Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday March 31, 1876

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, March 31, 1876, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Our Committee all went to Boston on Saturday last to examine the pictures there. Gertrude went with me. A storm of sleet and rain raged all day and when we arrived in Boston it poured. Staigg & Robinson were there to meet me and Mr. Bachelder also to invite us to his house but we concluded to go to the Revere house. Were invited to a reception by the Boston Art Club and went after we had had a preliminary meeting of our committee. Sunday Gertrude and I called on the Bachelders and later went out to Mr. Sawyers at College Hill where I remained until Monday morning expecting to return Monday night but could not. We were engaged all day Monday and Tuesday examining the pictures and returned to New York Wednesday. On the train met Mr. Jas F. Fields & Mrs. Frothingham. Began our labors here here Thursday morning and have spent two very laborious days. It is the most fatiguing work I ever did. Thursday morning had to go and see Osborne for Church. He was not in and was obliged to go clear up there in the evening when I was tired out. Osborne made all sorts of objections to sending Church's picture. It was plain that he thought Church's pictures ought not to be included in rules that regulated other artists an idea that he was not encouraged in by me. It was curious to me to see how he thoroughly believed Church to be immensely beyond all other American artists. I got no satisfaction except showing him how I felt and came away. Bierstadt too persists in not sending his pictures as other artists have and expects to get them in by diplomacy over the heads of the selection committee.

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