Jervis McEntee Diaries

Tuesday June 23, 1885

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, June 23, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Tuesday, June 23, 1885 Took my father out for a ride after picking the strawberries. It was a cool morning with the wind N. W. Started Miss Roy with her sketch before I went. We drove down town to the Post Office and then up towards Kingston when we met the street parade of the "Wild West" show with a stage coach, scouts, cow boys, Indians, [?], Buffalo & Texas cattle. Drove up Albany Avenue, out by the Alms House and home by the old Steep Rocks road and the Strand arriving home just at dinner hour. After dinner I took Jimmy, Girard and Charlie up to the "Wild West" Show. There were exhibitions of Indians attacking a Stage Coach, the Pony Express, riding bucking horses, cow boy races and very expert shooting by Dr. Carver. It was quite entertaining and had a real Western flavor. I had the boy pick the sour cherries on my place this morning. I cut this notice of the death of Bayard Taylors father from the Freeman this evening. Am going to N. Y. tomorrow morning. It is really chilly this evening. A telegram came from Booth telling me not to keep my pictures from the Exhibitions for him. Would write when he got settled.

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