Suzi Gablik (1934-2022) was a writer, critic, art historian, and painter in New York City, New York; London, England; and Blacksburg, Virginia. Gablik attended a summer session at Black Mountain College in 1951 and, in 1955, received her B.A. from Hunter College, where she studied with Robert Motherwell. During the 1960s and 1970s, she regularly exhibited her work at New York City art galleries. From 1962 to 1966 she was a critic for Art News, and she later spent fifteen years as the London correspondent for Art in America. Gablik published seven books about art, culture, and spirituality. Her first book Pop Art Redefined (1969) was co-authored with art critic John Russell.
In addition to working as an author and critic, Gablik also served as a visiting professor or lecturer at numerous colleges and universities. From 1976 to 1979 she participated in several US International Communications Agency lecture tours that included Hungary, India, Pakistan, and South Asian countries. She also lectured at many conferences and workshops.