Artists, Various, 1964-1972
Select: Artists, Various, 1964-1972
Artists, Various, 1967-1986
Select: Artists, Various, 1967-1986
Alexander, Pat, circa 1969-1972
Select: Alexander, Pat, circa 1969-1972 1 Film reel16mm Scope and Contents Motion picture film stored separately in film can numbered FC 43
Almaraz, Carlos, circa 1970-1972
Select: Almaraz, Carlos, circa 1970-1972
Aks, Lee, circa 1979-1988
Select: Aks, Lee, circa 1979-1988
Aman, Jane, 1972
Select: Aman, Jane, 1972
Anderson, Mark, cirda 1981
Select: Anderson, Mark, cirda 1981
Anderson, Warren, circa 1975-1985
Select: Anderson, Warren, circa 1975-1985
Andrews, Benny, circa 1969-circa 1978
Select: Andrews, Benny, circa 1969-circa 1978
Angell, Tony, circa 1974-1976
Select: Angell, Tony, circa 1974-1976
Anthonisen, George, circa 1972
Select: Anthonisen, George, circa 1972
Anton, Austin, 1969
Select: Anton, Austin, 1969
Asawa, Ruth, 1960-1963
Select: Asawa, Ruth, 1960-1963
Angerson, Philip, circa 1970s
Select: Angerson, Philip, circa 1970s
Azuma, Kenigro, 1961-1966
Select: Azuma, Kenigro, 1961-1966
Azuma, Norio, 1970-1972
Select: Azuma, Norio, 1970-1972
Baker, George, circa 1973
Select: Baker, George, circa 1973
Ball, George, 1969-1970
Select: Ball, George, 1969-1970
Barr, Diane, circa 1963
Select: Barr, Diane, circa 1963
Barrett, Barbara, circa 1985
Select: Barrett, Barbara, circa 1985
Barrun, Robert Brooks, circa 1970
Select: Barrun, Robert Brooks, circa 1970
Bauer, Richard, circa 1984-1989
Select: Bauer, Richard, circa 1984-1989
Becker, Dorothy, circa 1985
Select: Becker, Dorothy, circa 1985
Behar, Steve, circa 1987
Select: Behar, Steve, circa 1987
Belkin, Arnold, circa 1966-1975
Select: Belkin, Arnold, circa 1966-1975
Belzman, Steve, 1969
Select: Belzman, Steve, 1969
Benson, Bob, 1978-1979
Select: Benson, Bob, 1978-1979
Berger, Pat, 1968-1972
Select: Berger, Pat, 1968-1972
Berry, Glen, circa 1969-1971
Select: Berry, Glen, circa 1969-1971
Beveride, Dawn, 1985-1986
Select: Beveride, Dawn, 1985-1986
Biadu, Rosa, circa 1979
Select: Biadu, Rosa, circa 1979
Biagi, Giancarlo, 1989
Select: Biagi, Giancarlo, 1989
Bigelow, Peter, 1976-1981
Select: Bigelow, Peter, 1976-1981
Blanchard, Nancy, 1972-1973
Select: Blanchard, Nancy, 1972-1973
Block, Irving, circa 1963-1991
Select: Block, Irving, circa 1963-1991
Blum, Robert, 1970-1972
Select: Blum, Robert, 1970-1972
Blumenfeld, Triska, 1975-1981
Select: Blumenfeld, Triska, 1975-1981
Bobbit, Vernon, circa 1970-1972
Select: Bobbit, Vernon, circa 1970-1972
Bockus, Herman, 1966-1972
Select: Bockus, Herman, 1966-1972
Bogdanovich, Borislav, circa 1977
Select: Bogdanovich, Borislav, circa 1977
Bohanan, Gloria, 1970
Select: Bohanan, Gloria, 1970
Boijer, Willie, 1963-1966
Select: Boijer, Willie, 1963-1966
Book, Stan, 1968-1970
Select: Book, Stan, 1968-1970
Bosc, Ron, 1983
Select: Bosc, Ron, 1983
Bosworth, Robert, circa 1960-1966
Select: Bosworth, Robert, circa 1960-1966
Boyer, Marcia, 1962-1968
Select: Boyer, Marcia, 1962-1968
Brandstatter, Yehoshua, 1967-1975
Select: Brandstatter, Yehoshua, 1967-1975
Braun, Khyal, 1985-1986
Select: Braun, Khyal, 1985-1986
Bravo, Gustavo, 1968-1975
Select: Bravo, Gustavo, 1968-1975
Breger, Helen, 1966-1967
Select: Breger, Helen, 1966-1967
Breindel, Margaret, 1969-1975
Select: Breindel, Margaret, 1969-1975
Brigante, Nick, 1965
Select: Brigante, Nick, 1965
Brock, Kingsley, 1969-1970
Select: Brock, Kingsley, 1969-1970
Briggs, Lamar, circa 1979
Select: Briggs, Lamar, circa 1979
Buff, Conrad, 1975-1976
Select: Buff, Conrad, 1975-1976
Bukovnik, Gary Allan, 1985-1986
Select: Bukovnik, Gary Allan, 1985-1986
Burkee, Jill, 1989
Select: Burkee, Jill, 1989
Burkhardt, Hans, 1961
Select: Burkhardt, Hans, 1961
Campbell, Gary, 1988-1992
Select: Campbell, Gary, 1988-1992
Caravaglia, Angelo, 1968-1990
Select: Caravaglia, Angelo, 1968-1990
Carbajal, Ricardo, 1972
Select: Carbajal, Ricardo, 1972
Carmel, Mordehay, 1973-1976
Select: Carmel, Mordehay, 1973-1976
Carter, Glenn, 1992-1994
Select: Carter, Glenn, 1992-1994
Caryl, Naomi, 1962-1989
Select: Caryl, Naomi, 1962-1989
Caryl, Naomi, 1962-1989
Select: Caryl, Naomi, 1962-1989
Casady, Dorthea, 1970-1979
Select: Casady, Dorthea, 1970-1979
Casey, Bernie, 1964-1991
Select: Casey, Bernie, 1964-1991
Castro, Mary Helen, 1971
Select: Castro, Mary Helen, 1971
Chann, George, circa 1966-1973
Select: Chann, George, circa 1966-1973
Chann, George, circa 1966-1973
Select: Chann, George, circa 1966-1973
Chase, William, 1966
Select: Chase, William, 1966
Clark, Nita, circa 1970s
Select: Clark, Nita, circa 1970s
Clark, Vijali, 1971
Select: Clark, Vijali, 1971
Cleary, Joe, 1985
Select: Cleary, Joe, 1985
Cloud, Frank, 1968-1969
Select: Cloud, Frank, 1968-1969
Coblentz, Jean, 1966
Select: Coblentz, Jean, 1966
Colburn, Sam, 1974
Select: Colburn, Sam, 1974
Colescott, Robert, 1961-1962
Select: Colescott, Robert, 1961-1962
Concholar, Dan, 1978
Select: Concholar, Dan, 1978
Cone, Marianne, 1987-1989
Select: Cone, Marianne, 1987-1989
Conrad, Paul, 1978-1981
Select: Conrad, Paul, 1978-1981
Conwell, Craig, undated
Select: Conwell, Craig, undated
Cook, Marianna, 1979-1991
Select: Cook, Marianna, 1979-1991
Cook, Marianna, 1981-1994
Select: Cook, Marianna, 1981-1994
Cooper, Ron, 1967
Select: Cooper, Ron, 1967
Cornell, Pamela, 1974-1975
Select: Cornell, Pamela, 1974-1975
Craig, James, 1964-1966
Select: Craig, James, 1964-1966
Crown, Keith, 1984-1989
Select: Crown, Keith, 1984-1989
Crutchfield, William, 1964-1966
Select: Crutchfield, William, 1964-1966
Cuevas, Jose Luis, 1970-1975
Select: Cuevas, Jose Luis, 1970-1975
Currant, Nanda, 1984-1987
Select: Currant, Nanda, 1984-1987
Dai-Chen, Chang, Catalogue of Artwork, circa 1973-circa 1979
Select: Dai-Chen, Chang, Catalogue of Artwork, circa 1973-circa 1979
Dai-Chien, Chang, Correspondence, 1973-1975
Select: Dai-Chien, Chang, Correspondence, 1973-1975
Dai-Chen, Chang, Exhibition Lists and Accounts, 1973-1979
Select: Dai-Chen, Chang, Exhibition Lists and Accounts, 1973-1979
Dai-Chen, Chang, Invoices and Receipts, 1971-1979
Select: Dai-Chen, Chang, Invoices and Receipts, 1971-1979
Dai-Chen, Chang, Printed Material, circa 1972-1979
Select: Dai-Chen, Chang, Printed Material, circa 1972-1979
Dai-Chien, Chang, Photographic Material, circa 1970s
Select: Dai-Chien, Chang, Photographic Material, circa 1970s Scope and Contents Includes photos of Chang Dai-Chien at the 1973 exhibition with Joan and David Ankrum, Irving Bloch, William Chakeem, Suzanne Jackson, and others.
Dail, Sukhdev, 1969-1971
Select: Dail, Sukhdev, 1969-1971
D'Almeida, George, 1969-1980
Select: D'Almeida, George, 1969-1980
Darricarrere, Roger, 1968-1969
Select: Darricarrere, Roger, 1968-1969
Davis, Barton, 1971
Select: Davis, Barton, 1971
De Larios, Dora, circa 1985
Select: De Larios, Dora, circa 1985
Delgado, Roberto, 1983-1986
Select: Delgado, Roberto, 1983-1986
Delman, Sherman, 1963
Select: Delman, Sherman, 1963
DeMille, Agnes, 1968
Select: DeMille, Agnes, 1968
De Nicola, Ruth, 1985-1986
Select: De Nicola, Ruth, 1985-1986
De Silva, Vernell, 1976-1980
Select: De Silva, Vernell, 1976-1980
De Vine, Mary Ann, 1984-1991
Select: De Vine, Mary Ann, 1984-1991
Dietrich, Henry, circa 1965-1969
Select: Dietrich, Henry, circa 1965-1969
Dietz, Gundi, 1985-1987
Select: Dietz, Gundi, 1985-1987
Dillbohner, Christel, 1987
Select: Dillbohner, Christel, 1987
Dingus, Marita, 1987-1989
Select: Dingus, Marita, 1987-1989
Dintenfass, Terry, 1963-1964
Select: Dintenfass, Terry, 1963-1964
Dixon, Maynard, 1975
Select: Dixon, Maynard, 1975
Donati, Enrico, 1976-1979
Select: Donati, Enrico, 1976-1979
Dudley, Nelson, circa 1968
Select: Dudley, Nelson, circa 1968
Duning, Richard, 1983-1986
Select: Duning, Richard, 1983-1986
Duveneck, Frank, 1979-1989
Select: Duveneck, Frank, 1979-1989
Dyne, Michael, 1970-1986
Select: Dyne, Michael, 1970-1986
Edberg, Ingeborg, 1984-1985
Select: Edberg, Ingeborg, 1984-1985
Eisenstein, Grace, 1970
Select: Eisenstein, Grace, 1970
Elie, Paul, 1986-1989
Select: Elie, Paul, 1986-1989
Ellwood, Craig, 1965-1966
Select: Ellwood, Craig, 1965-1966
Englert, Tim, 1987
Select: Englert, Tim, 1987
Ernst, Max, 1976
Select: Ernst, Max, 1976
Farley, Shawn, 1986-1990
Select: Farley, Shawn, 1986-1990
Farrin, Margo, 1969-1970
Select: Farrin, Margo, 1969-1970
Fathwinter, 1962
Select: Fathwinter, 1962
Faulkner, Adele, 1965-1969
Select: Faulkner, Adele, 1965-1969
Feitelson, Lorser, circa 1966
Select: Feitelson, Lorser, circa 1966
Filcer, Luis, 1965
Select: Filcer, Luis, 1965
Finch, Dennis, 1973
Select: Finch, Dennis, 1973
Finnell, Michael, 1974
Select: Finnell, Michael, 1974
Flancer, Ludwig, 1974-1975
Select: Flancer, Ludwig, 1974-1975
Frame, Robert, 1986
Select: Frame, Robert, 1986
Frank, Julian, circa 1965
Select: Frank, Julian, circa 1965
Friedman, Mitchell, 1987-1989
Select: Friedman, Mitchell, 1987-1989
Gabotto, Luis, 1983-1986
Select: Gabotto, Luis, 1983-1986
Geib, Dona, 1986
Select: Geib, Dona, 1986
Gerard, Francoise, 1979
Select: Gerard, Francoise, 1979
Giacometti, Alberto, circa 1981
Select: Giacometti, Alberto, circa 1981
Goedike, Shirl, 1963-1988
Select: Goedike, Shirl, 1963-1988 Scope and Contents Oversized material housed in Box 41
Goldman, Ken, 1979-1991
Select: Goldman, Ken, 1979-1991
Gonzalez, Hector, 1962-1972
Select: Gonzalez, Hector, 1962-1972
Graziani, Sante, 1966-1972
Select: Graziani, Sante, 1966-1972
Greenfield, Yitzhak, 1976
Select: Greenfield, Yitzhak, 1976
Griffin, David, 1988-1989
Select: Griffin, David, 1988-1989
Gronan, Philip, 1989
Select: Gronan, Philip, 1989
Grooms, Red, 1974-1975
Select: Grooms, Red, 1974-1975
Groth, Bruno, 1963-1988
Select: Groth, Bruno, 1963-1988
Groth, Nita, 1974-1989
Select: Groth, Nita, 1974-1989
Gunnar, Norman, 1980-1981
Select: Gunnar, Norman, 1980-1981
Hartman, Don, 1972-1978
Select: Hartman, Don, 1972-1978
Heidel, Frederick, 1986-1987
Select: Heidel, Frederick, 1986-1987
Heifetz, Milton, 1988-1989
Select: Heifetz, Milton, 1988-1989
Hensel, Susan, 1990-1991
Select: Hensel, Susan, 1990-1991
Heinze, Gus, 1982-1983
Select: Heinze, Gus, 1982-1983
Herschler, David, 1969-1977
Select: Herschler, David, 1969-1977
Herschler, David, circa 1970s-1976
Select: Herschler, David, circa 1970s-1976
Hertel, Susan, circa 1981-circa 1991
Select: Hertel, Susan, circa 1981-circa 1991
Herzog, Minerva, 1982
Select: Herzog, Minerva, 1982
Homer, Jessie, circa 1976-1990
Select: Homer, Jessie, circa 1976-1990
Howell, Elizabeth, 1986-1990
Select: Howell, Elizabeth, 1986-1990
Huntington, Charles, circa 1974
Select: Huntington, Charles, circa 1974
Ihara, Michio, 1980-1981
Select: Ihara, Michio, 1980-1981
Ilyin, Boris, circa 1986-1989
Select: Ilyin, Boris, circa 1986-1989
Imus, Keith, 1975
Select: Imus, Keith, 1975
Indermaur, Robert, 1986-1987
Select: Indermaur, Robert, 1986-1987
Jackson, Suzanne, Biographies, 1970-1974
Select: Jackson, Suzanne, Biographies, 1970-1974
Jackson, Suzanne, Correspondence, 1970-1989
Select: Jackson, Suzanne, Correspondence, 1970-1989
Jackson, Suzanne, Exhibitions and Loans, 1975-1989
Select: Jackson, Suzanne, Exhibitions and Loans, 1975-1989
Jackson, Suzanne, Financial Material, 1970-1984
Select: Jackson, Suzanne, Financial Material, 1970-1984
Jackson, Suzanne, Clippings and Publicity, 1970-1975
Select: Jackson, Suzanne, Clippings and Publicity, 1970-1975
Jackson, Suzanne, Exhibition Announcements, 1970-1985
Select: Jackson, Suzanne, Exhibition Announcements, 1970-1985
Jackson, Suzanne, Essence magazines, 1974-1975
Select: Jackson, Suzanne, Essence magazines, 1974-1975
Jackson, Suzanne, Photographic Material, circa 1970-1074
Select: Jackson, Suzanne, Photographic Material, circa 1970-1074
Jacob, Ray, 1985-1988
Select: Jacob, Ray, 1985-1988
Jacobi, Kathryn, circa 1980-circa 1989
Select: Jacobi, Kathryn, circa 1980-circa 1989
Jain, Ravi, 1970-1979
Select: Jain, Ravi, 1970-1979
Jefferson, Gary, circa 1984-1986
Select: Jefferson, Gary, circa 1984-1986
Johnson, Buffie, circa 1980-1982
Select: Johnson, Buffie, circa 1980-1982
Johnson, Mac, undated
Select: Johnson, Mac, undated
Johnson, Oliver, 1979-1980
Select: Johnson, Oliver, 1979-1980
Jordan, Conrad, 1970
Select: Jordan, Conrad, 1970
Jordy, Michael, 1977-1979
Select: Jordy, Michael, 1977-1979
Kane, Bob, 1968-1990
Select: Kane, Bob, 1968-1990
Kanemitsu, 1970
Select: Kanemitsu, 1970
Karoy, K., circa 1987
Select: Karoy, K., circa 1987
Karpel, Eli, 1968-1988
Select: Karpel, Eli, 1968-1988
Kepenyes, Pal, 1964-1965
Select: Kepenyes, Pal, 1964-1965
Kestenbaum, Lothar, circa 1961-1966
Select: Kestenbaum, Lothar, circa 1961-1966
Kim, Tschang-Yeul, 1978-1981
Select: Kim, Tschang-Yeul, 1978-1981
Kipniss, Robert, 1961-1965
Select: Kipniss, Robert, 1961-1965
Kirszencwajg, Sam, circa 1970
Select: Kirszencwajg, Sam, circa 1970
Kisch, Gloria, 1969-1971
Select: Kisch, Gloria, 1969-1971
Kleanthis (Clyde Baxter), circa 1965
Select: Kleanthis (Clyde Baxter), circa 1965
Kleinert, Peter, circa 1960-circa 1980
Select: Kleinert, Peter, circa 1960-circa 1980
Kline, Franz, 1972
Select: Kline, Franz, 1972
Knutson, Rod, 1983-1984
Select: Knutson, Rod, 1983-1984
Koblick, Freda, 1969
Select: Koblick, Freda, 1969
Kondos, Gregory, 1973-1975
Select: Kondos, Gregory, 1973-1975
Kovarsky, Yehoshua, 1957-1965
Select: Kovarsky, Yehoshua, 1957-1965
Kramer, Albert, 1968-1974
Select: Kramer, Albert, 1968-1974
Krauss, Anthony, circa 1986-1993
Select: Krauss, Anthony, circa 1986-1993
Kreitzer, David, 1968-1987
Select: Kreitzer, David, 1968-1987
Kroll, Rolfe, 1974-1975
Select: Kroll, Rolfe, 1974-1975
Kristianson, Linda, 1971-1974
Select: Kristianson, Linda, 1971-1974
Kuper, Rose, 1968-1972
Select: Kuper, Rose, 1968-1972
Kussoy, Bernice, circa 1961-1964
Select: Kussoy, Bernice, circa 1961-1964
Kussoy, Bernice, circa 1961-1984
Select: Kussoy, Bernice, circa 1961-1984
Kyle, George, 1982-1986
Select: Kyle, George, 1982-1986
Labby, Sherman, 1968-1970
Select: Labby, Sherman, 1968-1970
Laborice, Hugo, 1984-1986
Select: Laborice, Hugo, 1984-1986
La Duke, Betty, 1968-1970
Select: La Duke, Betty, 1968-1970
Laidman, Roberta, 1970
Select: Laidman, Roberta, 1970
Lande, Henry, 1974-1975
Select: Lande, Henry, 1974-1975
Lane, Doyle - Bio, Invoices, 1964-1966
Select: Lane, Doyle - Bio, Invoices, 1964-1966
Lane, Doyle - Invoices, 1966-1967
Select: Lane, Doyle - Invoices, 1966-1967
Lane, Doyle - Photographs, circa 1965
Select: Lane, Doyle - Photographs, circa 1965
Lanes, Gretchen, 1987-1994
Select: Lanes, Gretchen, 1987-1994
Larson, Lynn, 1984
Select: Larson, Lynn, 1984
Lawrence, Jacob, circa 1974
Select: Lawrence, Jacob, circa 1974
Lawrence, Michael, circa 1975
Select: Lawrence, Michael, circa 1975
Lazarevich, Emil, 1961-1965
Select: Lazarevich, Emil, 1961-1965
Lazarevich, Emil, circa 1962-1990
Select: Lazarevich, Emil, circa 1962-1990
Lebrun, Rico, 1964
Select: Lebrun, Rico, 1964
Lessing, Janel, 1962-1968
Select: Lessing, Janel, 1962-1968
Levine, Edward, circa 1975
Select: Levine, Edward, circa 1975
Levine, Eleanor, 1970
Select: Levine, Eleanor, 1970
Lewis, Samella, 1968-1976
Select: Lewis, Samella, 1968-1976
Lidow, Leza, circa 1980-1989
Select: Lidow, Leza, circa 1980-1989
Lieberman, Harry, circa 1968-1991
Select: Lieberman, Harry, circa 1968-1991
Lieberman, Harry, circa 1965-1991
Select: Lieberman, Harry, circa 1965-1991
Liu, Kuo-Sung, 1963-1973
Select: Liu, Kuo-Sung, 1963-1973
Loew, David, 1962-1972
Select: Loew, David, 1962-1972
Logan, Gene, circa 1969-1990
Select: Logan, Gene, circa 1969-1990
Lowe, Marilyn, circa 1974-1990
Select: Lowe, Marilyn, circa 1974-1990
Lucas, Hank, 1970-1971
Select: Lucas, Hank, 1970-1971
Lumpkins, William, 1965-1968
Select: Lumpkins, William, 1965-1968
Lundeberg, Helen, 1963-1968
Select: Lundeberg, Helen, 1963-1968
Lundeberg, Helen, 1963-1968
Select: Lundeberg, Helen, 1963-1968
Lundeberg, Helen, 1962-1967
Select: Lundeberg, Helen, 1962-1967
Lundeberg, Helen, 1963-1968
Select: Lundeberg, Helen, 1963-1968
Lundeberg, Helen, 1963-1968
Select: Lundeberg, Helen, 1963-1968
MacDonald, James, 1961-1962
Select: MacDonald, James, 1961-1962
MacLsay, Jean, 1968
Select: MacLsay, Jean, 1968
MacWeeney, Leslie, 1961-1963
Select: MacWeeney, Leslie, 1961-1963
Mancini, John, 1967
Select: Mancini, John, 1967
Mandel, Trude, 1986-1987
Select: Mandel, Trude, 1986-1987
Manley, Phyllis, circa 1970-1991
Select: Manley, Phyllis, circa 1970-1991
Marcus, Marcia, 1974
Select: Marcus, Marcia, 1974
Marin, Sutter, circa 1961
Select: Marin, Sutter, circa 1961
Maring, Andrew, 1969-1970
Select: Maring, Andrew, 1969-1970
Marshall, Kathleen, 1984-1988
Select: Marshall, Kathleen, 1984-1988
Martir, Agustin Ramos, 1974-1975
Select: Martir, Agustin Ramos, 1974-1975
Martin, Johnathan, 1987-1989
Select: Martin, Johnathan, 1987-1989
Marx, Marcia, 1969-1971
Select: Marx, Marcia, 1969-1971
Masteller, Barry, 1984-1986
Select: Masteller, Barry, 1984-1986
Matthews, Martha, 1984-1988
Select: Matthews, Martha, 1984-1988
Mayers, Gary, circa 1983-1989
Select: Mayers, Gary, circa 1983-1989
McCabe, Lawrence, 1974
Select: McCabe, Lawrence, 1974
McClure, Tom, 1983-1987
Select: McClure, Tom, 1983-1987
McIntyre, Ronald, circa 1988
Select: McIntyre, Ronald, circa 1988
McKiernan, Janet, circa 1987
Select: McKiernan, Janet, circa 1987
McLarty, Barbara, 1961
Select: McLarty, Barbara, 1961
Melikian, Mary, 1970-1972
Select: Melikian, Mary, 1970-1972
Mesches, Arnold, 1964-1967
Select: Mesches, Arnold, 1964-1967
Micossi, Mario, 1976-1978
Select: Micossi, Mario, 1976-1978
Miller, Henry, 1962-1963
Select: Miller, Henry, 1962-1963
Millier, Arthur, circa 1960-1974
Select: Millier, Arthur, circa 1960-1974
Millier, Arthur, Negatives of Artwork, circa 1960-circa 1970
Select: Millier, Arthur, Negatives of Artwork, circa 1960-circa 1970
Mitchel, Clark, 1984
Select: Mitchel, Clark, 1984
Mooney, Malcolm, 1986-1989
Select: Mooney, Malcolm, 1986-1989
Moore, Elena, 1966-1969
Select: Moore, Elena, 1966-1969
Morales, Maurice, 1975-1976
Select: Morales, Maurice, 1975-1976
Moreno, Miguel, 1981
Select: Moreno, Miguel, 1981
Moseley, Spencer, 1961-1964
Select: Moseley, Spencer, 1961-1964
Munselle, Peter, 1986-1987
Select: Munselle, Peter, 1986-1987
Nagai, Iku, 1984-1985
Select: Nagai, Iku, 1984-1985
Nagano, Karen, 1983-1985
Select: Nagano, Karen, 1983-1985
Navarro, Josep, circa 1983-1990
Select: Navarro, Josep, circa 1983-1990
Nelson, Andy, circa 1965-1993
Select: Nelson, Andy, circa 1965-1993 Includes 2 film reels (super 8 mm) Scope and Contents Motion picture film stored separately in film cans numbered FC 44-45
Nelson-Tsukamoto, Keiko, circa 1983
Select: Nelson-Tsukamoto, Keiko, circa 1983
Nesbitt, John, 1972
Select: Nesbitt, John, 1972
Newcombe, Warren, 1974-1975
Select: Newcombe, Warren, 1974-1975
Nivola, Constantino, 1965
Select: Nivola, Constantino, 1965
Newell, Gordon, 1986-1987
Select: Newell, Gordon, 1986-1987
Obermayr, Raymond, 1972-1974
Select: Obermayr, Raymond, 1972-1974
Oda, Mayumi, 1974-1982
Select: Oda, Mayumi, 1974-1982
Okimoto, Jerry Tsukio, circa 1986
Select: Okimoto, Jerry Tsukio, circa 1986
Olsen, Pomm, circa 1984
Select: Olsen, Pomm, circa 1984
O'Mara, Michael, 1983-1989
Select: O'Mara, Michael, 1983-1989
Onno, Mai, 1961-1966
Select: Onno, Mai, 1961-1966
Orban, Desiderius, 1964-1966
Select: Orban, Desiderius, 1964-1966
Organ, Elizabeth, 1983-1984
Select: Organ, Elizabeth, 1983-1984
Oxley, Harold, 1969
Select: Oxley, Harold, 1969
Overstreet, Joe, circa 1967-1972
Select: Overstreet, Joe, circa 1967-1972
Pace, Gloria, undated
Select: Pace, Gloria, undated
Padovano, Anthony, 1970-1972
Select: Padovano, Anthony, 1970-1972
Pajand, William, 1968
Select: Pajand, William, 1968
Paladin, David, 1969
Select: Paladin, David, 1969
Parkinson, Ariel, 1962-1963
Select: Parkinson, Ariel, 1962-1963
Pendergast, Marguerite, 1970-1973
Select: Pendergast, Marguerite, 1970-1973
Peraza, Humberto, 1965-1966
Select: Peraza, Humberto, 1965-1966
Pereny, Madeline, 1970-1971
Select: Pereny, Madeline, 1970-1971
Peter, Dean, 1970-1974
Select: Peter, Dean, 1970-1974
Petersen, Harold, 1975-1976
Select: Petersen, Harold, 1975-1976
Petersen, Roland, 1986
Select: Petersen, Roland, 1986
Peterson, Kerrie, 1986-1987
Select: Peterson, Kerrie, 1986-1987
Picasso, Pablo, 1968
Select: Picasso, Pablo, 1968
Pickerill, Bill, 1981
Select: Pickerill, Bill, 1981
Plazzotta, Enzo, 1977-1979
Select: Plazzotta, Enzo, 1977-1979
Pongdam, Prayat, undated
Select: Pongdam, Prayat, undated
Posa, Andrew, 1985
Select: Posa, Andrew, 1985
Powell, Fred, circa 1983
Select: Powell, Fred, circa 1983
Price, Joe, circa 1977-1989
Select: Price, Joe, circa 1977-1989
Prins, Pierre, circa 1974
Select: Prins, Pierre, circa 1974
Prochazka, Oldrich, 1984-1985
Select: Prochazka, Oldrich, 1984-1985
Rahmi, Bedri Eyuboglu, 1962-1969
Select: Rahmi, Bedri Eyuboglu, 1962-1969
Rattner, Abraham, 1961-1964
Select: Rattner, Abraham, 1961-1964
Reed, Jim, 1978
Select: Reed, Jim, 1978
Remfry, David, 1979-1992
Select: Remfry, David, 1979-1992
Remfry, David, circa 1979-1992
Select: Remfry, David, circa 1979-1992
"Rhino Horn Group", 1970-1974
Select: "Rhino Horn Group", 1970-1974
Riccio, Joseph, 1968-1969
Select: Riccio, Joseph, 1968-1969
Riddle, John, 1968
Select: Riddle, John, 1968
Riggle, Alan, 1968-1970
Select: Riggle, Alan, 1968-1970
Robinson, Douglas, 1974-1986
Select: Robinson, Douglas, 1974-1986
Robinson, Leo, circa 1975
Select: Robinson, Leo, circa 1975
Rocchia, Peter, 1970-1972
Select: Rocchia, Peter, 1970-1972
Rogers, Peter, 1973
Select: Rogers, Peter, 1973
Rose, Jean, 1979-1990
Select: Rose, Jean, 1979-1990
Rosenak, Carol, circa 1985-1990
Select: Rosenak, Carol, circa 1985-1990
Rosenbaum, John, 1972
Select: Rosenbaum, John, 1972
Rousseau, Irene, 1969-1971
Select: Rousseau, Irene, 1969-1971
Rubadoux, Craig, 1979-1982
Select: Rubadoux, Craig, 1979-1982
Russell, James, 1979-1990
Select: Russell, James, 1979-1990
Saar, Betty, 1966-1967
Select: Saar, Betty, 1966-1967
Sanso, 1966-1974
Select: Sanso, 1966-1974
Sawka, Jan, circa 1976-1985
Select: Sawka, Jan, circa 1976-1985
Schirmer, Raffaela, 1980-1989
Select: Schirmer, Raffaela, 1980-1989
Schmeider, Carla, 1970
Select: Schmeider, Carla, 1970
Schuler, Melvin, 1966-1987
Select: Schuler, Melvin, 1966-1987
Schuler, Melvin, circa 1967-1989
Select: Schuler, Melvin, circa 1967-1989
Schurman, Mary, 1985-1990
Select: Schurman, Mary, 1985-1990
Schwaderer, Fritz, Correspondence and Price Lists, circa 1960-1986
Select: Schwaderer, Fritz, Correspondence and Price Lists, circa 1960-1986
Schwaderer, Fritz, Invoices, 1963-1971, 1987
Select: Schwaderer, Fritz, Invoices, 1963-1971, 1987
Schwaderer, Fritz, Printed Material, circa 1964-1969
Select: Schwaderer, Fritz, Printed Material, circa 1964-1969
Schwaderer, Fritz, Photographic Material, circa 1962-1970
Select: Schwaderer, Fritz, Photographic Material, circa 1962-1970
Schwartz, Leonard, 1971-1974
Select: Schwartz, Leonard, 1971-1974
Schoeberlein, Liz, 1968-1974
Select: Schoeberlein, Liz, 1968-1974
Scott, Jane Wooster, General, circa 1972-1986
Select: Scott, Jane Wooster, General, circa 1972-1986
Scott, Jane Wooster, Invoices and Accounts, 1973-1975
Select: Scott, Jane Wooster, Invoices and Accounts, 1973-1975
Scott, Jane Wooster, Photographs, circa 1973-1986
Select: Scott, Jane Wooster, Photographs, circa 1973-1986
Scoville, Jonathan, 1969-1973
Select: Scoville, Jonathan, 1969-1973
Secunda, Arthur, circa 1962-1967
Select: Secunda, Arthur, circa 1962-1967
Seldis, Edward, 1965-1967
Select: Seldis, Edward, 1965-1967
Seeholzer, Werner, 1974-1977
Select: Seeholzer, Werner, 1974-1977
Seyle, Robert - Biographical Summaries and Addresses, circa 1962-1975
Select: Seyle, Robert - Biographical Summaries and Addresses, circa 1962-1975
Seyle, Robert - Correspondence, 1966-1970
Select: Seyle, Robert - Correspondence, 1966-1970
Seyle, Robert - Correspondence, 1971-1978
Select: Seyle, Robert - Correspondence, 1971-1978
Seyle, Robert - Invoices, circa 1968-1989
Select: Seyle, Robert - Invoices, circa 1968-1989
Seyle, Robert - Invoices, circa 1966-1990
Select: Seyle, Robert - Invoices, circa 1966-1990
Seyle, Robert - Invoices, 1966-1972
Select: Seyle, Robert - Invoices, 1966-1972
Seyle, Robert - Photographic Material, circa 1962-1978
Select: Seyle, Robert - Photographic Material, circa 1962-1978
Seyle, Robert - Photographic Material, circa 1962-1992
Select: Seyle, Robert - Photographic Material, circa 1962-1992
Seyle, Robert - Printed Material, 1966-1978
Select: Seyle, Robert - Printed Material, 1966-1978
Shahn, Ben, 1971-1976
Select: Shahn, Ben, 1971-1976
Shang, Stewart, 1983
Select: Shang, Stewart, 1983
Shapiro, Brian, 1981
Select: Shapiro, Brian, 1981
Shepherd, William, 1984
Select: Shepherd, William, 1984
Sheridan, Noel, 1962
Select: Sheridan, Noel, 1962
Shiokava, Kenzi, 1972
Select: Shiokava, Kenzi, 1972
Shores, Ken, 1970-1972
Select: Shores, Ken, 1970-1972
Showalter, Max, 1974-1975
Select: Showalter, Max, 1974-1975
Silverman, Jack, 1975-1980
Select: Silverman, Jack, 1975-1980
Siro (Harvey Shapiro), 1984-1986
Select: Siro (Harvey Shapiro), 1984-1986
Smith, Howard, 1972
Select: Smith, Howard, 1972
Smith, James Steel, 1972
Select: Smith, James Steel, 1972
Snooks, A. Nancy, 1971-1973
Select: Snooks, A. Nancy, 1971-1973
Sontag, Chris, 1969
Select: Sontag, Chris, 1969
Spencer, Jeffrey, 1976-1984
Select: Spencer, Jeffrey, 1976-1984
Starbird, Kenneth, 1969-1970
Select: Starbird, Kenneth, 1969-1970
Steele, Emily, 1974-1990
Select: Steele, Emily, 1974-1990
Stein, Mari, 1978-1984
Select: Stein, Mari, 1978-1984
Steinberg, Ruben, 1969-1974
Select: Steinberg, Ruben, 1969-1974
Steiner, Florian, 1971
Select: Steiner, Florian, 1971
Stern, Jan Peter, circa 1966-1969
Select: Stern, Jan Peter, circa 1966-1969
Stern, Geraldine, 1971
Select: Stern, Geraldine, 1971
Stringer, Terry, circa 1982-circa 1990
Select: Stringer, Terry, circa 1982-circa 1990
Suby, Alain, 1966
Select: Suby, Alain, 1966
Sugano, Juzo, 1968
Select: Sugano, Juzo, 1968
Swenson, Karl, 1972-1974
Select: Swenson, Karl, 1972-1974
Swiggett, Jean, 1984-1987
Select: Swiggett, Jean, 1984-1987
Takayama, Michio, 1967
Select: Takayama, Michio, 1967
Tanner, Henry O., 1973
Select: Tanner, Henry O., 1973
Temple, Brooke, 1968-1969
Select: Temple, Brooke, 1968-1969
Tessler, Bennie, 1980
Select: Tessler, Bennie, 1980
Thall, Victor, 1976
Select: Thall, Victor, 1976
Thompson, Leland, 1969-1970
Select: Thompson, Leland, 1969-1970
Tidball, John, 1971
Select: Tidball, John, 1971
Tichy, Andrea, 1985
Select: Tichy, Andrea, 1985
Tobey, Mark, 1962-1980
Select: Tobey, Mark, 1962-1980
Tobias, Robert, 1981-1987
Select: Tobias, Robert, 1981-1987
Tobias, Susa Frost, 1985-1987
Select: Tobias, Susa Frost, 1985-1987
Tomasch, Elmer, 1962-1965
Select: Tomasch, Elmer, 1962-1965
Tribe, Barbara, 1985-1986
Select: Tribe, Barbara, 1985-1986
Trigg, Leota, 1968-1969
Select: Trigg, Leota, 1968-1969
Trissel, James, 1976-1979
Select: Trissel, James, 1976-1979
Tsuchidana, Harry, 1966
Select: Tsuchidana, Harry, 1966
Turner, Charles, 1982
Select: Turner, Charles, 1982
Ulrich, undated
Select: Ulrich, undated
Upshaw, Lucius, 1986
Select: Upshaw, Lucius, 1986
Van der Heide, Kathinka, 1986-1987
Select: Van der Heide, Kathinka, 1986-1987
Van Muejen, Peter, 1969
Select: Van Muejen, Peter, 1969
Van Wagoner, Dick, 1970
Select: Van Wagoner, Dick, 1970
Varda, Jean, 1959-1991
Select: Varda, Jean, 1959-1991
Varner, Kraig, 1987-1991
Select: Varner, Kraig, 1987-1991
Vernon, Alex, 1969-1971
Select: Vernon, Alex, 1969-1971
Virgona, Hank, 1973-1974
Select: Virgona, Hank, 1973-1974
Vitale, Anne, 1985-1986
Select: Vitale, Anne, 1985-1986
Von Wattenwyl, Peter, 1980
Select: Von Wattenwyl, Peter, 1980
Vu, Michel, 1982
Select: Vu, Michel, 1982
Wakeham, Duane, circa 1974-1988
Select: Wakeham, Duane, circa 1974-1988
Warne, William, 1979-1985
Select: Warne, William, 1979-1985
Washington, Timothy, 1970
Select: Washington, Timothy, 1970
Weber, Stephanie, 1970
Select: Weber, Stephanie, 1970
Weidman, Phil, 1965-1967
Select: Weidman, Phil, 1965-1967
Weimerskirch, Robert, circa 1970-1990
Select: Weimerskirch, Robert, circa 1970-1990
Weisbrich, Les, 1977
Select: Weisbrich, Les, 1977
Weiss, Stephan, 1982-1984
Select: Weiss, Stephan, 1982-1984
Wheelden, Michael, circa 1987-1990
Select: Wheelden, Michael, circa 1987-1990
Wheeler, James, 1983-1985
Select: Wheeler, James, 1983-1985
Wight, Frederick, 1965-1970
Select: Wight, Frederick, 1965-1970
Winters, Jonathan, circa 1973-1974
Select: Winters, Jonathan, circa 1973-1974
Wrege, Ernest, 1984-1990
Select: Wrege, Ernest, 1984-1990
Wright, Bill, 1979
Select: Wright, Bill, 1979
Wyatt, Richard, 1977-1979
Select: Wyatt, Richard, 1977-1979
Yoakum, Delmer, 1978-1979
Select: Yoakum, Delmer, 1978-1979
Young, Ronald D., 1984-1987
Select: Young, Ronald D., 1984-1987
Zadikian, Zadik, 1971
Select: Zadikian, Zadik, 1971
Zajac, Jack, 1981
Select: Zajac, Jack, 1981
Zar, Jim, 1973
Select: Zar, Jim, 1973
Ziegler, Laura, 1974-1986
Select: Ziegler, Laura, 1974-1986
Zev, circa 1968-1971
Select: Zev, circa 1968-1971
Zimmerman, Bernard, 1962-1964
Select: Zimmerman, Bernard, 1962-1964
Zimmerman, Bernard, 1964-1966
Select: Zimmerman, Bernard, 1964-1966
Zupan, Bruno, 1973-1974
Select: Zupan, Bruno, 1973-1974
Oversized Material, Shirl Goedike, from Box 9, Folders 23-37
Select: Oversized Material, Shirl Goedike, from Box 9, Folders 23-37
One Woman Show, 1969
Select: One Woman Show, 1969 1 Film reel16mm Scope and Contents Note on reel: 1969, 1 Woman Show. Other side of reel: Pat Alexander, 16 mm, Ulva Alberts, 9 Mariel, Release Print II. Tail leader: "Sculpture" Tails.
Ankrum Gallery (copy 1)
Select: Ankrum Gallery (copy 1) 1 Film reelSuper8 Scope and Contents On film box: Ankrum Gallery, 1. On spine: Andy Nelson recorded at 24-
Ankrum Gallery (copy 2)
Select: Ankrum Gallery (copy 2) 1 Film reelSuper8 Scope and Contents On film box: Mr. Nelson 2. On spine: Andy Nelson - Recorded at 24