Friday October 16, 1885
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, October 16, 1885, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Friday, Oct 16, 1885 I had a most discouraged feeling this morning. Every thing seemed a burden. I went up on the roof [?] two leaks which showed themselves the last time it rained and, it [seemed?] so decayed and the chimneys are so worn away that if I possibly could I would put a new roof on, but I cannot think of it now. Sara got ready to go to Tivoli and I drove her down. At the post office she [got?] a card telling her her patient was so much better she need not come. Received a note from Calvert telling me he would come up on Saturday if he got some money he was expecting so that I am afraid he will not come, also a letter from Mary and one from the Superintendent of the House of Refuge saying Katy Burns would be sent home when we advised it and would not be sent away any where else. Then [I?] went and had my hair cut and we came home. It has been a beautiful day. After dinner Sara, my father, Dwightie and I drove [to?] Eddyville, crossed the bridge and down the other side to Fairview [to see?] a servant Mrs. Lawton has recommended. We came home by Sleight[burgh?] ferry drove away over into the outskirts of North Rondout to see an[other?] girl a niece of Mrs. Saloff and got home before five. I think I will go to Shokan on Monday even if Calvert does not come. I must be doing some sketching to get my mind off my worries if for no other reason. It did not look very inviting there but I dare say I will find something. If I dont I will not stay long.
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