"Architectonic Painting", circa 1915-1955
Select: "Architectonic Painting", circa 1915-1955
Cogslea Academy Discussion Series, circa 1915-1955
Select: Cogslea Academy Discussion Series, circa 1915-1955
"Illustration in a Machine Age", circa 1915-1955
Select: "Illustration in a Machine Age", circa 1915-1955
"Philadelphia Portraits and Portrait Painters", circa 1915-1955
Select: "Philadelphia Portraits and Portrait Painters", circa 1915-1955
"Save the Orchestra", circa 1915-1955
Select: "Save the Orchestra", circa 1915-1955
Speech for Conshohocken Art League, circa 1915-1955
Select: Speech for Conshohocken Art League, circa 1915-1955
Speech for Women's International League, circa 1915-1955
Select: Speech for Women's International League, circa 1915-1955
"A Declaration to be Read July 4th, 1911", 1911
Select: "A Declaration to be Read July 4th, 1911", 1911
Lecture Notes, 1914-1916
Select: Lecture Notes, 1914-1916
"Philomusean", 1921
Select: "Philomusean", 1921
"The Bible", 1925
Select: "The Bible", 1925
"Fine Arts and Science Day", 1926
Select: "Fine Arts and Science Day", 1926
"John Singer Sargent", 1926
Select: "John Singer Sargent", 1926
"Opportunities Presented by the Sesqui-Centennial in Arts and Education", 1926
Select: "Opportunities Presented by the Sesqui-Centennial in Arts and Education", 1926
"Outlook for the Drama and the Theatre in America", 1926
Select: "Outlook for the Drama and the Theatre in America", 1926
"Pennsylvania in Art", 1926
Select: "Pennsylvania in Art", 1926
Lecture on Murals, Bowdoin College, 1927
Select: Lecture on Murals, Bowdoin College, 1927
"Mural Painting", 1927
Select: "Mural Painting", 1927
"Art", 1930
Select: "Art", 1930
"House of Wisdom", 1930
Select: "House of Wisdom", 1930
"True Norm, The Carpenter's Square", 1932
Select: "True Norm, The Carpenter's Square", 1932
DuMaurier Lecture, 1933
Select: DuMaurier Lecture, 1933
"50th Anniversary of Contemporary Club, 1886-1936", 1935
Select: "50th Anniversary of Contemporary Club, 1886-1936", 1935
"In Memorium, Jessie Willcox Smith", 1935
Select: "In Memorium, Jessie Willcox Smith", 1935
"Mural Painting From the Mural Painter's Point of View", 1935-1936
Select: "Mural Painting From the Mural Painter's Point of View", 1935-1936
On Sir Thomas Lawrence, 1939
Select: On Sir Thomas Lawrence, 1939
"Sir Thomas Lawrence and the Tragic Muse", 1939
Select: "Sir Thomas Lawrence and the Tragic Muse", 1939
"Problems of a Mural Painter", 1939
Select: "Problems of a Mural Painter", 1939
"John Singer Sargent", 1940
Select: "John Singer Sargent", 1940
"Place of Art in an Embattled World", 1940
Select: "Place of Art in an Embattled World", 1940
Summer Session of Cogslea Academy, 1940
Select: Summer Session of Cogslea Academy, 1940
"Edwin Austin Abbey", 1941
Select: "Edwin Austin Abbey", 1941
"Island Idyll - Without Benefit of Electricity", 1941-1942
Select: "Island Idyll - Without Benefit of Electricity", 1941-1942
Sir Edward Burne-Jones, 1942
Select: Sir Edward Burne-Jones, 1942
"Association of Students of D. Eloise Brownell", 1946
Select: "Association of Students of D. Eloise Brownell", 1946
On Art and the Spiritual Life, 1947
Select: On Art and the Spiritual Life, 1947
"Art the Interpreter", 1948
Select: "Art the Interpreter", 1948
"Inspiration: Art and the Bible", 1949
Select: "Inspiration: Art and the Bible", 1949