Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday May 15, 1874

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Friday, May 15, 1874, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, May 15, 1874- Mr. Hedian of Baltimore came in today and after some higgling bought a little skating scene 9x15 and the study of my late Autumn with two figures 12x20 for $275. Shortly after Weir came with Mr. Dean and his partner Mr. Jewett to lok at my last picture. They staid half an hour looking at all my pictures but finally went away without saying anything about buying. I was a little disappointed but not much, as I dont count on these things as I used to. Mrs. Bierstadt made me a very pleasant visit. They have been living in the country all winter and I have a fancy that Bierstadts declining popularity begins to make them feel like seeking out their old friends. She looked very young and pretty and I was glad to see her. Mrs Sloane (Nellie Johnson) called with her little boy and she and Gertrude and I had a nice talk together. Weir gave us this morning an interesting account of his call on M.O. Roberts and R.L. Stuart to get pictures for his coming exhibition. He says Roberts house is knee deep in pictures from cellar to garret and that he even has them in his stable. He is going to build a large gallery this summer. I wrote home today that we would come up tomorrow to spend Sunday. It is raining tonight but I hope it will be over before we start.

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