Sunday November 9, 1884
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, November 9, 1884, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Sunday, Nov 9, 1884 Charlie and I went over to my studio today to look at my sketches and Laura came later. We had a talk about the birch bark hats. He thinks he can get any quantity of the braid made in Hillsboro very cheaply and he is going to have a quantity made and sent to me. Meanwhile I have written to Mr. Dunlap asking him to interest himself again and telling him of the prospect of getting a quantity of the braid without any expense to him in order to experiment with it and to make a number of hats. I am a little afraid he will not want to bother with it again but he was much interested before and perhaps may be again. At least it is something to interest me in this dull apathetic life. The Tribune today about concedes the election to Cleveland without actually saying so. I fear that will be the result and try to accept it and to hope it is for the best. I think the Democrats mean to count him in at all hazards and their threats are most disgraceful. I wonder that life long Republicans could ever consent to help them into power.
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