Bill and Jane Brown, circa 1960-1992 Select: Bill and Jane Brown, circa 1960-1992Scope and ContentsOversized material housed in Box 10, Folder 1. Bill and Jane Brown, Family and Friends, circa 1965-1992 Select: Bill and Jane Brown, Family and Friends, circa 1965-1992 Bill Brown, Early Photographs, circa 1949-1962 Select: Bill Brown, Early Photographs, circa 1949-1962 Bill Brown, Portraits, circa 1940-1960s Select: Bill Brown, Portraits, circa 1940-1960s Bill Brown, Penland, circa 1970s Select: Bill Brown, Penland, circa 1970s Bill Brown, "Bill and Friends" Scrapbook, 1991 Select: Bill Brown, "Bill and Friends" Scrapbook, 1991 Penland, Faculty and Students, 1954-1980s Select: Penland, Faculty and Students, 1954-1980sScope and ContentsIncludes photographs of faculty members' children, Jessica Tandy and Hume Cronyn during a visit to Penland, a class taught by Tom Cox, and the "National Endowment Snow Job" project. Oversized material housed in Box 9, Folders 4-6 and Box 10, Folders 2-3. Penland, Faculty and Students, 1970s Select: Penland, Faculty and Students, 1970s Penland, Faculty and Students - Lucy Morgan and Director's House, circa 1970s Select: Penland, Faculty and Students - Lucy Morgan and Director's House, circa 1970s Penland, Faculty and Students - Bonnie Willis Ford, 1965-circa 1978 Select: Penland, Faculty and Students - Bonnie Willis Ford, 1965-circa 1978 Penland, Faculty and Students - Group Photo, 75th Anniversary, 2004 Select: Penland, Faculty and Students - Group Photo, 75th Anniversary, 2004Scope and ContentsOversized group photos housed in RD 11. Penland, Grounds, circa 1960-circa 1990 Select: Penland, Grounds, circa 1960-circa 1990Scope and ContentsIncludes photographs of the construction of the glass studio, Penland buildings, and landscapes. Oversized material housed in Box 10, Folder 4. Penland, History - "Penland Offline" by Chris Felver, 1986-1987 Select: Penland, History - "Penland Offline" by Chris Felver, 1986-19873 Videocassettes (VHS)DuplicatesScope and ContentsOversized material housed in Box 10, Folder 5. Penland, Photo Album - "Penland 1965", 1965 Select: Penland, Photo Album - "Penland 1965", 1965 Penland, Slide Shows - Notes, 1995 Select: Penland, Slide Shows - Notes, 1995 Penland, Slide Shows #1, 1981 Select: Penland, Slide Shows #1, 1981 Penland, Slide Shows #6, circa 1980s Select: Penland, Slide Shows #6, circa 1980s Penland, Slide Shows #7, circa 1980s Select: Penland, Slide Shows #7, circa 1980s Works of Art, Bill and Jane Brown's Craft Collection, 1984-2011 Select: Works of Art, Bill and Jane Brown's Craft Collection, 1984-2011 Works of Art, circa 1953-circa 1980 Select: Works of Art, circa 1953-circa 1980Scope and ContentsIncludes artwork by Bill Brown. Oversized material housed in Box 10, Folder 6. Oversized Penland, Faculty and Students from Box 6, 1954-1980s Select: Oversized Penland, Faculty and Students from Box 6, 1954-1980s Oversized Photo Album - "Event 77", 1977 Select: Oversized Photo Album - "Event 77", 1977 Oversized Bill and Jane Brown from Box 6, Folder 12, circa 1960-1992 Select: Oversized Bill and Jane Brown from Box 6, Folder 12, circa 1960-1992 Oversized Penland, Faculty and Students, 1970s-1980s Select: Oversized Penland, Faculty and Students, 1970s-1980s Oversized Penland, Grounds from Box 7, Folders 7-9, 1969-1980s Select: Oversized Penland, Grounds from Box 7, Folders 7-9, 1969-1980s Oversized Penland, History from Box 8, Folder 1, circa 1980s Select: Oversized Penland, History from Box 8, Folder 1, circa 1980sScope and ContentsPhotographs are copies of historic photographs of Penland taken in 1930s-1940s. Oversized Works of Art, 1983 Select: Oversized Works of Art, 1983 Oversized Penland, Faculty and Students - Group Photos, circa 1970-1980s Select: Oversized Penland, Faculty and Students - Group Photos, circa 1970-1980sScope and ContentsIncludes five panoramic group photographs.