A, 1921-1923
Select: A, 1921-1923 Scope and Contents note Missing TitleAckerman, PhyllisAdler, DavidAldred, J. E.Allen, George MarshallAmerican Art AssociationArchibaldArt Institute of Chicago
B, 1917-1929
Select: B, 1917-1929 Scope and Contents note Missing TitleBache, Jules S.Baker, George F.Baldwin, CharlesBarnard, George GreyBarney Estate CompanyBayer, Mr. and Mrs. Edwin S.Bayer, LauraBecker, MargaretBerenson, BernardBiddle, Antony J. Drexel, Jr.Bigelow, Henry ForbesBlair, C. LedyardBliss, Susan DwightBlum, AlbertBlumenthal, Mr. and Mrs. GeorgeBoswell, PeytonBosworth, W. W.Boulanger, MarcelBouy, JulesBradley, EdsonBreck, JosephBuckingham, Kate S.
C, 1917-1927
Select: C, 1917-1927 Scope and Contents note Missing TitleCalder, Sen. William M.Caro, JuanCass-GilbertChambers, W. B.Chase, Henry H.Chatain, AlfredChenue, J.Cincinnati Art MuseumClark, Charles W.Clark, Stephen C.Codman, OgdenCoe, W. R.Cohen, WilliamColeman, Mary LouiseConley, John E.Coolidge, J. T.Cram, Ralph A.Cret, Paul Phillippe
D, 1917-1929
Select: D, 1917-1929 Scope and Contents note Missing TitleDalton, Henry G.Davison, H. P.Dearth, Mrs. H. GoldenDe CansonDe Forest, RobertDe Lamar, Alicede Montet, Dr. CharlesDemotte, G. J.De Vasselot, Marquetde Wolfe, ElsieDickerman, Watson B.Dillon, ClarenceDorr, Charles H.Dreicer & Co.Dreycer, MichaelDuke, B. N.
E-F, 1917-1928
Select: E-F, 1917-1928 Scope and Contents note Missing TitleEhrman, Sidney M.Einstein, Mr.Farr, DanielFearon Galleries, Inc.Feulner, Dr.Fiorentini, S.Fletcher, Isaac D.Frank, Stuart H.Frick, Helen ClayFrick, Henry ClayFriedley, Mr.Friedsam, M.
G, 1918-1924
Select: G, 1918-1924 Scope and Contents note Missing TitleGerry, Mrs. PeterGlaenzer, EugeneGreenebaum, Fred H.Greene, Belle da CostaGuaranty Trust Company of New York
H-K, 1917-1924
Select: H-K, 1917-1924 Scope and Contents note Missing TitleHaardt, GeorgesHarriman, Mrs. E. H.Helleu, PaulHewitt, ErskineHigham, NevilleHofer, MartinHorowitz, L. J.Huegate, WilsonHuntington, ArcherHuntington, Mr. and Mrs. Henry E.Jackson, Jr., Edwin E.James, Mrs. Arthur CurtissKahn, Otto H.Kent, H. W.Kessler, GeorgeKieffer, H., Jr.King, Frederic RhinelanderKleinberger, François (see also F. Kleinberger Galleries, Inc., in Series 1.1: New York Office Correspondence)Knoedler, Roland
L, 1919-1929
Select: L, 1919-1929 Scope and Contents note Missing TitleLachlan, Jane LawLalor, John CharlesLaurvik, J. NilsonLazard FrèresLehman, AllanLehman, HenriLehman, PhilipLevy, Julien (Julian Levi?)Lewisohn, AdolphLibbey, Edward DrummondLiébertLowenstein, AlfredLuckenbach, Mrs. Edgar F.
M, 1917-1924
Select: M, 1917-1924 Scope and Contents note Missing TitleMaass, Herbert H.Macy, Valentine E. (see also end of folder)Martin, Ella S.Mather, SamuelMay, PierreMayer, B. W.McFadden, GeorgeMcIlhenny, John D.McKinney, Mrs. PriceMellon, Andrew W.Meredith, Sir VincentMerle & Cie.Metropolitan Museum of ArtMilliken, Henry O.Morgan, AnneMorgan Harjes & Cie.Morgan, J. Pierpont (John Pierpont)Morgan Livermore & Co.Mortimer, StanleyMuchnic, Charles M.
N-R, 1917-1925
Select: N-R, 1917-1925 Scope and Contents note Missing TitleNathanson, Mrs. H.Nielsen, SchickOakman, Mrs. J.Ochs, Adolph S.P. W. French & Co., Inc.Pam, MaxPhipps, John S. [illegible]Pitcairn, RaymondPope, John RussellRéau, LouisReid, D. G.Rey, AnnaRice, Mrs. Alexander Hamilton (Eleanor E.)Robinson, Edward G.Rockefeller, John D., Jr.Rogers, Henry H.Rosenbach, A. D.Rosenbach, A. W.Rowe, L. Earle (Rhode Island School of Design)
S, 1917-1924
Select: S, 1917-1924 Scope and Contents note Missing TitleSachs, ArthurSachs, HarrySachs, Paul J.Salomon, WilliamSamuels, MitchellSatinover, JosephSchiff, Mortimer L.Schiffer, Jack W.Schiffer, SamSchinasi, LeonSchuster, DickScott & FowlesSeverance, John L.Sieben, J.Stern, Mrs. BenjaminStern, Kenneth GibsonSterner, AlbertStettenheim, I. M.Steyne, AlanStotesbury, Mrs. Edward T.Stransky, JosefStraus, Jesse I.Straus, Lionel F. [illegible]Straus, Mrs. S. W.Strauss, Lewis L.
T-V, 1919-1930
Select: T-V, 1919-1930 Scope and Contents note Missing TitleTaft, Charles P.Taylor, Myron C.Townsend, James B.Trumbauer, HoraceTysen, (Kathleen K.?)Valentiner, Dr. William R.Vanderbilt, Mrs. CorneliusVan Derlip, John R.Voguevon Auspitz, Stefan
W-Z, 1914-1929
Select: W-Z, 1914-1929 Scope and Contents note Missing TitleW. T. Walters & Co.Wachter, FrankWalker, A. StewartWalters, HenryWarburg, Felix M.Wheldon & WesleyWhiting, F. AllenWidener, JosephWillys, John W.Wimborne, LordWimpfheimer, Charles A.Winter, EmilWitt, RobertWorcester Art MuseumYoung, HowardZimmermann, Dr. E. Heinrich