Saturday August 4, 1877
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Saturday, August 4, 1877, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
My Father and Mothers Golden Wedding occurred today. Out of respect to my mothers wishes we made it a strictly family affair no one outside the family being invited. All the children and grand children were present except Gussie and her family and Lucy and her family. We gave simple presents, a "chronicle" was read from Miss Sophie McAdam and a poem from Miss Burden and congratulatory letters were received from the absent children. The day was perfect in temperature with almost an early autumn coolness and altogether the occasion though quietly observed was very enjoyable and satisfactory to my Father and Mother and to all of us. I have had some cards engraved announcing the evening which they are to send to all their friends [copy attached to Aug 9 entry]. There were present Calvert, Mary, Bowyer, Downing, Julia & Marian Vaux, Girard and his wife and child. Maurice, Gertrude and I & Mrs. Davis [?] in the evening we asked Maurice & John McEntee [?] she came and spent the evening but John could [?] come on account of an engagement. Gertrude sang [?] played, we had some ice cream and [?] a [?] happy day in quiet social enjoyment. After [?] this seems now to me as a fit way to celebrate [?] occasions which under other circumstances one [?] be laborious and trying to the old people in whose [?] they are noticed. My father and mother seemed [?] and that is what I most desired.
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