Exhibition Announcements, 1999-2002, 2006, 2014
Select: Exhibition Announcements, 1999-2002, 2006, 2014 Scope and Contents Oversized materials housed in OV 4.
Oversized Exhibition Announcement, African American Art: 200 Years (2008), 2008
Select: Oversized Exhibition Announcement, African American Art: 200 Years (2008), 2008
Exhibition Catalog, University of Illinois Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting , 1951
Select: Exhibition Catalog, University of Illinois Exhibition of Contemporary American Painting, 1951
Exhibition Catalog, Migraciones: Una Exhibicion de Artistas Graficos Afro-Americanos (Museo de Arte Moderno La Tertulia), 1976
Select: Exhibition Catalog, Migraciones: Una Exhibicion de Artistas Graficos Afro-Americanos (Museo de Arte Moderno La Tertulia), 1976
Exhibition Catalogs, African-American Art 20th Century Masterworks (Michael Rosenfeld Gallery), 1996-2003
Select: Exhibition Catalogs, African-American Art 20th Century Masterworks (Michael Rosenfeld Gallery), 1996-2003
Exhibition Catalog, Challenge of the Modern: African-American Artists 1925-1945 (The Studio Museum in Harlem), 2003
Select: Exhibition Catalog, Challenge of the Modern: African-American Artists 1925-1945 (The Studio Museum in Harlem), 2003
Exhibition Catalog, Syncopated Rhythms: 20th-Century African American Art from the George and Joyce Wein Collection (Boston University Gallery), 2005
Select: Exhibition Catalog, Syncopated Rhythms: 20th-Century African American Art from the George and Joyce Wein Collection (Boston University Gallery), 2005
Clippings, 1940, 2006, 2011-2015, undated
Select: Clippings, 1940, 2006, 2011-2015, undated
Society of American Graphic Artists Magazine and Newsletter, 2013-2014
Select: Society of American Graphic Artists Magazine and Newsletter, 2013-2014
Research Material - Gems, 2012
Select: Research Material - Gems, 2012
Source Material - Black Music, Showbiz, undated
Select: Source Material - Black Music, Showbiz, undated
Source Material - Jazz, Performance, Etc., undated
Select: Source Material - Jazz, Performance, Etc., undated
Source Material, undated
Select: Source Material, undated Scope and Contents Oversized material housed in OV 4.
Oversized Source Material, undated
Select: Oversized Source Material, undated
Art and Anatomy by Heidi Lenssen, 1947
Select: Art and Anatomy by Heidi Lenssen, 1947
American Negro Art by Cedric Dover, Inscribed to Eldzier Cortor, 1960
Select: American Negro Art by Cedric Dover, Inscribed to Eldzier Cortor, 1960 Scope and Contents Includes printed material laid in at back.
Collecting African American Art by Halima Taha, Inscribed to Eldzier and Sophia Cortor by the Author, 1998
Select: Collecting African American Art by Halima Taha, Inscribed to Eldzier and Sophia Cortor by the Author, 1998
The Walter O. Evans Collection of African American Art by Andrea D. Barnwell, Inscribed to Eldzier Cortor by Walter O. Evans, 2000
Select: The Walter O. Evans Collection of African American Art by Andrea D. Barnwell, Inscribed to Eldzier Cortor by Walter O. Evans, 2000
Black Art: A Cultural History by Richard J. Powell, Inscribed to Eldzier Cortor by the Author, 2002, 2010
Select: Black Art: A Cultural History by Richard J. Powell, Inscribed to Eldzier Cortor by the Author, 2002, 2010