Jervis McEntee Diaries

Wednesday October 26, 1887

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, October 26, 1887, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Wednesday, Oct 26, 1887 Sent the deed to Keaton. Busy looking over my fathers papers and have found nothing of much value. There was a half bushel basket of old papers of the time he was Justice of the Peace and old letters going back to 1828. I burned a great quantity but kept anything which might be useful for reference such as deeds etc. A letter from Miss Nesmith yesterday and today one from T. A. Richards informing me I have been put on the Hanging Committee of the Academy in place of Linton absent in Europe. I wrote it was impossible for me to serve as I was engaged in business connected with the settlement of my fathers estate. From Wilmurt wanting some money. Wrote I could send him none but would go down soon and want him to make frames for my sale. Annie Norton called. She and Aunt Christina [are?] at Johns on their way to N. Y. tomorrow. Have written Jamie. Mary, [?] Annie Norton and I attended a meeting of the State Charities Aid Society [?] evening at Supreme Court Chambers in the Court House. Mr. Hodges the Secretary of the Parent Society who had visited the County House and our Alms houses gave us the result of his visit and observations, not too flattering to our new Poor House. Our Society was reorganized and I trust regalvanized by the election of Mr. Lindsley President and an array of Vice Presidents. There was a fair attendance. John McEntee has discouraging letters from Nannie. I saw Aunt Christina who seems very well.

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