Archives of American Art Journal: Spring 2024, Volume 63, Number 1

Front cover of Spring 2024 journal issue

New Research in the Spring 2024 Archives of American Art Journal uncovers overlooked aspects of the careers of well-documented artists Anton Refregier (1905-1979), Robert Rauschenberg (1925-2008), and Hannah Wilke (1940-1993). Archive Matters addresses the challenge of writing Native North American art history given that Indigenous voices are hidden or absent in most US archives. Photographer Odette England contributes a suite of original artworks inspired by items in the Archives' collection that feature literal or conceptual X's, exploring the multiplicity of meanings and associations of this common symbol.

Karen Maynor, Photograph of Andy Warhol writing a note on vacuum cleaner at “Art in Process V” exhibition, 1972.
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