Sunday August 26, 1888
Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, August 26, 1888, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution
Sunday, Aug 26, 1888 Wrote to Eastman and to Lucy and answered a note from a soldier, Robt. Flack, care Wm. F. Bryson, Roanoke, Huntington Co Indiana, a member of Co. H. 20th N. Y. Volunteers and [?] a Lieut. James McEntee on pension business. I know nothing about him nor does John. He has probably mistaken the 20th Militia for the 20th Volunteers. In the evening Sara and I went down to Johns. He and Nannie had gone out riding. Julia was there. Aunt Christina is better she and Sara say. When John and Nannie returned she reluctantly came out on the piazza but as it was growing dark I could not see her. I have not seen her since last winter. She was very silent and what little she said was in a low voice.
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