Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday February 23, 1887

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, February 23, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, Feb 23, 1887 Have done a little painting today. I have nothing for the Academy except "the funeral of a Veteran" and Mar. 7 is the last day for receiving. Mr. Rood and his wife (Fanny Stringham) called and bought one of the little sketches. I had a very pleasant call from them. She has developed into an interesting and happy woman. I know of no people who seem to lead a happier and more satisfactory life than they. Just as they were going Julia Dillon and Mrs. Gatchell (nee Miss Edith Pierce) called. Julia thought my studies very pretty. When they went I hurried up to Dr. Taylors as I was behind time. Julia and Mrs. Gatchell called at Marys this evening. Mary had gone to see Mrs Donaldson but Calvert and I entertained them. Went around to the club and heard from Mr. Huntington that Mr. Durand died in August. It hardly seems possible that I could have heard of it and forgotten it.

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