Phanopoeia Pavane: Dance - Play in Verse by unidentified author, undated
Select: Phanopoeia Pavane: Dance - Play in Verse by unidentified author, undated
Another Academy by Charles Bukowski, undated
Select: Another Academy by Charles Bukowski, undated
Kabbalah by Rabbi Levi L. Krakowsky, undated
Select: Kabbalah by Rabbi Levi L. Krakowsky, undated
Osma of Oz by L. Frank Baum, 1907
Select: Osma of Oz by L. Frank Baum, 1907
The Book of formation or Sepher Yetzirah by Knut Stenring, 1923
Select: The Book of formation or Sepher Yetzirah by Knut Stenring, 1923
The Story of Modern Science by Henry Smith Williams, 1923
Select: The Story of Modern Science by Henry Smith Williams, 1923
Rota ou & La Roue Celeste by Enel, 1930
Select: Rota ou & La Roue Celeste by Enel, 1930
The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry by Ernest Fenollosa, edited by Ezra Pound, 1936
Select: The Chinese Written Character as a Medium for Poetry by Ernest Fenollosa, edited by Ezra Pound, 1936
The Journal of Albion Moonlight by Kenneth Patchen, 1944
Select: The Journal of Albion Moonlight by Kenneth Patchen, 1944
Pictures of Life and of Death by Kenneth Patchen, 1946
Select: Pictures of Life and of Death by Kenneth Patchen, 1946
Poems 1948-49 by Robert Duncan, [1949]
Select: Poems 1948-49 by Robert Duncan, [1949]
The Waters Reglitterized by Henry Miller, 1950
Select: The Waters Reglitterized by Henry Miller, 1950
Howl by Allen Ginsberg, 1956
Select: Howl by Allen Ginsberg, 1956
The Pearl Tears by Nickolas Logan, 1956
Select: The Pearl Tears by Nickolas Logan, 1956
Collectanea: I E Alexander, , 1957
Select: Collectanea: I E Alexander, , 1957
Images de Jean Cocteau, preface de Georges Noel, [1957?]
Select: Images de Jean Cocteau, preface de Georges Noel, [1957?]
The Wisdom of the Kabbalah, foreword by Dagobert D. Runes, 1957
Select: The Wisdom of the Kabbalah, foreword by Dagobert D. Runes, 1957
Hymns to St. Geryon and Other Poems by Michael McClure, 1959
Select: Hymns to St. Geryon and Other Poems by Michael McClure, 1959
Ragas by David Meltzer, 1959
Select: Ragas by David Meltzer, 1959
Letters by Robert Duncan, 1958
Select: Letters by Robert Duncan, 1958
Gallery of Women by Ruth Weiss, 1959
Select: Gallery of Women by Ruth Weiss, 1959
The First War Planes by William E. Barrett, , 1960
Select: The First War Planes by William E. Barrett, , 1960
A Correspondence of Americans by Jack Hirschman, 1960
Select: A Correspondence of Americans by Jack Hirschman, 1960
Wobbly Rock by Lew Welch, 1960
Select: Wobbly Rock by Lew Welch, 1960
Poems for Selected People by Idell, 1961
Select: Poems for Selected People by Idell, 1961
Destroyed Works by Philip Lamantia, 1962
Select: Destroyed Works by Philip Lamantia, 1962
We All Have Something to Say to Each Other by David Meltzer, 1962
Select: We All Have Something to Say to Each Other by David Meltzer, 1962
Robert Ronnie Branaman, , 1963
Select: Robert Ronnie Branaman, , 1963
Television Decollage & Morning Glory/ 2 Pieces by Volf Vostell, , 1963
Select: Television Decollage & Morning Glory/ 2 Pieces by Volf Vostell, , 1963
Points in Time by Zack Walsh, , 1963
Select: Points in Time by Zack Walsh, , 1963
Ballads by Helen Adams, illustrated by Jess, 1964
Select: Ballads by Helen Adams, illustrated by Jess, 1964
Black Pilgrimage by Cameron, 1964
Select: Black Pilgrimage by Cameron, 1964
Ghost Tantras by Michael McClure, 1964
Select: Ghost Tantras by Michael McClure, 1964
The Esoteric Tarot by Simon Kasdin, 1965
Select: The Esoteric Tarot by Simon Kasdin, 1965
The Process by David Meltzer, 1965
Select: The Process by David Meltzer, 1965
Chinoiserie by John Wieners, 1965
Select: Chinoiserie by John Wieners, 1965
The Hotel Wentley Poems by John Wieners, 1965
Select: The Hotel Wentley Poems by John Wieners, 1965
Bruce Connor/Michael McClure, , 1966
Select: Bruce Connor/Michael McClure, , 1966
Sapphobones by Kirby Doyle, 1966
Select: Sapphobones by Kirby Doyle, 1966
A Portents Semina, Portents #6, (for Wallace Berman) By Samuel Charters, 1967
Select: A Portents Semina, Portents #6, (for Wallace Berman) By Samuel Charters, 1967
A Dream by Steve Elvin, 1967
Select: A Dream by Steve Elvin, 1967
Love Dragon Poem by Michael L. Fram, 1967
Select: Love Dragon Poem by Michael L. Fram, 1967
The Soap Opera by Piero Heliczer, 1967
Select: The Soap Opera by Piero Heliczer, 1967
William Blake by Jack Hirschman, 1967
Select: William Blake by Jack Hirschman, 1967
Zen Love Poems by Idell, 1967
Select: Zen Love Poems by Idell, 1967
Golden Sardine by Bob Kaufman, 1967
Select: Golden Sardine by Bob Kaufman, 1967
Lying Together; Turning the Head & Shifting the Weight; The Produce District, & Other Places; Moving -- A Spring Poem by Ron Loewinsohn, 1967
Select: Lying Together; Turning the Head & Shifting the Weight; The Produce District, & Other Places; Moving -- A Spring Poem by Ron Loewinsohn, 1967
Business Cards by Billy Al Bengston and Ed Ruscha, 1968
Select: Business Cards by Billy Al Bengston and Ed Ruscha, 1968
The Finger by Bobbie Creeley, 1968
Select: The Finger by Bobbie Creeley, 1968
Hail Thee Who Play by Michael McClure, 1968
Select: Hail Thee Who Play by Michael McClure, 1968
Round the Poem Box; Rustic & Domestic Home Movies for Stan & Jane Brakhage by David Meltzer, 1969
Select: Round the Poem Box; Rustic & Domestic Home Movies for Stan & Jane Brakhage by David Meltzer, 1969
Black Alephs by Jack Hirschman, 1969
Select: Black Alephs by Jack Hirschman, 1969
Shekinah by Jack Hirschman, 1969
Select: Shekinah by Jack Hirschman, 1969
Hymns to St. Geryon and Other Poems/Dark Brown by Michael McClure, 1969
Select: Hymns to St. Geryon and Other Poems/Dark Brown by Michael McClure, 1969
Gallowsongs: Galgenlieder by Christian Morgenstern Versions by Jess, 1970
Select: Gallowsongs: Galgenlieder by Christian Morgenstern Versions by Jess, 1970
General Principles of the Kabbalah by Rabbi Moses C. Luzzatto, 1970
Select: General Principles of the Kabbalah by Rabbi Moses C. Luzzatto, 1970
Greenspeech by David Meltzer, 1970
Select: Greenspeech by David Meltzer, 1970
Luna by David Meltzer, 1970
Select: Luna by David Meltzer, 1970
Altars by Clayton Eshhleman, 1971
Select: Altars by Clayton Eshhleman, 1971
Scintilla by Jack Hirschman, 1971
Select: Scintilla by Jack Hirschman, 1971
Knots by David Meltzer, 1971
Select: Knots by David Meltzer, 1971
An Excerpt from "The Disconcerting Games of Vadim the Mechanic" by Ben Talbert, 1971
Select: An Excerpt from "The Disconcerting Games of Vadim the Mechanic" by Ben Talbert, 1971
Kabbala Surrealism: An Essay and The R of the Ari's Raziel by Jack Hirschman, 1972
Select: Kabbala Surrealism: An Essay and The R of the Ari's Raziel by Jack Hirschman, 1972
The Mammals by Michael McClure, 1972
Select: The Mammals by Michael McClure, 1972
Spectral Measures on the Unit Disc by Bartholomew, 1973
Select: Spectral Measures on the Unit Disc by Bartholomew, 1973
Hero/Lil by David Meltzer, 1973
Select: Hero/Lil by David Meltzer, 1973
Kabbalah by Charles Ponce, 1973
Select: Kabbalah by Charles Ponce, 1973
Alphabet by Stuart Z. Perkoff, 1973
Select: Alphabet by Stuart Z. Perkoff, 1973
Cantillations and DJackson by Jack Hirschman, 1974
Select: Cantillations and DJackson by Jack Hirschman, 1974
Igitur by Stephane Mallarme, 1974
Select: Igitur by Stephane Mallarme, 1974
Rare Angel by Michael McClure, 1974
Select: Rare Angel by Michael McClure, 1974
September Blackberries by Michael McClure, 1974
Select: September Blackberries by Michael McClure, 1974
Miscelaneous Printed Material, 1970-1974
Select: Miscelaneous Printed Material, 1970-1974