Jervis McEntee Diaries

Saturday November 2, 1889

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, November 2, 1889, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Saturday, Nov 2, 1889 It is thirty five years ago tonight that dear Gertrude and I came to our little home after our wedding in New York and it is six years ago tonight since our dear Mother suddenly closed her eyes upon all her interests in this world and went to her well won rest. This grey and sober day has emphasised in our hearts the encumbrance of these striking events in our family history. We have learned to meet these anniversaries without sadness and only to think of those who found an important part of them with a sweet and tender and time hallowed memory. I have been hoping Sara and I could spend our days in this old home but have feared something would occur to prevent so that we have not allowed ourselves to set our hearts too strongly upon it. Today however John McEntee with whom I have been talking about it drove up and asked me to go for a short ride. We drove up to [B?] and got some beautiful Chrysanthemums. It was raining a little, but we went out on Albany Av. as far as the Flat-bush road and home that way. He had talked with Mantustock to get some idea of the value of the buildings and he had come to the conclusion to make this proposition. The three front lots at $2000 each, the lot across [New?] Terrace to which I propose to move the wing $800 and to deduct 5 pr. ct from these prices which would make them $6460 and $2000 for the house, in all $8460 which I told him was about what I had made up my mind was a fair price. I told him I would take it at this price. He is to communicate with Calvert and if he is satisfied we will close the sale. This is a fitting crown to this eventful day and it at once gives me a settled feeling which I have not had for several years. This seems to me just all around. I pay what we offered these lots for but for which we found no purchasers and for the house, more than any one else we know of would pay as in all our calculations of sale we have not placed any value on the buildings. Coykendall when we were trying to sell to him said he would consider the house as of no value and so did Myron Teller. It is of value to me perhaps more than to any one else. I wish now I were able to move the wing over on Girards lot, but it takes all my claim against the estate to make this purchase, or nearly all and now I must begin to make an effort to sell my place which I think in a short time will bring a good price.

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