Collection Information
Size: 1 Item, partial microfilm reel
Summary: Constitution and by-laws; minutes of meetings, 1915-1925; reports of the President, Secretary and Treasurer, 1921-1925; letters, 1922-1925, from the American Federation of Arts, Art Association of Boulder, Cyrus Boutwell, Cleveland Museum of Art, Feragil Galleries, George E. Gage, The H. Lieber Company, Indianapolis, Howard Young Galleries, New York City, Robert Henri, School of American Research, Museum of New Mexico, Birger Sandzen, Springfield Art Association, Traxel Art Company, Cincinnati, Worcester Art Museum, Yunt Art Galleries, Oklahoma City and others; financial data, 1922-1925; a list of members, 1924-1925; a price list of paintings, ca. 1923; exhibition catalogs and clippings; Ernest L. Blumenschein's article, 1926, "Origin of the Taos Art Colony;" and correspondence, 1946 and 1948, of Reginald Fisher with Joseph H. Sharp and others.