Jervis McEntee Diaries

Saturday May 22, 1886

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, May 22, 1886, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Saturday, May 22, 1886 Attended Quartley's funeral at the Academy at 11. The rooms were filled with artists and friends. Mr. Donald read the Episcopal service. I looked upon the thin, dead face of the man who had suffered so much and thought how idle and vain were all our prejudices against each other. Certainly I retained none of them but felt only pity for his sorrows and troubles, all ended now, and sympathy for his orphaned daughters left to struggle alone. It was only ten days ago that we were gathered here in these same rooms to vote for him for Academician. I confess I did not vote for him, because I was prejudiced against him, but I would have had I known anything of his serious illness and trouble. I left after the service and while I was waiting on the corner for a car Launt Thompson came up. His face looked wretchedly and he did not seem to care to linger. He said his statue of Burnside was about done and he had made the plaster mould. That when he got through with it he was going over on the "other side" to stay as I understood him. I wondered if he expected to go to his family. I understand his wife will not live with him. I told him I was going home for the summer. He said he had not been in the country for a year. Poor fellow. He used to have so many friends and now none of them ask him to their homes. Marion came to my studio and a little after 12 we went down to the City of Kingston which left at 1. We had a delightful sail up the river and reached Rondout at 7. So ended my New York life for the winter. I come home full of anxieties, not knowing how I am to get through the summer but hope some way will be provided. It is charming here on the hill and seems more like June than May. Janette and Mary are here and now with Marion it is quite like old times.

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