Jervis McEntee Diaries

Thursday March 8, 1877

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, Thursday, March 8, 1877, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

I did not feel very well yesterday and did not paint. Had a call from two ladies who wanted to see my pictures. They did not make themselves known but seemed to enjoy my pictures particularly the late Autumn phases and asked the price of the study for my Academy picture. I have now got all three of my pictures ready for the Academy and feel the relief I usually do when that is off my mind. I dont think it a good plan to be behind in this matter and have to hurry in the last days. Gifford came in to see me yesterday and I showed him my Academy pictures with which he seemed pleased. He does not seem well and I think is not working much. I attended Dr. Bucks funeral today. He died at the age of seventy and the large number of people of note present at his funeral testified to his worth as a man as well as to his position as a leading physician. Taylor came in today for a moment to invite us to dinner tomorrow evening with Mrs. Bigelow and John Weiss. I had a note from Weeks yesterday telling me Mr. Holt would like my November which he is going to present to Mr. H. G. DeForest and I feel very happy over the sale of my two pictures. Every body seems to like my last picture and I hope to sell it out of the Academy. Taylor proposed a line from Bryant for its title "And the year smiles as it draws to its close".

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