Agenda for Collaborative Council Meeting (Aug. 18, 1937), 1937
Select: Agenda for Collaborative Council Meeting (Aug. 18, 1937), 1937
Artists Coordination Committee, 1936-1937
Select: Artists Coordination Committee, 1936-1937
Board of Design Chairman, Stephen F. Voorhees, 1936-1937
Select: Board of Design Chairman, Stephen F. Voorhees, 1936-1937
Bulletins, 1936
Select: Bulletins, 1936
Clippings, 1936-1937
Select: Clippings, 1936-1937
Collaborative Council After Jan. 31, 1936, 1936
Select: Collaborative Council After Jan. 31, 1936, 1936
Collaborative Council
Select: Collaborative Council
Booklets Returned From World's Fair Office, 1937-1939
Select: Booklets Returned From World's Fair Office, 1937-1939
Chairman, A.F. Brinckerhoff, 1937
Select: Chairman, A.F. Brinckerhoff, 1937
Chairman of Council, 1936-1938
Select: Chairman of Council, 1936-1938
Circulars, 1936-1938
Select: Circulars, 1936-1938
Consultants re: Painters, Sculptors - Endorsements, 1936
Select: Consultants re: Painters, Sculptors - Endorsements, 1936
Disbanding of Council - Also Final Report and Notice to Members of the Council, 1938
Select: Disbanding of Council - Also Final Report and Notice to Members of the Council, 1938
Executive Committee, 1936-1937
Select: Executive Committee, 1936-1937
Extra Lists of Professional Societies and Their Representatives, 1936-1937
Select: Extra Lists of Professional Societies and Their Representatives, 1936-1937
Fees for Temporary Expenses, Mailings, Etc., 1936
Select: Fees for Temporary Expenses, Mailings, Etc., 1936
General Correspondence, 1936
Select: General Correspondence, 1936
List of Council Members and Executive Committee Members, 1935-1937
Select: List of Council Members and Executive Committee Members, 1935-1937
Minutes (Revised), 1937
Select: Minutes (Revised), 1937
Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1933-1938
Select: Miscellaneous Correspondence, 1933-1938 (2 folders)
Notices of Meetings and Acknowledgements, 1936-1937
Select: Notices of Meetings and Acknowledgements, 1936-1937
Questionnaires Sent to Board of Design (List and Correspondence With the Board), 1936-1937
Select: Questionnaires Sent to Board of Design (List and Correspondence With the Board), 1936-1937
Receipts for Books Sent to Board of Design From N.S.S., M.P., A.I.D. and Others, 1936-1938
Select: Receipts for Books Sent to Board of Design From N.S.S., M.P., A.I.D. and Others, 1936-1938
Collaborative Council, Leon V. Solon, 1936
Select: Collaborative Council, Leon V. Solon, 1936
Committee on Code and By-Laws, 1936-1937
Select: Committee on Code and By-Laws, 1936-1937
Committee Meetings, 1936-1937
Select: Committee Meetings, 1936-1937
Correspondence With Fair Office re: "Competition Drawings" and Model for Fair, 1936- 1937
Select: Correspondence With Fair Office re: "Competition Drawings" and Model for Fair, 1936- 1937
Correspondence With George McAneny, 1935-1936
Select: Correspondence With George McAneny, 1935-1936
Correspondence With Percy S. Straus, 1936
Select: Correspondence With Percy S. Straus, 1936
Correspondence With Grover Whalen, New York World's Fair President, 1936
Select: Correspondence With Grover Whalen, New York World's Fair President, 1936
The Decorators Club, 1936
Select: The Decorators Club, 1936
Delegates (Letters re:), 1937
Select: Delegates (Letters re:), 1937
Designer-Craftsmen, 1936-1937
Select: Designer-Craftsmen, 1936-1937
Duplicate Lists and Questionnaires from Coordination Committee, 1936
Select: Duplicate Lists and Questionnaires from Coordination Committee, 1936
Invitations to Attend Dinners, Etc., 1936
Select: Invitations to Attend Dinners, Etc., 1936
J. Scott Williams' Memo re: Collaborative Council Meeting (Oct. 1937), 1937
Select: J. Scott Williams' Memo re: Collaborative Council Meeting (Oct. 1937), 1937
Meetings (Joint and Others), 1936-1937
Select: Meetings (Joint and Others), 1936-1937
Memos, 1936-1937
Select: Memos, 1936-1937
Memos, Ernest Peixotto, 1936
Select: Memos, Ernest Peixotto, 1936
Metropolitan Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers Yearbook, 1936
Select: Metropolitan Section of the American Society of Civil Engineers Yearbook, 1936
Minutes and Correspondence re: Meetings Held at NY World's Fair Office, 1937
Select: Minutes and Correspondence re: Meetings Held at NY World's Fair Office, 1937
Minutes of Meetings, Collaborative Council of Architectural League, 1936-1938
Select: Minutes of Meetings, Collaborative Council of Architectural League, 1936-1938
Miscellaneous, 1936-1937
Select: Miscellaneous, 1936-1937
National Sculpture Society 1936-1937
Select: National Sculpture Society 1936-1937
Circulars, 1936
Select: Circulars, 1936
Inquiries (Misc. for Members and Others), 1936-1937
Select: Inquiries (Misc. for Members and Others), 1936-1937
Questionnaires, circa 1936
Select: Questionnaires, circa 1936
National Society of Mural Painters 1936-1937, Michael Hare, 1936
Select: National Society of Mural Painters 1936-1937, Michael Hare, 1936
National Society of Mural Painters 1936-1937, Inquiries re: Photos, Questionnaires, Etc., 1936
Select: National Society of Mural Painters 1936-1937, Inquiries re: Photos, Questionnaires, Etc., 1936
New York Building Congress, 1936
Select: New York Building Congress, 1936
Professional Organization, 1935-1936
Select: Professional Organization, 1935-1936
Select: Questionnaire
American Artists' Congress, Inc., 1936
Select: American Artists' Congress, Inc., 1936
American Society of Painters, Sculptors and Gravers, 1936
Select: American Society of Painters, Sculptors and Gravers, 1936
An American Group, Inc., 1936
Select: An American Group, Inc., 1936
Artist Union of New York, 1936
Select: Artist Union of New York, 1936 (3 folders)
National Society of Mural Painters, 1936
Select: National Society of Mural Painters, 1936
New York Chapter American Society of Landscape Architects, 1936
Select: New York Chapter American Society of Landscape Architects, 1936
New York Society of Women Artists, 1936
Select: New York Society of Women Artists, 1936
Reports of Groups, 1936
Select: Reports of Groups, 1936 (2 folders)
Scrapbook of Clippings, 1936-1937
Select: Scrapbook of Clippings, 1936-1937
Secretary 1938-1939, Inquiries, 1938-1939
Select: Secretary 1938-1939, Inquiries, 1938-1939
Secretary 1939-1940, New York World's Fair, 1939
Select: Secretary 1939-1940, New York World's Fair, 1939
Secretary 1939-1940, Slobodkin Matter (Lincoln Statue at NY World's Fair), 1939
Select: Secretary 1939-1940, Slobodkin Matter (Lincoln Statue at NY World's Fair), 1939
Statement of Policy, 1937
Select: Statement of Policy, 1937
Suggestions by E.I. Williams and Presented to Com. Flanigan of the Fair, 1936-1937
Select: Suggestions by E.I. Williams and Presented to Com. Flanigan of the Fair, 1936-1937
To Be Filed [Correspondence and Notes], 1936-1937
Select: To Be Filed [Correspondence and Notes], 1936-1937
World's Fair Bulletin, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-3, 1936
Select: World's Fair Bulletin, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-3, 1936
World's Fair Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 8, 1937
Select: World's Fair Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 8, 1937
World's Fair Letters, 1935-1936
Select: World's Fair Letters, 1935-1936