Friday May 21, 1886
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, May 21, 1886, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Friday, May 21, 1886 Jachne[?] the condemned ex alderman went to the state prison at Sing-Sing this morning for nine years and ten months. There is no doubt he richly deserved his sentence although some respectable people profess to think he did not have a fair trial. We had a meeting of our Artists mutual aid society in Woods studio this afternoon and elected Gilbert Gaul a member which completes our number of twenty five. We decided to go to Sandy Hook next Friday for a little excursion and hope to inaugurate some simple social gathering of the members at least once a year. The utmost loyalty and good feeling prevailed. I wrote Mrs. Custer that I would like to call and bid her good bye this evening but she had an engagement of several days standing and said she would remain at home from four to six hoping I would find time to come in, but I wrote her I had a meeting to attend to which I feared would prevent. She is going to California on the 26th to be gone a few weeks and then comes back to work in the city as she expressed it while it is deserted. Spent the evening at home and went around to the club later but did not see any one, except Mr. Laurance with whom I talked a while.
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