Adler Lecture Tour, 1954
Select: Adler Lecture Tour, 1954
American Committee for the Restoration of Italian Monuments, Inc., 1946-1948
Select: American Committee for the Restoration of Italian Monuments, Inc., 1946-1948
American Federation of Arts, Background Information, 1942-1955
Select: American Federation of Arts, Background Information, 1942-1955
American Federation of Arts, Building Fund, 1960-1963
Select: American Federation of Arts, Building Fund, 1960-1963
American Federation of Arts, General, 1962-1963
Select: American Federation of Arts, General, 1962-1963
American Federation of Arts, National Headquarters, 1947
Select: American Federation of Arts, National Headquarters, 1947
American Federation of Arts, Washington Property, 1954-1959
Select: American Federation of Arts, Washington Property, 1954-1959
American Federation of Arts, Chapters, 1953
Select: American Federation of Arts, Chapters, 1953
American Federation of Arts, Histories, 1959, undated
Select: American Federation of Arts, Histories, 1959, undated
American Institute of Graphic Arts, 1947-1951
Select: American Institute of Graphic Arts, 1947-1951
Art Dealers Association of America, Inc., 1962-1963
Select: Art Dealers Association of America, Inc., 1962-1963
Art Digest, 1945-1953
Select: Art Digest, 1945-1953
Art in the Embassies Program, 1964-1967
Select: Art in the Embassies Program, 1964-1967
Art Magazines and Publications (not AFA), 1956-1959
Select: Art Magazines and Publications (not AFA), 1956-1959
Art Resources Services Center, 1958
Select: Art Resources Services Center, 1958
Auction Files, Correspondence, 1961-1962
Select: Auction Files, Correspondence, 1961-1962
Auction Files, Correspondence, 1962
Select: Auction Files, Correspondence, 1962
Auction Files, Correspondence, 1963-1964
Select: Auction Files, Correspondence, 1963-1964
Benefits, 1952-1961
Select: Benefits, 1952-1961
Black List, 1961-1963
Select: Black List, 1961-1963
Book Sales and Service (Florence S. Berryman), 1951-1955
Select: Book Sales and Service (Florence S. Berryman), 1951-1955
Budget and Finance, General, 1941-1956
Select: Budget and Finance, General, 1941-1956
Carnegie Corporation, 1935-1958
Select: Carnegie Corporation, 1935-1958
Catalog Distribution Plan, 1959
Select: Catalog Distribution Plan, 1959
Collectors' Club, 1962-1963
Select: Collectors' Club, 1962-1963
College Art Association, 1952-1959
Select: College Art Association, 1952-1959
Columbia University
Select: Columbia University
Community Art Associations, 1954-1956
Select: Community Art Associations, 1954-1956
Conferences, Regional, Denver, 1928
Select: Conferences, Regional, Denver, 1928
Conferences, Regional, Buffalo, 1953
Select: Conferences, Regional, Buffalo, 1953
Conferences, Regional, Cleveland, 1953
Select: Conferences, Regional, Cleveland, 1953
Conferences, Regional, Indianapolis, 1953
Select: Conferences, Regional, Indianapolis, 1953
Conferences, Regional, Chicago, 1954
Select: Conferences, Regional, Chicago, 1954
Conferences, Regional, Newark, 1954
Select: Conferences, Regional, Newark, 1954
Contributions, Correspondence, 1951-1954
Select: Contributions, Correspondence, 1951-1954
Contributions, Monthly Breakdowns, 1958-1963
Select: Contributions, Monthly Breakdowns, 1958-1963
Contributions, Pledge Sheet, 1953
Select: Contributions, Pledge Sheet, 1953
Contributions, Thank You Letters, 1961-1964
Select: Contributions, Thank You Letters, 1961-1964
Contributions, Trustees, 1959-1961
Select: Contributions, Trustees, 1959-1961
Cooper Union Museum, 1963
Select: Cooper Union Museum, 1963
Corning Glass Center, 1952-1954
Select: Corning Glass Center, 1952-1954
Corporate Solicitations, 1956-1957
Select: Corporate Solicitations, 1956-1957
The Cultural Development Fund, 1951
Select: The Cultural Development Fund, 1951
D, General, 1955-1959
Select: D, General, 1955-1959
Dealers' Advisory Committee Project, 1960
Select: Dealers' Advisory Committee Project, 1960
De Young Museum, San Francisco, 1966
Select: De Young Museum, San Francisco, 1966
F, General, 1953-1965
Select: F, General, 1953-1965
50th Anniversary, 1959
Select: 50th Anniversary, 1959
Award Citations, 1959
Select: Award Citations, 1959
Awards, 1959
Select: Awards, 1959
Casebook, 1959
Select: Casebook, 1959
Casebook Statements from Small Museum Directors, 1957-1959
Select: Casebook Statements from Small Museum Directors, 1957-1959
Committee Acceptances, 1959
Select: Committee Acceptances, 1959
Philadelphia Reception, 1959
Select: Philadelphia Reception, 1959
Utica Celebration, 1959
Select: Utica Celebration, 1959
Film Festival, 1957, 1963
Select: Film Festival, 1957, 1963
Films on Art, 1952-1956
Select: Films on Art, 1952-1956
Fund for the Republic, 1956
Select: Fund for the Republic, 1956
Glick & Lorwin, Inc., First and Second Annual Displays of Free and Inexpensive Teaching Aids, 1955-1956
Select: Glick & Lorwin, Inc., First and Second Annual Displays of Free and Inexpensive Teaching Aids, 1955-1956
Government and Art, Committee on, 1950-1962
Select: Government and Art, Committee on, 1950-1962
Edith Gregor Halpert Foundation
Select: Edith Gregor Halpert Foundation
Award for Critical Writing, 1952-1955, 1965, undated
Select: Award for Critical Writing, 1952-1955, 1965, undated
Correspondence, General, 1951-1960
Select: Correspondence, General, 1951-1960
Survey of Contemporary American Art, 1953-1955
Select: Survey of Contemporary American Art, 1953-1955
Holmes Report, 1956-1958
Select: Holmes Report, 1956-1958
Institute of International Education, 1954-1958
Select: Institute of International Education, 1954-1958
International Art Exchange Program, 1958-1960
Select: International Art Exchange Program, 1958-1960
Job Applications, 1952-1960
Select: Job Applications, 1952-1960
Joint Artists-Museums Committee, 1955-1957
Select: Joint Artists-Museums Committee, 1955-1957
Joint Committee on Educational Television, 1951-1953
Select: Joint Committee on Educational Television, 1951-1953
Joint Committee on the National Capital, 1955-1961
Select: Joint Committee on the National Capital, 1955-1961
K-L, General, 1957-1961
Select: K-L, General, 1957-1961
Latin American Project, 1958
Select: Latin American Project, 1958
Life, New Reproduction Process, 1956
Select: Life, New Reproduction Process, 1956
Lilly Endowment, Inc., 1953-1954
Select: Lilly Endowment, Inc., 1953-1954
Los Angeles County Art Museum, Director's Resignation, 1965
Select: Los Angeles County Art Museum, Director's Resignation, 1965
Magazine of Art, 1949-1953
Select: Magazine of Art, 1949-1953
M, General, 1954-1962
Select: M, General, 1954-1962
Membership and Development, 1952-1962
Select: Membership and Development, 1952-1962
Morley, Grace L. McCann, 1951-1962
Select: Morley, Grace L. McCann, 1951-1962
Moscow Show, 1959
Select: Moscow Show, 1959
National Sculpture Society, 1952
Select: National Sculpture Society, 1952
P, General, 1952-1958
Select: P, General, 1952-1958
Peck and Peck, 1953
Select: Peck and Peck, 1953
Personnel (including director search), 1955-1956
Select: Personnel (including director search), 1955-1956
Public Relations, 1957-1961
Select: Public Relations, 1957-1961
Publications (AFA), 1939-1966, undated
Select: Publications (AFA), 1939-1966, undated
Publicity, A and B Lists, 1960-1961
Select: Publicity, A and B Lists, 1960-1961
Publicity, Clippings, 1950-1959
Select: Publicity, Clippings, 1950-1959
Publicity, Clippings, 1960-1966
Select: Publicity, Clippings, 1960-1966
Publicity, Correspondence, 1955-1960
Select: Publicity, Correspondence, 1955-1960
Publicity, Magazine Article "Art in Your Life,", undated
Select: Publicity, Magazine Article "Art in Your Life,", undated
Publicity, Photographs, 1954-1955, undated
Select: Publicity, Photographs, 1954-1955, undated
Publicity, Press Releases, 1953-1958, undated
Select: Publicity, Press Releases, 1953-1958, undated
Publicity, Special, 1953
Select: Publicity, Special, 1953
Publicity, Trustee Officers and Staff, 1956-1963
Select: Publicity, Trustee Officers and Staff, 1956-1963
R, General, 1954-1959
Select: R, General, 1954-1959
Refregier Murals, 1953
Select: Refregier Murals, 1953
Ruder and Finn, 1953-1956, undated
Select: Ruder and Finn, 1953-1956, undated
S, General, 1957-1961
Select: S, General, 1957-1961
Show Magazine Opening, 1962
Select: Show Magazine Opening, 1962
State Sponsored Art Programs, Survey and Analysis, 1962-1963
Select: State Sponsored Art Programs, Survey and Analysis, 1962-1963
State Sponsored Art Programs, Correspondence, 1962-1963, 1965-1968
Select: State Sponsored Art Programs, Correspondence, 1962-1963, 1965-1968
State Sponsored Art Programs, State Councils on the Arts, 1964-1967
Select: State Sponsored Art Programs, State Councils on the Arts, 1964-1967
Statement of Director before Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare to Fine Arts Bills, 1962
Select: Statement of Director before Senate Committee on Labor and Public Welfare to Fine Arts Bills, 1962
T, General, 1959-1963
Select: T, General, 1959-1963
Traveling Exhibition Service
Select: Traveling Exhibition Service
Trustees, Files on Individuals
Select: Trustees, Files on Individuals
Allerton, John Gregg, 1965
Select: Allerton, John Gregg, 1965
Avnet, Lester, 1964-1969
Select: Avnet, Lester, 1964-1969
Barr, Alfred H., Jr., 1952-1956
Select: Barr, Alfred H., Jr., 1952-1956
Belluschi, Pietro, 1954
Select: Belluschi, Pietro, 1954
Berkowitz, Sidney, 1952-1957
Select: Berkowitz, Sidney, 1952-1957
Blair, William McCormick, 1961-1964
Select: Blair, William McCormick, 1961-1964
Bliss, Robert Woods, 1951-1962
Select: Bliss, Robert Woods, 1951-1962
Bonner, Paul Hyde, 1953-1954
Select: Bonner, Paul Hyde, 1953-1954
Colin, Ralph F., 1952-1956
Select: Colin, Ralph F., 1952-1956
Cowles, Russell, 1951-1953
Select: Cowles, Russell, 1951-1953
Crosby, Sumner McK., 1951-1954
Select: Crosby, Sumner McK., 1951-1954
Defenbacher, Daniel S., 1951-1954
Select: Defenbacher, Daniel S., 1951-1954
de Menil, John, 1958-1965
Select: de Menil, John, 1958-1965
Fuller, Adelaide P., 1964-1966
Select: Fuller, Adelaide P., 1964-1966
Graves, Katharine I., 1961-1963
Select: Graves, Katharine I., 1961-1963
Hanna, Leonard, 1954-1958
Select: Hanna, Leonard, 1954-1958
d'Harnoncourt, René, 1951-1958
Select: d'Harnoncourt, René, 1951-1958
Haswell, Anthony, 1955
Select: Haswell, Anthony, 1955
Hayes, Bartlett H., Jr., 1951-1964
Select: Hayes, Bartlett H., Jr., 1951-1964
Hope, Henry R., 1951-1960
Select: Hope, Henry R., 1951-1960
Houghton, Arthur A., 1952-1956
Select: Houghton, Arthur A., 1952-1956
Iselin, Lewis, 1966
Select: Iselin, Lewis, 1966
Jarvis, Alan, 1960-1965
Select: Jarvis, Alan, 1960-1965
List, Vera G. (Mrs. Albert A.), 1959-1968
Select: List, Vera G. (Mrs. Albert A.), 1959-1968
Longwell, Daniel, 1952-1954; 1956--1961
Select: Longwell, Daniel, 1952-1954; 1956--1961
Ludgin, Earle, 1950-1954
Select: Ludgin, Earle, 1950-1954
Marcus, Stanley, 1952-1967
Select: Marcus, Stanley, 1952-1967
Maremont, Adele and Arnold, 1958-1968
Select: Maremont, Adele and Arnold, 1958-1968
Miller, Elizabeth F. (Mrs. Robert Watt), 1960-1964
Select: Miller, Elizabeth F. (Mrs. Robert Watt), 1960-1964
Murray, William C., 1957-1964
Select: Murray, William C., 1957-1964
Nagel, Charles, Jr., 1954-1966
Select: Nagel, Charles, Jr., 1954-1966
Olsen, Fred, 1958
Select: Olsen, Fred, 1958
Palmer, Fred L., 1955-1959
Select: Palmer, Fred L., 1955-1959
Pei, I. M., 1964-1966
Select: Pei, I. M., 1964-1966
Rentschler, Rita (Mrs. George A.), 1959-1961
Select: Rentschler, Rita (Mrs. George A.), 1959-1961
Rudd, Thomas Brown, 1951-1952
Select: Rudd, Thomas Brown, 1951-1952
Russell, Helen G. (Mrs. Henry P.), 1954-1966
Select: Russell, Helen G. (Mrs. Henry P.), 1954-1966
Saltonstall, Nathaniel, 1965
Select: Saltonstall, Nathaniel, 1965
Sawyer, Charles H., 1951-1956
Select: Sawyer, Charles H., 1951-1956
Schenck, Edgar C., 1959, undated
Select: Schenck, Edgar C., 1959, undated
Slocum, John J., 1964
Select: Slocum, John J., 1964
Smythe, Craig, 1954
Select: Smythe, Craig, 1954
Soby, James Thrall, 1950-1956
Select: Soby, James Thrall, 1950-1956
Stone, Edward D., 1960
Select: Stone, Edward D., 1960
Taylor, Francis Henry, 1951-1957
Select: Taylor, Francis Henry, 1951-1957
Tremaine, Emily Hall (Mrs. Burton G., Jr.), 1951-1953
Select: Tremaine, Emily Hall (Mrs. Burton G., Jr.), 1951-1953
Wintersteen, Bernice McIlhenny (Mrs. John), 1966
Select: Wintersteen, Bernice McIlhenny (Mrs. John), 1966
Zurcher, Suzette M., 1952-1962
Select: Zurcher, Suzette M., 1952-1962
Trustees, Memoranda to, 1951-1953
Select: Trustees, Memoranda to, 1951-1953
Trustees, Nominations, 1954-1960
Select: Trustees, Nominations, 1954-1960
Trustees, Photographs, undated
Select: Trustees, Photographs, undated
UNESCO, 1958-1961
Select: UNESCO, 1958-1961
U.S. Government Officials, 1959-1961
Select: U.S. Government Officials, 1959-1961
USIA-AFA Relations, Press Reactions, 1954-1956
Select: USIA-AFA Relations, Press Reactions, 1954-1956
W, General, 1953-1962
Select: W, General, 1953-1962
Woodstock Art Conference, "The Artist and the Museum,", 1950
Select: Woodstock Art Conference, "The Artist and the Museum,", 1950