Jervis McEntee Diaries

Friday April 18, 1890

Jervis McEntee Diary Entry, April 18, 1890, from the Jervis McEntee papers, 1850-1905, in the Archives of American Art, Smithsonian Institution

Friday, Apr 18, 1890 Went to Saronys this morning to see the bust of Forest I promised to go and see long ago. I cant imagine he ever looked like it. Then I walked clear down to Rand & Mc Nallys below Canal St. to get a map of Mexico and its curious but they had no such thing. Stopped at Rogers & Peets and bought a pair of shoes--went over to 4th Av. and got some Pears Soap and up to 32nd St for tooth brushes and tooth powder and to my studio. Casilear and I went out to lunch together. He told me Mrs. Shaw, Mrs. Winters sister had been to him last Nov. for money to pay Mrs. Winters board at the Asylum and that he gave her $25. I was astounded as John Johnston agreed to attend to her for the rest of her life, in Jan 20th 1888. I went to see J. G. Brown and he said they, Mrs Shaw and her son had been paying this ever since that time except $65 which Johnston left with him at the time he assumed charge of her case. We decided to call on Mrs. J. B. Johnston who had written me this winter about Mrs. Winter and has assured me she would find out about her. She sent word that she could not see us but her daughter, the eldest came in and we stated the case to her and recommended them to see to Mrs. Winter as John had promised. It remains to be seen whether they will do it. It is surprising how soon people forget their promises. I have been taking down curtains and putting things away and packing my trunk to leave tomorrow.

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