Abril, Ben
Select: Abril, Ben
Biographical Outline and Photograph, circa 1964
Select: Biographical Outline and Photograph, circa 1964
Correspondence, 1964-1983
Select: Correspondence, 1964-1983
Price Lists and Sales Records, circa 1965-1973
Select: Price Lists and Sales Records, circa 1965-1973
Printed Material, 1964-1981
Select: Printed Material, 1964-1981
Anderson, Lucia, 1974
Select: Anderson, Lucia, 1974
Asaro, John, 1979
Select: Asaro, John, 1979
Badcock, Douglas, 1981
Select: Badcock, Douglas, 1981
Baird, Warner and Anne Von, 1965
Select: Baird, Warner and Anne Von, 1965
Beck, Joan, 1975-circa 1976
Select: Beck, Joan, 1975-circa 1976
Benson, R. A., 1978-1990
Select: Benson, R. A., 1978-1990
Berger, Pat, 1981
Select: Berger, Pat, 1981
Bogardus, Ellie, 1978-1991
Select: Bogardus, Ellie, 1978-1991
Bongart, Sergei
Select: Bongart, Sergei
Correspondence, circa 1964-1977
Select: Correspondence, circa 1964-1977
Photographs, circa 1964-circa 1975
Select: Photographs, circa 1964-circa 1975
Price Lists and Sales Records, circa 1964-circa 1975
Select: Price Lists and Sales Records, circa 1964-circa 1975
Printed Material, 1962-1978
Select: Printed Material, 1962-1978
Bradbury, Bennett
Select: Bradbury, Bennett
Biographical Outline, circa 1951-circa 1960
Select: Biographical Outline, circa 1951-circa 1960
Correspondence, 1951-1971
Select: Correspondence, 1951-1971
Photographs, circa 1951-circa 1970
Select: Photographs, circa 1951-circa 1970
Price Lists, Sales Records and Receipts, 1951-1969
Select: Price Lists, Sales Records and Receipts, 1951-1969
Printed Material, 1953-1991
Select: Printed Material, 1953-1991
Bradbury Collection, circa 1961-circa 1974
Select: Bradbury Collection, circa 1961-circa 1974
Brandt, Rex
Select: Brandt, Rex
Biographical Outlines, 1964-1973
Select: Biographical Outlines, 1964-1973
Correspondence, 1966-1972
Select: Correspondence, 1966-1972
Correspondence, 1973-1974
Select: Correspondence, 1973-1974
Correspondence, 1975-1976
Select: Correspondence, 1975-1976
Price Lists and Sales Records, 1964-1974
Select: Price Lists and Sales Records, 1964-1974
Sales and Consignment Receipts, 1969-1975
Select: Sales and Consignment Receipts, 1969-1975
Printed Material, circa 1969-1988
Select: Printed Material, circa 1969-1988
Brommer, Gerald F., circa 1973-1994
Select: Brommer, Gerald F., circa 1973-1994
Bunkall, Richard, circa 1977-1980
Select: Bunkall, Richard, circa 1977-1980
Canavier, Elena Karina, 1974
Select: Canavier, Elena Karina, 1974
Challis, Patricia
Select: Challis, Patricia
Correspondence, 1966-circa 1970
Select: Correspondence, 1966-circa 1970
Photographs, circa 1965
Select: Photographs, circa 1965
Price Lists, Sales Records and Receipts, circa 1965-circa 1968
Select: Price Lists, Sales Records and Receipts, circa 1965-circa 1968
Printed Material, 1966-1968
Select: Printed Material, 1966-1968
Clark, Timothy J., circa 1981-1989
Select: Clark, Timothy J., circa 1981-1989
Clymer, Albert, circa 1971-1973
Select: Clymer, Albert, circa 1971-1973
Cohen, Michael, 1965
Select: Cohen, Michael, 1965
Coomer, Mark, 1969-1994
Select: Coomer, Mark, 1969-1994
Dan, Virginia
Select: Dan, Virginia
Correspondence, 1971-1982
Select: Correspondence, 1971-1982
Price Lists, Sales Records and Receipts, 1969-1982
Select: Price Lists, Sales Records and Receipts, 1969-1982
D'Andrea, Italo, circa 1963-1978
Select: D'Andrea, Italo, circa 1963-1978
Day, B. Sanford, 1974
Select: Day, B. Sanford, 1974
Deane, Miriam Shelton, 1981
Select: Deane, Miriam Shelton, 1981
Delair, circa 1981
Select: Delair, circa 1981
Di Bert, Paul
Select: Di Bert, Paul
Biographical Outline and Correspondence, circa 1965-circa 1975
Select: Biographical Outline and Correspondence, circa 1965-circa 1975
Price Lists, Sales Records and Receipts, 1965-1982
Select: Price Lists, Sales Records and Receipts, 1965-1982
Printed Material, circa 1973-circa 1985
Select: Printed Material, circa 1973-circa 1985
DiCicco, Gilbert E., 1980-1983
Select: DiCicco, Gilbert E., 1980-1983
Dike, Phil, circa 1971-1992
Select: Dike, Phil, circa 1971-1992
Fellman, Gerald, circa 1960-circa 1975
Select: Fellman, Gerald, circa 1960-circa 1975
Flint, Sir William Russell, 1955-1984
Select: Flint, Sir William Russell, 1955-1984
Florian, Mark, circa 1960-circa 1980
Select: Florian, Mark, circa 1960-circa 1980
Foster, Will, circa 1953
Select: Foster, Will, circa 1953
Frame, Robert, 1976-1978
Select: Frame, Robert, 1976-1978
Franks, Leon
Select: Franks, Leon
Correspondence, 1964-1981
Select: Correspondence, 1964-1981
Price Lists and Sales Records, 1961-1982
Select: Price Lists and Sales Records, 1961-1982
Printed Material, circa 1961-circa 1964
Select: Printed Material, circa 1961-circa 1964
Friesz, Ray, 1963-1968
Select: Friesz, Ray, 1963-1968
Gilkerson, Phil, circa 1964
Select: Gilkerson, Phil, circa 1964
Greene, Lucille Brown, 1982
Select: Greene, Lucille Brown, 1982
Grimmer, Jerome, 1976-1978
Select: Grimmer, Jerome, 1976-1978
Hamilton, Frank, 1973-1989
Select: Hamilton, Frank, 1973-1989
Henrie, Paul Blaine, circa 1962-circa 1966
Select: Henrie, Paul Blaine, circa 1962-circa 1966
Hopkins, Art, 1980
Select: Hopkins, Art, 1980
Howlett, Ray, 1979
Select: Howlett, Ray, 1979
Irving, Joan, 1976-1980
Select: Irving, Joan, 1976-1980
"Jocko", circa 1978
Select: "Jocko", circa 1978
Kaplan, Leonard, circa 1965-circa 1991
Select: Kaplan, Leonard, circa 1965-circa 1991
Knaus, Frank, circa 1968
Select: Knaus, Frank, circa 1968
Knutson, Ken, 1968-1991
Select: Knutson, Ken, 1968-1991
Kuntz, Roger
Select: Kuntz, Roger
Photographs, Price Lists and Sales Records, circa 1975
Select: Photographs, Price Lists and Sales Records, circa 1975
Printed Material, 1964-1990
Select: Printed Material, 1964-1990
Lake, Randall, 1989
Select: Lake, Randall, 1989
Leeper, John, 1978
Select: Leeper, John, 1978
Logan, Michael, 1979
Select: Logan, Michael, 1979
Lussier, Illene, 1973
Select: Lussier, Illene, 1973
Malvina, 1962-1963
Select: Malvina, 1962-1963
McGrath, Clarence
Select: McGrath, Clarence
Correspondence, 1965-1978
Select: Correspondence, 1965-1978
Price Lists and Sales Records, circa 1962-circa 1976
Select: Price Lists and Sales Records, circa 1962-circa 1976
Printed Material, circa 1976-1990
Select: Printed Material, circa 1976-1990
Moreton, Russell, circa 1950-circa 1965
Select: Moreton, Russell, circa 1950-circa 1965
Nagano, Ann, 1980
Select: Nagano, Ann, 1980
Nugent, Kristina Rice, 1991-1994
Select: Nugent, Kristina Rice, 1991-1994
O'Hara, Eliot
Select: O'Hara, Eliot
Correspondence, 1953-1968
Select: Correspondence, 1953-1968
Photographs, 1950-1978
Select: Photographs, 1950-1978
Price Lists, Sales Records and Receipts, 1952-1968
Select: Price Lists, Sales Records and Receipts, 1952-1968
Printed Material, circa 1953-circa 1955
Select: Printed Material, circa 1953-circa 1955
Oller, Erika, circa 1988
Select: Oller, Erika, circa 1988
Parshall, Douglass, 1961-1979
Select: Parshall, Douglass, 1961-1979
Peche, Dale C., circa 1976-circa 1980
Select: Peche, Dale C., circa 1976-circa 1980
Peck, Bob, 1972
Select: Peck, Bob, 1972
Petersen, Roland, 1976
Select: Petersen, Roland, 1976
Pierce, Ruth A., circa 1960-circa 1975
Select: Pierce, Ruth A., circa 1960-circa 1975
Pillin, Polia
Select: Pillin, Polia
Biographical Outline and Price List, circa 1960-1985
Select: Biographical Outline and Price List, circa 1960-1985
Correspondence, circa 1987-1992
Select: Correspondence, circa 1987-1992
Photographs, 1985
Select: Photographs, 1985
Printed Material, circa 1971-circa 1986
Select: Printed Material, circa 1971-circa 1986
Post, George, 1976-1979
Select: Post, George, 1976-1979
Power, Robert, 1979
Select: Power, Robert, 1979
Proctor, Burt
Select: Proctor, Burt
Biographical Outline and Correspondence, circa 1969-1981
Select: Biographical Outline and Correspondence, circa 1969-1981
Photographs, 1978-1980
Select: Photographs, 1978-1980
Price Lists, Sales Records and Receipts, 1960-1980
Select: Price Lists, Sales Records and Receipts, 1960-1980
Printed Material, circa 1980
Select: Printed Material, circa 1980
Pullen, Guy, circa 1965-circa 1980
Select: Pullen, Guy, circa 1965-circa 1980
Rankin, Lou, circa 1980
Select: Rankin, Lou, circa 1980
Rauch, George, 1975
Select: Rauch, George, 1975
Roberts, David, 1973
Select: Roberts, David, 1973
Simandle, Marilyn, 1980-1981
Select: Simandle, Marilyn, 1980-1981
Snyder, Ruth, 1978-1981
Select: Snyder, Ruth, 1978-1981
Souza, Paul M., circa 1974-1975
Select: Souza, Paul M., circa 1974-1975
Storch, Sally, 1980
Select: Storch, Sally, 1980
Todd, Cecelia, 1975
Select: Todd, Cecelia, 1975
Tommela, Sandra, 1980
Select: Tommela, Sandra, 1980
Trout, Marjorie G., 1979
Select: Trout, Marjorie G., 1979
Weekes, Shirley, 1972-1974
Select: Weekes, Shirley, 1972-1974
Weiss, Lee, 1977
Select: Weiss, Lee, 1977
Weldon, Barbara, 1978-1979
Select: Weldon, Barbara, 1978-1979
Winslow, Valerie, 1981
Select: Winslow, Valerie, 1981
Winter, Peter, 1981
Select: Winter, Peter, 1981
Wood, Jane, 1977-1980
Select: Wood, Jane, 1977-1980
Wood, Robert E., 1977-1994
Select: Wood, Robert E., 1977-1994