Unidentified correspondents, 1936-1990, undated
Select: Unidentified correspondents, 1936-1990, undated
Correspondents identified by first name only, 1962-1995, undated
Select: Correspondents identified by first name only, 1962-1995, undated
Advanced Design, 1989
Select: Advanced Design, 1989
Agee, Jon and Carol, 1982-1991, undated
Select: Agee, Jon and Carol, 1982-1991, undated
Albert, Calvin - Archaeometry
Select: Albert, Calvin - Archaeometry
Archives of American Art, 1976-1991
Select: Archives of American Art, 1976-1991
Archives of the New York School - Artists for CORE
Select: Archives of the New York School - Artists for CORE
Artists for SEDF (Scholarship, Education and Defense Fund for Racial Equality, Inc.), 1967-1968
Select: Artists for SEDF (Scholarship, Education and Defense Fund for Racial Equality, Inc.), 1967-1968
Arts Commission of San Francisco, 1988
Select: Arts Commission of San Francisco, 1988
Aruz, Joanna, 1972-1986
Select: Aruz, Joanna, 1972-1986
Ashford, undated
Select: Ashford, undated
Ashton, Dore and Matti, undated
Select: Ashton, Dore and Matti, undated
Atasoy, Sumer, 1970-1972, undated
Select: Atasoy, Sumer, 1970-1972, undated
Auerbach - Axe, Martin
Select: Auerbach - Axe, Martin
B., F. - Barnes Foundation
Select: B., F. - Barnes Foundation
Barnett: David Barnett Gallery, 1971-1973
Select: Barnett: David Barnett Gallery, 1971-1973
Barnoya, Miguel Benedict - Beeblitz, Patricia
Select: Barnoya, Miguel Benedict - Beeblitz, Patricia
Benson, Elaine M. (Benson Gallery) - Biddle, George
Select: Benson, Elaine M. (Benson Gallery) - Biddle, George
Bigman, Stephanie - Bohen, Barbara
Select: Bigman, Stephanie - Bohen, Barbara
Borgenicht: Grace Borgenicht Gallery, Inc., 1977-1993
Select: Borgenicht: Grace Borgenicht Gallery, Inc., 1977-1993
Bourne, Robert B., 1989-1992
Select: Bourne, Robert B., 1989-1992
Braczyk, Robert - Braunstein, V.
Select: Braczyk, Robert - Braunstein, V.
Briggs, Eta and A., 1962-1969, undated
Select: Briggs, Eta and A., 1962-1969, undated
Brooklyn Botanic Garden - Buto, Gian
Select: Brooklyn Botanic Garden - Buto, Gian
Cadwalader, Stephen, 1984-1991
Select: Cadwalader, Stephen, 1984-1991
Canizaro, James T. - CDS Gallery
Select: Canizaro, James T. - CDS Gallery
Cherry, Herman (see also Series 3: Writings), 1958-1992
Select: Cherry, Herman (see also Series 3: Writings), 1958-1992
Chui, Kam Wah - Click, Ashley
Select: Chui, Kam Wah - Click, Ashley
Cohn, Susanne, 1986-1991
Select: Cohn, Susanne, 1986-1991
Committee of Artists for Greek Relief - Contreras, Belisario
Select: Committee of Artists for Greek Relief - Contreras, Belisario
Cooper Union, 1962-1991
Select: Cooper Union, 1962-1991
Copley, Al L. - Crawford
Select: Copley, Al L. - Crawford
Davis, Bruce - Dehner, Dorothy
Select: Davis, Bruce - Dehner, Dorothy
Democratic National Committee - Duback, Charles
Select: Democratic National Committee - Duback, Charles
Dugmore, Edward and Eadie, 1959-1992, undated
Select: Dugmore, Edward and Eadie, 1959-1992, undated
Einstein: G. W. Einstein Co., Inc., 1991-1992
Select: Einstein: G. W. Einstein Co., Inc., 1991-1992
Elston Fine Arts - Engelman, Martin
Select: Elston Fine Arts - Engelman, Martin
Erim, Kenan, 1964-1971
Select: Erim, Kenan, 1964-1971
Fanshel, Florence - Frumkin: Allan Frumkin Gallery, Inc.
Select: Fanshel, Florence - Frumkin: Allan Frumkin Gallery, Inc.
Galerie de Seine - Gerard, C. H. Coster
Select: Galerie de Seine - Gerard, C. H. Coster
German, Mrs. Ulker, 1970-1972
Select: German, Mrs. Ulker, 1970-1972
Gerstenblith, Patty, 1972-1973
Select: Gerstenblith, Patty, 1972-1973
Goerits, Mathias - Graham Gallery, Ltd.
Select: Goerits, Mathias - Graham Gallery, Ltd.
Graham, Lanier (Australian National Gallery), 1984-1990
Select: Graham, Lanier (Australian National Gallery), 1984-1990
Greenfield-Sanders, Timothy - Greyhound Travel Services, Inc.
Select: Greenfield-Sanders, Timothy - Greyhound Travel Services, Inc.
Guggenheim Gallery, 1986-1987
Select: Guggenheim Gallery, 1986-1987
Guston, Philip, 1936-1976, undated
Select: Guston, Philip, 1936-1976, undated
Hackman, William - Harris, George
Select: Hackman, William - Harris, George
Hauptmann, H. (Freie Universitat Berlin) - Hesse, Brian
Select: Hauptmann, H. (Freie Universitat Berlin) - Hesse, Brian
Hiler, Hilaire, 1941-1965
Select: Hiler, Hilaire, 1941-1965
Hios, Theo - Hurlburt, Larry
Select: Hios, Theo - Hurlburt, Larry
Independent Curators, Inc., 1988-[1990]
Select: Independent Curators, Inc., 1988-[1990]
Irwin, Lani, and Alan Feltus, 1974-1986
Select: Irwin, Lani, and Alan Feltus, 1974-1986
Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica, 1988-1990
Select: Istituto Nazionale per la Grafica, 1988-1990
Jackman - Johnson, Daniel LaRue
Select: Jackman - Johnson, Daniel LaRue
Johnson: Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, 1987
Select: Johnson: Herbert F. Johnson Museum of Art, 1987
Johnson, Una E. - Jorgensen, Henry and Elizabeth
Select: Johnson, Una E. - Jorgensen, Henry and Elizabeth
Kadish, Barbara, 1963-1974, undated
Select: Kadish, Barbara, 1963-1974, undated
Kadish, Dan, 1964-1973
Select: Kadish, Dan, 1964-1973
Kadish, David, 1990
Select: Kadish, David, 1990
Kadish, Frank and Lorain, 1983-1991
Select: Kadish, Frank and Lorain, 1983-1991
Kadish, Jonathan - Kadish, Julian
Select: Kadish, Jonathan - Kadish, Julian
Kadish, Kennan, 1970-1990
Select: Kadish, Kennan, 1970-1990
Kadish, Morris [Moishe] and Ruth (see also Kadish, Reuben), 1973-1998
Select: Kadish, Morris [Moishe] and Ruth (see also Kadish, Reuben), 1973-1998
Kadish, Philip, 1990, undated
Select: Kadish, Philip, 1990, undated
Kadish, Reuben, 1967-1992, undated
Select: Kadish, Reuben, 1967-1992, undated
Kaufman, B. John - Kettenbach, Friedel
Select: Kaufman, B. John - Kettenbach, Friedel
Klayman, Toby Judith - Kroeplin, Jim
Select: Klayman, Toby Judith - Kroeplin, Jim
Kupferman, Lawrence, 1943-1944
Select: Kupferman, Lawrence, 1943-1944
L., Howard - Landmark Gallery, Inc.
Select: L., Howard - Landmark Gallery, Inc.
Langsner, Jules, undated, 1937-1944
Select: Langsner, Jules, undated, 1937-1944
Langsner, Jules, 1945
Select: Langsner, Jules, 1945
Langsner, Jules, 1946-1948
Select: Langsner, Jules, 1946-1948
Langsner, Jules, 1948-1963
Select: Langsner, Jules, 1948-1963
Lebt?, Bill, 1967
Select: Lebt?, Bill, 1967
Lee, Jenny (see also Kadish, Reuben), 1985-1992, undated
Select: Lee, Jenny (see also Kadish, Reuben), 1985-1992, undated
Leggist?, Gihuan - Lesher, Derek
Select: Leggist?, Gihuan - Lesher, Derek
Levine, Marsha, 1973-1986, undated
Select: Levine, Marsha, 1973-1986, undated (12 letters)
Life magazine - Lukela?, Bob
Select: Life magazine - Lukela?, Bob
Lynch, Bill, 1991, undated
Select: Lynch, Bill, 1991, undated
Magnes: Judah L. Magnes Museum - Mallary, R.
Select: Magnes: Judah L. Magnes Museum - Mallary, R.
Mandel, Johanna and Aaron, 1974-1991
Select: Mandel, Johanna and Aaron, 1974-1991
Manhattanville College - Manning
Select: Manhattanville College - Manning
Marciano, Shirley, 1964-1970
Select: Marciano, Shirley, 1964-1970
Marcus, Joel - Martin, Fletcher
Select: Marcus, Joel - Martin, Fletcher
Masini, Donna, and William Pitt Root, 1987-1991
Select: Masini, Donna, and William Pitt Root, 1987-1991
Mason, William and Melanie - Matlin, David and Gail
Select: Mason, William and Melanie - Matlin, David and Gail
Mayer, Musa (Ingie) (see also Kadish, Reuben), 1987-1989
Select: Mayer, Musa (Ingie) (see also Kadish, Reuben), 1987-1989
McCoy, Sande (nee Pollock), 1935-1986, undated
Select: McCoy, Sande (nee Pollock), 1935-1986, undated
McDermott, Paul M. - McHale, Rachel
Select: McDermott, Paul M. - McHale, Rachel
McLaughlin, Janie, 1967-1968
Select: McLaughlin, Janie, 1967-1968
Menil Collection - Metropolitan Museum of Art
Select: Menil Collection - Metropolitan Museum of Art
Mexican Muralists in the United States: Their Work and Influence (NEH research project), 1980-1982
Select: Mexican Muralists in the United States: Their Work and Influence (NEH research project), 1980-1982
Michigan State University - Mirski, Boris
Select: Michigan State University - Mirski, Boris
Montgomery family, 1973-1986
Select: Montgomery family, 1973-1986
Moore, Lucile and Jim Al - Mythic Arts Africa
Select: Moore, Lucile and Jim Al - Mythic Arts Africa
National Academy of Design - National Geographic Society
Select: National Academy of Design - National Geographic Society
National Museum of American Art, 1986-1990
Select: National Museum of American Art, 1986-1990
National Social Welfare Assembly, Inc. - NBC News
Select: National Social Welfare Assembly, Inc. - NBC News
Neininger, Urban and Jean, 1937-1989, undated
Select: Neininger, Urban and Jean, 1937-1989, undated
Nemanic, Todd - Newark Public School of Fine and Industrial Art
Select: Nemanic, Todd - Newark Public School of Fine and Industrial Art
Newbill, Al, 1976-1987
Select: Newbill, Al, 1976-1987
New Jersey State Council on the Arts, 1989
Select: New Jersey State Council on the Arts, 1989
New Jersey State Museum, 1976-1991
Select: New Jersey State Museum, 1976-1991
New York Civil Liberties Union, 1972
Select: New York Civil Liberties Union, 1972
New York Studio School, 1971-1977
Select: New York Studio School, 1971-1977
New York University - North Jersey Cultural Council
Select: New York University - North Jersey Cultural Council
O'Connell, Hilda (see also Kadish, Barbara), 1963-1990, undated
Select: O'Connell, Hilda (see also Kadish, Barbara), 1963-1990, undated
Odate, Gerlinde - Oord, A. and B.
Select: Odate, Gerlinde - Oord, A. and B.
Oregon: University of Oregon, 1973-1976
Select: Oregon: University of Oregon, 1973-1976
Pace, Stephen, 1976-1987
Select: Pace, Stephen, 1976-1987
Panero, Lorenza (Laurie), 1989-1991
Select: Panero, Lorenza (Laurie), 1989-1991
Parsons School of Design, 1991
Select: Parsons School of Design, 1991
Pekarsky, Mel, 1992
Select: Pekarsky, Mel, 1992
Perrone, Francis S., M.D. - Phillips, Bill and Helen
Select: Perrone, Francis S., M.D. - Phillips, Bill and Helen
Pollock, Charles and Sylvia, 1972-1990, undated
Select: Pollock, Charles and Sylvia, 1972-1990, undated
Pollock, Jackson, 1944-1947
Select: Pollock, Jackson, 1944-1947
Pollock-Krasner Foundation, 1988-1992
Select: Pollock-Krasner Foundation, 1988-1992
Polyn, Winifred - Pound, Brandy
Select: Polyn, Winifred - Pound, Brandy
Preston, Joanna, 1969-1989
Select: Preston, Joanna, 1969-1989
Printmaking Workshop, 1976-1980
Select: Printmaking Workshop, 1976-1980
Pritchard, Norman - Pye, Elizabeth
Select: Pritchard, Norman - Pye, Elizabeth
Queens College, 1969
Select: Queens College, 1969
Racz, David - Rapee, George and Jody, 1992
Select: Racz, David - Rapee, George and Jody, 1992
Reddy, Krishna, 1974-1980
Select: Reddy, Krishna, 1974-1980
Reim, Johannes and Lois Borgenicht, 1987
Select: Reim, Johannes and Lois Borgenicht, 1987
Renfro, Claudia, 1988-1992, undated
Select: Renfro, Claudia, 1988-1992, undated
Resika, Paul - Ringwood Manor Association of Arts
Select: Resika, Paul - Ringwood Manor Association of Arts
Ripton, June and James, 1984-1986
Select: Ripton, June and James, 1984-1986
Rodriguez, Melinda and Nickolas (see also Kadish, Reuben), 1989-1991
Select: Rodriguez, Melinda and Nickolas (see also Kadish, Reuben), 1989-1991
Roecker and Gnazzo - Rubinson, Karen S.
Select: Roecker and Gnazzo - Rubinson, Karen S.
Sacartoff, Elizabeth - Schwartz, Jan and Hank
Select: Sacartoff, Elizabeth - Schwartz, Jan and Hank
Schwebel, Ivan, 1961-1991
Select: Schwebel, Ivan, 1961-1991
Sears, Arthur Wellington (Pete) - Selby, Sally and James
Select: Sears, Arthur Wellington (Pete) - Selby, Sally and James
Shaltiel, J. - Smith, Benjamin B.
Select: Shaltiel, J. - Smith, Benjamin B.
Sokoloff, Beryl, 1944-1992
Select: Sokoloff, Beryl, 1944-1992
South Bank Show - Stanzl, Gouter
Select: South Bank Show - Stanzl, Gouter
Stark, Leonard, 1937-1966, undated
Select: Stark, Leonard, 1937-1966, undated
Stewart, Jack - Szeto, Nam
Select: Stewart, Jack - Szeto, Nam
Tamarind Lithography Workshop, Inc. - Toombs, Amisano & Wells
Select: Tamarind Lithography Workshop, Inc. - Toombs, Amisano & Wells
Tully, Judd, 1985-1992, undated
Select: Tully, Judd, 1985-1992, undated
Umbreit, William and Cindy - Unver, Huseyin
Select: Umbreit, William and Cindy - Unver, Huseyin
Vergette, Helen - Vulliemoz, Yvonne
Select: Vergette, Helen - Vulliemoz, Yvonne
Waxman, Wendy - Wibroe-Sanders, Suzi
Select: Waxman, Wendy - Wibroe-Sanders, Suzi
Williams, Govaine - Works Progress Administration, California
Select: Williams, Govaine - Works Progress Administration, California
Wu, Nancy, 1987
Select: Wu, Nancy, 1987
Zogbaum, Wilfrid, 1960-1962
Select: Zogbaum, Wilfrid, 1960-1962
Duplicate Letters
Select: Duplicate Letters