Aesthetic Education, 1960s Select: Aesthetic Education, 1960s Art and Activities, circa 1951 Select: Art and Activities, circa 1951 Art Education in the Age of Science, 1966 Select: Art Education in the Age of Science, 1966 Art Education: The Individual and Society, 1959 Select: Art Education: The Individual and Society, 1959 Art Education: The Western Viewpoint, 1960 Select: Art Education: The Western Viewpoint, 1960 Art and Its Relationship to Other Disciplines , 1964 Select: Art and Its Relationship to Other Disciplines , 1964 Autobiographical Talk, circa 1982 Select: Autobiographical Talk, circa 1982 Chapter 1: A Visit to An Art Class, undated Select: Chapter 1: A Visit to An Art Class, undated Chapter 7: The Art Teacher and Art Education as a Profession, undated Select: Chapter 7: The Art Teacher and Art Education as a Profession, undated Chapter 8: Art and Inter-Cultural Understanding, undated Select: Chapter 8: Art and Inter-Cultural Understanding, undated Community and Authenticity in Teaching: A Personal View, undated Select: Community and Authenticity in Teaching: A Personal View, undated Defensible Aims, Standards, and Outcomes in Art Education, 1947 Select: Defensible Aims, Standards, and Outcomes in Art Education, 1947 Die Internationale Gesselschaft Fuer Erziehung Durch Kunst, 1957 Select: Die Internationale Gesselschaft Fuer Erziehung Durch Kunst, 1957 Eastern Arts Association Bulletin Article, 1954 Select: Eastern Arts Association Bulletin Article, 1954 Emerging Frontiers in the Fine Arts, 1961 Select: Emerging Frontiers in the Fine Arts, 1961 An Evaluation of Art Instruction, undated Select: An Evaluation of Art Instruction, undated An Experimental Investigation to Determine the Effect of Different Methods of Instruction in Painting and Drawing..., undated Select: An Experimental Investigation to Determine the Effect of Different Methods of Instruction in Painting and Drawing..., undated Foreward, On Albert Cullum, 1967 Select: Foreward, On Albert Cullum, 1967 Foreward for Italo de Francesco, 1956 Select: Foreward for Italo de Francesco, 1956 Getting Started, undated Select: Getting Started, undated House Design, 1936-1944, 1949 Select: House Design, 1936-1944, 1949 Industrial Arts: Challenges and Opportunities, 1967 Select: Industrial Arts: Challenges and Opportunities, 1967 The Influence of Sir Herbert Read, 1968 Select: The Influence of Sir Herbert Read, 1968 An Interpretation of the Development of Drawing Ability in Children According to the Principles of Gestalt Pyschology, 1938 Select: An Interpretation of the Development of Drawing Ability in Children According to the Principles of Gestalt Pyschology, 1938 Music and Art in the Public Schools, 1963 Select: Music and Art in the Public Schools, 1963 New Directions in Art Education, 1966 Select: New Directions in Art Education, 1966 A New Era in Art Education, 1949 Select: A New Era in Art Education, 1949 Novi Pravci...Talk in Croatian, undated Select: Novi Pravci...Talk in Croatian, undated Observations on a Visit to Art Department of Ball State Teachers College, 1959 Select: Observations on a Visit to Art Department of Ball State Teachers College, 1959 Order and Discipline in Art Education, 1972 Select: Order and Discipline in Art Education, 1972 The Place of Arts in Education: A Working Paper, undated Select: The Place of Arts in Education: A Working Paper, undated The Place of Arts in Education, undated Select: The Place of Arts in Education, undated The Publication of an Annual in Art Education, circa 1949 Select: The Publication of an Annual in Art Education, circa 1949 Reflections, undated Select: Reflections, undated Retirement Talk by Ziegfeld, circa 1980 Select: Retirement Talk by Ziegfeld, circa 1980 Risk-Taking and Flexibility, undated Select: Risk-Taking and Flexibility, undated Role of the Arts in Education: Organization of the Arts K-14, 1962 Select: Role of the Arts in Education: Organization of the Arts K-14, 1962 Setting Our Course, undated Select: Setting Our Course, undated A Story of the Nativity, 1963 Select: A Story of the Nativity, 1963 Surveys and Descriptive Research, 1958 Select: Surveys and Descriptive Research, 1958 A Text on the Teaching of Art in the Secondary Grades by Ziegfeld and Mary Mckibbin, Outlines, undated Select: A Text on the Teaching of Art in the Secondary Grades by Ziegfeld and Mary Mckibbin, Outlines, undated Travel Log, 1963-1983 Select: Travel Log, 1963-1983 The "Whole World" Concept in Art Education, undated Select: The "Whole World" Concept in Art Education, undated What Are the Implications of Humanities Courses for Art Education?, 1965 Select: What Are the Implications of Humanities Courses for Art Education?, 1965 Why Are We Teaching Art? A Reply to Howard Conant, circa 1960 Select: Why Are We Teaching Art? A Reply to Howard Conant, circa 1960 Youth and Art, undated Select: Youth and Art, undated Notes and Writings on Art Education, Art History, and Painting, circa 1940s-1962 Select: Notes and Writings on Art Education, Art History, and Painting, circa 1940s-1962 How Art Education Strengthens Democracy, Address by Lewis Mumford, 1948 Select: How Art Education Strengthens Democracy, Address by Lewis Mumford, 1948