Ellen Lanyon and Roland Ginzel Interview on Chicago History by Dennis Adrian, Sound Recordings, 1976
Select: Ellen Lanyon and Roland Ginzel Interview on Chicago History by Dennis Adrian, Sound Recordings, 1976 1 Sound cassette with copy of interview dating from circa 2005Includes born-digital records, see ER12
Interview on Chicago Art with Dennis Adrian (1976 May 20), Digital Audio Recordings, circa 2005
Select: Interview on Chicago Art with Dennis Adrian (1976 May 20), Digital Audio Recordings, circa 2005 0.94 GigabytesTwo computer files
Ellen Lanyon Oral History Interview by Avis Berman, Transcript, 2003
Select: Ellen Lanyon Oral History Interview by Avis Berman, Transcript, 2003
Ellen Lanyon Interview by Jim Crawford for the Archives of American Art, Transcripts, 1975-1976
Select: Ellen Lanyon Interview by Jim Crawford for the Archives of American Art, Transcripts, 1975-1976
Ellen Lanyon Interview by Joanna Gardner Huggett, Transcript, 2008
Select: Ellen Lanyon Interview by Joanna Gardner Huggett, Transcript, 2008
Interview with Joanna Gardner Huggett, Transcript, Digital Document, 2008
Select: Interview with Joanna Gardner Huggett, Transcript, Digital Document, 2008 0.001 GigabytesOne computer file
Ellen Lanyon Interviews by Carey Lovelace, Transcript, 1998, 2013
Select: Ellen Lanyon Interviews by Carey Lovelace, Transcript, 1998, 2013 Includes born-digital records, see ER14
Interview with Carey Lovelace, Digital Audio Recordings and Documents, 2009-2011
Select: Interview with Carey Lovelace, Digital Audio Recordings and Documents, 2009-2011 0.188 GigabytesFour computer files
Ellen Lanyon Interview by Carol Mockros for the Creativity Project, Quality of Life Research Center, Transcript and Video Recording, 2006, 1993
Select: Ellen Lanyon Interview by Carol Mockros for the Creativity Project, Quality of Life Research Center, Transcript and Video Recording, 2006, 1993 Includes born-digital materials, see ER15
Interview with Ellen Lanyon, Creativity Project, Quality of Life Research Center (1993 March 19), Digital Video Recordings, 2000
Select: Interview with Ellen Lanyon, Creativity Project, Quality of Life Research Center (1993 March 19), Digital Video Recordings, 2000 2.82 GigabytesFive computer files
Ellen Lanyon Interview by Loughran O'Connor, Transcript, 1993-1995
Select: Ellen Lanyon Interview by Loughran O'Connor, Transcript, 1993-1995
Ellen Lanyon Interview by Michael Rooks, Transcript, 2008
Select: Ellen Lanyon Interview by Michael Rooks, Transcript, 2008
Ellen Lanyon and Philip Pearlstein Interview by Irving Sandler for Objects/Objectivity (2011) Exhibit at Valerie Carberry Gallery, Transcript and Photos, 2011
Select: Ellen Lanyon and Philip Pearlstein Interview by Irving Sandler for Objects/Objectivity (2011) Exhibit at Valerie Carberry Gallery, Transcript and Photos, 2011 Includes born-digital records, see ER16
Ellen Lanyon and Philip Pearlstein Interview by Irving Sandler for Objects / Objectivity (2011 May 16), Digital Audio Recordings and Photographs, 2011
Select: Ellen Lanyon and Philip Pearlstein Interview by Irving Sandler for Objects / Objectivity (2011 May 16), Digital Audio Recordings and Photographs, 2011 2.1 Gigabytes32 computer files
Ellen Lanyon Personality Profile by Kit Schwartz, Transcript and Sound Recording, 1976-1978
Select: Ellen Lanyon Personality Profile by Kit Schwartz, Transcript and Sound Recording, 1976-1978 Includes 3 sound cassettes
Ellen Lanyon Personality Profile by Esther Sparks, Curator of A Wonder Production (2008) at the Brauer Museum, Transcript, 2006-2007
Select: Ellen Lanyon Personality Profile by Esther Sparks, Curator of A Wonder Production (2008) at the Brauer Museum, Transcript, 2006-2007
Ellen Lanyon Interview by Robert Storr for Persistence of Intervention (2012) at the DePaul Museum of Art, Transcript, 2012
Select: Ellen Lanyon Interview by Robert Storr for Persistence of Intervention (2012) at the DePaul Museum of Art, Transcript, 2012
Ellen Lanyon Conversation with Four Other Artists for Ms. Magazine, Transcript, circa 1975
Select: Ellen Lanyon Conversation with Four Other Artists for Ms. Magazine, Transcript, circa 1975
Ellen Lanyon and Linda Kramer Interview with Sandra Vinyon, 70+ Chicago Artists' Oral History Archive (2010 September 23), Digital Audio Recording, 2015
Select: Ellen Lanyon and Linda Kramer Interview with Sandra Vinyon, 70+ Chicago Artists' Oral History Archive (2010 September 23), Digital Audio Recording, 2015 0.833 GigabytesTwo computer files
Related Material Including Correspondence, Releases, and Statements, 1994-2013
Select: Related Material Including Correspondence, Releases, and Statements, 1994-2013
Objects, Ellen Lanyon Narrative, Digital Audio Recordings, 2012
Select: Objects, Ellen Lanyon Narrative, Digital Audio Recordings, 2012 0.184 GigabytesTwo computer files
Interviews, Digital Documents, 2008-2009
Select: Interviews, Digital Documents, 2008-2009 0.001 GigabytesTwo computer files