknane, 1953
Eileen Loder, 1950
Select: Eileen Loder, 1950
John M. Lofton, 1948
Select: John M. Lofton, 1948
Polly Logan, 1973
Select: Polly Logan, 1973
Ralph Logan, 1972
Select: Ralph Logan, 1972
Rosemary Long, 1966
Select: Rosemary Long, 1966
Anita Loos, 1969-1981
Select: Anita Loos, 1969-1981
Lord's Flower Shop, 1983
Select: Lord's Flower Shop, 1983
Rose S. Lorivin, 1949
Select: Rose S. Lorivin, 1949
Calder Loth, 1973-1976
Select: Calder Loth, 1973-1976
Lo Turco Francesca, 1966-1967
Select: Lo Turco Francesca, 1966-1967
Loudoun Sketch Club, 1955
Select: Loudoun Sketch Club, 1955
Amy Loveman, 1929
Select: Amy Loveman, 1929
James M. Lowe, 1948
Select: James M. Lowe, 1948
Marvin Lowe, 1971-1974
Select: Marvin Lowe, 1971-1974
Loraine Lowry, 1961
Select: Loraine Lowry, 1961
Julius I. Lowy, 1947-1951
Select: Julius I. Lowy, 1947-1951
Louis Lozowick, 1959-1977
Select: Louis Lozowick, 1959-1977
Harry H. Lunn (Graphics International, Ltd.), 1946-1983
Select: Harry H. Lunn (Graphics International, Ltd.), 1946-1983
Frances F. Lyon, 1959
Select: Frances F. Lyon, 1959
Rowland Lyon, 1954-1966
Select: Rowland Lyon, 1954-1966
Arthur Lyons, 1926-1927
Select: Arthur Lyons, 1926-1927
Leonard Lyons, 1976
Select: Leonard Lyons, 1976
Colin M., 1930
Select: Colin M., 1930
Else M., 1964-1979
Select: Else M., 1964-1979
Mary and Mel M., 1954-1955
Select: Mary and Mel M., 1954-1955
Jessie MacBride, 1925-1939
Select: Jessie MacBride, 1925-1939
Alice Foote MacDougall, undated
Select: Alice Foote MacDougall, undated
MacDowell Colony Fellows, 1929-1984
Select: MacDowell Colony Fellows, 1929-1984 (3 folders)
Mary Mace, 1945
Select: Mary Mace, 1945
Margaret Macelfatrick, 1957
Select: Margaret Macelfatrick, 1957
John MacIver, undated
Select: John MacIver, undated
Florence Mackay, 1948
Select: Florence Mackay, 1948
Wilda Mackenzie, 1953-1971
Select: Wilda Mackenzie, 1953-1971
Elizabeth MacKinstry, 1934-1935
Select: Elizabeth MacKinstry, 1934-1935
Kenneth MacLean, 1953
Select: Kenneth MacLean, 1953
Frank Gair Macomber Company, Inc., 1954
Select: Frank Gair Macomber Company, Inc., 1954
Noel Macy, 1955-1961
Select: Noel Macy, 1955-1961
Magruder's, Inc., 1949-1951
Select: Magruder's, Inc., 1949-1951
Charles Mahoney, 1967
Select: Charles Mahoney, 1967
Felix E. Mahony, 1928
Select: Felix E. Mahony, 1928
Kay Malone, 1946-1948
Select: Kay Malone, 1946-1948
Eleanor L. Manchester, 1953-1974
Select: Eleanor L. Manchester, 1953-1974
Ernest Manfred, 1948
Select: Ernest Manfred, 1948
Manhattan Storage and Warehouse Company, 1939
Select: Manhattan Storage and Warehouse Company, 1939
Alexis Many?, undated
Select: Alexis Many?, undated
S. L. Margolies, 1951
Select: S. L. Margolies, 1951
Maria's Restaurant, undated
Select: Maria's Restaurant, undated
Herman Maril, 1949-1983
Select: Herman Maril, 1949-1983
Isabella Banks Markell, undated
Select: Isabella Banks Markell, undated
Marmon Trading Company, 1960
Select: Marmon Trading Company, 1960
Mildred Maroney, 1941-1977
Select: Mildred Maroney, 1941-1977
Anne Steele Marsh, 1968-1976
Select: Anne Steele Marsh, 1968-1976
Reginald Marsh, undated
Select: Reginald Marsh, undated
Hans Herbert Martin, 1955
Select: Hans Herbert Martin, 1955
Una Martin, 1954
Select: Una Martin, 1954
Frederic Marvin, 1956-1957
Select: Frederic Marvin, 1956-1957
Maryland Institute College of Art, 1974-1981
Select: Maryland Institute College of Art, 1974-1981
Maryland School of Art and Design, 1972
Select: Maryland School of Art and Design, 1972
Mason Fine Prints, 1976-1983
Select: Mason Fine Prints, 1976-1983
Russell Mason, 1964
Select: Russell Mason, 1964
May Massee, 1928
Select: May Massee, 1928
B. Matheson, 1980
Select: B. Matheson, 1980
Ann Maun, 1966
Select: Ann Maun, 1966
Leonard Maurer, 1966-1981
Select: Leonard Maurer, 1966-1981 (2 folders)
Isabelle "Cookie Belle" May and Viola May, 1915-1931
Select: Isabelle "Cookie Belle" May and Viola May, 1915-1931
Corrie McCallum, 1971
Select: Corrie McCallum, 1971
Joseph McCarthy, undated
Select: Joseph McCarthy, undated
Mrs. Howard Mayer, 1962
Select: Mrs. Howard Mayer, 1962
Mayo Clinic, undated
Select: Mayo Clinic, undated
A. Hyatt Mayor, 1980
Select: A. Hyatt Mayor, 1980
John McAndrew, undated
Select: John McAndrew, undated
Thomas D. McAvoy, 1966
Select: Thomas D. McAvoy, 1966
Bernard J. McCall?, 1947
Select: Bernard J. McCall?, 1947
Parke McClellan, 1949-1959
Select: Parke McClellan, 1949-1959
Rose McClendon, 1932
Select: Rose McClendon, 1932
A. T. McClintock, 1962
Select: A. T. McClintock, 1962
Frank McClure, 1975-1979
Select: Frank McClure, 1975-1979
Virginia T. McCormick, 1946-1957
Select: Virginia T. McCormick, 1946-1957
J. McDonald, 1966-1969
Select: J. McDonald, 1966-1969
Anne Genevieve McEldowney, 1953-1955
Select: Anne Genevieve McEldowney, 1953-1955
Cameron McGraw, 1955-1956
Select: Cameron McGraw, 1955-1956
Hal McIntosh, 1957
Select: Hal McIntosh, 1957
Ellen McL., 1960-1966
Select: Ellen McL., 1960-1966
Robert E. McLaughlin, 1959-1978
Select: Robert E. McLaughlin, 1959-1978
Colin McPhee, 1982
Select: Colin McPhee, 1982
Jonathan Meader, 1973-1975
Select: Jonathan Meader, 1973-1975
Leila Mechlin, 1947-1949
Select: Leila Mechlin, 1947-1949
Eugene Mecikalski, 1958-1959
Select: Eugene Mecikalski, 1958-1959
Medical Society of the District of Columbia, 1948-1950
Select: Medical Society of the District of Columbia, 1948-1950
Morley G. Melden, 1981
Select: Morley G. Melden, 1981
Evelyn E. Mellon, 1982
Select: Evelyn E. Mellon, 1982
John Melver, 1953
Select: John Melver, 1953
Eric Menke, 1979
Select: Eric Menke, 1979
Menninger Foundation, 1959
Select: Menninger Foundation, 1959
Mental Hygiene Society of Greater Baltimore, 1956
Select: Mental Hygiene Society of Greater Baltimore, 1956
Meridian House, undated
Select: Meridian House, undated
Mesa Verde National Park, 1959-1966
Select: Mesa Verde National Park, 1959-1966
F. H. Meserve, 1938
Select: F. H. Meserve, 1938
Jack Metherell, 1955
Select: Jack Metherell, 1955
Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1950-1974
Select: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1950-1974
Metropolitan Opera, 1984
Select: Metropolitan Opera, 1984
Meyer Foundation, undated
Select: Meyer Foundation, undated
Herman Mezger, 1965
Select: Herman Mezger, 1965
Miami Graphics Biennial, 1978
Select: Miami Graphics Biennial, 1978
University of Michigan Museum of Art, 1984
Select: University of Michigan Museum of Art, 1984
Ann Miciatto, 1976
Select: Ann Miciatto, 1976
Mickelson's, Inc., 1970-1984
Select: Mickelson's, Inc., 1970-1984
Frank Milan, 1977
Select: Frank Milan, 1977
Hirst Milhollen, undated
Select: Hirst Milhollen, undated
Jerome Milkman, 1937
Select: Jerome Milkman, 1937
Beveridge Miller, 1979
Select: Beveridge Miller, 1979
Burr Miller, 1967
Select: Burr Miller, 1967
George C. Miller & Son, Inc., 1941-1978
Select: George C. Miller & Son, Inc., 1941-1978 (2 folders)
Edward Millman, 1946
Select: Edward Millman, 1946
Kenneth and Mildred Mills, 1953
Select: Kenneth and Mildred Mills, 1953
Daniel Millsaps, 1961
Select: Daniel Millsaps, 1961
Mary A. Milton, 1965
Select: Mary A. Milton, 1965
Peter W. Milton, 1966-1982
Select: Peter W. Milton, 1966-1982
Wang Ming, 1977
Select: Wang Ming, 1977
Mint Museum, 1948-1952
Select: Mint Museum, 1948-1952
George Miyasaki, 1966
Select: George Miyasaki, 1966
Elizabeth Mongan, 1955
Select: Elizabeth Mongan, 1955
Peter Monkton, 1944-1948
Select: Peter Monkton, 1944-1948 (3 folders)
Ruth Gove Monohon, 1961-1983
Select: Ruth Gove Monohon, 1961-1983
Montgomery College, 1977
Select: Montgomery College, 1977
Montgomery County, Maryland, Department of Recreation, 1974-1978
Select: Montgomery County, Maryland, Department of Recreation, 1974-1978
Montgomery County Fair, 1961
Select: Montgomery County Fair, 1961
Benson B. Moore, 1974-1975
Select: Benson B. Moore, 1974-1975
Hope Bissland Moore, 1950
Select: Hope Bissland Moore, 1950
Keiko Hiratsuka Moore, 1963-1980
Select: Keiko Hiratsuka Moore, 1963-1980
L. Carroll Moore?, 1956
Select: L. Carroll Moore?, 1956
Marjorie Morawetz, 1933-1936
Select: Marjorie Morawetz, 1933-1936
Herman More, 1968
Select: Herman More, 1968
Charlotte Morehouse, undated
Select: Charlotte Morehouse, undated
Anne Morgan, 1938
Select: Anne Morgan, 1938
Ruth Morgan, 1952
Select: Ruth Morgan, 1952
Whitney Morgan, 1940-1942
Select: Whitney Morgan, 1940-1942
Alice B. Morse, undated
Select: Alice B. Morse, undated
Peter Morse, 1966
Select: Peter Morse, 1966
Ren Morse, 1974-1975
Select: Ren Morse, 1974-1975
Robert T. Morse, 1964
Select: Robert T. Morse, 1964
Wayne Morse, 1948
Select: Wayne Morse, 1948
David Morton, 1975
Select: David Morton, 1975
Mory's Association, Inc., 1941
Select: Mory's Association, Inc., 1941
August Mosca, undated
Select: August Mosca, undated
Harold Moulton, 1929
Select: Harold Moulton, 1929
Hildy and Hans Mueller, 1976
Select: Hildy and Hans Mueller, 1976
Municipal Museum of the City of Baltimore, 1937-1954
Select: Municipal Museum of the City of Baltimore, 1937-1954
Walter Murch, 1966-1967
Select: Walter Murch, 1966-1967
Alice Murphy, 1926
Select: Alice Murphy, 1926
Donn B. Murphy, undated
Select: Donn B. Murphy, undated
James Patric Murphy, 1944
Select: James Patric Murphy, 1944
Mr. Murrow, 1954
Select: Mr. Murrow, 1954
Museum of the City of New York, 1954-1955
Select: Museum of the City of New York, 1954-1955
Museum of Modern Art, 1934-1981
Select: Museum of Modern Art, 1934-1981
George F. Muth Company, 1950-1953
Select: George F. Muth Company, 1950-1953
Ruth N.?, 1968
Select: Ruth N.?, 1968
Michael Nadel, 1977
Select: Michael Nadel, 1977
Lee and Bob Naiman, 1952
Select: Lee and Bob Naiman, 1952
Edith Namias, 1961
Select: Edith Namias, 1961
The Nation , 1933
Select: The Nation, 1933
National Academy of Design, 1946-1984
Select: National Academy of Design, 1946-1984 (3 folders)
National Academy of Design, 1946-1984
Select: National Academy of Design, 1946-1984 (8 folders)
National Association for Mental Health, 1950
Select: National Association for Mental Health, 1950
National Association for Music Therapy, 1953
Select: National Association for Music Therapy, 1953
National Cathedral School, 1945
Select: National Cathedral School, 1945
National Collection of Fine Arts, 1956-1981
Select: National Collection of Fine Arts, 1956-1981
National Gallery of Art, 1956-1986
Select: National Gallery of Art, 1956-1986
National Institute of Arts and Letters, 1957
Select: National Institute of Arts and Letters, 1957
National League of American Pen Women, Inc., 1979-1980
Select: National League of American Pen Women, Inc., 1979-1980
National Museum of American Art, 1978-1986
Select: National Museum of American Art, 1978-1986
National Portrait Gallery, 1984
Select: National Portrait Gallery, 1984
National Presbyterian Church, 1960
Select: National Presbyterian Church, 1960
National Rehabilitation Association, 1954
Select: National Rehabilitation Association, 1954
National Soap Sculpture Committee, 1947-1948
Select: National Soap Sculpture Committee, 1947-1948
National Society of Arts and Letters, 1950
Select: National Society of Arts and Letters, 1950
National Symphony Orchestra, 1954-1985
Select: National Symphony Orchestra, 1954-1985
Dorothy Natsui, 1955
Select: Dorothy Natsui, 1955
Department of the Navy, 1957
Select: Department of the Navy, 1957
Neighborhood Art Show, 1950-1951
Select: Neighborhood Art Show, 1950-1951
David Nelson, 1947-1962
Select: David Nelson, 1947-1962
Nelson Gallery of Art, 1960
Select: Nelson Gallery of Art, 1960
Nelson-Whitehead Paper Corporation, 1959
Select: Nelson-Whitehead Paper Corporation, 1959
Jackson Lee Nesbitt, 1984
Select: Jackson Lee Nesbitt, 1984
Newbury Frame Shop, 1944
Select: Newbury Frame Shop, 1944
Mike and Milena Newlin, 1967
Select: Mike and Milena Newlin, 1967
Kathryn Newlon, 1979
Select: Kathryn Newlon, 1979
New Mexico Museum of Art, 1959
Select: New Mexico Museum of Art, 1959
University of New Mexico, 1984-1985
Select: University of New Mexico, 1984-1985
New School for Social Research, undated
Select: New School for Social Research, undated
New Virginia Review , undated
Select: New Virginia Review, undated
New York City Opera, 1976
Select: New York City Opera, 1976
New York Public Library, 1948-1981
Select: New York Public Library, 1948-1981
New York State Theatre, 1976
Select: New York State Theatre, 1976
John Jacob Niles, 1980
Select: John Jacob Niles, 1980
Beverly Noble, 1980-1981
Select: Beverly Noble, 1980-1981
John Noble and John A. Noble, 1959-1983
Select: John Noble and John A. Noble, 1959-1983
Becky Noell, 1975-1979
Select: Becky Noell, 1975-1979
Norfolk Museum of Arts and Sciences (and Norfolk Society of Arts), 1944-1974
Select: Norfolk Museum of Arts and Sciences (and Norfolk Society of Arts), 1944-1974 (2 folders)
Norfolk Museum of Arts and Sciences (and Norfolk Society of Arts), 1944-1974
Select: Norfolk Museum of Arts and Sciences (and Norfolk Society of Arts), 1944-1974
Irene Leache Memorial Art Annual Art Exhibition (Norfolk, Virginia), 1944-1949
Select: Irene Leache Memorial Art Annual Art Exhibition (Norfolk, Virginia), 1944-1949
Dorothy Norman, 1937
Select: Dorothy Norman, 1937
Northern Virginia Chapter Hadassah, undated
Select: Northern Virginia Chapter Hadassah, undated
Northern Virginia Community College, undated
Select: Northern Virginia Community College, undated
Northern Virginia Fine Arts Association, 1964-1984
Select: Northern Virginia Fine Arts Association, 1964-1984
Kendall Northrop, 1924-1953
Select: Kendall Northrop, 1924-1953
Norton Gallery and School of Art, 1948
Select: Norton Gallery and School of Art, 1948
Wayne Nowock, 1952-1954
Select: Wayne Nowock, 1952-1954 (2 folders)
Richard Bruce Nugent, 1983
Select: Richard Bruce Nugent, 1983
C. Nyquist, undated
Select: C. Nyquist, undated
George Oakes, 1965-1966
Select: George Oakes, 1965-1966
George D. O'Connell, 1966, undated
Select: George D. O'Connell, 1966, undated
Grace Oehser, 1949-1984
Select: Grace Oehser, 1949-1984
Ed Ogul, 1985
Select: Ed Ogul, 1985
Eliot O'Hara, undated
Select: Eliot O'Hara, undated
Oklahoma Art Center, 1942-1969
Select: Oklahoma Art Center, 1942-1969
Oklahoma Museum of Art, 1976
Select: Oklahoma Museum of Art, 1976
William Oldaker, 1967
Select: William Oldaker, 1967
Old Bergen Art Guild, 1971-1973
Select: Old Bergen Art Guild, 1971-1973
Old Dominion Printing Company, undated
Select: Old Dominion Printing Company, undated
Marietta M. Olivares, 1983
Select: Marietta M. Olivares, 1983
Lois Olson, 1961
Select: Lois Olson, 1961
Opera Society of Washington, undated
Select: Opera Society of Washington, undated
John T. O'Rourke, 1965
Select: John T. O'Rourke, 1965
Elodie (Courter) and Robert Osborn, undated
Select: Elodie (Courter) and Robert Osborn, undated
Mrs. P., undated
Select: Mrs. P., undated
Rachel Papkin, 1967
Select: Rachel Papkin, 1967
Martha and George Parkhurst, 1957-1979
Select: Martha and George Parkhurst, 1957-1979
Don Partridge, 1941-1986
Select: Don Partridge, 1941-1986
Robert B. Patterson, 1966
Select: Robert B. Patterson, 1966
Rembrandt Peale, 1938
Select: Rembrandt Peale, 1938
Samuel Pearce, 1971
Select: Samuel Pearce, 1971
Luciano Pena y Lillo, 1964
Select: Luciano Pena y Lillo, 1964
Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1962-1967
Select: Pennsylvania Academy of the Fine Arts, 1962-1967
Pennsylvania State University, 1985
Select: Pennsylvania State University, 1985
Isham W. Perkins, 1975-1977
Select: Isham W. Perkins, 1975-1977
Jack Perlmutter, 1961-1972
Select: Jack Perlmutter, 1961-1972
William K. Perrin, 1960-1986
Select: William K. Perrin, 1960-1986
Alice Peters, 1960
Select: Alice Peters, 1960
Rollo Peters, 1967
Select: Rollo Peters, 1967
Mabel Peterson, 1980-1983
Select: Mabel Peterson, 1980-1983
Egon Petri, 1962
Select: Egon Petri, 1962
Edith and Charles Petty, undated
Select: Edith and Charles Petty, undated
Emelyn Phaup, 1979
Select: Emelyn Phaup, 1979
Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1953-1976
Select: Philadelphia Museum of Art, 1953-1976
Philadelphia Water Color Club, 1969-1978
Select: Philadelphia Water Color Club, 1969-1978
Phillips Collection, 1974-1981
Select: Phillips Collection, 1974-1981
Duncan Phillips, 1966
Select: Duncan Phillips, 1966
Betty and Jozef Pielage, 1963-1964
Select: Betty and Jozef Pielage, 1963-1964
John Michael Pierce, 1972-1973
Select: John Michael Pierce, 1972-1973
Louis Vergniaud Pierre-Noel, 1973-1982
Select: Louis Vergniaud Pierre-Noel, 1973-1982
Josephine Pinckney, 1933-1957
Select: Josephine Pinckney, 1933-1957 (3 folders)
Pitkin County Bank, 1960
Select: Pitkin County Bank, 1960
Pittsburgh Art, undated
Select: Pittsburgh Art, undated
Playhouse Gallery, 1948-1959
Select: Playhouse Gallery, 1948-1959 (8 folders)
Playhouse Gallery, 1948-1959
Select: Playhouse Gallery, 1948-1959 (2 folders)
May Pohl, 1959-1960
Select: May Pohl, 1959-1960
Michael Ponce De Leon, 1962-1966
Select: Michael Ponce De Leon, 1962-1966
John A. Pope, 1982
Select: John A. Pope, 1982
Mrs. James Porter, undated
Select: Mrs. James Porter, undated
Katherine Anne Porter, 1980
Select: Katherine Anne Porter, 1980
Leslie Portner, 1958-1959
Select: Leslie Portner, 1958-1959
Ezra Pound, 1954-1962
Select: Ezra Pound, 1954-1962
Ginevra and Phil Portlock, 1981
Select: Ginevra and Phil Portlock, 1981
Potomac Art Therapy Association, 1978
Select: Potomac Art Therapy Association, 1978
Richard Powell, 1986
Select: Richard Powell, 1986
Rudy Pozzatti, 1958-1959
Select: Rudy Pozzatti, 1958-1959
Pratt Graphic Art Center (Pratt Center for Contemporary Printmaking), 1959-1977
Select: Pratt Graphic Art Center (Pratt Center for Contemporary Printmaking), 1959-1977
Dody Prentice, 1980
Select: Dody Prentice, 1980
Karl Prieve, 1976
Select: Karl Prieve, 1976
Hartwell Priest, 1971-1975
Select: Hartwell Priest, 1971-1975
Print Club of Albany, 1958-1984
Select: Print Club of Albany, 1958-1984 (4 folders)
The Print Club (Philadelphia), 1979
Select: The Print Club (Philadelphia), 1979
Print Council of America, 1958-1961
Select: Print Council of America, 1958-1961
E. R. Purves, 1964
Select: E. R. Purves, 1964
Pynson Printers, 1933
Select: Pynson Printers, 1933
Roderick Quiroz, 1960-1979
Select: Roderick Quiroz, 1960-1979
Rosa Sotelo Quiroz, 1963-1965
Select: Rosa Sotelo Quiroz, 1963-1965
Mary de Rachewiltz, undated
Select: Mary de Rachewiltz, undated
Railway Express Agency, 1960
Select: Railway Express Agency, 1960
Francisco Ramirez, 1961
Select: Francisco Ramirez, 1961
Arnold Rampersad, 1980-1985
Select: Arnold Rampersad, 1980-1985
Mary Reardon, 1977
Select: Mary Reardon, 1977
Olivia Redfield, 1966
Select: Olivia Redfield, 1966
Edward Reed, 1911-1975
Select: Edward Reed, 1911-1975 (5 folders)
Jesse F. Reed, 1971-1974
Select: Jesse F. Reed, 1971-1974
Albert Reese (see also Kennedy Galleries), 1975-1982
Select: Albert Reese (see also Kennedy Galleries), 1975-1982
Frank K. M. Rehn, Inc., 1937-1938
Select: Frank K. M. Rehn, Inc., 1937-1938
William P. Reimann, 1975
Select: William P. Reimann, 1975
Fritz Reiner, 1963
Select: Fritz Reiner, 1963
Helen and Leonard Rennie, 1961-1981
Select: Helen and Leonard Rennie, 1961-1981
Armando Reveron, 1956
Select: Armando Reveron, 1956
Ruth Rhetts, 1976
Select: Ruth Rhetts, 1976
Anthony Rice, 1982
Select: Anthony Rice, 1982
Jeanne Herron Richards, 1964-1977
Select: Jeanne Herron Richards, 1964-1977
Helen Riegle, 1967-1968
Select: Helen Riegle, 1967-1968
Fred Ritter, 1933
Select: Fred Ritter, 1933
Edward G. Robinson, 1953
Select: Edward G. Robinson, 1953
Mary Turlay Robinson, 1972
Select: Mary Turlay Robinson, 1972
Rockville Art Gallery, 1961
Select: Rockville Art Gallery, 1961
Roger Rogan, 1973
Select: Roger Rogan, 1973
John C. "Jack" Rogers, 1965-1979
Select: John C. "Jack" Rogers, 1965-1979
Joan Root and William Raiford, 1972-1983
Select: Joan Root and William Raiford, 1972-1983 (3 folders)
Albert Roothbert, 1965
Select: Albert Roothbert, 1965
James Rorimer, 1966
Select: James Rorimer, 1966
Milton and Ingrid Rose, 1977-1986
Select: Milton and Ingrid Rose, 1977-1986
Ruth Starr Rose, 1960-1966
Select: Ruth Starr Rose, 1960-1966
Lillian Rosenthal, 1974
Select: Lillian Rosenthal, 1974
Lessing J. Rosenwald, 1964-1979
Select: Lessing J. Rosenwald, 1964-1979
Malcolm Ross, 1965
Select: Malcolm Ross, 1965
Mrs. Marvin Ross (Lotus Robb), undated
Select: Mrs. Marvin Ross (Lotus Robb), undated
Elizabeth E. Roth, 1981-1982
Select: Elizabeth E. Roth, 1981-1982
Theodore Roth, 1976
Select: Theodore Roth, 1976
Delight Rothe, 1964
Select: Delight Rothe, 1964
Edward William Rothe, 1960-1964
Select: Edward William Rothe, 1960-1964
Howard Rothschild, 1975
Select: Howard Rothschild, 1975
Randolph S. Rothschild, 1976
Select: Randolph S. Rothschild, 1976
Eric Rudd, 1973
Select: Eric Rudd, 1973
Beatrice A. Rudes, 1966
Select: Beatrice A. Rudes, 1966
Alexander Russo, 1962-1981
Select: Alexander Russo, 1962-1981
Vincenz Ruzicka, 1960
Select: Vincenz Ruzicka, 1960
Bob and Polly S., 1963-1965
Select: Bob and Polly S., 1963-1965
Martha S., undated
Select: Martha S., undated
St. Elizabeth's Hospital, 1945-1991
Select: St. Elizabeth's Hospital, 1945-1991 (18 folders; includes oversized materials from Box 21 and OV 22)
St. Elizabeth's Hospital, 1945-1991
Select: St. Elizabeth's Hospital, 1945-1991 (5 folders; includes oversized materials from Box 21 and OV 22)
St. Elizabeth's Hospital, 1945-1991
Select: St. Elizabeth's Hospital, 1945-1991 (15 folders; includes oversized material from Box 21 and OV 22)
Harry Salpeter, undated
Select: Harry Salpeter, undated
Ethel and Antrim Samford, 1962
Select: Ethel and Antrim Samford, 1962
Herbert J. Sanborn, 1966-1975
Select: Herbert J. Sanborn, 1966-1975
Lucile H. Sanders, 1968-1979
Select: Lucile H. Sanders, 1968-1979
Isaac J. Sanger, 1953-1975
Select: Isaac J. Sanger, 1953-1975
Frances Herriott Sargent, 1966-1972
Select: Frances Herriott Sargent, 1966-1972
Robert Sargent, 1977
Select: Robert Sargent, 1977
Martha and Bob Sauer, 1964-1978
Select: Martha and Bob Sauer, 1964-1978
Daniel C. Sayre, 1956
Select: Daniel C. Sayre, 1956
Concetta Scaravaglione, 1975
Select: Concetta Scaravaglione, 1975
Alice Pauline Schafer, 1960-1980
Select: Alice Pauline Schafer, 1960-1980
Bertram Schaffner, 1956-1960
Select: Bertram Schaffner, 1956-1960
Louis Schanker, undated
Select: Louis Schanker, undated
Constance Scharff, 1971-1977
Select: Constance Scharff, 1971-1977
Ernest Schein, 1963
Select: Ernest Schein, 1963
Paula Schoenhof, 1969
Select: Paula Schoenhof, 1969
Grace M. Schumaker, 1965-1966
Select: Grace M. Schumaker, 1965-1966
Ambassador Schurmann, undated
Select: Ambassador Schurmann, undated
Bella Schwartz, undated
Select: Bella Schwartz, undated
Mr. and Mrs. Scott-Hall, 1964
Select: Mr. and Mrs. Scott-Hall, 1964
Louise Seabury, 1972-1976
Select: Louise Seabury, 1972-1976
Mary Secombe, 1933
Select: Mary Secombe, 1933
Security Storage Company, 1978
Select: Security Storage Company, 1978
Daniel Serra-Badu, 1963-1976
Select: Daniel Serra-Badu, 1963-1976
Martha Severens, 1985
Select: Martha Severens, 1985
Seton Guild, undated
Select: Seton Guild, undated
Marion Severn, 1932
Select: Marion Severn, 1932
Polly Shackleton, 1979
Select: Polly Shackleton, 1979
Helen Shaffer, 1978
Select: Helen Shaffer, 1978
Hilda Shapiro, undated
Select: Hilda Shapiro, undated
J. B. Sharpton, 1946
Select: J. B. Sharpton, 1946
Murray Sheehan, 1963
Select: Murray Sheehan, 1963
Charles Sheeler, 1983
Select: Charles Sheeler, 1983
Roslyn Shelesnyak, 1962
Select: Roslyn Shelesnyak, 1962
Ernest Shepard, 1977
Select: Ernest Shepard, 1977
Sheppard and Enoch Pratt Hospital, 1973
Select: Sheppard and Enoch Pratt Hospital, 1973
Roberta Shoemaker, 1976
Select: Roberta Shoemaker, 1976
William H. Shoemaker, 1976
Select: William H. Shoemaker, 1976
Lily Shuff, 1966-1974
Select: Lily Shuff, 1966-1974
Forrest Shuster, undated
Select: Forrest Shuster, undated
Sidwell Friends School, 1958-1986
Select: Sidwell Friends School, 1958-1986
Sidwell Friends School, 1958-1986
Select: Sidwell Friends School, 1958-1986
Norman Singer, 1960-1973
Select: Norman Singer, 1960-1973
John C. Sirica, 1972-1974
Select: John C. Sirica, 1972-1974
Ruth and Bob Sivard, 1972-1984
Select: Ruth and Bob Sivard, 1972-1984
Ross W. Sloniker, 1960
Select: Ross W. Sloniker, 1960
Chard Powers Smith and Eunice Clark Smith, 1961-1983
Select: Chard Powers Smith and Eunice Clark Smith, 1961-1983
Charles Smith, undated
Select: Charles Smith, undated
David Smith, undated
Select: David Smith, undated
David Smith (sculptor), 1965
Select: David Smith (sculptor), 1965
Gordon and Sue Smith, 1964
Select: Gordon and Sue Smith, 1964
Helen B. Smith, 1963
Select: Helen B. Smith, 1963
Joe Smith, 1960-1961
Select: Joe Smith, 1960-1961
Katherine Smith, 1969-1974
Select: Katherine Smith, 1969-1974
Nannette Smith, 1960-1980
Select: Nannette Smith, 1960-1980
Smithsonian Institution (U.S. National Museum), 1948-1966
Select: Smithsonian Institution (U.S. National Museum), 1948-1966
Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, 1972
Select: Smithsonian Institution Traveling Exhibition Service, 1972
Society of American Graphic Artists, 1960-1984
Select: Society of American Graphic Artists, 1960-1984
Society of Washington Printmakers (Society of Washington Etchers) Minutes of Meetings, 1934-1960
Select: Society of Washington Printmakers (Society of Washington Etchers) Minutes of Meetings, 1934-1960
Society of Washington Printmakers (Society of Washington Etchers) Accounts Ledger, 1939-1961
Select: Society of Washington Printmakers (Society of Washington Etchers) Accounts Ledger, 1939-1961
Society of Washington Printmakers (Society of Washington Etchers) Miscellaneous Business Records, 1934-1979
Select: Society of Washington Printmakers (Society of Washington Etchers) Miscellaneous Business Records, 1934-1979
Society of Washington Printmakers (Society of Washington Etchers), 1934-1979
Select: Society of Washington Printmakers (Society of Washington Etchers), 1934-1979 (12 folders)
Society of Washington Printmakers (Society of Washington Etchers), 1934-1979
Select: Society of Washington Printmakers (Society of Washington Etchers), 1934-1979 (30 folders)
Society of Washington Printmakers (Society of Washington Etchers), 1934-1979
Select: Society of Washington Printmakers (Society of Washington Etchers), 1934-1979 (21 folders)
Society of Washington Printmakers (Society of Washington Etchers), 1934-1979
Select: Society of Washington Printmakers (Society of Washington Etchers), 1934-1979 (13 folders)
Society of Washington Printmakers (Society of Washington Etchers) Photograph Album, 1960-1978
Select: Society of Washington Printmakers (Society of Washington Etchers) Photograph Album, 1960-1978 (13 folders)
Southern Graphics Council, 1983
Select: Southern Graphics Council, 1983
Raymond Sovey, 1966
Select: Raymond Sovey, 1966
Raphael Soyer, 1980-1982
Select: Raphael Soyer, 1980-1982
Dominic Spadaro, 1966
Select: Dominic Spadaro, 1966
Kathleen Spagnolo and Frank Spagnolo, 1969-1982
Select: Kathleen Spagnolo and Frank Spagnolo, 1969-1982
Spink and Gaborc, Inc., 1978
Select: Spink and Gaborc, Inc., 1978
Mary Smith Sprowls, 1957
Select: Mary Smith Sprowls, 1957
Benton Spruance, 1963
Select: Benton Spruance, 1963
James R. Stabenau, 1963
Select: James R. Stabenau, 1963
Shelby and Peter Stancioff, 1972
Select: Shelby and Peter Stancioff, 1972
Aubrey Huntington Starke, 1960-1970
Select: Aubrey Huntington Starke, 1960-1970
Dorothy Starr, 1982
Select: Dorothy Starr, 1982
Ruth Stauffer, 1965
Select: Ruth Stauffer, 1965
William and Leslie Stearns, 1933-1937
Select: William and Leslie Stearns, 1933-1937
Gertrude Stein, 1934-1935
Select: Gertrude Stein, 1934-1935
Steinlen, undated
Select: Steinlen, undated
Bertrice Stern, 1969
Select: Bertrice Stern, 1969
Edith Stern, 1975
Select: Edith Stern, 1975
Harold Stern, 1977
Select: Harold Stern, 1977
Herbert M. Stern, 1977
Select: Herbert M. Stern, 1977
Frances Sternhagen, 1975-1979
Select: Frances Sternhagen, 1975-1979
Ami C. Stewart, 1978
Select: Ami C. Stewart, 1978
Leverett and Virginia Stone, 1980
Select: Leverett and Virginia Stone, 1980
Paul Strand, 1976
Select: Paul Strand, 1976
Marjory Strauss, 1977
Select: Marjory Strauss, 1977
Victoria Price Street, 1982
Select: Victoria Price Street, 1982
Strike 400, Inc., undated
Select: Strike 400, Inc., undated
William Strickland, 1960-1962
Select: William Strickland, 1960-1962
L. Corrin Strong and Alice Trowbridge Strong, 1956-1964
Select: L. Corrin Strong and Alice Trowbridge Strong, 1956-1964
Henry Strong, 1978
Select: Henry Strong, 1978
Robert Stubbs, 1964
Select: Robert Stubbs, 1964
Ronald and Joan Stuckey, 1982
Select: Ronald and Joan Stuckey, 1982
Studio Gallery, 1957-1980
Select: Studio Gallery, 1957-1980
Studio House, 1934
Select: Studio House, 1934
Studio Museum in Harlem, 1979
Select: Studio Museum in Harlem, 1979
Henry Sugimoto, 1966-1974
Select: Henry Sugimoto, 1966-1974
Philip B. Sullivan, 1957
Select: Philip B. Sullivan, 1957
T. A. Sullivan and Sons, 1973
Select: T. A. Sullivan and Sons, 1973
Ben Long Summerford, 1975
Select: Ben Long Summerford, 1975
Katherine Summy, 1961
Select: Katherine Summy, 1961
Estelle Sumner, 1936-1948
Select: Estelle Sumner, 1936-1948
Beth Sundquist, 1982
Select: Beth Sundquist, 1982
Ruth H. Sutton, 1956
Select: Ruth H. Sutton, 1956
Bill Suworoff, 1976
Select: Bill Suworoff, 1976
Genevieve Sykes, 1958
Select: Genevieve Sykes, 1958
Tamarind Lithography Workshop, 1963-1978
Select: Tamarind Lithography Workshop, 1963-1978
Helen N. Tate, 1955-1977
Select: Helen N. Tate, 1955-1977
Liz Tate, undated
Select: Liz Tate, undated
Ann R. Taylor, 1965-1980
Select: Ann R. Taylor, 1965-1980
Beatrice H. Taylor (mother of Prentiss Taylor), 1926-1954
Select: Beatrice H. Taylor (mother of Prentiss Taylor), 1926-1954 (2 folders)
Beatrice H. Taylor (mother of Prentiss Taylor), 1926-1954
Select: Beatrice H. Taylor (mother of Prentiss Taylor), 1926-1954 (21 folders)
Bessie Taylor, 1932-1962
Select: Bessie Taylor, 1932-1962
John Eastlack Taylor, Jr., 1944-1978
Select: John Eastlack Taylor, Jr., 1944-1978
Joshua Taylor, 1981
Select: Joshua Taylor, 1981
Mary Taylor, undated
Select: Mary Taylor, undated
Sarah Alberta Taylor, 1914-1966
Select: Sarah Alberta Taylor, 1914-1966
Douglas H. Teller, 1970
Select: Douglas H. Teller, 1970
Theater Chamber Players, 1976-1979
Select: Theater Chamber Players, 1976-1979
Edmund Thompson, 1958
Select: Edmund Thompson, 1958
Myrtle Fish Thompson, 1958
Select: Myrtle Fish Thompson, 1958
Hilda Thorpe, 1975-1979
Select: Hilda Thorpe, 1975-1979
Arthur Thrall, 1960-1963
Select: Arthur Thrall, 1960-1963
"Three Recent Lithographs" Brochure, 1968
Select: "Three Recent Lithographs" Brochure, 1968
Frederic Thursz, 1959
Select: Frederic Thursz, 1959
Tidewater Artists, 1955
Select: Tidewater Artists, 1955
T. Tilney, 1954
Select: T. Tilney, 1954
Tirca Karlis Galleries, undated
Select: Tirca Karlis Galleries, undated
Josiah and Anne Parrish Titzell, 1927-1957
Select: Josiah and Anne Parrish Titzell, 1927-1957 (5 folders)
Walter N. Tobriner, 1979
Select: Walter N. Tobriner, 1979
Alice B. Toklas, 1947-1980
Select: Alice B. Toklas, 1947-1980
Anthony Toney, 1979
Select: Anthony Toney, 1979
Dottie Berger Tormey, 1973-1976
Select: Dottie Berger Tormey, 1973-1976
Jennie Tourel, 1959-1973
Select: Jennie Tourel, 1959-1973
Yvonne Townsend, undated
Select: Yvonne Townsend, undated
Place Trams, 1979
Select: Place Trams, 1979
Norman Treigle, 1975
Select: Norman Treigle, 1975
Mrs. Lanta Trent, 1957
Select: Mrs. Lanta Trent, 1957
Pauline Trimpi, 1966
Select: Pauline Trimpi, 1966
Juan Trippe, 1981
Select: Juan Trippe, 1981
A. Buel Trowbridge, 1959-1981
Select: A. Buel Trowbridge, 1959-1981
C. K. Trueblood, 1974
Select: C. K. Trueblood, 1974
Don Turano, undated
Select: Don Turano, undated
Twentieth Century Club of Washington, D.C., 1962
Select: Twentieth Century Club of Washington, D.C., 1962
George T. Tyler, 1960-1973
Select: George T. Tyler, 1960-1973
Raymond E. Tyner, 1950-1968
Select: Raymond E. Tyner, 1950-1968
Helen D. Tyrrell, 1971
Select: Helen D. Tyrrell, 1971
Ansei Uchima, 1962
Select: Ansei Uchima, 1962
Elinor Ulman, 1963
Select: Elinor Ulman, 1963
Ivan Valtchev, 1972-1973
Select: Ivan Valtchev, 1972-1973
Dorothy H. Van Venschoten, 1982
Select: Dorothy H. Van Venschoten, 1982
Mark and Dorothy Van Doren, 1944-1973
Select: Mark and Dorothy Van Doren, 1944-1973
John Van Druten, 1957
Select: John Van Druten, 1957
David Van Fossen, 1955-1963
Select: David Van Fossen, 1955-1963
Willem Van Loon, undated
Select: Willem Van Loon, undated
Hildegarde G. Van Roijen, 1973-1981
Select: Hildegarde G. Van Roijen, 1973-1981
Eleanore Van Swearingen, 1957-1966
Select: Eleanore Van Swearingen, 1957-1966
Carl Van Vechten Correspondence, 1931-1965
Select: Carl Van Vechten Correspondence, 1931-1965
Carl Van Vechten scrapbook of letters, 1931-1932
Select: Carl Van Vechten scrapbook of letters, 1931-1932
Carl Van Vechten Correspondence, 1920-1965
Select: Carl Van Vechten Correspondence, 1920-1965
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Van Vechten, 1932
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Van Vechten, 1932 (Includes oversized materials from Box 21)
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Unidentified Individuals, 1920-1965
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Unidentified Individuals, 1920-1965
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Max Ewing, 1932-1934
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Max Ewing, 1932-1934
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of W.C. Handy, 1932
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of W.C. Handy, 1932
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Langston Hughes, 1932
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Langston Hughes, 1932
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of James Weldon Johnson and Grace Nail Johnson, 1932
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of James Weldon Johnson and Grace Nail Johnson, 1932
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Rockwell Kent, 1932
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Rockwell Kent, 1932
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Claire Luce (Actress), 1932
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Claire Luce (Actress), 1932
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Francis Lederer (Actor), 1932
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Francis Lederer (Actor), 1932
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Rose McClendon (Actress)
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Rose McClendon (Actress)
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Colin McPhee, 1933
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Colin McPhee, 1933
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Paul Meeves, 1932
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Paul Meeves, 1932
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Edna St. Vincent Millay, 1932
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Edna St. Vincent Millay, 1932
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Eugene O'Neill and Carlotta Montereg, 1932
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Eugene O'Neill and Carlotta Montereg, 1932
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, 1932
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Frida Kahlo and Diego Rivera, 1932
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Bill "Bojangles" Robinson, 1932-1933
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Bill "Bojangles" Robinson, 1932-1933
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of G.B. Stern, 1932
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of G.B. Stern, 1932
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Sander Szabo (Hungarian strongman), 1933
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Sander Szabo (Hungarian strongman), 1933
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of John Van Druten, 1936
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of John Van Druten, 1936
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Prentiss Taylor, undated and 1932-1948
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Prentiss Taylor, undated and 1932-1948
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Prentiss Taylor with Jimmie Daniels, Donald Angus and Tonis Selmart, 1932
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Prentiss Taylor with Jimmie Daniels, Donald Angus and Tonis Selmart, 1932
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Prentiss Taylor with Gladys Bentley and Nora Holt, 1932
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Prentiss Taylor with Gladys Bentley and Nora Holt, 1932
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Prentiss Taylor with an unidentified man, 1932
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Prentiss Taylor with an unidentified man, 1932
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Ethel Waters, 1933
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Ethel Waters, 1933
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Boston, n.d.
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Boston, n.d.
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Provincetown and Cape Cod, n.d.
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Provincetown and Cape Cod, n.d.
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, n.d.
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Massachusetts and New Hampshire, n.d.
Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Yale University, n.d.
Select: Carl Van Vechten Photographs of Yale University, n.d.
Carl Van Vechten Miscellaneous Photos, n.d.
Select: Carl Van Vechten Miscellaneous Photos, n.d.
Carl Van Vechten Clippings, 1942-1961
Select: Carl Van Vechten Clippings, 1942-1961
Carl Van Vechten Exhibition Catalogs, undated and 1933-1965
Select: Carl Van Vechten Exhibition Catalogs, undated and 1933-1965
Carl Van Vechten Booklets, undated and 1923-1930
Select: Carl Van Vechten Booklets, undated and 1923-1930
Carl Van Vechten Programs, 1920-1950
Select: Carl Van Vechten Programs, 1920-1950
Arthur and Gertrude Verner, 1948-1975
Select: Arthur and Gertrude Verner, 1948-1975
Veterans Administration, 1959
Select: Veterans Administration, 1959
Ramond Vickers, 1932
Select: Ramond Vickers, 1932
Victorian Society in America, 1979-1980
Select: Victorian Society in America, 1979-1980
Margaret H. Vincent, 1962
Select: Margaret H. Vincent, 1962
Virginia Commission for the Arts, 1980
Select: Virginia Commission for the Arts, 1980
Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 1956-1978
Select: Virginia Museum of Fine Arts, 1956-1978 (3 folders)
Virginia Printmakers, 1960
Select: Virginia Printmakers, 1960
Virginia State University, 1980
Select: Virginia State University, 1980
University of Virginia, 1958-1983
Select: University of Virginia, 1958-1983
Donald Vogler, 1979
Select: Donald Vogler, 1979
Aline Fruhauf Vollmer and Erwin P. Vollmer, 1950-1986
Select: Aline Fruhauf Vollmer and Erwin P. Vollmer, 1950-1986 (3 folders; included oversized materials from Box 21)
Frederica Von Stade, 1973-1979
Select: Frederica Von Stade, 1973-1979
Mary Heaton Vorse, 1966
Select: Mary Heaton Vorse, 1966
Monty W., 1964-1966
Select: Monty W., 1964-1966
Robert W. Wagner, 1964
Select: Robert W. Wagner, 1964
Gwendolyn Wagner, 1962-1966
Select: Gwendolyn Wagner, 1962-1966
A'Lelia Walker, 1983
Select: A'Lelia Walker, 1983
Alice Walker, 1978
Select: Alice Walker, 1978
Eleanor S. Walker, 1965
Select: Eleanor S. Walker, 1965
John Walker, 1965
Select: John Walker, 1965
Wallace Haynes Walker and Isabella Brockway Walker, 1961-1983
Select: Wallace Haynes Walker and Isabella Brockway Walker, 1961-1983
Lewis Wallace (autograph), 1885
Select: Lewis Wallace (autograph), 1885
Arthur and May Gove Wallon, 1958-1973
Select: Arthur and May Gove Wallon, 1958-1973
William Walter, 1977
Select: William Walter, 1977
Walters Art Gallery, 1937-1960
Select: Walters Art Gallery, 1937-1960
Ty ? Wanamaker, 1969
Select: Ty ? Wanamaker, 1969
Suen Chin Wang, undated
Select: Suen Chin Wang, undated
War Damage Corporation, 1945
Select: War Damage Corporation, 1945
Lynd Ward, 1961-1985
Select: Lynd Ward, 1961-1985
Virginia Ward, 1984
Select: Virginia Ward, 1984
Jessie and Heinz Warneke, undated
Select: Jessie and Heinz Warneke, undated
George L. Warren, 1981
Select: George L. Warren, 1981
Ferol Sibley Warthen, 1958-1975
Select: Ferol Sibley Warthen, 1958-1975
Gerald Wartofsky, 1964-1984
Select: Gerald Wartofsky, 1964-1984
Washington International Center, 1958-1960
Select: Washington International Center, 1958-1960
Washington Opera, 1978
Select: Washington Opera, 1978
Washington Print Club Bylaws, 1958-1987
Select: Washington Print Club Bylaws, 1958-1987 (9 folders)
Washington Print Club Membership Lists, 1958-1987
Select: Washington Print Club Membership Lists, 1958-1987 (9 folders)
Washington Print Club Minutes of Board Meetings, 1981-1986
Select: Washington Print Club Minutes of Board Meetings, 1981-1986 (9 folders)
Washington Print Club Correspondence, undated and 1965-1986
Select: Washington Print Club Correspondence, undated and 1965-1986 (9 folders)
Washington Print Club Correspondence, undated and 1965-1986
Select: Washington Print Club Correspondence, undated and 1965-1986 (31 folders)
Washington Print Club Newsletter Committee Notes, 1981-1982
Select: Washington Print Club Newsletter Committee Notes, 1981-1982 (31 folders)
Washington Print Club Drafts of Newsletter Articles, 1958-1987
Select: Washington Print Club Drafts of Newsletter Articles, 1958-1987 (31 folders)
Washington Print Club, Washington Print Club Newsletter, 1973-1987
Select: Washington Print Club, Washington Print Club Newsletter, 1973-1987 (31 folders)
Washington Print Club, Washington Print Club Newsletter, 1973-1987
Select: Washington Print Club, Washington Print Club Newsletter, 1973-1987 (31 folders)
Washington Print Club Print Council of America Newsletter, 1958-1959
Select: Washington Print Club Print Council of America Newsletter, 1958-1959 (5 folders)
Washington Print Club Clippings and Miscellaneous Printer Material, 1958-1987
Select: Washington Print Club Clippings and Miscellaneous Printer Material, 1958-1987 (5 folders)
Washington Project for the Arts, 1988-1989
Select: Washington Project for the Arts, 1988-1989
Washington School of Psychiatry, 1958
Select: Washington School of Psychiatry, 1958
Washington Water Color Club/Washington Water Color Association Constitution, 1944-1959
Select: Washington Water Color Club/Washington Water Color Association Constitution, 1944-1959 (2 folders)
Washington Water Color Club/Washington Water Color Association Membership Lists, 1956-1967
Select: Washington Water Color Club/Washington Water Color Association Membership Lists, 1956-1967 (2 folders)
Washington Water Color Club/Washington Water Color Association Correspondence, 1943-1973
Select: Washington Water Color Club/Washington Water Color Association Correspondence, 1943-1973 (8 folders)
Washington Water Color Club/Washington Water Color Association Clippings and Newsletters, 1942-1986
Select: Washington Water Color Club/Washington Water Color Association Clippings and Newsletters, 1942-1986 (8 folders)
Washington Water Color Club/Washington Water Color Association Exhibition Catalogs and Prospect uses, 1937-1973
Select: Washington Water Color Club/Washington Water Color Association Exhibition Catalogs and Prospect uses, 1937-1973 (8 folders)
Susie B. Waters, undated
Select: Susie B. Waters, undated
Watkins Gallery, 1969-1975
Select: Watkins Gallery, 1969-1975
Forbes and Nan Watson, 1963-1966
Select: Forbes and Nan Watson, 1963-1966
Margaret Ann Watts, 1965
Select: Margaret Ann Watts, 1965
June Wayne, 1957-1973
Select: June Wayne, 1957-1973 (4 folders)
Elizabeth Weaver, 1969
Select: Elizabeth Weaver, 1969
Eleanor Wedd, 1956-1957
Select: Eleanor Wedd, 1956-1957
Reynold H. Weidenaar, 1965-1975
Select: Reynold H. Weidenaar, 1965-1975
Charles Weidman, 1975
Select: Charles Weidman, 1975
Anita Weiner, 1964
Select: Anita Weiner, 1964
Milton Weingarten, 1973-1978
Select: Milton Weingarten, 1973-1978
James Lesesne Wells, 1961-1980
Select: James Lesesne Wells, 1961-1980 (2 folders)
Michael Welzenbach, 1990
Select: Michael Welzenbach, 1990
Stow Wengenroth, 1960-1982
Select: Stow Wengenroth, 1960-1982 (2 folders)
Volkmar Kurt Wentzel, 1961
Select: Volkmar Kurt Wentzel, 1961
Westinghouse Corps. Nuclear Center, 1973
Select: Westinghouse Corps. Nuclear Center, 1973
E. Weyhe Gallery, 1938-1976
Select: E. Weyhe Gallery, 1938-1976
The Wharf Players of Provincetown, 1925
Select: The Wharf Players of Provincetown, 1925
Virginia Scates Wharton, 1960
Select: Virginia Scates Wharton, 1960
Rozelle Whelan, 1979
Select: Rozelle Whelan, 1979
A. C. White Transfer and Storage Company, 1959
Select: A. C. White Transfer and Storage Company, 1959
Elizabeth Wade White, 1954-1975
Select: Elizabeth Wade White, 1954-1975
Wade White, 1956-1990
Select: Wade White, 1956-1990
Donald Whitehill, 1951
Select: Donald Whitehill, 1951
Whitney Museum of American Art, 1958-1979
Select: Whitney Museum of American Art, 1958-1979
Gertrude Clarke Whittall, 1963
Select: Gertrude Clarke Whittall, 1963
Who's Who in American Art , 1966-1968
Select: Who's Who in American Art, 1966-1968
Who's Who Among Black Americans , 1975-1976
Select: Who's Who Among Black Americans, 1975-1976
Whyte Bookshop, 1953
Select: Whyte Bookshop, 1953
James, Orrin, and Polly Whyte, undated
Select: James, Orrin, and Polly Whyte, undated
Barbara Wickham, 1959
Select: Barbara Wickham, 1959
Paul Raysor Wignall, 1984
Select: Paul Raysor Wignall, 1984
Philip E. Wilcox, 1929-1932
Select: Philip E. Wilcox, 1929-1932 (4 folders)
Emma L. Wilder, 1961-1967
Select: Emma L. Wilder, 1961-1967
Thornton Wilder, 1962
Select: Thornton Wilder, 1962
Wilderness Society, 1960
Select: Wilderness Society, 1960
Geneva Williams, 1969-1974
Select: Geneva Williams, 1969-1974
Gil and Deborah Williams, 1961-1985
Select: Gil and Deborah Williams, 1961-1985
Susan Williams, 1977
Select: Susan Williams, 1977
Sarah Wilson, 1957-1959
Select: Sarah Wilson, 1957-1959
Marcella Comes Winslow, 1957-1976
Select: Marcella Comes Winslow, 1957-1976
The Winter Wheat Press, Washington, D.C., 1928-1953
Select: The Winter Wheat Press, Washington, D.C., 1928-1953 (9 folders)
Edna Wisenell?, 1958
Select: Edna Wisenell?, 1958
Dick Wiser, 1986
Select: Dick Wiser, 1986
Emily Harrold Withers, 1982
Select: Emily Harrold Withers, 1982
Georgianna E. Wohlfert, 1981
Select: Georgianna E. Wohlfert, 1981
Woltz Studio, 1958
Select: Woltz Studio, 1958
Woman's National Democratic Club, 1978
Select: Woman's National Democratic Club, 1978
Janet Woods, undated
Select: Janet Woods, undated
Bill Woodward, 1958
Select: Bill Woodward, 1958
Harold Wortham, 1972-1974
Select: Harold Wortham, 1972-1974
Marjorie Worthington, 1976
Select: Marjorie Worthington, 1976
Thomas Wragg, 1985
Select: Thomas Wragg, 1985
Crawford K. Wright, 1972
Select: Crawford K. Wright, 1972
Wright Designs and Associates, 1985
Select: Wright Designs and Associates, 1985
Frank Wright, 1965-1981
Select: Frank Wright, 1965-1981
Isabel Wunderlich, 1961
Select: Isabel Wunderlich, 1961
Gertrude Wyckoff, 1976
Select: Gertrude Wyckoff, 1976
William Wynne, undated
Select: William Wynne, undated
Yaddo, 1976
Select: Yaddo, 1976
Yale University Art Gallery, 1979
Select: Yale University Art Gallery, 1979
Yale University Library, 1952-1986
Select: Yale University Library, 1952-1986 (4 folders)
Yoki B. Yamashita, 1963-1965
Select: Yoki B. Yamashita, 1963-1965
Tom R. Yanosky, 1973
Select: Tom R. Yanosky, 1973
Karel Yasko, 1982
Select: Karel Yasko, 1982
Leon Yochelson, 1982
Select: Leon Yochelson, 1982
C. M. Young, 1957
Select: C. M. Young, 1957
William H. Young, Jr. and Mitzie Young, 1960-1979
Select: William H. Young, Jr. and Mitzie Young, 1960-1979
Blanche Yurka, 1974
Select: Blanche Yurka, 1974
Y.W.C.A., 1958-1968
Select: Y.W.C.A., 1958-1968 (3 folders)
Alice Zahniser, 1964
Select: Alice Zahniser, 1964
John Zeigler, 1964
Select: John Zeigler, 1964
Maria Zerega, undated
Select: Maria Zerega, undated
Fay Zetlin, 1958-1982
Select: Fay Zetlin, 1958-1982 (4 folders)
Carl and Laura Zigrosser, 1937-1985
Select: Carl and Laura Zigrosser, 1937-1985 (3 folders)
Zinn's, Ltd., 1961-1979
Select: Zinn's, Ltd., 1961-1979 (2 folders)
William Zorach, 1966
Select: William Zorach, 1966
Oversized lithograph printed on a handkerchief from the file of John English
Select: Oversized lithograph printed on a handkerchief from the file of John English (scanned with box 8, reel 5919, frames 956-980)
Oversized layout sheets for The Golden Stair Broadsides, Nos. 2-4, written by Langston Hughes and illustrated by Prentiss Taylor
Select: Oversized layout sheets for The Golden Stair Broadsides, Nos. 2-4, written by Langston Hughes and illustrated by Prentiss Taylor (scanned with box 9, reel 5921, frames 707-1310)
Oversized drawings of patients at St. Elizabeth's Hospital by Prentiss Taylor, 1947, undated
Select: Oversized drawings of patients at St. Elizabeth's Hospital by Prentiss Taylor, 1947, undated (scanned with boxes 14-15, reels 5928, frames 728-1370 and reel 5929, frames 13-634)
Oversized photograph of the Ninth Annual Banquet of the Medical Society of St. Elizabeth's Hospital, 1946
Select: Oversized photograph of the Ninth Annual Banquet of the Medical Society of St. Elizabeth's Hospital, 1946 (scanned with boxes 14-15, reels 5928, frames 728-1370 and reel 5929, frames 13-634)
Oversized drawing of Prentiss Taylor by Aline Fruhauf Vollmer Oversized Matted Photograph, Self Portrait of Carl Van Vechten, 1932
Select: Oversized drawing of Prentiss Taylor by Aline Fruhauf Vollmer Oversized Matted Photograph, Self Portrait of Carl Van Vechten, 1932 (scanned with boxes 14-15, reels 5928, frames 728-1370 and reel 5929, frames 13-634)
Oversized drawing of patients at St. Elizabeth's Hospital by Prentiss Taylor, undated
Select: Oversized drawing of patients at St. Elizabeth's Hospital by Prentiss Taylor, undated (scanned with boxes 14-15, reels 5928, frames 728-1370 and reel 5929, frames 13-634)
Oversized sheet of paper containing the writings of a patient from St. Elizabeth's Hospital, 1947
Select: Oversized sheet of paper containing the writings of a patient from St. Elizabeth's Hospital, 1947 (scanned with boxes 14-15, reels 5928, frames 728-1370 and reel 5929, frames 13-634)
Oversized photograph of an unidentified banquet at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, undated
Select: Oversized photograph of an unidentified banquet at St. Elizabeth's Hospital, undated (scanned with boxes 14-15, reels 5928, frames 728-1370 and reel 5929, frames 13-634)
Oversized photograph of the Fourteenth Annual Banquet of the Medical Society of St. Elizabeth's Hospital, 1951
Select: Oversized photograph of the Fourteenth Annual Banquet of the Medical Society of St. Elizabeth's Hospital, 1951 (scanned with boxes 14-15, reels 5928, frames 728-1370 and reel 5929, frames 13-634)