Jervis McEntee Diaries

Sunday October 21, 1883

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, October 21, 1883, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Sunday, Oct 21, 1883 I have done today what I have long wanted to do, made a sketch in color of my mother. Sara dressed her in the pretty, soft creamy white dress Lucy made for her and put a becoming cap upon her head. White was always very becoming to her and today she had a good deal of color and looked very pretty. I painted her in the dining room where there is always a good light. She sat very patiently in her invalid chair and I succeeded in getting a very good picture of her, much better than I was ever able to get before. She was much pleased with it as were my father and Sara. It is a great satisfaction to me to have secured this in her precarious condition for we had no satisfactory portrait of her, not even a good photograph. It is not all I want but it can be improved with another sitting and I am very thankful to have made it. The subject of bell ringing in towns is being discussed in the Tribune, Jackson Schudtz having complained of St. Georges Church in the city. I have written a communication to the Tribune which I shall send. Went down to John McEntees this evening. It has been a cloudy day and quite cold. The landscape has a November aspect.

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