Saturday February 4, 1882
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, February 4, 1882, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Saturday, Feb 4, 1882 A snow storm set in this morning and has been the severest of the winter. Went to the Water Color exhibition this morning and in the afternoon Mary, Calvert and I went in the storm to a matinee of the Greek play "Oedipus" at Booths Theatre. Contrary to our expectations we were greatly interested. Riddle the Oedipus spoke in Greek, all the other characters in English. He acted with spirit and profoundly affected me although I did not know a word he spoke. He was particularly fine where he gropes his way upon the stage after he has put out his eyes and in the interview with his children. The costumes were very beautiful and sculpturesque, but after all it seemed more like a modern play than a play of the time of Sophocles and I imagine was but a faint reflex of their manner of acting. The house was full and all seemed interested. Went to the monthly meeting of the Century which was a very thin one on account of the storm. Had a pleasant time. When I came to my rooms about midnight the storm was at its height and I floundered all the way here. The wind was blowing a gale and the air thick with snow.
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